Sharing the Manor


Mad Scientist


"Welcome to the Manor St. Claire, your new home."


You are either a delinquent, a homeless teenager, a gang member, or maybe even all three. You live in a fairly poor city that contains only one truly rich family, the founding family of the town. Perhaps you were picked up off the streets, or you were arrested for fighting your rival gang. Either way, the cops have been picking people up right and left. But with the jail so full of real criminals, there is no way they would have been able to hold all of the teens. The foster system being too cruel, the owner of Manor St. Claire and descendant of the founder of the town stepped up. She decided to give a home to the kids, because just her, her servants and her grandchildren in a huge empty house didn't feel right, especially when a lot of the kids didn't have homes to go to.

All of you go to the same school now, the best school in the town. But what will happen at that school and at home if the leaders of the two most powerful gangs are living together?


1. All RPN rules apply.

2. You may control some NPCs, like police, servants and civilians, but not the ones given a face/name by me. In order to keep this RP alive, I will use said NPCs in a game master type of way.

3. Romance & Violence PG-13, or go to black. If you wanna get into it, message each other. (JK you can be violent just don't be sexing it up in here.)

4. You must be accepted before you may join the RP.

5. If you are going to be inactive let us know!

6. Good solid paragraph minimum. (Semi-lit)

7. NO ONE LINERS!!!!!!!


It's moving day! Only instead of bringing your things to the Manor (well, you probably don't have much anyways but for what you do have), someone picked them up already. You have been told to dress in your best clothes to meet Layla and her granddaughters.

Everyone takes a large prison bus to the Manor, where policemen are already standing guard. After all, when you get some of the worst gangs together in a room nothing can go good!

Everyone is ushered into the lobby hall, where two grand staircases lead down to the floor, one on each side.

Maids, butlers, and policemen are all around, and several line the staircases.

Layla St. Claire stands at the top, in the perfect middle, on one side is Lilliette, and the other Lilly, all three looking prim and proper and watching the scene below.

Lilliette was not happy.

That morning, her grandmother came into her room, waking her early. "We're expecting guests, remember? Hurry up and take a shower!" She ordered, going to Lilly's room to wake her as well. Lilliette took a shower, groggy, and then went to pick out a dress. As soon as she had one-- one of the new ones not one she has worn before less she be scolded-- and was getting dressed, her grandmother again barged into her room, giving her a different dress to put on. "Hurry up and get dressed!" The woman was in a rush, it seemed.

When finally dressed, Lilliette did her hair and makeup, getting a slight approval from her grandmother. But what had she forgotten? Who was coming over? She checked her phone. August 11th. And that's when it hit her.


The weeks of preparing the Manor, of maids rushing about and butlers cleaning every nook and dusty old room out, cleaning sheets and hiring new cooks. Of putting Lilliette in charge, giving her her Grandmother's room, and getting a new room prepared for her for when she wasn't on business. Of lectures on safety and how it was for charity, for the children, to clean up the streets of the town and create a better world for the youth blah blah blah... Still, she couldn't believe that she was well, for one now living in the largest room at the very top of the manor, with the largest balcony, and for two about to start living with a bunch of delinquents... And her grandmother was going to be even more busy in the next few months... leaving her in charge. Who leaves a teenager in charge of a Manor full of delinquents?? Well, apparently Layla St. Claire does.

But Lilliette had to admit, she liked the dress she was wearing. It was red, and while it was modest, it was not as modest as most of her dresses. This one was actually knee length-- not a common sight from her grandmother's choices. She watched the guys and girls pour into the hall, some being shoved around by the cops a bit. She made a mental note of that. She wondered what she looked like. She probably didn't look her age at all, even with the shorter dress.

@Lucem Tenebris @Ardetha~Nacht @ForgottenBlood @NebulaSkies @Aidan Rowtag
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ardetha was getting pushed around, she may be homeless but she was no rag doll. she kept her eyes down hugging herself close as if she will lose herself just by being surrounded by so many was to much for her really. she was looking at the others and noticed a couple that like herself were probably homeless. but the others mostly male were tough looking and very aggravated and about to start a brawl. looking up she saw a beautiful girl probably about ardethas age but she was much more proper and fancy. what was life going to be like for her now..


draven was pissed off already..taken in by the cops yet again and being surrounded by all these of all things!! he was craving a smoke right about now as police were reaching for him, "touch me and ill cut your bloody hand off!" the cop flinched and turned away from him. draven knew he was coming here and was not pleased..he saw his sister standing tall and beautiful. she had grown so much since he left and was ashamed to be back and being escorted here by police, this is what he was avoiding but it seems nothing was going right today.
Aloe looked around at the place as the guards touched him once again and pushed him in"touch me again pretty boy and your head will be laying on the floor.Don't test me.See i know you're scared.You have no record of me right?Correct.I could kill you right now and it wouldn't even matter."he said with an evil chuckle.The police punched Aloe in the face.Aloe scoffed and spit out the blood."See i wish you hadn't did that."Aloe stood face to face with the guard.

Lilly was behind her big sister"Lillie?Are they nice people?"she asked her sister standing behind her.Her grandmother came behind them and straighten their clothes.Lilly still looked down at the people who just came in.No one was exactly scattered around.One side of the room was full and the other side of the room was full one in the middle.
Alexander simply stood with his usual smile, not really minding the pushing. He was grateful that the family had opened their home to them and he wanted to thank them as soon as possible. It wasn't often that people were actually nice to people like him.

He scanned the room, observing the other people. He wondered if he would become friends with any of them. As he looked around, he spotted his boss and his smile widened. The smile soon faded as he witnessed his boss get punched. He broke away from the guards and stood between his boss and the guard who punched him. He delivered a powerful right hook to the man's face and watched him fall. "Don't hurt the boss."
Aloe looked at Alex,his right hand man and the one he trusted the most,and then looked down at the guard.He squatted down on the side of the man that was down and pulled out a pocket knife."See this knife?I could just cut your throat right now.But that would be messy eh?Yeah yeah i know.Don'tr try me man.Cause the only thing between us is air."he said."Besides.I don't think no one wants to die today."he stated with a chuckle as he stood up.He leaned against the wall and played with the knife until instructions were made.He eyed at the other gang keeping an eye on all of them."I don't trust this house man."he said to Alex."I swear if one of them touches any of you this house will be drenched in blood.That's a promise"
Ryan stood uncomfortably in her school uniform, muttering curses under her breath. She just escaped from those stupid foster homes and she was back to square one. Everything in the room annoyed her- the people, the prisoners, even she annoyed herself. She was starving, her gang would probably be waiting at the usual alley to give her her morning bagel and black coffee, but alas they would have to wait for quite sometime. She gazed around the room, the anger boiling within her as she saw that some people were actually happy! She wanted to fall to her knees, tear her hair out and scream, but she was forced to stand there and look adorable like a pretty lady should.
Lilliette gave her sister a light squeeze before their clothes were given some last minute adjustments, by of course, their grandmother. "I'm not sure Lilly, just be careful, okay?" She looked out at the crowd, noticing a fight. Well, it was probably going to be a common occurrence for a while, as she had been informed there were at least two rival gangs in the mix of people. But, then again, it wasn't really a mix... it was fairly divided.

As the last person was shoved in, and the doors behind them closed, Layla St. Claire nodded to a nearby butler. Suddenly a loud whistle was heard all throughout the room, silencing the crowd.

"Welcome all, to your new home, Manor St. Claire. I am Layla St. Claire, descendant of the founder of our fine town." For an old lady, she was elegant, standing straight as a board, but above all she was abnormally loud, her voice cutting above all of the whispers and talk. "To my left is my granddaughters, Lilliette," whom curtsied slightly, "and Lilly. It is with pleasure that we welcome you into our home. I must be leaving now, as I have important business to attend to elsewhere, but for now I leave you in the more than capable hands of Lilliette." And with that, she was gone.

Great. Lilliette thought as she stood up a little straighter, feeling nervous. "Eh-hem... Well," she said, unable to project quite as loud as her grandmother but still succeeding somewhat. "The girls will be staying to my left, and boys to my right. Please order yourselves accordingly, and then we shall go over the rules of staying here."

(I feel like I just assembled the avengers when I decided to tag everyone xD )
ardetha was thankful to get away from the fight opening up and quickly moved to the left where the rest of the girls stood. there weren't many but enough to have some sort of equal balance here with the boys. she considered talking to someone..maybe even making a friend but quickly pushed the idea out and looked up at the girl speaking now instead of her grandmother.


draven still had his arms crossed as he watched his grandmother speak, god wouldnt she be happy to see her only grandson in this crowd. he chuckled abit at the idea, he watched his sister now trying to get everyone in order. she tried but nothing comes with ease, but he made his way to the right and waited for the rest of the orders. after all he was no longer a family member here..he was scum now to be watched over.
Rebecca stood in line as her peers were ushered ahead of her. She hugged herself, wishing to just disappear, but as if that was possible. She didn't know what to feel about her current situation. She was glad to finally be somewhere other than that dirty, rundown brothel, of course. But anything she grew optimistic towards before had shattered before her. As it was her turn to enter the manor, one of the guards pried her arms from herself without warning. She complied but tensed up, looking the other way as the man patted her down. She imagined the table in her "place of work" which held her stash, a lighter and stack of paper conveniently beside it. She always smoked a bit before showtime. It was better than being wired on crack.

The man shoved her in along with everyone else. It appeared that she was the last to enter, the front door closing behind her. She shuffled towards the group, but kept her distance. A whistle cut through the room, causing Rebecca to wince. Before them on the top of the stairs was a elder woman, dressed to the T. Rebecca noted her own outfit, a plain t-shirt and jeans, and felt embarrassed. They were supposed to come in their best attire, but she didn't exactly have much in her closet. She was sick of flashy clothing.

Rebecca listened to the woman introduce herself as the founder of the town, Layla St. Claire, before introducing her granddaughters Lilliette and Lily. They, too, were nicely dressed. Once she finished speaking, the older woman who was kind enough to allow street rats to stay in her luxurious edifice departed. It was now Lilliette's turn to speak, and she explained which direction the genders would stay in. Rebecca gave a mental sigh of relief, gladly moving over to the left. She noted a girl move as well.
Lilly stayed behind her older sister and stared down at the people.She was just as shy as her older sister.She listened to her grandmother announced them and felt Lilliette walk over to the crowd and speak.She just kept her gaze on everybody on the floor not letting go of her sister.
Lilliette noticed that some of the crowd refused to budge. She frowned more visibly than she had been before. "Upon entering this Manor, you are to leave all gang mannerisms at the door. We will have no fighting, no bullying, no harassment. While I'm at it I may as well tell you the rest of the rules. Curfew is 9 pm sharp on weekdays, and 10 pm on the weekends, that is, if you are allowed out. For now I am in charge of who may leave and who may not. On school nights curfew is 7 pm. Unless you inform myself otherwise, it will be expected that you join us for dinner, lunch and breakfast every day. If you do not show up for a meal, well then, good luck. If you wish, you may bring your meal back to your room, or request to have it brought to you. You may request things of maids and butlers, but they are allowed to refuse unreasonable ones, or if they feel any danger to themselves. Smoking is prohibited indoors, and those who smoke will have the choice to be put on a regime to quit, or will have them confiscated from them." She could hear the outcries of protest from some of the crowd, but she continued on, "along with your things you will find other amenities like new clothing in your rooms. Rooms have already been assigned, so there is no point in whining. Boys, please go up the staircase to my right, girls to my left, the maids and butlers will gladly show you to your rooms." She paused for a second, before continuing on, "I need to have Aloe Max, Alexander Rose, Ryan Devine and," she named the last person, Ryan's right hand, "meet me up here, and I will show you to your rooms, personally." She looked down at her little sister, "don't worry, it will be alright. You should go with Lance to your room, alright?" She looked up and nodded to one of their best butlers, who offered his hand to Lilly.
Aloe looked around at the others and still eyeballing those of the other gang.They never got along at all."So what you're saying"he said now focusing his attention to the girl"You're going to suck the life out of us right?"he asked the girl."None of my boys are going anywhere near those weaklings over there."he stated to the girl.Eventually he did walk up there to where the girl was.Still keeping his distance away from the other people.
Alexander nodded his head at the girl's intructions, still smiling. He walked to where he was told, sticking close to his boss. He hoped that there wouldn't be any violence, but if there was, he would defend his leader. He was by no means a violent person, but he would fight when those he cared for were threatened.
Sam stood by himself near the back of the group. He studied each person warily. It was evident that they weren't going to get along. He sighed heavily. Whose brilliant idea was it to put two different gangs in the same place anyways? When Sam realized his name had not been mentioned, he sighed again and slowly climbed up the stairs to the girl's right. He looked over his shoulder to the people who had to be escorted. Although they all didnt get along he knew they at least had some one to have their back. Sam was alone... as usual.
ardetha was sighing in relief as one of the gangs was moved up, she couldnt handle all of this. the fighting mostly and she felt sick to her stomach, she hadnt been in a building quite this large in well...well ever! she leaned against the wall, she hasn't eaten anything in about a weak and she was exhausted. she was trying to steal some food when the police caught her and they sure didnt give her anything and it took away all her energy just walking in here.


draven flinched as they called his gang up and he cursed silently to himself, while walking up he pulled his hood over his head and tucked his much longer hair then before into his hood. he was hoping she wouldnt recognize him, i mean its been awhile hes gotten older, taller, stronger. but shes a smart one he knows that..and it would only be a matter of time. hopefully his new last name would throw her can hope.
Sam looked over the railing and noticed a girl standing by the wall alone. He smiled at her then realized she probably wasnt paying attention and walked to his room quietly.
ardetha wanted to go to her room..she figured she wasnt important so they would have no reason to stick around in the foyer. she asked a maid if she could point her in the direction of the rooms since she wasnt feeling well. the maid nodded and they walked the halls for abit, "your room is right down there to the left..if you feel any worse let us know." she smiled and it seemed genuine but she wasnt sure. as she walked down the hall she started to realize just how bad she felt, she had a hand on the wall and her vision was starting to blur. next thing she knew she tripped and landed on the floor with a thump.

Ryan snarled in portest, slowly making her way to Lillette. Her face heated up terribly. The entire walk to her room, she questioned Lillette. "When's breakfast? Are people out there allowed to visit me? When can I leave? Why do I need to be shown to my room?" She asked as if she was a special detective, investigating a crime.
Sam heard the girl trip and fall in the hallway and turned to look at her. He had an internal debate to decide whether to help her or not. In the end he decided it wouldnt hurt. Sam slowly approached the girl. "Are you alright?"
ardetha whimpered abit as she rubbed her face, she looked up dizzily at the boy and once she could see him clearly she flinched and tried sitting up only to crumple back down. "i-im sorry..i dont mean to cause..trouble f-for anyone.." she hadnt talked to anyone in a long time and she was a bit scared but he didnt seem like a threat to her personally.
Sam looked down at the girl obviously concerned. "No trouble caused... I just want to know if youre alright. Which, I mean I can tell that youre not. So I just want to help you or I mean if you want my help.." Sam blushed. Sam knew he was rambling but he couldnt really control it.
ardetha managed a smile, he was nice to her..thats all she needed to know that he wasnt any danger to her. "i-if its really not much trouble..i could use some help." it was kinda cute how talked so much, it was refreshing to actually have some TO talk to in the first place and since he was here he was obviously not part of the gangs so one more trouble out of the way.
(It's all good xD )

Lilliette waited for the four to come to her. She had been given the names and pictures of each, along with a very brief summary of them. Mostly about how they were volatile and how she shouldn't be alone with any of them. She didn't care, at least not at the time, when she only saw their faces. Now when the first two of the four came up, she could see why. One was smiling, and she didn't feel the least bit intimidated by him. The other, however... Well let's put it this way. For the last four years, she had only really met prissy rich boys. This... this was a true man.

Unfortunately, he was not happy to see her. She smiled at him, "if these rules will suck the life out of you, then I dare you to try growing up with them." As the girl, Ryan Devine, came up, obviously angered, with her side kick, Lilliette nodded and started to head for the elevator, which was held open for her and the deliquients. "This way, please."

All up the elevator she was endlessly questioned. "All in due time, Ms. Devine. But first we must discuss another matter entirely." A butler was present in the elevator, and she whispered something to him, "Albert, send some tea up to my room, my stomach is in a terrible knot right now..." The butler nodded. They got off the elevator, and Lilliette lead them to double doors, "We shall have our chat in here, and after I will answer your questions." She opened the doors of the room, her room, and allowed them all inside. It was a gorgeous room, with a couch and two chairs in the center, along with a few other amenities like a piano and two doors that lead to her bedroom and bathroom, and windowed doors lead to the balcony. "Please take a seat," she said, sitting down in the middle of the couch.
Sam took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "Ok how can I help? Do you need help up? Or food or something? You look starved.. Have you had anything to eat in a while?" Sam offered his hand to her.

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