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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom IC Thread

“Basically. I didn’t choose them, they were chosen by people beyond my power. I don’t like what they have planned for the next world. Right now, two of them are in America, while another I have no idea where they are. As a matter of fact, one of them is incredibly well known, you’ve probably already met him.” Seemed like being famous wasn’t a requirement for being one of these ‘candidates’ if only one of them had this status. “I’m sure you’ll run into them if you pass on. As a matter of fact, you’ll have to. They too are going to have demons on their side, ones that support their views.”

Next, they answered Elias’ questions. “You just about hit the nail on the head. Demons, they can be fickle beings. They might be strange beings, beyond our mortal understanding, but they are very similar to humans. After all, many of them were born from human beliefs, rather than the other way around.” They patted Muu Shuwuu on the head. Like a non-binary parent with their creepy daughter. They thought back to the first time they become a summoner. Despite their youthful appearance, that was forever ago. Failed a few negotiations, some turned violent, some ended with them getting scammed and the demon running off with a bunch of valuables, alongside some excuse like ‘I left the water running at home.’

At their last question though, K’s expression shifted. They’re usual smile was now gone, their glasses slumping on the bridge of their nose. “What happens to those left behind?” They paused, “I don’t know. Whether they die or they live on in some way that can’t be seen or heard, I can’t say.” So, they left it at that.

But, their mood picked back up as they observed Bril. What an amusing woman, someone who has likely seen everything the world had to offer and hungered for more. This was gonna be an interesting Conception, that’s for certain. A good trait to have when dealing with the friendly, more curious demons as well.

The Special K comment? That certainly caught them off guard. If they were a cereal, they would be frosted flakes; a bland tasteless cereal covered in an excessive amount of sugar.

“With the right amount of talking and payment, you could convince a demon to do more than just fight for you, that’s for certain. With the might-makes-right mentality of a lot of demons, with a lot of them being focused on literally devouring their enemies, one would be surrpised at how peacefully you can settle disputes.” All the times that they got away alive because of bribery… There was also that time they avoided being killed by flirting with the demon, but that was a long story that they didn’t have time to tell. “I’m sure even one will be willing to act as a tour guide.”

Then, there was the final question: Where will you be? Were they angry at them?
"Do you think I'm just sending you to your death or using you as pawns?" They sighed, "That isn't the case. But the rules set keep me from taking part directly with the Conception. The same rules keeping me from explaining everything. But, to answer your question: I will be in the world... When you arrive in the world, I want you to find me and I can explain everything."

As they finished those last worlds, a rumbling sound could be heard outside, the glass of the window shook, like a shockwave ringing out. "We're out of time." Muu Shuwuu gazed out the window, excited. "If you want to see this through, stay here. If not, you can leave, I won't force you to choose."
Elias absorbed K's words, his mind racing through the implications of their situation. The prospect of interacting with other candidates, each with their own demonic allies and differing visions for the new world, added a layer of complexity to the task ahead. The mention of familiar figures among the candidates piqued his curiosity even more. He recognized that understanding the motivations and plans of these individuals would be crucial to navigating the forthcoming conflict.

K's explanation about demons being born from human beliefs resonated with Elias's scholarly understanding of myth and folklore. It grounded the surreal experience in a framework he could comprehend, albeit one that was now frighteningly real. The reassurance that demons could be reasoned with or negotiated with, much like humans, provided a sliver of hope.

However, K's uncertainty about the fate of those left behind was a sobering reminder of the gravity of their situation. The stakes were high, and the consequences of failure were dire and unknowable. Despite this, the thought of simply waiting for the end without attempting to influence the outcome was antithetical to Elias's nature.

The sudden rumbling and the shaking glass jolted him back to the present. Time was indeed running out. He looked at K and Muu Shuwuu, then at the others in the room. His resolve hardened, and he made his decision.

"I will stay," Elias declared, his voice firm. "Not out of blind faith, but out of a desire to understand and to influence the outcome of this monumental event. If there is a chance to shape the new world, to ensure it is built on knowledge and understanding rather than chaos and destruction, then that is a path I must take."

He turned to the others, offering a slight nod, hoping to inspire some confidence in the face of the unknown. "We have an opportunity to not only survive but to contribute to the rebirth of our world. Let's face this challenge together, armed with the knowledge and determination that we can make a difference."

Elias then looked back at K. "We will find you in the new world, and we will seek the answers and guidance we need. Until then, we prepare ourselves for the journey ahead."

With that, Elias braced himself for the impending change, ready to step into the new world and face whatever trials awaited them.
an_awassi an_awassi
"So what you're saying is-" Riona's gaze flicked at the door. There was a lot at stake: the entire fate of existence, to hear K tell it. "-everyone not in this room is gonna die?" That felt...momentous. The fact was that...Riona wasn't really leaving anyone behind. There weren't a lot of people left who cared strongly about her. Not her parents, or her former colleagues that she shared her youth with...not even the people she spoke to now. And yet...was she the only one remotely bothered by this? She glanced over the others. They...they were good people, right? Wouldn't the right thing to do be to get as many people in the room as possible?

And for what?

So they could be killed by demons instead of being (presumably) painlessly erased by the cones? What was the right thing to do? When was the last time she thought about the right thing to do?

"F-fine. I don't care." All that worry barely played across her face. If anything, she WAS a good actor. Had to be to avoid laughing at some of the dialogue they had her say. "I'm staying. A-and...even if it kills me, I'll find out a way to make something in this new world that's worth all the lives you claim are going to disappear."

With that, she strode over to the desk in the room, getting on her knees and bracing under it like she was a school kid during an earthquake. Was she really going to have to be the moral compass of this lot? Weren't they worried at all?
Ugh Americans they always seemed to be involved in everything so Bril wasn’t surprised they would be involved in this as well. Already knowing someone could be good or bad and Bril had worked long enough in the industry to know that horrible people were just as well known as their counterparts. In fact, sometimes they were even more well known that people who stayed in their lane just look at her in the office for example. You bring one exotic animal to bring your kid to work day and suddenly everyone knows your name.

“I guess people will know our views based on our demons as well then…” Bril said snapping a photo of the pair for fun. It turned out like one of those parents and their kids first day of school photos. Maybe demons sharing their views would help her get to know her new friends thrown into this mess with her a bit better.

Bril decided then and there with everything going on it didn’t matter if everyone in the old world died because there was probably some demonic ritual to bring them back once everything was said and done. Jaqueline would have to be revived twice because she would simply pass away upon hearing that she was not a part of this hopefully thrilling adventure.

“You know you can’t spell brilbe without Bril,” she said with a soft cackle, I’m sure I’ll be able to get us a lovely little tour guide even if I need to show some leg.”

So far people seemed on bored even if some of them were more dramatic than others about it. Must be the first time interacting with a cult for some of them but maybe not since there were lots of different types of cults out there. Stans were one, those obsessed fans of people. Bril remembered back in her youth when she had stans. It was not a fond memory.

“Well, I already said I was in this shindig so I guess my concern is running out of film,” she said waving the photo she had just snapped almost tauntingly. This time it was being held for ransom since maybe she could get a little something to grease the wheels in the new world or at least some prescription drugs to calm the nerves of the girl who went and crouched under the desk. It was between her and the young guy it seemed to be the mentally sound and centered one of the group. Togo being an AI serving Bril was simply defaulted into her decision so while she considered him as a pet of sorts in the grand scheme of things he could be considered a tool of hers like some calculator.

Bril hoped the duty would not fall to her.
an_awassi an_awassi
Yohan was just watching what the others were responding with in reaction to K's offer. So far, everyone was on board with joining in to pact with demons and ride out the end of the world. Now Yohan was also up for taking this offer considering it removed him from the crosshairs of both Messians and Gaeans. Once the room rumbled and K told them they were out of time. Yohan wandered over to Muu Shuwuu before looking over at the Amala Terminal. He had only just remembered its name, which was hilarious considering it took until just after the world presumably ended for him to recall what this stupid cylinder was called. "It won't just be demons we find on the other side of this offer. Angels, Abominations and even Gods will stand in our way simply because we're human" said Yohan, speaking in a low voice as if worried someone would overhear them. Naturally it was generally accepted in some circles to just refer to all these varied supernatural beings as demons. However Yohan was worried about the others obtaining dangerous preconceptions. Hence why he chose to reveal a bit of how different some of these entities could get. "K, when we meet again. A far more detailed explanation should be in order. I have an inkling of what we'll see so I doubt things will be the same when we find you" remarked the Ex-Messian. Although he hadn't exactly agreed in straightforward words that he was going along with the group. It was obvious from the context of his workarounds that he had agreed to join on the excursion.

an_awassi an_awassi
K understood if people were hesitant, but there wasn’t much they could do on that. Most people were still going about their day like nothing was gonna change. Everyone completely unaware about the literal apocalypse ready to kick off in just a few minutes time.
As everyone thought it over, K spoke a few rhetorical questions of their own. “If you knew the world was going to end in an hour, in a few minutes, what would you do? Would you cry? Spend what little time you have left with loved ones? Do whatever you want to do and things that you never would’ve done if the world wasn’t ending? What if you were given a chance to change things?”
With that out of the way, K gave a nod to Elias. “Very well,” Then with a smile, “Glad you're taking this on the chin, as they say." The opposite of chaos? What was that called again? Ah, yes, Law… Looks like he was also trying to take up the role as leader. This was certainly going to be interesting.

Now, looking to Riona, K nodded. Just a nod, nothing more. The law of the universe was an incredibly cruel one, but it wasn’t necessarily evil. But it was definitely unfair. But, noticing Riona’s stress over it, K gave their condolences. “If there was a way to prevent their death’s I would go for that option. There are only so many people I can take to the next world. Make this count, not for the next world, but for the one that’s being left behind.” Poor girl… K could only imagine what must’ve been going through their head.

At least Bril was taking things better. Guess that kind of view comes with age. “I’m sure you’ll be able to find some way to keep your camera stocked.” If there were some relics of the previous world left behind… “Demons would probably love the idea of a camera, things like that can be used in negotiations. Hang on to that thing; not that I thought you were going to get rid of it.”

Last but not least, there was Yohan. With all the diverse reactions from the others, Yohan’s intrigued them the most. Made them wonder if they had prior knowledge of this sort of thing; not the end of the world, but demons and the inner workings of the supernatural.
Oh yes… There would be an explanation in time. These people were going to be changed and molded by the new world; K only hoped that it would be for the better. “Trust me, everything will become clear in time.” They said as they stood up, Muu Shuwuu moving to their side.

“I’ll be making my leave now.”
They said, going towards the room that the group came from when they first arrived here. “One last thing,” They reached into their coat and took out a… Can of soda? Some cheap knock off brand at that. “If you meet the demon Pazuzu out there, give him this and mention me. He likes the stuff and will be more obliged to help."
Was this next world in good hands? Were these 4 better than the other candidates? K wasn’t so sure… Only time would tell.
Adjusting their glasses and lighting a smoke, K left through the door in the back of the room, leaving the 4 alone with each other, ready to witness the end of the world.

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