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Shine through the Darkness (Sharpness X Sayuri Tokage)


Just a Man
Hotaru walked down a tree covered pathway as small slits of sunlight struggled through the branches above. Hotaru was headed towards the city of Morgan. He was looking for a new place to call home, seeing as his previous home was no longer an option for him. Hotaru sighed and looked up through the trees. 'Well I am sure I will figure it all out eventually.' Hotaru thought to himself as he continued down the pathway towards the town.
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(Then, here it goes.)

Amaterasu strolled aimlessly through a heavily forested area, her rather slender and long sword strapped to her waist, occasionally bumping against her thighs. Her dark blue long coat concealed her weapon as she searched for a house. However, it wasn't just a normal house, but one that housed many deadly assassins. She had been given a mission a few weeks prior to today to find and kill the Yoru Family, and today she was going through with it.
Hotaru sat in the middle of the sunny square staring around the town. He watched as the people around him walked around going through with their busy lives. Hotaru had figured this was a good enough enough town than any to start his new life. Up until now he had lived his entire life as an assassin, killing for the family was the only skill he really had. 'Well I don't have much money and killing people should probably stay in the past.' He thought to himself as stood up from where he was seated. He walked over towards the pub on the corner of the street. Hotaru had been exiled from his family after he had realized who he had been killing at the time. Hotaru put his hands into his pockets and headed into the pub.
Just like the information she received stated, the Yoru Family house was indeed where Amaterasu was headed. The peaks of the house could be seen as she neared the rather large Manor. However, she had to be cautious of her actions, since many top assassins were trained here. She hopped from tree to tree, scanning the area for any guards or such before beginning the infiltration of the Yoru House.

With her skills, infiltrating was easy. There were much less people who were skilled than she had expected, but that only made it easier for herself. After taking care of the weaker ones, she moved into the main building where a group of the Yoru were already waiting. A small grimace appeared on her face as she cut through each of them.

After a few moments, the room was covered in blood. Everyone in this household was now taken care of, but her orders were to kill every member of this Family. And if she was correct, there should be one more assassin. Her father had given her a very precise estimate of the number of family members, but the number that she had killed didn't match up. With a sigh,she wiped her bloody hands on a the clothes of a dead man before walking out of the house.
Hotaru walked out of the pub and out onto the busy street. 'Well now that I have a source of income I just got to find a place to live' he thought to himself as he looked around at all the buildings in the square. Still getting acustomed to the normal life he headed down the street deciding he would ask around for a place to stay.

A bit later he found himself at a housing complex just around the corner from the pub. He walked in to see a woman sitting at a table in the front room. He had enough to cover the first couple of months or so, so he decided this would be as good a place as any.

"Excuse me, but who would I need to speak to in order to stay here?" He asked looking at the woman sitting at the table.

"That would be me, my name is Saya and I run this place." The woman said standing up and looking him over. She was a slender younger woman with long brown hair and by the look on her face was quite suspicious. "What brings you to Morgan?" She asked in a curious tone.

"Well I do a lot of traveling and I will need a place to stay for a while..." Hotaru responded as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well just so you know we don't like trouble around here so just letting you know there will be consequences if needed." Saya said in a stern tone. "If you are fine with that come this way and we can talk over the details." She said as she waved for him to follow.

"I will keep everything under wraps then." Hotaru said as he followed Saya towards her office.

A bit later he found himself in his new living space. He took a breath and laid down in his bed. "Well let's see how tomorrow goes. He said aloud as he drifted to sleeo.

Amaterasu contacted the government to let them know that she would be searching for the last assassin, in which they agreed. Her first place to search for this person would be the city of Morgan (I just want our charas to meet, ×_×). If there were no clues or leads there, it would be a good place to gear up, just in case this would be a long mission. She hummed lightly as she walked in the darkness, making her way towards Morgan.

(It is night time, right?)
(Lol you are all good! Just do what you feel works I trust ya. I am going to start the next day though so they can meet.)

Hotaru laid awake in his bed staring up at the ceiling. Morning light was pouring through the curtains and flooding the room. He rolled off the bed and onto his feet stretching his arms in the air as he yawned. Hotaru scratched the back or his head and stared over towards the katana that sat covered in the corner of the room. 'Well can't see myself having much use for that...' He thought to himself as he began to get ready for the day.

Moments later he found himself walking down the not ao crowded street as he looked for a place to enjoy the first meal of the day. He continued walking until he came across a cafe in the middle of the town square. He took a seat at one of the outdoor tables deciding he had found his place.
Despite having walked the whole night, Amaterasu didn't appear to be tired at all. If anything, she seemed to be even more energetic than usual. She strolled into the city of Morgan, humming a low tune as the clanks of her sword against her thigh could be heard. As the daughter of the generals, she was quite well known around the nation (or whatever, I don't even care anymore). Many people in the city recognized her and gave slight bows, in which she replied with a bright smile and nod,

Amaterasu entered the town square, a smile plastered on to her face as a few people continued to greet her. After having walked for so long, she felt a bit hungry. Fortunately, there was a cafe nearby. She immediately made her way to it, noticing a particular man. For some reason, he seemed to be odd and stuck out amongst the others. Deciding to start with him, Amaterasu approached him. "Hello, mister. Would you mind if I joined you for breakfast? Being alone surely jisn't any fun."
Hotaru was sitting resting his head on his arm when he heard a woman speak to him. He looked up to see a beautiful girl standing before him. "Well hello there." He said putting a smile on his face. "I have no objections to that, I don't know many prople around these parts so that would be a good change of pace." Hotaru said as he stood up and pulled the chair adjacent to his own.
Amaterasu gladly took the seat, a rather loud thunk being heard as her sword knocked against the seat. However, her long coat covered it. "Yes, thank you very much. As not to be rude, I'll introduce myself first. My name is Tera. And you are..,?" She finished with a small smile after using a fake name. Her name was well known almost as much as her face, but hopefully he didn't recognize her.
Hotaru heard the loud clank as the girl sat down, raising an eyebrow at the sound then quickly ignoring it. He turned back towards the square and watched the people passing by. "My name is Hotaru Yo...Yaki." He said coughing to cover his slip up. The Yoru name was not the most popular to the common folk and besides he had been exiled so using the name seemed almost wrong.
"Well, well. Mister Hotaru Yaki, it's a pleasure to meet you. I say, you look rather odd in a town like this. What do you for a living?" Amaterasu said, attempting to smoothly slip the question in. Just after doing so, she called a waiter over. "One strawberry tart, flan, strawberry vanilla cake, a fruit parfait, and six macarons," she ordered. By the look of the waiters face, one could tell he recognized her. As the waiter was about to say anything, Amaterasu lifted her finger to her mouth in a shushing motion, in which he gladly obliged and hurried off,
Hotaru was very suspicious now as he saw the girl sush the waiter. "Well I work at a local pub, I just moved here from a small town not too far from this one. What about you miss Tera? What brings you to Morgan?" He asked inquisitively. He waved the waiter on not having much money he decided he was about done with any more food.
Amaterasu let out a nearly inaudible chuckle as he stated he worked at a pub. Surely it was a lie. Neither his face nor build matched that of a typical pub worker. However, though she was suspicious of him, she remained slightly opened to the fact that he could indeed be innocent. "A pub worker, huh? As for me, I'm traveling. You see, I've been given a few weeks off work to relax, and I'm trying to take full advantage of that."
Hotaru kept his eyes on the girl very confused on what was happening. Being from the Yoru clan, it was no surprise having to deal with rival assassins or an occasional attack but he was not so sure that this was what was happening at the moment. He decided he would be cautious but just let things play out for the time being. "Yeah just got the job yesterday afternoon." He said making sure he did not take his eyes off the girl sitting in front of him. "So what do you do for work?" He asked giving her a small smile.
Yet another low chuckle came from Amaterasu as her order of sweets were set on the table. She first began eating the flan and within a few bites, it was completely devoured. "Hmm... What do I look like I do?" she asked, dodging the need to answer directly.

(Writers block )
Hotaru still had his eyes fixed on the girl. "Well you definitely don't look like someone who has a normal job that is for sure." he said getting more and more curious about the girl as the conversation went on. "Morgan doesn't seem like a town a person would go to on a vacation, so I am assuming you have a pretty good reason to be here. Of course that is all speculation." he said shrugging and leaning back in his chair.
"Hmm." As the conversation continued, Amaterasu found herself to be even more interested in him. He seemed to be sharp and observant, fitting for an assassin. "Well, I am considered a dog where I work. I do as I'm told, no questions asked. Being obedient and carrying out my work is my duty. Now, you wouldn't happen to do something similar to me in the past, would you?" She said, a sly smile spreading across her face. It was quite obvious she was trying to lure him out into confessing he was an assassin by comparing both of their line of work.
Hotaru laughed at the girl's question. "Well I used to have a similar mentality but now a days, I get to think for myself." he said smirking at the girl. He looked around the busy square then turned his attention back to the girl. "That lifestyle just wasn't for me." he said casually with his smirk still on his face.
Amaterasu had no doubts or hesitation now. This man was the Yoru she had been looking for. She quickly finished the rest of her sweets. With a smirk now on her face, she stood up and grabbed the sword from beneath her coat, pointing the sharpened tip at him. "I'm afraid I'll have to take you out, Mister Hotaru Yaki, or is it Yoru? Hmph. Either way, you'll end up like the rest of them. Oh, and allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Amaterasu Seriya, daughter of General Seriya of the Royal Army. It's a pleasure to meet you. "
Hotaru realized he was right to be suspicious of this girl. 'The rest of them?' he thought to himself realizing what she was implying. Even though he had been exiled, Hotaru was feeling upset by her last words. He put a smirk on his face and laughed leaning back in his chair. "Well miss Seriya pleasure to meet you, my name is in fact Hotaru Yoru. Never heard of you, but seems like quite a feat eliminating the entire Yoru family. Thought there was something a bit strange about you." he said calmly. "So how is this going to work, you kill me in the middle of this square while I am unarmed. Definitely not the way I thought I was going to die, but hindsight is 20/20 it seems." he said again laughing.
"Actually, yes. These townspeople are well aware of who I am, therefore they will excuse anything I do. Especially if they hear that you are part of a murderous family," Amaterasu stated, the urge to slit his throat becoming more tempting every second he laughed. However, she had principles that she lived by, one of which included not killing an unarmed man. "However, I would like to extend my vacation a bit longer. Maybe I'll even listen to your last requests."
Hotaru continued smiling as he sighed and looked towards the people around him. 'Perhaps the people around him would like it if he died. He certainly had done his fair share of terrible things.' Hotaru turned his attention back towards the girl threatening to murder him in the middle of the street. "Well I have about eighty years of last requests so hope you are willing to hear them all out." he said sarcastically giving the girl a smirk. "Well it's a nice town so you should enjoy army girl." he said getting up from his seat.

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