Shinobi Rising (Naruto based RP)

T o b i

New Member
Here's the link to the role-play:


Centuries have passed since the Fourth Shinobi World War, subtly rebuilding back into the strong and correct nation that Konoha once was. The nine Bijuu(tailed beast) have been sealed individually into specialized pots with the village's kanji imprinted on it and safely taken into the care of the 'nine' villages to be strictly guarded, so that no longer will anyone be forced to carry on the pain of a jinchuuriki and no longer shall the Bijuus be used as a military weapon. It's not exactly understood where these Bijuu lie at, but assumingly in the nine villages which are ranked most advanced.

The nine villages:

•Konohagakure- Chōmei

•Kumogakure- Kurama

•Sunagakure- Gyūki



•Iwagakure- Shukaku


•Takigakure- Son Gokū


Although, these specialized pot's power is limited, unable to withhold the three remaining (three most powerful) Bijuu and are currently sealed within three jinchuuriki until otherwise. (The pots are fueled by chakra and sadly isn't efficient enough to withhold the remaining three. )This is to be remained a strict secret which only the elders and Kage are to know about-possibly not even the holder of the Bijuu is to realize his or her own 'gift,' depending on what the Kage has in mind. (Which means the three remaining pots are empty. ) However, villagers within Kumogakure have came upon the discovery of the Jinchuuriki within their village, leading to the treaty of the nine villages to suspect weaponry uses of the Bijuus. Due to this, the officials of Kumogakure have been relentlessly working day and night to reinsure the people of the village that "everything will be taken care of." As a result of all the conflicts between villages, the question of the Chunin exams even taking place this year has brought a lot of concerns about to wither cancel it or not. Luckily, officials haven't declared the Chunin exams to be canceled, and announced that it would be held as it has always been. This year being placed in Kumogakure.

The Akatsuki has been completely wiped out and any information on them is kept from any type of history book, leaving a gap in information most likely due to the fears of the organization reforming again( or an organization similar to them). The only ones who know of them are those who have been passed down information or the higher ranking shinobi working as ANBU. However, it's been several years without a major crime occurring, how can anyone have suspicions to that degree?

(AKA: The 'Akatsuki' is subtly rebuilding itself and they probably won't become 'known' until the four year time skip after the Chunin exams. It all depends on how the roleplay goes. )

Rules in general:

1.) No text-talk.

People may not be able to understand you and frankly it just sounds better saying "How are you?" rather than "How r u?"

2.) I would prefer you to write more than one or two sentences (at least a paragraph maybe?) It's fine posting a few short post every once and awhile, but it's a bit hard to work with a brief sentence all the time. Try being descriptive to help the role-play improve. (Ex: How are they feeling? What do they see? Etc.) It makes everything a bit more fun.

3.) Use good grammar. A few mistakes are fine (we all make them) but too many might annoy others/ it's hard to read. If you have spell check, use it. Of course, out of character chat is perfectly fine to make errors.

4.) No killing off other characters/doing great damage without their permission. (Ex: don't break someone's character's arm/leg/etc unless they say it's ok.)

5.) Romance (Hetero/Homosexual) is fine, but keep it to a PG-13 if there is any.

6.) Be nice. When you're in character, it's perfectly fine to be rude/mean/etc. but out-of character it would be best if you were nice toward others.

7.) No god modding (Aka: over powering ) It's unfair for others and isn't fun when there's no way of winning/not being able to lay down a single affective attack

Character rules:

1.)Try making your characters age suitable to their strength. Ex: if your character seems to be stronger than the rest, then an older age would probably be more suitable- this isn't always the case, though. (Prodigies such as Uchihas and Hyuugas will most likely be excused to some degree.)

2.) I'd prefer it if you read through the other character's abilities and attempted to change things up a bit. Teams are usually assigned by abilities, so if there's someone whose only good at ninjutsu, then another one's best at genjutsu, then things would be more evened if there was a character who was good at taijutsu. Of course, this doesn't go for every single character in the roleplay, but for the characters who are in the same village as your character, because they're most likely to get teamed together. It doesn't always /have/ to be like this, but what I'm saying is that I don't want a team that just works in ninjutsu only or etcetera.

3.) If you make a character for the Akatsuki, I would like for the ages to be at least be 20 or up. I don't think it's very realistic for a 12-15 year old to be in an evil organization...which pretty much goes with the first rule. Also, I'd prefer it if you stayed original and use your imagine. Be creative.

4.) There are three teams so far, all from a different village.




If the team for the village that you want is already filled up, then choose another. If all the Teams are filled, then I'll add another team from a different village. Scroll down to "Team placements" to see if a team is already filled.

5.) I don't want one team to be just all girls or all boys. I'd like for you to at least look at the gender of the team member(s) in the team you want and mix it up a little. There's not many teams in the actual series where it's just all girls or boys and I guess it's kind of boring seeing the same thing all the time? I'm not exactly sure what I'm trying to say, but you get the idea.

6.) I'll allow you to make 1-4 characters, but i'd prefer it if you didn't make any more than 4,

due to the fact that there might be others who would enjoy to play. Although making characters and coming up with new ideas is fun, we have to leave room for others.

7.) There should be one Jinchuuriki in each team. The Bijuus won't be in the same villages as before and are mixed around. Also, like in #5 I don't want them to be all girls/boys. Since no one knows about their 'gift' that shouldn't be used as an excuse to make them hated or angry at the world. Not to say that they can't be 'angry' or not 'hate the world' but just not for that particular reason.

*NOTE: The roles of Jinchuurikis are NOT first come first serve. Which ever characters that I deem most suitable or strikes my interest more than the rest, will most likely be the ones chosen.*Once we have enough members to start the role-play I'll probably start to choose Jinchuuriki.

•Konohagakure- Chōmei [seven-tails]-open-

•Kumogakure- Kurama [Nine-tails]-Rika Komaba- [Taken]

•Sunagakure- Gyūki [eight-tails] -Uwakei Hiraka- [Taken]

So far, that's pretty much it, but I'll add more if needed.

Character Skeleton:




Rank: (Jounin, Chunin, etc.)

Affiliation: (What village is your character currently in?)







Extra: (Optional)


Team placements:

Sunagakure [team 3]

Sensei: Honma Rozan

Students: Himura Isako, Uwakei Hiraka, Urano Nao

Kumogakure [team 8]

Sensei: Q (Kyuu/9)

Students: Kawaguchi Reizo, Rika Komaba, Uchuryuu Tomei

Konohagakure [team 4]

Sensei: Horosha Hofuna

Students: Zen'no Ohashi, Toshiwakai no Gyouja, Mizuki Sato

Other roles: [might add more]


Kage [Kazekage]: Kirino Takeda



Kage [Raikage]:___



Kage [Hokage]:___



The role-play will begin a day or so before the Chunin exams.

Konohagakure Team 4

Horosha Hofuna played by ninbinz

Toshiwakai Gyouja played by Ethuil

Zen'no Ohashi played by Beta

Mizuki Sato played by Yuki Uchiha

Kumogakure Team 8

Q played by SheOfTheCrazy

Uchuryuu Tomei played by ninbinz

Kawaguchi Reizo played by T o b i

Rika Komaba played by furtuna

Kazekage Kirino Takeda played by Beta

Sunagakure Team 3

Honma Rozan played by furtuna

Himura Isako played by T o b i

Uwakei Hiraka played by S n o w

Urano Nao played by SheOfTheCrazy

Akatsuki Leader Hotaka Kakuta played by Beta

Zandi played by SuikaFTW

Haru played by Ethuil

Tegeal played by Seveer

My Character:

Name: Kawaguchi Reizo

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Kumogakure


•Mints in general

•Having control over situations

•Those who stand by their word


•No good scums

•Overwhelming temperatures

•Disrespect of those who he deems worthy.

Appearance: Reizo stands above his peers, proudly being one of the tallest of his age group with an athletic build, strong bone structure, and a lean body, he's considered to be quite handsome. He has a dark skin tone with radiant fair skin and of course a few occasional blemishes here and there. Ebony black hair covers his head that's neatly kept out of his piercing orange eyes in several braids but don't go past his neck. His outfit is rather simple, all either being in black, gray, white, and red. He wears a collard, knee-length, gray jacket worn zipped up with long hemlines in the front, bearing his arms and shoulders (Aka: it's sleeve-less). The tips of his collar and sleeves are jagged, looking as if it wear cut off by hand- and poorly at that. Over that is a white holster vest held in place by a single strap over his left shoulder and by two white buckled belts that hold his katana on his back. He wears a pair of black pants and ankle-high blue sandals with gray leg armor that reaches a little under his knees. Wrapped around his hips is a red bandana with a plate attached to it. Engraved on that plate is the Kumogakure symbol.

Personality: Reizo has always been relatively mature, sharp, and responsible; with an amazing knack for keeping up with things and recalling certain conversations, busy parents have always relied on him for baby sitting duties. He's commonly shown with a calm and collective demeanor, able to keep a cool head in almost any high-strung situation, (which is a good trait to have) and is rarely shown angry or frustrated.

He has a talent for keeping a clear mind, able to restrain (worried, nervous, etc.) feeling and thoughts from interfering with his capabilities.

He likes to think situations through and come up with strategies before jumping into things due to his cautious habits. Despite his relaxed demeanor, he's fully capable of becoming dead-serious when the situation calls for it and will bark out orders and commands for his team to follow, which he finds himself acting out as leader regardless. He appears to be quite respectful toward powerful shinobi, despite if they're the enemy or not.

Abilities: Reizo has various weapons which he carries around with him, ranging from swords all the way to chains and tantos. His family is well known for running weaponry shops so he's almost always loaded with the essentials. So as you can imagine, he specializes in the weaponry department and can put on quite a show when it comes down to flashing the blade of his Katana. He's impressively fast and swift on his feet, and has precise aiming, something that has always gained the attention of his peers and elders. Like most others in the area of Kumogakure, his element is lightning, to which he fuses with his various amounts of shinny weapons. This is partially why his weapons consist of mainly metals, being able generate the lightning better than with something such as wood. This is used to increase the piercing power through vibrations with the added effect of inducing numbness. Narutopedia- "When the technique is released from their bodies, and thus not requiring physical contact, it does not move as fast as true lightning. Instead, due to the control the user has to exert over it, it moves far slower, which can give opponents time to still react." So even though Lightning release allows for fast movement, the speed rate of his is far much slower due to the fact that physical contact isn't required.

Background: Reizo comes from a big family of older siblings as well as younger siblings. So as you can imagine, he's learned to have to show his teeth when it comes to getting something he wants, wither that be eating the last cookie or something as to wanting privacy and so on, so forth. Things have always been fairly hectic, with a bunch of hot headed siblings; he surprisingly turned out quite the opposite, which comes to no surprise why he has always been deemed the responsible one. This is probably where he learned to act out as a leader rather than being the one taking the commands and being someone's errand boy, to which he'll have no part in. However there have been cases where he had differences with his siblings, they still care for one another and work as a unit. Ideally, family stick together regardless of differences and to be frank, you just don't screw with family no matter who you are. Having to feed a bunch of children is a lot of hard work and pay, so ultimately, Reizo started Academy at a later age than most, however he did fairly well. There were times where he made As and then there were classes he would fail because he had no interest in them, so he could have been A student if he wanted. As for social status, he was your average classmate. He was more popular among the teachers rather than others of his age group, which sort of lowered his status a bit. Eventually, he passed and was assigned a team that later crumbled due to one of the members quitting for reasons such as the lack of interest. To be able to enter the Chunin exams, he was assigned to a new team a few years later.


Name: Himura Isako

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Sunagakure


•Various smells and perfumes

•The warmth of the sun

•Soft and smooth textures



•The icy cold or being cold

• Criminals

•Crying or feeling weak and helpless

Appearance: Isako stands at a short height, reaching only a few inches below the average height for her age group and is probably the shortest of her peers. She has an olive skin tone from the year-round sun that shines constantly, except for the night sky, and remains a clear complexion besides a few occasional blemishes here and there. Untamed sandy blonde hair covers her head, reaching a little past her shoulders and styled in a way which the top part of her hair is boy-short, wildly hanging in all directions (Kind of like a mullet). A black cloth is tied tightly over her dulled and useless baby blue eyes, a metal plate being attached to said clothe with the Sunagakure symbol in graved in it. White bandages cover most of her face, from her ears to her chin; all expect the tip of her nose and mouth. Her outfit consists of an off-shoulders, loose, brown one piece with the bottom part of the clothing cut off at the thighs to form shorts and her sleeves hang past her hands. Darker brown belts are tied around her torso and arms to keep her outfit still (or up?) and from causing a distraction. (in other words, it's difficult having to adjust a sleeve or attempt to brake free from a twig that caught a piece of clothe. I'm imagining she's probably going to have quite a few 'i'm stuck to a twig' problem. lol ) White bandages are tied loosely around her neck, looking similar to a scarf but in a more messy fashion along with bandages around her fists, thighs, and knees down. Her arms, though remain out of sight, have storage seals covering her forearms and are often times messily covered by bandages that sink past her sleeves in what most commonly looks like an awful costume that was suppose to be claws. ( or at least to me, it does.) Strangely, she doesn't like wearing shoes and most of the time will be shown with just bandages wrapped around her bare feet, however, there will probably be occasions where she will wear shoes and in that case, will be black ankle-high open-toed sandals.

Personality: Isako's quite brave, despite lacking the ability to see and inheriting a rather non intimidating appearance(Aka: her short height). However she does realize her shortcomings, she's not the type to retreat and will stand ground to think of a strategy in order to benefit her team instead of standing aside as if she were useless. Due to her own misfortunes, she dislikes people who feel sorry for themselves, claiming that "you can complain about it, you can pity yourself and a lot of other things but it's not going to make the situation better." Basically, she hates showing her weaker side to anyone and will deny any sort of "weak" feelings she has, even though it may be obvious. (Aka: sad feelings/ crying would probably be considered weak to her- even though she may have those feelings, she doesn't like admitting it.)

She appears to be rather cheerful and happy go-lucky around people she knows fairly well, with a sort-of tomboyish demeanor. Others would deem her as just plain weird. So I guess you could say she doesn't exactly fit the 'cold-hearted suna nin' stereotype.

Abilities: Due to her blindness, her other senses have seemed to increase to some degree, such as sound, smell, and feel. This plays a big role in why she prefers to be barefooted, able to feel the vibrations in the ground(tiles, concrete, etc don't count) and tell when someone is in range. (Aka: she can only tell if the person is close up.) She's also able to keep up with certain smells and often times request that her team mates wear a certain perfume during a battle to which she can identify them as- as weird as that may be. As for sound, I don't think I need to explain, but to keep it brief- she can pick up on certain sounds, regardless if it's subtle and this will probably come in more handy than anything else.

She works best in close range battles but absolutely terrible in long range battles. Due to her heightened senses, she works better in Taijutsu, with her Ninjutsu being average. Storage seals cover her forearms, used to carry rolls of clothe to which she controls at will using a minimum amount of chakra- usually intended to lock the opponent in place but can be used for other things. This technique can be used close ranged to midrange, but Isako seems to have an easier amount of time using this close ranged. This is probably her only special technique and the rest is Taijutsu.

Background: Isako was born with infantile glaucoma and eventually became completely blind.( (Glaucoma is an eye disease in which the optic nerve is damaged in a characteristic pattern. This can permanently damage vision in the affected eye(s) and lead to blindness if left untreated)) However, shes never let this bring her down and strives to accomplish her dreams/ do her best instead of sulking about something that she doesn't have the power to change. Her dream is to become Kazekage, even though the likeliness of that is low, she likes to think of herself as the future leader of Sunagakure. ( or possibly a dictator lol.)

Extra: There's a bit more in her background that I didn't add but I guess it's not very important. I guess she's like this generation's Naruto?
Name: Uwakei Hiraka

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Sunagakure


• Yohei

• Peace

• Dango


• Fighting

• People who ask too many questions

• Death

Appearance: Hiraka has slightly above mid-back length, light brown hair that frames the sides of her face and is styled so that two shorter pieces of her hair that would normally fall to the sides of her face occasionally fall in front of her face sometimes obstructing her line of vision. (I suppose that didn't make much sense but I can't explain it any better) She has doe eyes, as in them being brown in color and round in shape. She's slightly shorter than average in the height department and has fair skin. Hiraka wears a long-sleeved, white hooded jacket with trim on the hood and the sleeves. Underneath that she wears fishnet armour. She has a seal on her lower back. Her lower torso is also wrapped in bandages covering the seal.

Personality: Hiraka is quite shy, not talking to/ refusing to make eye contact with anyone that she's just met. She has a quiet voice and would rather try and 'talk things out' before resorting to fighting though she'll never be the one to do the talking. (How ironic) She doesn’t like fighting and usually flat-out refuses to participate in anything that involves fighting, unless, it's a life or death situation, despite the fact that she's a suna-nin. She's nervous and gets jittery when around new people. She only becomes her true self around those that she's known for some time though she's still pretty quiet.

Abilities: Hiraka is the container for the Hachibi or eight tails, so I suppose she'd have a higher level of chakra and/or stamina level than most.

Her chakra element is wind and she's the best in ninjutsu, average in genjutsu and poor in taijutsu. She's more of the mid-range type.

Background: When Hiraka was just a baby the Hachibi was sealed into her and whatnot. Other than that small event she's had a pretty normal life getting her shyness from -surprisingly- her father who was never a man of many words. She has no dreams for the future as of yet and takes everything day-by-day.

Extra: She has a white puppy named Yohei that she carries around with her, keeping him in her jacket.
Hello,it's (|||._.)! If you allow me, I would like to play the sensi of Suna and a jinchuriki of Kumo.


Name: Honma Rozan

Age: 26

Gender: male

Rank: Jounin - Sensei of the team3

Affiliation: Sunagakure


• Neatness & discipline

• Balance and calmness

• Reading & studying


• Disorder & exceptions

• High pitched voice or noise

• Stepping in his private zone

Appearance: Rozan is a tall bold looking young man. His eyes and hair are as dark and night and his expression usually is hard to understand. When he not wearing anbu or junin outfit, he uses traditional costumes. He has let his hair grow long a bit so it's spiky nature won't show off.

Personality: Rozan in overall is a calm, collected and secretive man. You always can count on him to do his best. This man barely shows his emotions because according to his families traditions men should always be earnest. He also is loyal toward traditions. In other words, he is a paragon of politeness and gallants!

Abilities: He is a wind user(like most of sunagakure shinobis) and his strong point is his seals. He has learned most of the seals being used in his country. Besides, he has a contract with desert hawks and can summon them.

Background: Honma Roan, come from a receptive family, has been covered under the shadow of his older brother Ryuusei. He attended academy like all other suna shinobis. There he did well, and after that in his team and then later in his mission. As he had the feature of not being a shinning star in the eyes while shinning in the dark, he was trusted by kazekage and now he has joined the ANBU. No one has ever asked him; "What do you think Rozan?" Or "What are you aiming for man?". There are always parents and higher ups telling him:"You did well I'll trust you with this mission and that duty." Or "Now that you're capable enough you will do what I say..." and so. And Rozan barely turns down a request that benefits his village. Therefor, until now, he has always being acting without letting out a word.

Extra: This character may be eager to join Akatsuki later, as a loyal member to one/two sided spy.


Name: Rika Komaba

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Rank: genin - Jinchuriki

Affiliation: Kumogakure


• Sweets

• Playing in groups or swimming

• Singing


• Being teased & pranks

• Being looked down on

• Schedules

Appearance: Rika is a slender young girl with shoulder length dark hair that has slight curls at it's end. She has calm droopy light brown eyes with defies her hot personality. Her skin is tan colored and her full light pink lips shows off on her light brown face (Like African beauties!!!). Her eyebrows are long in a curved shape under her broad forehead (But not as broad as Sakura's childhood!). She wear normal shinobi out fit on missions because she doesn't to attract attentions but in regular situations she use different clothing, even borrows dresses from family members! Rika usually places her weapons in bags and pockets else she is afraid of dropping them. She uses gloves and ties her forehead protector on her forehead, where it should be! Her ears are rather small so she just can wear one pair of piercings and she changes them according to the situation. She doesn't wear make up unless there is an important party or ceremony because her father has thought her that she should let her teammates see the real color of her lips, skin and nail as these colors can show if you're healthy and can operate or you have been injured and may be bleeding inside your body. Finally, she has got a normal or rather fine and athletic figure as a teen girl.

Personality: Rika genetically is happy! She doesn't give too much deep thought to what happens around her and live in the moment. She enjoys music and loves to sing but her voice is not good enough to perform on the stage. She acts like a tomboy when hanging out or holding a mission with guys but is you let her in a hen party, she is just like other girls. She laughs loudly and makes others laugh but her anger is a bad one, she goes all out if you step on her tail. Rika barely messes with elders and doesn't like children to be around her. She is full of energy and wants to use it all up everyday. She does small mischief and encourages her friends to accompany her. She is not the type that study hard and is not really smart, with her normal brain, she just tries to learn what is essential for her life.

Abilities: Rika's main nature is water but she has given up on it long ago and has never tried to find her own natural chakra, but she has tried to master lightening for the sake of learning her village's special techniques and she has been successful because a as a chunin she is good in ninjutsu. For a while she tried to learn medical jutsu as it's suited women but she fail to proceed because she has a massive chakra stored within her body which is hard to control properly. She has learned as much as healing normal wounds or transferring chakra. This massive amount of chakra that has stopped her from being medical ninja, has helped her to be a good ninjutsu user.

Background: Rika leaves with her parents but for a while she has been doubting if her father is her real father or just her mother's husband because she has can use great amount of chakra when she is in pinch but none of her parents are that strong, so as her mother has brown skin but her father in blond, she doubts him. She has learned many things from parents and their friends and feels like they are more teachers than family and she doesn't know why they act different from normal parents in that case. Rika counts herself a normal energetic girl while her life is full of little mysterious events that she almost has forgotten most of them, because she believes that they all have been accidents and have nothing to do with her. but she is wrong, her father knows they happen to her because of Kurama and he sees her acting weird without noticing and thinks if that nine-tails is plotting something inside her or just is enjoying himself...

Extra: Kurama is not silent inside Rika. He talks to her and demands her assistance while she is uncontentious, like when she is half asleep or when she is sleep walking. But the girl thinks perhaps despite of all the friends and family she has, she feels lonely because she is growing up to become mature and is starting to need a soul mate! She thinks Kurama is her imaginary friend or the voice of something inside her. She has heard about a 'gift' from her father and sometimes thinks if Kurama is that gift but the naughty fox never says her a word about himself. He used to asked her to undo the seal but Rika was terrible even about normal seals so he just gave up peacefully. Rika keeps Kurama a secret from everyone since he is afraid if they thing something is wrong with her brain and send her to hospital. Besides, she likes that big fox. She thinks he is so cool! And it's because of him that she like the orange color!!!
First character is accepted. Just remember to check grammar errors and fix them once the actual role-playing begins. Only a few are fine.

Change of plan- I added a new thing. Instead of first come, first serve, I'm just going to allow everyone to create a jinchuuriki to which I'll choose only three/two later. This way everyone has a chance to post a possible character instead of just being too late. Also, Jinchuurikis are a pretty important part of the story line. Sorry for any inconvenience. However, because I already accepted S n o w's character, I'm going to go ahead and allow hers.

Can you accept Rika as a normal student of Kumo and later decide if she can win as a jinchuriki or not?
Name: Haru

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Rank: Missing nin.

Affiliation: Previous member of Otogakure.


• Books. He loves them more than probably anything else. Especially one of the fantasy genre.

• Being alone.

• Learning languages, but unfortunately there aren't many in the shinobi world.

• Sweeter-tasting things.

• Not working or being called to do things for other people.

• Writing.

• Walking/talking walks out of villages

• Sitting on roofs

• Falling asleep


• Talking to strangers.

• Impossible hopes and/or dreams.

• Being insignificant.

• Stress.

• People "nagging" him to do things.

• Profanity.

Appearance: He has light blue hair, that in bright light could almost appear white. It's longer in the front than the back, and is styled so there are two long strands in the front that fall to about where his neck ends, and his bangs fall over his eyes. The back of his hair stops just above where his neck stops. Though it's silky, his hair is usually messy and tends to stick out in places. His eyes are a deep purple and his pupils are slitted. He has little fangs. His outfit is fairly plain, and consists of a long white T-shirt, and black pants tied with a purple rope, The knot is by his side and the ends don't stick up. He wears a two kunai pouches on his right leg. His feet are bare. Haru owns many cloaks, coats, and other similar things, but doesn't wear them very much.

Personality: He's quiet, and most people assume he's anti-social, but he simply doesn't say anything if he doesn't have anything to say, which happens usually. He had few friends because of this, and the fact that he travels a lot. He interested in learning more jutsu, however he hated the academy and learning in the presence of others because people made a big deal out of becoming a respectable shinobi, and frankly he doesn't like being pressured and when pressured will more often than not simply do nothing instead of putting in extra effort. He'll tend to reply to requests with, "I'll do my best," though his best depends on how he's feeling. He's a bit lazy in that sense. Haru is naturally very curious, to the point of eavesdropping and not minding his own business. The only person to make him exert himself if himself. He writes adventure/fantasy books infrequently in his free time, though under a pen name, and know one knows who the author really is. The books aren't too popular, though they aren't completely obscure. Though usually calm and distant (because if you're not around other people it gets harder to care) and extreme emotions don't last a long time, (for example he won't hold a grudge too long, and gets over things quickly) he can react ruthlessly when angry. Not that his thinking is affected when he is angry. He knows what he's doing. He doesn't feel much remorse either, and is sort of desensitized to wrong, possibly because of a sort of rare condition involving chemical imbalances in the brain. Despite this and his back-story he secretly wishes that he could be significant, like the characters in the books he loves so much, even to the point of dreaming of living in those made-up places instead of this one, although he knows it's a hopeless cause that obviously will never come true. He's a bit "bored" of this life, if you will.

Abilities: His chakra natures are both fire and water, and he can use both styles along with Otogakure jutsu, and he can combine his natures to create other various jutsu. He's agile, accurate, quick, and can seem to disappear without the use of ninjutsu. Hand-to-hand taijutsu/combat he's fair at, and Haru can use genjutsu though it's not a strong point. He doesn't usually fight with weapons other than poison, kunai, and shuriken. He owns a sword, though he doesn't use that in fights a lot because of a lack of knowledge in the art of swordsmanship. He carries it around with him, however, because he would like to learn from someone. He has a good amount of chakra in him, more than most, but it couldn't quite compare to jinchuriki.

Background: The great-great-grandchild of Orochimaru, he grew up in Otogakure with a younger half-sibling and his violent father(His mother and younger brother live in Konohagakure). He was pressured with becoming an exceptional ninja by everyone he'd known because he was supposed to become the next leader of the Sound, and usually members of his family excelled, sometimes because of the expectations and the fear of shaming the family and if-you-can't-fight-you're-worthless attitude of some of the villagers. However, he didn't want that position and didn't like everyone stressing out about it, so when he was sent to other villages to study justu styles and the like, he ran away and made a living by writing and by getting jobs from other people, not minding too much if they were "dirty" every once and awhile. He does not, however, get jobs from other villages, because he wants to stay off of Otogakure's radar.

Extra: He'll be recruited by the Akatsuki, if that's okay.

Please tell me if I made a mistake or if you want me to change something, that'd be okay too. P:
I uploaded crap on my blogger thingy.

I drew Haru once and then since you asked a while ago, I finally got around to drawing Jakunen.

You have to delete the space between the t and the p because otherwise I can't post it.

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Come on peeps, don't you just want to JOIN?!?!?!


That's not sarcasm, is it? D:

Lol whenever I try to type D: the phone trys to make it Do:

Gamzee face.
Name: Q / Kyuu / 9 (it can be written any of those ways but is always pronounced the same)

Age: 32

Gender: female

Rank: Jounin, sensei of team 8

Affiliation: Kumogakure


• swimming

• cooking

• being looked up to


• humidity

• conflict

• being lonely

Appearance: Q is a tall and moderately curvaceous woman with dark skin, straight black hair with a center part that she wears in a ponytail that goes down to the small of her back, and bright blue eyes. She wears a simple Kumogakure uniform of dark pants, sleeveless shirt, open-toed shoes, and headband with a white one-shouldered vest and forearm guards. Strapped to her back is a sheathed sword.

Personality: Q has a very caring and maternal nature, especially with her students. She was very shy in her youth, and while she has gained confidence as an adult, she's still very polite and soft-spoken. She hates to get into arguments or confrontations with people, and she abhors unnecessary fighting. If anybody threatens her students or any children, though, she becomes coldly ferocious.

Abilities: Q's main talent is an impressive healing ability; she is one of the most skilled medical ninja in the village. Her chakra control and detailed knowledge of human anatomy also makes for a good offensive technique of close-range nerve, tissue, and organ damage. Lastly, like many Kumogakure shinobi, she is skilled with a sword, and she carries a double-edged straight sword on her back.

Background: In her early 20s, Q was selected to go undercover in a criminal organization composed of missing-nin, and her defection from the Kumogakure was staged. Only the highest-ups of the higher-ups knew that she was still on the side of the village, and when the organization was defeated five years ago and she returned home, it was very hard for the villagers to place their trust in her, having been convinced that she was an enemy for so long. She was placed in charge of a genin team to try and regain that trust, though most people still choose not to associate with her.

Extra: She's an amazing swimmer.

Name: Urano Nao

Age: 13

Gender: male

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Sunagakure


• sweets

• drawing

• Isako and Hiraka


• commotion/chaos

• bright light

• being on his own

Appearance: Nao is of about average height, but he's very scrawny. He has very pale skin and dark red eyes; his hair is black and smooth and goes almost down to his shoulders. He wears sleeveless light gray shirt with a high collar over a long-sleeved dark gray shirt, tan cargo shorts, bandages around his legs, open-toed shoes, and a Sunagakure headband that does next to nothing to keep his hair out of his face.

Personality: Unless it's necessary, Nao only really talks if there's an opportunity to correct someone or make a smart remark. It's his way of trying to make people pay attention to him and find him funny, though it doesn't really work. He greatly admires both Isako's determination and Hiraka's pacifistic tendencies, and most people with working senses think he has a crush on one or both of them. That's at least a little true, but it's mostly just thinking they're good people.

Abilities: Nao has an extreme gift for genjutsu, and he's smart enough to use it in a very subtle and careful manner. He's okay at hand-to-hand combat, and his ninjutsu abilities are almost nil.

Background: There's not much special about Nao's past. His parents were both good genjutsu users.

Extra: He's almost always drawing in his sketchpad.
Name: Ahed Jehad

Age: 22

Gender: male

Rank: genin



• making friends

• fighting

• classic music


• annoying people

• cowards

• arrogant people

Appearance: black short hair with brown eyes. rectangular glasses with black bows. 5'1 in height and a tired looking face. body is average built, yet not muscular like everybody else he encounters. always wears clothes that makes him look like a hobo.

Personality: kind and nice, though he can be angered if taunted enough.

Abilities: abnormal physical strength.

Background: Ahed was born in Konohagakure to a poor family. he was born with EDS syndrome that weakened his connective tissue and rebuilt his skeleton. when he went to school, he was constantly bullied, had few friends and most of the time, being lonely. when he matured, he took on boxing but quit for being afraid of dying. now he has a few friends, though he's not sure where they are.

Extra: it is rumored that Ahed knows ninjutsu but it is unknown as of yet.
I thought I already posted this, but I guess not.

Ethuil, no, I was not being sarcastic. Although I guess I do sound some-what sarcastic. Unintentionally, though.

- accepted

- It looks fine, but you might want to reconsider the age and/or rank.If you would like to keep the age the same, then the rank should probably be changed to Jounin. We could probably use a sensei for that village.Or you can change the age to 17 or under and keep the rank. Either option is fine.*
Okay Tobro offered me the Kumo genin/Chunin/Whatever place so just so I'll start thinking something up.

It shouldn't be too long??

I hope?

I'm gonna re-read all the other characters first, though.

I forgot a lot. xD
Chunin? Why did I put Chunin under Reizo's character sheet? That makes no since.

Obviously, I've made a mistake, so I'm going to go ahead and change that to genin.


I've made a mistake in Reizo's ranking, so I'll need you to change Rika's rank as well. Originally it was suppose to be 'genin' but I guess I unintentionally put chunin instead. Sorry, I didn't realize this until now.
Yes that does not make any since.

I was a little confused but I'll start making my genin.
I have several higly detailed character sheets for Naruto-Themed RPs... I would be interested in playing either the Mizukage or Kazekage... as well as a Genin or perhaps Chunin Squad Leader. Let me know if that would be acceptable.
[MENTION=3663]furtuna[/MENTION]- That should be fine.

[MENTION=3963]Beta[/MENTION]- Yes, both would be perfectly acceptable.
If there is space left for such a lowly rper as myself.

Name: Uchuryuu Tomei


Gender: Male

Rank: Genin

Affiliation: Kumogakure






•Being nagged

•Being made fun of

•Being unable to help

Appearance:Tomei is short of stature especially for his age, though he is of a diminutive size Tomei is rather stocky and has wide set shoulders though he covers them with a black and white streaked cotton scarf that often catches in the wind. Beneath his scarf he wears a good fitting solid black Kimono with a white Haori-himo that binds his Black Haori. On the upper left of his chest there is a crescent moon and on the back of his Haori mimicking the one on his skin is a large yellow sun the symbol of his own clan. Tomei isn't necessarily ugly but nor is he handsome, in fact he would be incredibly average were it not for his size and the telltale genetic marker of the Uchuryuu Clan; his striking yellow eyes which he often tries to hide. Tomei also carries a katana strapped horizontally to his lower back.

Personality: Tomei is a quiet and introverted boy who can simply while away the quiet moments in his own company but at the same time he is the eldest child of five and the heir to his clan's highest ranking position 'Family Head'. Tomei is comfortable in small groups and takes orders well due to the pressure placed upon him by both his clan and his parents. Tomei can be proud, stubborn, blunt and short tempered at times and more often than not he will use his education and training as an escape from his problems but he is studious and well mannered to a fault.

Abilities: Tomei is not just the inheritor of great responsibility but also of great power, the Uchuryuu Kekkei Tota or bloodline selection; Hikariton no Jutsu or Light style Jutsu. This Kekkei Tota while powerful limits the user to that specific style of jutsu disabling the use of other jutsu types by the user (meaning he can only use 'light style' techniques). The 'Light Style' allows Tomei to become equally proficient in using ninjutsu, and taijutsu however his blunt character makes him almost useless with genjutsu nd sub-par with sealing techniques. Tomei is also very acrobatic and very skilled at imbuing items with his chakra

Background: Eldest of five children and the heir to his family's premiere position, Tomei is burdened by the expectations of his parents and his clan. To his parents Tomei is the perfect dog, he is polite to a fault, studious, loyal and most importantly quiet. His Grandfather however is of a different opinion and believes his grandson to be too timid so he trained him ragged every day in an effort to harden him up while his grandmother and mother fed him textbooks in order keep him from disgracing their precious name during the night. As he grew older Tomei did not grow sick of learning or of training but he did grow sick of his clan who would constantly mock him when he was alone and the villagers would shun him for his heritage. While the people around Tomei began to resent him as he grew Tomei became more and more secluded burying himself within his work escaping from their cold eyes. One day Tomei was accosted by his father and was knocked to the ground surprised,"You will be participating in the chunin exams this year, do not disgrace our name BOY!!" Confused it took him several moment to figure out what was happening and then suddenly a huge weight lifted from his shoulders and he knew he would taste freedom for the first time.

If you need me to change anything, just say so and i will change it right away.

Extra: (Optional)

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