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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom Character Sheets

Also do you think I should submit the bios on a few of the NPCs, as well as the antagonists you're gonna be up against, or do you want to be surprised as they're introduced?
Also do you think I should submit the bios on a few of the NPCs, as well as the antagonists you're gonna be up against, or do you want to be surprised as they're introduced?
I personally think for the NPCs you can provide bios but keep the antagonists a secret. Helps build suspense for when we face them 😈
Riona "Niyari" Uwabami

Age: Mid-20s

Initial Partner: Spring-Heeled Jack
Like several other demons of similar name, in this story Spring-Heeled Jack takes the form of a squat, rotund, perpetually grinning figure clad in a costume rather reminiscent of a certain nocturnal crusader, topped off with an incongruous top hat. Jack is not the most physically powerful by any means, but is agile and cunning enough to make good use of physical attacks and debuffs. Has a cheerful heart like the other Jacks, but hides it behind the mask of a grim anti-hero, a role he plays almost to perfection.

Skill Potential:

+1 Gun
+1 Debuff
-1 Healing

Riona Uwabami, a name now known only to a few enthusiastic prospectors of celebrity history and memorabilia, a name struggling not to be lost to time. Almost a decade ago, Riona was one of the rising stars that made up the teen idol group Mayonaka no Smile, under the pseudonym Niyari. Always backup, never the center, Riona nevertheless continued working hard to chase her dream, believing that she would earn her big break as she reached adulthood.

Alas, when the time came for the members of Mayonaka no Smile to graduate and either join different groups or pursue solo careers as adults, Riona was one of those who didn't receive any more significant assignments from her agency until her contract expired. As it turns out, the borderline-haggard goth girl act was hard to fit into projects consistently. Still, she didn't give up. She was formerly part of THE Mayonaka no Smile, after all!

Eventually, her constant efforts led to her falling solidly into the tarento niche, with bit parts on TV dramas alongside the occasional gravure photobook and variety show circuits. As hope of true fame and fortune got further and further away from her, her heart got heavier. Finally, she landed a decidedly undignified role as Kurayami the Wicked Enchantress, a major villain in the tokusatsu comedy Bakuhatsu! Majo Sentai Maginger! She didn't want to play a comedic villain in a damn show for kids, but what choice did she have? Rent needed paying.

One day, when she was on break from filming, a production assistant handed her a letter that they couldn't explain the origins of, other than that it needed to get to her. Dropping everything, and still in costume, she rushed over to the destination described. She just knew that someone finally saw her worth, that this would be a new opportunity for her. Perhaps it is...but not quite in the way she expected.

All in all, Riona is self-centered, though not quite malicious. She has what she believes to be a dry sense of humor, and often resigns herself to be a supporting member in any group she finds herself in. Having appeared in the Sephirot with the likeness of Kurayami, she might be enjoying playing a villainous role more than she lets on. Even so, this change of fortunes may give her a chance to find the better parts of herself...



Name: Yohan Greer
Age: 20
Initial Partner:

Skill Potential:
+1 Fire
+1 Ice
-1 Force
Physical description:

Bio: Yohan was born into the Messian Order. A fanatical group worshipping the God of Law and believed themselves the chosen few to carry out his true will. His early years were spent training to fight the demons that were foretold to come at the end of days. Although Yohan had never seen a demon, he knew nothing else other than what the scripture told him. Living out of a suitcase as he accompanied senior members on their exorcisms. Yohan became far more skeptical of his superiors once he reached adolescence. He began to suspect everything was just one big con and tried to get a reporter in to expose the cult. Instead he was met with an angered angel ordering his execution. His life would have ended there had an attack by the Ring of Gaea not distracted everyone long enough for him to escape. Confronted by the harsh reality that everything was real and everyone involved in it was insane. Yohan went on the run, hoping to hide from the Messian Order. His travels would bring him to an abandoned hospital in Tokyo, where he found a mysterious envelope on a wheelchair.
Name: Dr. Elias Morgenstern
Age: 42
Initial Partner: Asparas
Skill Potential:
+1 Ice
+1 Healing
-1 Fire

Physical Description: Dr. Morgenstern is a tall, lean figure with sharp features, distinguished by a salt-and-pepper dreadlock pulled back into a tight bun. His eyes, magnified by round glasses, appear keen and perpetually scrutinizing. He usually wears a mustard yellow blazer over a black turtleneck, giving him an air of unconventional academic.
Bio: Elias Morgenstern was born into a family of educators in a quaint coastal town, where stories and history were as much a part of the daily diet as the evening meal. His early education, under the guidance of his parents and inspired by the vibrant tales from his grandmother, cultivated in him a deep love for history and literature. This intellectual curiosity led him to pursue a degree in anthropology, where he immersed himself in understanding the sociocultural systems of ancient and modern civilizations.

Throughout his university years, Elias excelled academically, particularly drawn to the study of cultural rituals and traditional mythologies. He completed his postgraduate work on the impact of cultural heritage on modern societal structures, gaining a reputation for his rigorous research and thoughtful lectures. Elias's initial academic career was marked by a broad focus, teaching courses ranging from the history of civilization to the anthropology of religion.

It wasn’t until a sabbatical year spent at various archaeological sites around the world that Elias’s interests took a decisive turn. Exposed to the ruins of civilizations that had once believed in prophesied destructions—such as the Maya and ancient Mesopotamians—Elias became fascinated by the concept of apocalypses as a cultural phenomenon. Returning to Metropolitan University, he shifted his academic focus towards eschatology, the study of end-time prophecies and myths, integrating it with his anthropological expertise.

This shift was met with skepticism from his academic peers, who saw this new focus as less rigorous and too speculative. Despite this, Elias was undeterred, driven by a growing conviction that these end-time myths spoke to a deeper, perhaps psychological need within human cultures. His lectures began to draw connections between ancient beliefs and contemporary doomsday scenarios, attracting a mix of intrigued students and critical faculty. As his isolation within the academic community grew, so did his dedication to his new field.

On a seemingly ordinary morning, amidst stacks of books and papers detailing apocalyptic lore, Elias received a black envelope containing a chilling message: "Tomorrow the world is going to end, do you want to continue?" At first, Elias considered it a distasteful joke, possibly from a detractor within the university. However, his intrigue overcame his initial reservations. Could this be a practical application of his theoretical work, or perhaps a test from someone who took his research seriously?
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  • Name: Bril Vetr
    Age: 50 and some change.
    Initial Partner: Dorothy Gale
    Dorothy’s Skill Potential: +1 Force +1 Support and -1 Elec
    Bril’s Skill Potential: +1 Ailments +1 Support and -1 Phys
    Physical description:
    A woman who you can tell was a beauty in her youth because she is still one to this day. It’s as clear as her wrinkles that she matured from a cute grape into a fine wine. Bril uses augury to determine if her outfit is going to be eclectic or fashion forward for the day. She typically has some little trinkets or other gifts given to her to ward off evil on her but she doesn’t believe in that sort of stuff they just look cute.

    Adopted at a young age by a rich man because he believed Bril was the child of prophesy for the end of days. Growing up she lacked the belief in the end of times but still did the little song and dance expected of her from the cult he was suckered into be a part of to please her father. Unsurprisingly the date for the end of times came and went causing the cult to fall apart along with her father’s sanity.

    The experience left Bril detached from both the world of reality and fantasy viewing herself as an outsider who observed the human condition. Free to do as she liked Bril drifted through life. Worked retail, got a degree in math she did not use, worked as a tailor, and so on and so forth. Her experiences flowed through her like water living a transient life. One of the few constants in it was supporting her father acting as his primary care giver.

    Bril’s longest phase of self was working at a radio station after being inspired by someone reading an end of the world story that caused quite the stir in public. Eventually she hosted a small nightly show inserting herself as a detective into strange events. A spur of the moment trip to Antarctica of all places was requested by their sister station to create some content based around some mythos. So naturally Bril brought her father with hoping the change of pace would help his mental state.

    The result was…inconclusive. While it seemed to jolt him back into some semblance of a person he grew frantic and obsessed with creating some program he claimed would help once the true end of days came. As her work took more and more time they drifted apart until his death leaving her the mangled mess of code he had been working on. At least finicking with it gave her something to do during her retirement. Bril ended up adding a mod to turn it into an AI assistant named Togo after that one sled dog.

    When Bril opened up her mailbox to find the invitation, she didn’t know why it was sent. Was it a post mortem message from her father? Someone from the fallen cult trying to start something? A childish prank? Whatever it was would at least make a nice story to tell her old radio buddies.

    She enjoys taking photos and pretending to be a detective due to her love of Agatha Christie books and the game Laplace no ma. The game is also the reason she went into mathematics.
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Name: "K"
Age: ???
Primary Demon Partner: Muu Shuwuu
Skill Potential: ???

Bio: A mysterious person who serves as a navigator or rather, a greeter, to the world of Sephirot. Spacey and sleepy, they don't seem like the type of person to have vested interest in the Vortex World, or have any experience with demons. When asked about their past or why they know so much about the world of demons, they always give a different story. "I am actually a demon taking the form of a human," "I just read a lot of mythology books and the demons liked that enough that they brought me here," "I met a man with a big nose and he liked me, so now I'm here."
But one thing is for certain, whether or not any of these stories are true, they possess the ability to take others to Sephirot and possess knowledge of the world. Yet, they don't seem to have ties with any of the three potential creators. What are their end goals and what are they doing here?

Additional: Despite using a female character as a faceclaim, the character themselves is non-binary. Hence using they/them pronouns exclusively.
Name: Issac Cohen, formerly USMC Lance Corporal Issac Cohen
Age: 34
Initial Partner: White Death
Skill Potential: Gun/Support
Physical description:
Initially, Issac is seemingly unassuming. A man just below average height, with a seemingly average build. He dresses casually, not much color or style. The most notable thing are the countless scars he bears, mostly on his chest and arms, though he does bear a few on his face.

Bio: Issac was born to a low income family in the American South. His father was an alcoholic, and often took out his anger at the family's money problems on his family. His mother had long been beaten into submission, which convinced Issac that his only chance at a future was anywhere away from his home. So, the moment he turned 18, he enlisted into the United States Marine Corps, just in time to join in on the United State's latest forray in a foreign land. Issac proved to ba an exceptional shot, earning him the role of Marksman.

Unfortunately, this made him ideal for more...morally questionable actions. As the years went on, it began to weigh down on his conscience, and around his third chance to reenlist, Issac chose to head home.

Unfortunately, he returned back to country that didn't care for him, with no applicable skills, and a severe addiction to opioid.

He got by working odd jobs, mainly construction. Eventually, he'd marry a woman name Jane, and the two would have a son, Jacob. Though Issac's demons eventually drove the family apart, and despite the pain, it was agreed that the couple would split until Issac could get his life together.

He was on his way to that, having gone off painkillers cold turkey, arranging therapy appointments, and getting a steadier job, when the world ended, and he was left with what was left.
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