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Fantasy Shattered Reflection, Broken Mirror


New Member
Welcome to the RP that is Shattered Reflection, Broken Mirror.

The setting will be taking place in New York City, more specifically The DSA Headquarters. What is the the DSA? Well, its the Direct Spy Agency. This is where they have been trying to perfect the Super Spy Experiment. This is what you are a part of.

The DSA has kidnapped you from your home and subjected you to experiments. You are no longer who you used to be. Hence your mental reflection of yourself has been shattered. Hence the name, "Shattered Reflection, Broken Mirror"
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Sore. Hungry. Dirty.Those words described Kameko completely. She could still feel the countless needles and IVs entering her skin, piercing her vains. They continued to pump her with thick, foreign substances. The unnerving sensation slowly lingered throughout her frail body, making her skin crawl in disgust. She wondered when would the pain end--if it ever did. She wondered why it was her that was sprawled across the hard, concrete floor and not somebody like her. She wondered how she could be so cowardly, just laying on the floor waiting to be fed, like an animal. Even domesticated animals had dignity--or at least most do. So, why was she substandard to a dog or cat?

That question reeled in her mind what seemed to be an eternity, in reality it was only five minutes. Until a slit of light sliced through the darkness that she once laid in.

"Experiment X01, it is time for your feeding hour." A male guard said in a stern tone. He was a broad man with a electric nightstick in his right hand.

Her blood red eyes looked at the man with child-like eyes.

(Not finished)
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