[Shifting Sands] Shifting Sands Discussion

By the way, Jade explains the Sun Market changes locations each day. So, the directions she gives you are for today's market.
Yeah, I just realized, he never rolled Stam + Res and then realized, I haven't waited for him. Oops! Sorry Wu.
Not really, it's supposed to be "Closed" as per the "Our Roleplays" section. You're supposed to get in through that gateway.

With all that said, we're discussing it and will get back to you. :)
@Coyotekin: Yeah, we'll take you as a third. Thoughts on a character? Has to be from, or in support of, the Cult of the Illuminated, in some way. You've been Exalted for somewhere around three years or so. So, you start with 30XP at character generation.
WlfSamurai said:
Can I just say, xarvh, you have made me love Night Caste Solars. :D
And I haven't yet started abusing Athletic Charms. =D

But thank you for letting me play them.
Man, this might be a difficult one than. What camp are you guys going to? Kether Rock I would assume. I could go for a Dawn, not my usual style, but I have always wanted to play a character that focused on the use of a Grimscythe. :D

Oh, and I can be reached through a messenger prog if it helps. Just let me know which one you use.
Since we are against the undead, and none of us has any Occult, why don'y you go Twilight + Grand?
LOL I almost always do the Twilight or Eclipse. Mind you, he could be one of the few Paladins that has a penchant for the Occult, or Sorcery. Imagine the military guy that used to read the folk stories and legends as a kid. That or no Sorcery, but a bit of an understanding of Spirits and more
Selima is the tomboy that liked to read about epic wars, I have been undecided for a good while whether she should have been Dawn or Night.

But by any means, go ahead.
Hmmm, Grand Grimscythe and a Rifle, or something similar. Hmmmm, this could be fun. ;) I'll take a look at your characters and see what areas I can help fill in.

Hmmmm, looks like Eclipse and Twilight areas are a bit weak. I might have to go for one of my usual after all given that the other two have the hard-core combat already covered.
Ok, got something interesting. I call him Shade. His specialty is focused on Spec-Ops and Search and Rescue. He is a Dawn, with a twist. He is probably more like a traditional Night, but not completely. I had a sniper in mind with this guy, able to summon forth, or send away, all of his weaponry. This is the guy that can find you, get you patched quickly, and than help you get out safely again while taking down the bad guys in the process. :)

Eventually I plan to get him the ability to ditch the armor Elsewhere with the weapons for better infiltration and an appropriate Artifact-level Firewand.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_06/Shade_pdf.ed81367ddf67eb3d630403be94f5722d" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="23688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2012_06/Shade_pdf.ed81367ddf67eb3d630403be94f5722d" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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So a Dawn-oriented Night and a Night-Oriented Dawn?


Let's see how it goes.

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