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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread



New Member
Year 2044

It was all over the news.

All around the world, far up in the stratosphere. Cones of ivory white, unknown material, spinning gently. Each of them emitting a gentle red energy. Researchers around the world tried their best to analyze them. Some even tried shooting at them. All of which yielded no results. Yet, people moved about there lives as normal, even if the mysterious satellites were there to stay.

“People, listen to me!” A man on a street corner of an American city. A long haired, unwashed man wearing a shirt that read LOVE YOURSELF. “We need to come together in this time! We as people! The guns of god hang over us!” He said, speaking with a voice of great joy and admiration. “But we won’t die! We will live on! All we need to do is come together and love each other! Gather with me tonight!” With him were several other people, all dressed in similar shirts. The cameras were all over him, even if social media was sick of him. He continued on with his speech as people walked passed.

But, in a strange way, his words held some truth. He wasn’t the only person to hold such apocalyptic beliefs. Around the world people were talking about them. From the news, to scientific articles, to internet memes that personified the them. World leaders too, all seemed to have their own opinion on them. With the odd exception of the President of America.

“Have you heard about the monster sightings?” A man at a cafe in Europe asked his friend.

“Monster sightings?” The woman said, raising a brow, as she sipped her coffee.

“Yeah, monster sightings.” He nodded, pulling out his cellphone. He showed a blurry picture; in typical cryptid fashion, the picture was almost impossible to tell what was going on in it. “See, I saw this last night when I went out to get the mail.”

The girl could only giggle at the picture, nearly choking on her coffee.

“Hey! Don’t laugh! This is big!”

“Is that a snowman?” She asked, looking closer at the picture. “He’s even got a cute little hat on.”

“I swear he was moving around when I saw him! He ran off into the woods, I would’ve went after him but I was in my slippers and it was snowing.”

“Yeah sure.” She nodded, “I’m sure there are loads of monsters out there. Just got to look for them I guess.”

Meanwhile, outside a school in Japan, two teachers were talking, one of them holding a letter that she got in the mail.

A black envelope, white paper inside, with a simple message written in read ink.

Tomorrow the world is going to end

Do you want to continue?


Below the message was a place for whoever received the letter to sign. Believing it to be a dumb prank, inspired by the various doomsday speakers around the world, they thought nothing of it. So, it was quickly tossed into the trash. Little to their knowledge, this very same letter was being handed out around the world. Some ending up in a mailbox. Some of them ending up in places where they shouldn’t be, such as an abandoned hospital. It was completely optional to sign said letter. People finding them could just toss them aside and go on with their day.

But, for those who decided otherwise. For those who wanted to continue, just as the letter implied. For those who wanted an escape from this doomed world, all they had to do was sign.
Yohan stared at the letter he found within the mysterious envelope. Originally he had ducked into this abandoned hospital out of a desire to escape the gaze of the Messians as well as the Gaeans. A bounty had been placed on his head by both groups. Yohan knew too much to be left alone. It seemed so long ago that he had believed the prattle about angels and demons to be nothing but scare tactics. The people he passed on the street seemed much happier in their blissful ignorance. Although even that was slowly fading thanks to the pillars in the sky. Demons had begun appearing in the human world. Nothing too powerful like the black winged angel he just narrowly escaped at the beginning of his journey but monsters all the same. Soon things would get even worse as the boundaries between their worlds eroded. The end times would come, the factions of Law and Chaos clashing amidst the carnage. Yohan was in no position to do anything. He couldn't even save himself from being hunted like a dog by HUMANS, let alone fighting demons. Humanity would be at the brink any day now. Understanding that this meant he had to make SOME kind of choice. Yohan began by taking out a pen and writing down a simple yes. If this was real, he could escape this world for another.
"Oh ho ho ho ho ho! Malefactorious felicitations, Maginger Red! So nice to see you've made it to my evil lair!" Kurayami the Wicked Enchantress stood atop the dais in her throne room, arms wide open and her evil cape billowing as she greeted her nemesis. "I would love to hold a banquet in your honor, but I must first attend to your precious friends!" With a swish of her cape, four large, colored crystals appeared behind her, each glowing with a different color. Inside were the other four Magingers, immobilized and utterly helpless. The crystals gradually glowed brighter, as they robbed the prisoners of their powers. "They were so kind as to pay tribute to me in the form of their mana...and once I claim it, I will be one step away from conquering this pitiful little planet of yours! And of course, that final step is..." Grinning maliciously, she turned to face Red again.

"You..." The woman in the red suit clenched her fists, before pressing her feet together and lifting her arms into a V shape. The heroic pose of the Magingers looked truly pitiful when there was only one to perform it. "You won't get away with this, Wicked Enchantress! Even if you have imprisoned the bodies of my friends, their hearts and souls still call out to me! That's the spirit of justice that someone like you will never understand! In the name of the Magingers, I shall strike you down and free my friends- no, this planet from your grasp!"

But before she could take any action, several cloaked figures jumped on her from offscreen, striking her down and hauling her up before Kurayami. "Foolishness, Maginger Red!" The Wicked Enchantress cackled. "Is this the extent of the power of your friendship and justice? Let someone who will use it better claim that power you hold within you. And by that, I of course mean me! Oh ho ho ho ho ho!"

As she spoke, Kurayami lifted her hand, preparing to cast the spell of imprisonment on Maginger Red...

Things have never looked more dire for the Magingers, and if Maginger Red is captured, it will spell total defeat! Not only for them...but for the world. How will they prevail? Don't miss episode 59 of Bakuhatsu! Majo Sentai Maginger!: "Salvation! Awakening of the Ultraviolet Sorceress!"

Riona Uwabami sat in a folding chair by the elaborate throne room set backed by a greenscreen, having cast Kurayami's uncomfortable cape aside. Damn, who knew these kid shows had such a high budget? If only more if it went into her contract...she tapped her fingers on her knee, resisting the urge to light up within the studio. Only two more episodes...two more episodes and she'd be free of this commitment and at least several digits richer...would last her a few months.

Just as she was working out her budget for the next month in her head, Riona's phone rang. Without missing a beat, she pulled it out in its sequined pink case and swiped the screen to answer. "Hello, you've reached the number of THE Uwabami, showwoman extraordinaire. How can I help you? What? No, I don't want to talk about my car's extended warranty, I had to sell my last car! Uh, I mean, I don't have a car..."

From the other side, a production assistant approached, tipping his baseball cap slightly. "Uh, Uwabami-san, we found this letter addressed to you without a return address. If you'd like, we can just throw it out..."

"Give it here." Riona picked up the letter, still distracted by her phone. "...no, I don't want to renew my home insurance, I'm a renter..." Even so, something inside her jumped a little as she brushed her eyes over the envelope. It was, in a word, fancy. She promptly tore it open, barely noticing the words on the paper as she held it between her fingers. Despite her distracted state, she did notice that there was a place to sign...perhaps it was some manner of invitation? Or even a way to ask for an autograph...finally, someone remembered her talent! Or rather, acknowledged her continued talent...

Well, only one thing to do. Sign now, and then leave it with the production crew for whatever fan or producer dropped it off to pick up.

Pulling a ballpoint pen from the desk next to her, Riona signed the paper, not looking for a moment at what it said.

"...No, I don't want a vacuum cleaner either..."

She wasn't remotely ready for what was coming.
Elias Morgenstern stood in his office at Metropolitan University, surrounded by stacks of books and papers detailing myths of apocalyptic prophecies when he encountered the black envelope. His fingers traced over the stark contrast of the red ink against the white paper, reading the ominous message: "Tomorrow the world is going to end. Do you want to continue?" At the bottom, a space awaited his signature.

For a brief moment, Elias hesitated, his scholarly instincts wrestling with the surreal nature of the letter. The logical part of his mind screamed hoax, a clever prank playing on current global anxieties. Yet, something deeper, a part of him honed by years of studying civilizations that vanished into the annals of history, urged him to consider the possibilities.

His eyes drifted to the window, gazing out at the campus where life moved with oblivious regularity. Students laughed, scholars debated, and the world spun on, unaware or uncaring of the spinning cones high above or the cryptic message in his hands.

"An opportunity," he murmured to himself, the weight of his decision anchoring every word. "Perhaps this is the test. The culmination of all my work and theories. Can I afford to dismiss it?"

With a decisive breath, Elias picked up his pen, the tool with which he'd drafted countless theories and papers. Signing the letter, he felt a mixture of excitement and apprehension. It was an academic's leap into the unknown, driven by the eternal quest for knowledge and the truth behind the myth.

"Let's see where this leads," Elias spoke softly, almost reverently, as he sealed his commitment. He placed the signed letter on his desk, stepping back with a sense of having crossed an irrevocable threshold. Tomorrow, he thought, might just be the beginning of the end, or the end of his search for understanding. Either way, Elias Morgenstern was ready to continue.
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“Hey Jaqueline guess what I’m calling you with,” Bril said with a teasing tone pausing for the woman on the other end to answer giving a shake of her head at each wrong guess,” A landline....I know…I know! Get this now I have to hang up and go get the mail just like the olden days so I’ll dial you later tata!”

Bril gave a stretch and hung up the novelty phone that was connected to the wall via a cord. Surrounded by the nostalgic things from her childhood and held ransom by all the unfinished craft projects she started you could tell retirement was not working out well for her.

“Togo,” She said calling to her smart assistant on her device, “be a dear and unlock the door for me I have to go see what junk mail was delivered today. If I’m lucky I got something I can cut out for my little project and if I’m super lucky I will be dead before I have to say that again.”

With a bark of a laugh containing all her mirth she proceeded to open her dog shaped mail box finding a single black envelope within it. She pulled off the tail of the mailbox to open the letter scanning the scant contents written within.


No sender it looks like so it could be anything from a prank by her coworkers to the doomsdayers trying to drum up some attention again. One thing was clear though it would give her a good story to tell her former coworkers over drinks and even better an excuse not to scrapbook.

“Togo,” she shouted sliding across the hardwood floor in her socks,” play my make over mix!”

To the jazzy beat of yesteryear Bril tried on all sorts of outfits for this adventure before deciding, “I think this practical outfit works best, don’t you?” she asked him wearing an impractical outfit.

“Yes Ms. Bril. Will you be taking me with you? Should I prepare the house for your absence?”

“I don’t see why not every detective needs their faithful hound,” Bril said with a flick of her wrist and snagged her old camera along with the last of her knickknacks to bring with. Togo’s main devices showed the AI created by her and her father transferring over to the whatever it was her father had original left her strapped to Bril’s arm. It may be tacky but Bril knew it could stop a knife. There was just one last thing to do before she set off to investigate,

Taking a fountain pen from nearby she signed the letter Bril & Togo and placed a kiss upon it to leave a lipstick stain showing her affections.
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On initially signing it, nothing seemed to happen; not even a flash of light or a bit of glowing ink. Well, that was anti-climatic. The group wasn’t the only people to receive the letters, but were the few ones to sign it. Seems that the majority of people must’ve mistaken it for junk mail or an obnoxious prank. Little did they know the power the letters held.

More and more updates came in on the glowing cones that dotted the skies.

“There are more of them!”

“They’re spinning faster!”

“Those letters, they have to do something with them! They’re connected!”

“The world is ending! That doomsday guy is right!”

Moments after signing the letters, each of the signers would be overwhelmed by an immense sense of fatigue, like the feeling after taking a sleeping aid or drinking a little too much liquor. A feeling that would only get stronger as time passed. At the peak of it, such a feeling couldn’t simply be shrugged off or ignored. Rest was needed, unavoidable even…

“The world will end, but we will live on! Live on as one! Because I will have been chosen by forces beyond this world! Chosen to lead the next world!” The doomsday preacher continued. “That is why I request that you stay brave as God’s pistols fire! For the end isn’t the end!” Around him, people chanted, holding hands and swaying back and forth. More and more people, even those not in the cult, chanted along with him. Maybe, with so many doomsayers going around, this was all we needed, messages of love and peace, kindness and hope, at the worst of times, people flocked to this scraggly and filthy looking man. With a grin, he crossed his index and middle finger over reach other and held them high, prompting everyone else to do so. "Love and Peace, everyone! See you in the next world!"
Michael “Oak Tree” McWallon, Founder of “Love & Peace Cult” Resurrection Fern

Meanwhile, somewhere in America, a man in a suit looked out at the window, staring at one of the cones that dotted the sky. This one was particularly close to the surface. In his hand was a can of dark beer, in the other a cigar. He was a clean shaven, rugged looking man, with an American flag pin on his lapel. It was sooner than he thought, but that didn’t matter. He had lead this country for long enough, he had even greater plans this time; leading a new world would be child’s play for him. Taking out a penknife, he shotgunned the beer, a good bit of it spilling on his suit, but managing to drink most of it. “Aha!” He laughed, “Fuck me that’s good! I need another.” He looked to the nervous looking cabinet member, the only other person in the office with him. “Get one for me and one for you! We’re drinking this whole damn apocalypse away, that’s not a suggestion, but an order!”
“Y-yes, Mr. President!” They said, running off to the fridge.
51st President of the United States Emmett Hills

Even further than that, at the furthest point possible from any living life. In the coldness of Anartica, a lone woman sat behind a desk, loads and loads of computers in front of her. She was so tired. So so tired. So alone too. But she couldn’t rest. Not yet. The world was ending. But she had to stay. She had her plan and had her goal in mind, all she needed to do was seal the deal. She took a sip of her tea, her newly blinded eyes fumbling around for the cup.
Behind her, accompanied by the flap of wings, was a voice.
“Ma’am, it’s beginning. The Conception waits for no one… Are you ready?”
Silently, running the scar along her throat, feeling the hot tea run down, the woman nodded. She was ready. She would lead the next world.
No One Special, “Lisa”

The group would awaken from their sudden nap. The area was... Empty to say the least. A cold sterile environment, neither hot nor cold, the walls, smooth and metallic.
It was a circular room, not much in the way of detail. But still, it did look like a place on Earth.
The only way out of the room was a single door at the northside of the room... Or was it south? West or east? It was impossible to tell, given that there was no roof or windows. For now, let's say it's north.
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Elias awoke with a start, his glasses slightly askew as he quickly adjusted them. The abrupt transition from his cluttered office to this sterile, circular room was disorienting. He pushed himself up from the cold, metallic floor, his eyes scanning the sparse surroundings. The lack of familiar academic chaos—papers, books, artifacts—was unsettling.

The room felt surreal, devoid of any characteristic warmth or chill, an engineered environment designed to disorient or perhaps to cleanse. Elias stood and straightened his blazer, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "My, oh my. . . I'm certainly not in Kansas anymore," he muttered to himself, a wry smile briefly crossing his lips as he referenced the classic line from The Wizard of Oz, an old favorite of his when he was a boy.

Looking around, he noticed others in the room, some stirring awake, others already on their feet, examining the environment with mixed expressions of confusion and curiosity. There were no visible clocks, no sounds from the outside world—just the soft hum of what he presumed was ventilation. This could be anywhere—or anywhen, his mind teased, given his penchant for theoretical possibilities.

He stood, brushing off his clothes, his mind racing through various scenarios. "We must be underground," he speculated aloud, more to himself than anyone else, considering the absence of a roof or windows. He glanced around at the others who were awakening, each with their own mix of confusion and curiosity painted across their faces.

Approaching the door marked as the 'north', Elias felt a pull of academic curiosity overcoming the initial shock. The scientist in him was already framing hypotheses about their situation. Was this a simulation? A test? Had they been abducted by some government or organization, or something far beyond earthly explanation?

"Curiouser and curiouser," he whispered, quoting Carroll this time as he reached for the door handle. Whether it led to answers or more questions, Elias knew that standing still was not an option. He studied the door's design, looking for any signs of technology or mechanisms that might hint at what lay beyond or who engineered such a place.
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Riona's head spun as she regained consciousness, heavy clouds filling the inside of her skull. She took a shallow breath, allowing her eyelids to crack open. The room wasn't exactly bright, nor was it dark. There were no lights, no windows...what a dreary place. Looked like the inside of a lab, or maybe...some kind of prison? Damn it. If this was some manner of prison...that wouldn't look good for the terms of her contract. This and any subsequent ones. How did she end up here...? Couldn't be drunk driving or anything like that...

She picked herself up off the ground, finally taking in the sight of the disparate people around her, in various states of dress and appearance. Well, okay. If they had been arrested, they'd probably be dressed similarly. And there'd be someone guarding them instead of allowing them to stand around, leave the room...

So what?

Did something bad happen on the outside of wherever this place was? Was it a shelter?

Or did...THEY die?

Riona shook her head. Why did she even think that?

A somewhat older, erudite-looking fellow picked himself up as well, immediately making for the door.

"Hey, you. Quit talking to yourself." Riona grumbled. "Where are we? You figured something out?" If he didn't open the door, she would immediately grab and pull the handle without further consideration.

Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-
Yohan awoke to the sound of a shrill female voice. Naturally his instincts kicked in as he tucked into a roll before springing to his feet. Looking around, he was able to see two people had also woken up. A glasses guy and some pissy girl. Narrowing his eyes for a moment so he could get a good idea of what was going on. His guess was that they had been taken underground. The ability to move Yohan somewhere like this with minimal effort right after he signed that envelope suggested a demon was at fault. No Messian or Gaean he'd seen had THIS kind of power. His only concern was the others who were accompanying him. He wanted to believe they were simply victims in this like he was but demons could take many forms. Any one of them could BE a demon or simply manipulated by one. Not wanting to flood his thoughts with too many uncertainties. Yohan instead took to wandering the room. Metallic walls like a cage or a vault. One door that was currently being examined by Glasses. No discernable temperature so he couldn't tell if this place was in a specific location. Purple looked pretty shaken up and the others were only now beginning to rouse from their slumber. Yohan reached into his coat to see if he had any of his gear on hand. He had been traveling light as the Gaeans and Messians were always looking. His untraceable phone, the swiss army knife he used to GuyMcver his way out of situations and even those basic Medicines he had in case he was ambushed.
Potential interaction: Nellancholy Nellancholy Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters-

Bril snorted as she jolted awake from her slumber. Groggily she looked at the device Togo was in for the time but it seems he was rebooting given the little sleeping dog on the screen. Based on how she felt none of the drugs she knew of were involved in sending her off to beauty sleep. Bril shook off the remnants of sleep from her body as she got up and looked about.

The minimalist round room just had such a feng shui to it. Not much to do in it other than look at the other people who ended up in this little easy to escape room if the door was anything to go by. Bril would simply have to give the owner of this establishment the number to her interior decorator. In fact the lack of…well everything made her willing to lend advice pro bono. Any sort of panic Bril would have felt had long since been left behind in her youth since she had seen enough people mess around and find out so why not enjoy the moment.

Her companions seemed to be some sort of nerd that had already moved to the door and a young woman who seemed keen to hasten along whatever hypothesis the man must have made. Some other young lad was wandering around the room. Maybe he was a psychic seeing something that wasn’t there? Cause the room sure had a whole lot of nothing and you couldn’t have some mysterious kidnapping without pseudoscience rearing its head.

Bril had read enough murder mysteries to know that waking up first wasn’t always an indicator for who was the culprit. Speaking of mysteries Bril fished around herself for the old camera she brought with. With pip in her step, she moved over to the duo by the door since they might as well take a photo together that hopefully would end up as a fun memory rather than a piece of evidence.

"Yoohoo," She called out with a little wave as she approached assuming everyone would end up collecting by the door for a group shot.
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Elias glanced over his shoulder as Riona called out to him, her tone imbued with a mix of urgency and irritation. Her question was valid; where were they indeed? Elias' analytical mind was already turning, processing every detail of the sterile room, but without immediate answers.

"No definitive conclusions yet," he responded calmly, adjusting his glasses as he studied the door's mechanism. "This does not seem to be any ordinary facility. The construction is too deliberate, too controlled. It's reminiscent of a containment or a testing environment rather than a traditional shelter."

As Riona moved to take action on the door, Elias stepped aside slightly, giving her space but ready to observe closely what might happen next. His role, he felt, was to analyze and theorize, to understand the broader implications of their situation.

"I suspect we're part of something larger, perhaps an experiment or a scenario we've yet to fully comprehend," Elias continued, speaking more to himself now but loud enough for Riona and the others gathering nearby to hear. "If this is a test, understanding the parameters is crucial."

As he finished his statement, he noticed another individual, Bril, approaching with a camera, which further confused the doctor but it couldn't be anymore confusing than seemingly teleporting to an empty room.
Nellancholy Nellancholy galvanismgal galvanismgal
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The room they walked into looked remarkably normal to where they first arrived. It was a large room with a carpeted floor and a large office desk. Behind the desk was a wall sized window; judging from the outside, it appeared they were still on Earth and at sea level. The whole place appeared to be on a hill, overlooking a coastal city. Just outside the window was one of those cone things, spinning fast and steady.

Those were the only normal things about the room. There in the center of the room was a large drum like device, engraved with strange symbols; whatever the device was, it wasn’t functioning right now. Looked like one of those prayer drums outside Japanese temples. There, sitting on top of it was an odd looking girl.

She was either a child or a really petite woman. Dressed in a winter coat, complete with black mittens and a red cap. Her skin was incredibly pale, her lips blue, like a frozen body; stranger still, her hair parted behind her, in a fan shape, like the wings of a bird. The girl’s eyes brightened up upon seeing the group walk in. “Oh ho?” She said, hopping off the drum, to… Float in the air? “Haha! I knew people would sign the letters! I won the bet! Pazuzu owes me 5000 macca!” She giggled, flying up to the closest one, Riona, “Oh ho ho! All of you look so scrawny, but I think you’ll be fine. Master is scrawny too.” She said, floating back to the drum, sitting down back on it, kicking her legs. “We’re short on time, but my Master will be here soon.” She gazed out the window. “Any minute now… Got any questions?”

Right now though, her eyes were on that camera... She wanted to have it!
"This is some kind of prank, isn't it? You brought us here for this? Where's the hidden camera?"

That would be the cliche thing for Riona to say. Typical, expected. If this room was also completely sealed, that would be easier to argue. Some kind of studio set. Perfectly controlled. But the presence of the window...that cone floating outside...it made this much more real. Undeniably so. That simple detail shattered the mundanity of life, juxtaposing the natural and the surreal through a simple act of intrusion.

See, she could do film school talk too.

But none of that answered the questions that needed asking.

The figure on the drum approached her, of all people first. Called her scrawny. Really? She thought she looked pretty good dressed as Kurayami. Sufficiently...full-figured.

Riona raised her hand to gently push the flying child away, but the moment her hand got close to her head, she froze. A sense of...danger. Beyond normal apprehension, atavistic terror. The utterly unambiguous idea that if she touched this being, she might not survive.

Thankfully, it backed off, sitting back on the drum.

Riona in turn, took a few steps to the side, just to shake off the sensation of doom. Falling into a chair unbidden, she tried to put herself at ease.

"So...kid. How'd you bring us here? And who's Pazuzu? This 'master' of yours?"
Yohan's attention was immediately focused on the demon who had appeared atop the strange looking relic in the middle of the room. He could tell what she was the moment he saw her. Luckily she didn't seem to have any kind of malicious intent in her appearance. Yohan had seen firsthand what a demon was capable of when something barely any bigger than a child ATE one of the Messians during a confrontation with the Gaeans. Her mention of Pazuzu and Macca made Yohan wonder if they were in the Netherworld. Pazuzu was a high ranking figure in the Sumerian Mythos and the intel he'd gathered from stealing occult dead drops indicated he was an incredibly powerful demon. Macca was the currency used by demons, supposedly minted by Lucifuge himself. It was both of these blatant name drops that made Yohan wonder if he'd made a mistake in signing that letter. Getting murdered by demons seemed no better than getting murdered by humans.

Not having much choice but to engage. Yohan decided to engage the demon in conversation. His research had informed him that demons tended to have different personalities, some of which could be reasoned with. All he could do was hope that he could extract some kind of useful information by speaking to this small demon. "You're a demon of the Raptor Race aren't you?. Are we in the Netherworld right now?" asked Yohan, keeping his voice low enough that it would take effort to hear specifics. Given that she mentioned Pazuzu and a Master. A deduction could be made that whoever she served was either one of the Pagan figures or more likely a neutral party. Yohan was wondering if it was one of the Summoners who he'd heard about, people who contract with demons.

an_awassi an_awassi
Interaction: an_awassi an_awassi

Oh goodie the door opened. The revealed room seemed to have a better sense of design style and a window showing that they were at least not somewhere inescapable. The prayer drum thing was definitely causing most the feng shui vibes in the room. You could tell who ever made this place put a lot of efforts into the special effects because what was this little scamp? A puppet? Didn’t look to have wires…A hologram? It was a shame the fashionable young woman didn’t touch them to confirm it. Finally a generation with a sense of style.

Whatever she was it seemed a bet was made for something that sounded like it was from a fast-food restaurant. Bril could sure use a Big Macca herself. This little treat of a person seemed to want a photograph so Bril held up her camera and took a selfie with the girl posing on the drum in the background. A soft hiss came from the camera as it spat out a Polaroid that Bril expertly flicked. They long had stopped making the kind you needed to wave about but old habits die hard, just like her.

As she passed by on her way to the desk Bril tossed the photo to the petite woman before lounging against the desk. The others asked some good questions! In fact, one of them seemed really into larping the situation or maybe he was a plant for this little event they found themselves in. Let’s see they had a question for who, for why, and presumably for where.

“What happens if we leave here?” Bril asked trying to line up a group shot of the others. If this was some sort of camera show or experiment it should be easy enough to leave but if it was some sort of cult business, she should at least check how serious they were about things. The nerd who was confused by her approach before must be one of those introverts so best to keep her question short so he could ask a lot of them. Bril could sense a titillating conversation upon them but where was her manners.

"Oh, you can call me Bril and this is Togo," she said introducing them as Togo gave a little bark sound from the device on her forearm to signal the end of his rebooting process. Unfortunately, it seemed Togo was still in the dog house as they had updates to apply.
Amidst the flurry of questions and introductions from the others, Elias took a moment to process the surreal encounter. The room, the peculiar child-like demon floating before them, and her casual mention of otherworldly elements all coalesced into a reality that seemed pulled straight from the pages of the esoteric texts he had studied.

He adjusted his glasses, a gesture more for composure than necessity, and stepped a little closer, his eyes never leaving the figure who seemed to possess knowledge far beyond her apparent youth.

"Your reference to Pazuzu and macca," Elias began, addressing the floating figure with a tone of cautious curiosity mixed with an academic's thirst for understanding. "It implies we're dealing with entities and economies that are... non-terrestrial. This isn't simply a matter of being relocated; we might be intersecting with dimensions or realities beyond conventional human experience..."

He paused, formulating his thoughts into a question that might pierce through the mystery without revealing too much of his own fears or speculations. "You mentioned a 'Master' who will arrive shortly. Could you elucidate the nature of this Master? Is he a summoner, a mediator between our worlds, or perhaps something else entirely?"

Elias's mind raced with possibilities—each theory crafting potential scenarios they might soon face. Understanding the nature of the 'Master' could provide critical insight into their situation, whether it was indeed a form of test, a summoning gone awry, or a deliberate gathering for reasons yet unknown.

His stance was one of open inquiry, his voice steady, aiming not to provoke but to learn, to glean as much information as possible to navigate this unprecedented encounter intelligently. As he awaited a response, Elias mentally prepared for all possibilities, ready to adapt his understanding of the world to encompass phenomena that, until now, he had only theorized about in his scholarly work.
an_awassi an_awassi
Hidden camera? Was that some human thing? Pranking people with a hidden camera? That sounds like a wonderful idea!

She watched everyone’s reactions. Some of them clearly had no idea what was going on. However, others did seem to have a vague idea. That would make things much easier. But, first, she looked to Yohan. “You’re correct. Looks like we got someone in the know!” She said, pointing to her with a mittened hand. “I am Muu Shuwuu of the Raptor race, pleased to meet you.” In her stories, she was known to peck men’s heads open and suck their brains out like pudding. But there wouldn’t be any brain sucking today.

“But, let’s sort things out.” She said, now addressing the whole group. “First off, Pazuzu isn’t my master, but he is a friend of mine. A real grump, that guy, super arrogant too. But he’s a demon who knows his way around just about anywhere.”

“Second, this is your world, I don’t know where exactly,”
She said, flying over to Bril, hovering over her shoulder, curious about the object she held in her hands. Now that was a camera! She wanted to take it from her… Her eyes still on the camera, she continued her explanation, not even bothering looking at everyone else. “I’ll keep it short til Master gets here. Those letters weren’t lying about the world ending.” She caught the photo, surprisingly dexterous despite the mittens, she flew closer to the ceiling, looking at the photo; some demons believed cameras to be evil, saying they could capture you. Even some claiming that’s why some summoners used phones to summon. But she didn’t believe any of that garbage, human inventions were just so fun! This old lady was super cool, she was earning some major Muu Shuwuu Points! Also known as MSP.

But, that was when a new person entered the room. As they entered, they immediately answered Bril’s question. “You can leave at anytime. I won’t stop you.” Amidst a cloud of cigarette smoke, in walked a very androgynous looking person. Their baggy clothing and jacket enforced their androgynous appearance. As they entered, Muu Shuwuu swooped down and moved besides them, putting the photo in their jacket pocket. The newcomer looked at everyone. 1… 2… 3… 4… That was less than they expected. Did the AI dog count as a fifth person? Well, they couldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, so they pulled up a chair, and sat down on it with the back of the chair in front of their torso. “I have to apologize about how sudden things are. But the end of the world waits for no one." Scratching the side of their head, they groaned. They drank a bit too much last night; this cigarette and a candy bar from earlier was their breakfast. “I have just enough time to answer a few questions. I’m sure there is a lot of things you’d like to ask. So ask away.”

Muu Shuwuu whispered something in their ear.

“Oh, right.” They said, looking to Elias. “You already asked a question. You can call me K. I’m a bit of a summoner. But I like to think of myself as more of a tamer. Muu Shuwuu being one of these demons.” He said, holding a hand out to her; the demon gave a little bow. “Pazuzu is another one of them, although he isn’t present.”
Elias absorbed the information, his analytical mind parsing through every detail. Muu Shuwuu's admission and K's introduction provided a clearer picture, though the implications were profound and unsettling. The presence of demons, the mention of summoners or tamers, and the confirmation that their world was ending—these were concepts that transcended his academic studies and delved into a reality he was only beginning to grasp.

"Thank you for the clarification, K," Elias began, his voice steady but edged with the weight of their situation. "The presence of demons like Muu Shuwuu and the mention of Pazuzu suggests that our reality has intersected with the metaphysical. This convergence, whether by design or accident, must have a purpose."

He paused, choosing his next words carefully, aiming to extract as much useful information as possible. "You mentioned the letters spoke the truth about the world ending. Can you elaborate on what is causing this apocalypse? Is it a natural cataclysm, a result of human actions, or perhaps an invasion or incursion from another dimension or plane of existence?"

Elias glanced briefly at the others, gauging their reactions and ensuring his questions covered the group's immediate needs. "Furthermore, what is our role in this unfolding event? The letter implied a choice—continuation. What does that entail? Are we to assist in preventing the end, surviving it, or perhaps shaping what comes after?"

His gaze returned to K, the weight of his scholarly background lending gravity to his inquiries. He needed to understand not just the surface details, but the underlying mechanics and motives behind this apocalyptic scenario. Knowledge was power, and in this surreal situation, it could mean the difference between survival and oblivion.

"The devices we've seen, like the cones outside and the drum in this room," Elias continued, nodding towards the strange artifact. "Are they related to the end? Tools of preservation, destruction, or perhaps gateways? Any insight you can provide will be invaluable as we navigate this crisis."
an_awassi an_awassi
No matter how much the little squirt stared Bril was not going to give Muu Shuwuu her camera. Never mind the world falling apart the most annoying part of this whole situation was it seemed that her father was right. Still, it was nice to know they could cha cha slide it out of here whenever they wanted but the airy nature of the girl probably meant it would be fine to leave but she wouldn’t be responsible for anything that happened after that. Best to stay put for now after what was the harm in sticking around? Tacky design sense?

Speaking of design sense, it seemed the master of this place finally waltzed into the room. Bril almost clicked her tongue since it seemed the figure already had the detective vibe going on judging by all that smoke so if she was unlucky Bril’s spot in the group would just be old woman.

The figure introduced themselves as K. Such a shame their parents named them after a cereal or a bad text message exchange. what do you think we should name our child? K.

Bril gave a little wave at K as their little groups nerd prattled on preparing to take another photo.

“Anything for us to do while we have this little Q and A since the worlds been cone-cled? Assuming theirs any questions left for the rest of us to ask,” she finished asking with a short bark of laughter at her own joke.

At the very least Bril would be trying to remember as much as she could to spin a yarn about this adventure later. That or else seeing how much she could poke around the room while K was being cornered into social interaction.
Yohan just looked at Muu Shuwuu for a moment while she acted as if this was all the funniest thing ever. A demon was one thing, a demon that was seemingly under the control of a Summoner was something else. It was the appearance of the Summoner in question that made Yohan concerned. Yohan didn't know how one summoned or contracted with a demon. His guess was that it was far more modern than what he would normally guessed. The Messians had been experimenting with A.I. during the latter half of his time with them. He placed a hand on the back of his neck, noticing that the hairs had been standing up. Yohan wondered if there was another demon secretly watching them all.

As for the end of the world. Yohan already knew it had been coming given that the Messians and Gaeans were prepping for something. The weird stuff in the sky had been the nail in the coffin. Although the letter was something he hadn't been expecting to see. The professor dude was already taking it quite well. Yohan had no idea what he was talking about since he was getting heavy into metaphysics and magical pscience. However he guessed it was just that guys way of understanding the supernatural. As for the boomer lady, she seemed mildly irritated by something. Any obvious questions would be asked by the others since this was all new to them. As for Yohan, he chose to ask something far more pressing.

"How are we going to survive here?"

an_awassi an_awassi
"I only have so much time to explain things." K explained, clasping their hands together. "But I'll do my best." In the mean time, Muu Shuwuu was busy staring at the photo they got. K took a deep breath, "Long ago, someone once said 'A world that loses its power will fade into nothingness. So it must be returned to its mother's womb... The world must first die to be born again... Something something, April is the Cruelest Month or whatever the phrase is." They shrugged, speaking with a drowsy have-just-woken-up tone, "Whoever said this is long gone now. But simply put: This world is going to end and it will enter a embryonic state. Already the candidates to create the next world have been chosen: Lets just say I'm not happy with any of the other choices."

"Those cones are the guns that'll destroy this world," Muu Shuwuu chimed in. "This drum is nothing more than a fancy seat for yours truly, but it's gonna serve a greater purpose at the end." She said, sitting down on the drum again.

"Thank you, Muu," K nodded to her. "You guys do ask a lot of questions..." They said, their eyes on Elias. "When the world ends, if you choose to go on to the next world, I will have one of my demons there. He will give you the tools needed to survive... Those tools being demons, of course. Summon them, fight alongside them, to carve your path through this newborn world."

He stared outside the window... Time was running out. There was still so much to do and so many questions to ask. "I'm sorry to put this on you so suddenly, I'm sure some people would prefer to welcome the end. If you're one of those people, you can walk out right now."
Riona's shoulders felt heavy all of a sudden. The weight of responsibility...of potential bore down upon her. Why did she sign that thing without looking? She wasn't prepared to jump at K for making up some story, deceiving the gathered group for reasons known only to them. After all, the truth was right before their eyes. Not just the people here, but the entire world. The cones were there, and none could deny their presence even if they disputed their origin and purpose. The rumors of disappearances...were they people who fell victim to demons? Or people who were abducted by K, the same way they had just been? People who went on to accept the offer to fight for new world to be born, or who refused the offer, and left things up to fate. There were still doubts, however.

As she listened, Riona stood up, hands behind her back as she walked to the big window, trying to look dignified despite her outlandish outfit as she fixed her gaze on the big cone. The "gun" that would destroy the world, if that thing was to be believed. The demon before them was no costume, hologram, or other deception...but that didn't mean it and the human before them were giving them the whole truth.

"You know, I've had to sign contracts and have producers give me their pitch a few times in this life of mine." Riona did her best to look like she was on the ball and in charge, as opposed to having had her life and career be dragged down by her inadequacy. "So I know if something's not right with a deal." She turned back to look at K, leaning lightly against the window. "You say that the candidates that create the new world..." She could barely imagine what that meant. Like...the gods? "...aren't to your satisfaction. Are you just envious because you're not one of them? And you just want people who can play out your agenda for you in this...crisis? How many people have you asked who said no? Where are they now?" She rolled her eyes. "I'll stay. But only so that I can find out the truth. I'm not getting screwed on a contract again. Uh, I mean, for the first time."

an_awassi an_awassi
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Elias listened intently, his expression a mix of concentration and concern. The situation was far more dire and complex than he had initially imagined. The notion of the world entering an "embryonic state" and being reborn was both fascinating and terrifying. The idea that the cones were instruments of destruction, and the drum—a seemingly innocuous artifact—would play a role at the end, added layers of urgency and mystery to their predicament.

He processed K's explanation about candidates for the new world, understanding that they were now part of a much larger, cosmic-scale selection process. The weight of such responsibility was not lost on him, nor was the implication that the other potential candidates were less than ideal from K's perspective.

Elias took a moment to gather his thoughts, then addressed K and Muu Shuwuu with measured words. "Thank you for your candor. The stakes are clear: we either step forward into the unknown, attempting to shape this new world, or we choose to face the end. As someone who has spent a lifetime studying the cyclical nature of civilizations and their myths, I find the prospect of participating in the creation of a new world... daunting, yet intellectually compelling."

He glanced around at the others, then back to K. "For those of us who choose to continue, you mentioned providing us with demons as tools to survive. This implies not only combat but also a need for understanding and alliance with these entities. I have to ask—what assurances do we have regarding the intentions of these demons? Are they bound to us in some way, or do they retain their own autonomy and agendas?"

Elias felt the gravity of the situation pressing down on him, but his curiosity and scholarly instincts were in overdrive. The possibility of interacting with demons, beings he had only studied in texts and theories, was both thrilling and daunting. "And finally, if we choose to continue, what happens to those who do not? Is there any hope or alternative for them beyond simply... ending?" He knew time was short, but these were questions he felt were crucial for understanding the scope of what they were facing.
an_awassi an_awassi
Interaction: an_awassi an_awassi

“Well, I was never the sort of gal to leave a shindig early so I see no reason to cut things short. One small step for us one big step for the new world or whatever that joy of discovery phrase was,” Bril said with a bit of side eye because while what that little impish woman said was true that they could just leave it seems a catch existed after all. The current situation washed over her like water on oil, not one bit sticking. Maybe later at night when she was alone with just her thoughts it would have more of an impact but right now curiosity was the forefront emotion Bril felt. The nice thing about being old is nothing really surprised you anymore and she had long heard the same song and dance from her father and his friends over the years. Waaay less interesting theories and stories than this though since most of the guns were more normal gun shaped and not floating cones.

Bril moved trying to line up a group shot again to get them all in the photo. One good thing is if the world ended, she wouldn’t need to put them into a scrapbook with a little end of the world wish you were here doodle. It was like the start of a bad tabloid almost with an old woman, some entertainer, a nerd, and some kid walk into a room with some cereal and a bird. What the drums used for will surprise you! find the details on page 11.

“Given the poetic phrase special K has given us about the karmic cycle of reincarnation of the world and the fact we are better alternatives than the other candidates I’m surprised you don’t have a little brochure for us. Must not had much time to prepare or is it the case of ignorance is bliss,” she said lightly thinking of all the last-minute parties she had scrapped together for so and so’s baby shower or retirement. A banner in the first room could have really helped set the tone however.

When faced with such weight as their current situation Bril preferred to step back to a safe distance rather than stand among the chaos. Well, the chaos she wasn’t causing. It seemed the others may be feeling a bit more pressure based on their questions. The frown lines! The mental anguish! Bril remembered when she was still young enough to sweat the small stuff.

“Is fighting the only way to win? Quite boorish can’t we just have some friendly competition? Make some friends along the way or a civil debate? You know with how tense everything seems I’m starting to think the demon you have waiting is someone’s mother-in-law,” She asked K with a tone that indicated the questions were more rhetorical to try and change the mood as Togo was busy taking notes on what was being said by everyone to save into a file for Bril to read over later.
Yohan's face puckered at the mention of the world entering an embryonic state. "The Conception?" was all he said before holding his tongue and thinking on things more. No it couldn't be, those documents containing the scripture of Miroku were old as ass. His contacts in the underworld had told him methods such as the Conception were considered outdated or even heretical. Scratching the back of his neck for a bit. Yohan decided to stop thinking about it. It seemed they would all be choosing to move on to the next stage of this little gathering from what Yohan could gather. His expression was probably hilarious for Muu Shuwuu to look at once she casually mentioned the sky pillars were guns. He imagined the end to come through a wave of utter destruction or perhaps a demon invasion. Bombardment via sky cannons sounded like an incredibly messy way to wipe things out. Although he himself had chosen to abandon the world suffering such a fate. Yohan was also intrigued by the concept of fighting alongside demons. He'd heard of Summoners in passing but he'd never actually met one of their kind. Controlling a demon seemed like a terrifying concept given how strong some of them could be. One thing was still on Yohan's mind, something that he thought the others may not have thought about.

"Where will YOU be in this embryonic world, K?"

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