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Fantasy Shattered World =-= All slots reserved

She glanced over her shoulder to look at the area the others were at. She looked back at the charger just in time to see it just in front of her. She jumps to her left, but it still catches her shield. Half percent is better than none, however, and she rolls away. "Thanks unnamed soldier number one. Unnamed soldier number two. Quit joking around like that. You're gonna scare people." She kneels and holds her sword up, ready for Connor to distract.
"The names Lelouch... And I'm not joking... The second original is here... We can't fight anymore, I am hereby ordering a tactical retreat to all units in the field, you are to head to the nearest vehicle, and move south as far as you can, we can't even scratch this thing, I repeat I am hereby ordering a tactical retreat to all units in the field, you are to head to the nearest vehicle, and move south.
It wasn't long until Seth, his soldiers, and the ATV were close enough to the action to hear the gunfire.

"You guys go on ahead," he said to the soldiers driving the ATV. "We'll catch up. They need supplies, from the sound of it. Get them there as quick as possible."

"Yes sir," a soldier replied. He stepped on the gas, and the ATV sped up and away from the small group of soldiers.

Seth went back to the intercom. "Leo, I've got supplies coming your way, the kind that heals and the kind that goes boom. I've got some soldiers with me too, we'll be there asap."
"Hey!" Connor clanged his swords together and continued yelling. The charger turned to him and brought back its hoof, preparing to charge.
"My name's Wilson, and I suggest that we start loading up this ATV over here." He points towards the Transport vehicle. He then grabs his sword and unsheathes it.
Asim immediately rushed the beast, jumping onto his back and digging her sword behind it's head armor. "Yippie-kai-yay, motherfucker!" It snorted and bucked, but she held on, just barely. It tried bucking again, this time weaker, then it died. She hopped off, taking her sword with her. She looked at Connor. "Retreat?"
"'Daw, thanks. Couldnt've done it without you..." She waved her hand for his name as she started jogging, rolling her shoulders as she does so.
"Come on guys I'm keeping this vehicle stopped for you,everyone else is filled up!" Wilson cuts at nearby corruptions, one of the runners bites his leg armor. "Quickly!"
"Copy that, I'll relay it to my ATV." He did so, and then turned towards where they would be running, which, luckily, was towards him. "We'll be there soon."
"Connor. Nice to meet you." Connor caught up to Asim and jogged beside her. "We should hurry. Come on." Connor quickened into a run.
Asim nodded, then started running, sheathing her sword as they get closer to the battle. She kicked one or two smaller creatures as she finally caught up to the nearest ATV. She hopped in.
Behind him, Seth began to hear something that sounded like heavy trotting behind him. He spun around to find a Charger...charging straight towards him.

"HIT THE DIRT!" he screamed. He and several soldiers leaped to the side, but a few unlucky ones were plowed down by the monster and were slammed into a tree.
Wilson hops on the ATV as it begins to drive away, "Leo are you getting on or not!?" I yell as the vehicle starts picking up speed.
Lelouch looks solemnly at him, then he puts a grin on his face "I think I'll hang behind, this seems like an interesting fight!" And with that, Lelouch waves them off, as the hulking figure of the original closes in "Hey Geoffrey, how are you?"
"Are you sure, and if so the drivers and the other soldiers decided to meet at that cave in the mountain over there!" Wilson points over to a towering mountain that has a distinctive hole in the side of it. "If you don't come back within 12 hours we will presume you are dead!" The vehicle then lurches into full speed.
Asim looked at the direction Wilson pointed, then at the Original, then at Lelouch and finally Wilson. "God dammit." She climbed out of the ATV, then tumbled out when the vehicle started. "You're not going to take an Original down. A whole army couldn't do it. Are you two armies? Three? Didn't think so." She raised her sword, shaking her head. "Fucking idiot."
"Then I guess I'm dead!" Lelouch turns around to face the oncoming horde, the sharp crackle of his pistols can be heard in the distance, it isn't long before he vanishes into a sea of blood and flesh

Eve displays a message on your HUD's {Pvt. Lelouch, status, MIA} his vital signs vanish from the HUD
"God Dammit!" Wilson jumps off of the ATV and grabs Asim's arm, "We can't stay here any longer" Wilson starts running towards the ATV as he signals it to slow down.
"Oh crap..." Connor turned away from the hoard as it approached him and dashed towards the ATV. "They're coming! Hurry up!" He ran as fast as he could, the corrupted only a few feet behind him.
Lelouch fires his pistol over and over again, dozens of chargers and runners fall to the ground as they dash for the ATV, after the third wave of them collapses to the ground, Lelouch stops firing. The original roars, a bestial roar that shows no sign of anything but fury
Wilson see's Connor running towards the ATV. With the ATV having just the right amount of speed, He jumps on it along with Asim. "Connor hurry they're right behind you!"
An odd metallic object hits with a thunk into the ATV, It's a soldiers helmet, Eve's voice can be heard faintly within it, and fresh blood is splattered across the helmets rim.

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