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Fandom Shin Megami Tensei: Freedom Character Sheets

Also do you think I should submit the bios on a few of the NPCs, as well as the antagonists you're gonna be up against, or do you want to be surprised as they're introduced?
Also do you think I should submit the bios on a few of the NPCs, as well as the antagonists you're gonna be up against, or do you want to be surprised as they're introduced?
I personally think for the NPCs you can provide bios but keep the antagonists a secret. Helps build suspense for when we face them 😈
Riona "Niyari" Uwabami

Age: Mid-20s

Initial Partner: Spring-Heeled Jack
Like several other demons of similar name, in this story Spring-Heeled Jack takes the form of a squat, rotund, perpetually grinning figure clad in a costume rather reminiscent of a certain nocturnal crusader, topped off with an incongruous top hat. Jack is not the most physically powerful by any means, but is agile and cunning enough to make good use of physical attacks and debuffs. Has a cheerful heart like the other Jacks, but hides it behind the mask of a grim anti-hero, a role he plays almost to perfection.

Skill Potential:

+1 Gun
+1 Debuff
-1 Healing

Riona Uwabami, a name now known only to a few enthusiastic prospectors of celebrity history and memorabilia, a name struggling not to be lost to time. Almost a decade ago, Riona was one of the rising stars that made up the teen idol group Mayonaka no Smile, under the pseudonym Niyari. Always backup, never the center, Riona nevertheless continued working hard to chase her dream, believing that she would earn her big break as she reached adulthood.

Alas, when the time came for the members of Mayonaka no Smile to graduate and either join different groups or pursue solo careers as adults, Riona was one of those who didn't receive any more significant assignments from her agency until her contract expired. As it turns out, the borderline-haggard goth girl act was hard to fit into projects consistently. Still, she didn't give up. She was formerly part of THE Mayonaka no Smile, after all!

Eventually, her constant efforts led to her falling solidly into the tarento niche, with bit parts on TV dramas alongside the occasional gravure photobook and variety show circuits. As hope of true fame and fortune got further and further away from her, her heart got heavier. Finally, she landed a decidedly undignified role as Kurayami the Wicked Enchantress, a major villain in the tokusatsu comedy Bakuhatsu! Majo Sentai Maginger! She didn't want to play a comedic villain in a damn show for kids, but what choice did she have? Rent needed paying.

One day, when she was on break from filming, a production assistant handed her a letter that they couldn't explain the origins of, other than that it needed to get to her. Dropping everything, and still in costume, she rushed over to the destination described. She just knew that someone finally saw her worth, that this would be a new opportunity for her. Perhaps it is...but not quite in the way she expected.

All in all, Riona is self-centered, though not quite malicious. She has what she believes to be a dry sense of humor, and often resigns herself to be a supporting member in any group she finds herself in. Having appeared in the Sephirot with the likeness of Kurayami, she might be enjoying playing a villainous role more than she lets on. Even so, this change of fortunes may give her a chance to find the better parts of herself...




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