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Fantasy Shattered World =-= All slots reserved

"Search the weapons lockers before you burn them, to my knowledge, 6 and 7 were vehicle transports as well, we'll need the ATV's in there, as well as any fuel you can scavenge from the surviving craft" with that, Lelouch dives into the wreckage of 3
Connor looked through 17. "Two others survived in 17." The two living soldiers got up and thanked Connor before exiting the ship to help. Connor grabbed as many weapons as he could before exiting the ship.
"I'll search 6 and 7 then." Wilson runs off towards those 2 drop ships."From my visual it seems as if 7 is completely destroyed, looks like there was 4 ATVs in there, Damn." He takes a deep breath and runs over to 6, "Guys I believe it's our lucky day!" Wilson marvels at the beautiful transport vehicle that was hanging out of the dropship's hangar. (Here's a picture for reference

"Good to know" Lelouch gives a simple reply as he starts to disassemble armour off of the dead bodies, you never know when you'll need repairs
"Okay everyone, let's get this started. Gather all of the corpses you can find into a pile outside the ship.If the ship catches fire, it might explode and attract more freaks than any of you have seen your whole lives. Am I clear?"

The men all nodded in agreement. Some appreciated Seth giving them order in a hectic time, but many did not appreciate his self-promoted temporal rise in rank. Regardless, they carried out the task while Seth searched the ship's storage room for some gasoline and a burning tarp. He carried both out to the pile of bodies. He put up the tarp, which was basically a tent that kept the smoke in so as to not bring any unwanted attention, and then poured the gasoline on the pile. He rolled the torch under a slit in the tarp that also supplied oxygen. The tarp would disintegrate from the flame in a few minutes, but they would be long gone by then.

"Okay, Letouch," he said, getting back on the intercom. "Let's play a game of iSpy. Anything around that might help me figure out where the hell you guys are? Waterfall, cave, cliff, big-ass tree, anything?"
"Hmm, looks like where in a massive blast crater, spikes everywhere made of stone, a small horde of a hundred something assorted corrupted creatures, nothing that noticeable"

He says the last part jokingly as he pulls out his two handguns
She touches the bottom of her helmet and waves her hand at the dead bodies she found, whispering a quiet thank you as she takes the ammo from the weapons lockers in eight. Luckily, ten was much better. Everyone was alive and trying to help their comrades to get down from the ceiling. She helped them and climbed out, "Ten was full of the living. Sending them to our ship. What've we searched so far?"
"Well, we don't have much time, get the injured into the ATV's and not the guns, I want everyone who's healthy to get ready for a brutal fight..." He cuts his last section off from the comm link "Eve, estimate the causality rates" the monotone voice replied "40% sir"
Wilson in is crazed excitement jumped in the large vehicle and found 2 other survivors in there, "You guys know how to drive this thing? They both nodded. "Then could you guys drive it over there?" Wilson points over towards the crash site of #17.

The engine of the great machine starts and the 2 drivers start moving the vehicle towards the crash site.
Lelouch begins to smile as he organises a dozen soldiers with swords into a defensive line against the oncoming horde, he stands next to then with both his pistols at the ready, launching a few shots ahead of them, two runners fall from the shots, while the rest of the rounds bounce harmlessly off the Chargers thick, shield-like heads
Connor approached Leo and the other soldiers. "Hm. So, how long until our vehicle gets here?" He prepared his swords for a fight, and waited near the other soldiers.
"Well, that narrows it down..."

"Sir," a soldier said as he approached Seth. "We found a flare gun buried under some rubble in the storage room, and there was an ATV in the hangar compartment."

"Put the supplies that you can salvage in the ATV, and then try and fit as many soldiers in there as you can. Good job with the flare, but if we used that now we'd attract all kinda of beasties. Better save it for an emergency." The soldier went off to relay the job. Seth went back on the intercom. "I've got a flare on this side. If we get into a kerfuffle, I'll sound it. Watch for it, would ya?"
The vehicle Wilson was in seemed to have made a wrong turn, they were now running over endless hordes of the corrupted. Wilson could see Leo and Connor in the distance. He climbs out the door and onto the roof as the vehicle is moving. "Hey, Leo can you see me?!" He starts waving as he holds onto one of the machine guns.
As a response, Lelouch fires a shot a few millimetres away from Wilson's crotch, he then gets back to focusing on the incoming horde, he speaks quickly through the comm channel "Wilson, get the ATV out of there now!, Chargers have took notice. Move!"
Asim sighed, "Eve, which vehicles haven't been searched?" "2,5,11,12,13,14,18,20" "Thank you Eve. I'll search eleven and thirteen, they look close enough. Love how useful Eve is. I wonder if- Jesus!" As she was walking towards the next ships, twelve came rolling towards her. She easily got out of it's way, finding a charger only a few feet away from her. "Mother..." She keeps eye contact with it, pulling out her sword, slowly. "Fuckerrrrrr!" It makes a move towards her, and she jumps out of it's way, running to hide behind a large rock. "There's a charger back here, I'm pretty sure twelve is down and I ain't searchin' the others." She puts her shield up and sighs, hearing the charger snort and growl as it searches for her.
"Girl, if you want I can flank it and provide back-up, just don't be a hero" he says all this whilst he unloads his next volley of rounds into the horde, only 90 or so remain, though there is some unsightly news on the horizon...
Wilson jumps down to the doors of the vehicle. "You guys might want to hurry, we have some bigger company coming." The 2 drivers quickly put the vehicle in full throttle. The ATV soon ends up right in front of Leo, just stopping before it runs him over. Wilson jumps out "Ok so what's the plan Stan?"
Seth took the massive quantity of bullets and swearing on the other side as an okay, and then hung up.

The ATV had been loaded up, and Seth and his crew started out, looking for the others, despite having absolutely no idea where they were. He figured, however, that if they were in the middle of a gunfight, it would only be so long until he heard the chaos, so it shouldn't be too hard to find. The other piece of good news was that the ship was on its side because it was propped up against the side of a cliff, which cut down on the possible directions he could go by half. He gripped his Sin tight and started off with the vehicle.
"Okay, but we have to move fast, anyone remember that tale about the original that killed hundreds of soldiers, bested the strongest reaper in all of existence and pushed humanity to its last legs on the Citadel?"
"Yeah I heard that story as a young boy, what bout it?" Wilson asked somewhat frightened that he brought it up.
Asim quietly laughed, "oh yeah, introductions. Huh. Asim Mubarak, I deal with two handed swords. Definitely not going to try to be a hero unless that means another body in my bed, heheheh." She glanced at the charger, only to find it was looking straight at her. "Shit." She hopped in front of it, not trying to hide anymore. It charged, and at the last second, Asim dodged. It skidded to a stop, and slowly turned. "Where's my help at?"
" I hope you know it wasn't a story... Looks like we are the unluckiest motha fuckas in existence, we've net the second original, I'll call it Geoffrey" He puts up a hilarious facade, but he's actually terrified
Connor started running towards Asim. "I'm almost there. To the people with our vehicle, hurry up." He reached the charger. "Asim, I'll get its attention, you attack from behind."

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