Sharing the Manor

draven had his arms folded in the elevator watching everyone and watching her. he was dedicated to his gang, would even die for them but his sister meant everything to him and if they tried something he wouldnt hesitate to to do something to them. he didnt want to speak, just get to his room and figure this sh*t out and possibly find a way out. he knew his boss would love that, and plus he wanted a f*ck*ng smoke and knew he was not planning on quitting anytime soon. 
ardetha took his hand and managed to get up, she blushed at the question..what would she say..what would someone think of her, she used to see peoples faces when she slept on the ground and rummaged through garbage for things to make bedding out of..disgusted. " havent eaten in well..awhile" she looked down to hide her her shame if that was even possible.
As soon as she got up, Sam quickly let go of her hand and took a step back. "Thats unfortunate. Im sure the kitchen is open to us though.. Or we can get a butler to bring you something if thats what you prefer." He was embarrassed about asking her that question it seemed to be a touchy subject."
"i-i..dont know..being around people makes me nervous, and its hard to talk to p-people" she leaned against the wall and looked at him hoping she wasnt causing to much trouble for him or making a bad first impression. "im sure..i can atleast last till they call everyone, ya know?" she smiled lightly at him.
Aloe looked at the girl and smirked.He rolled his eyes at the girl"Why don't you shut up and stop your complaining."he said to her.He huffed and went into the elevator and of course standing on the side away from everyone except the member of his gang.When the girl told her to sit down he stood up over on the wall and looked at everyone that was in the room.No way was he sitting near them let alone even live with them.

Lilly ran into the room where her sister was and hopped up on her lap and looked at the other people.She didn't want to miss out on the fun and also she didn't want to be without her sister."I want to stay with you Lillie"she said quietly to her older sister.
(I have to go soon :P )

Sam shrugged and smiled slightly. "Well if you need me I'll be here." He turned and walked to his room. Sam suddenly realized the girl didn't know his name. "Sam by the way." He called over his shoulder as he continued to walk away. For some reason he found the girl intriguing.
" names ardetha, its been a pleasure meeting you sam" she smiled and made her way to her room where she flopped onto the bed with a sigh. goal number one, interact complete. she hoped she would get to see him again soon now that she finally knew someone. 
(aaww one les rplayer x0)
Alexander stood near his boss, still smiling. He waited for the girl to speak, knowing full well what the reason was. With two rival gangs in the house, there were bound to be problems. He really didn't have a problem with the other gang's presence and he would only act out of line when his gang was threatened.

As he looked around the room, Alexander's face lot up when he saw the piano. While he hated his previous lifestyle, he absolutely loved the piano. He would spend everyday playing the piano and violin, for which he soon became known as a prodigy. He hadn't even seen one since he ran away and seeing the piano made him really happy.
Rebecca watched as people filed out of the foyer one-by-one. She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear before searching for her new room. The atmosphere - the architecture, not the people - of the manor calmed her, everything about it the complete opposite of her last residence. It was quiet unlike the building filled with yelling, moans, and sobs. It was clean, free from broken needles and used-

She stopped in her steps, squeezing her eyes shut. 'Quit thinking about it,'she scolded herself before continuing onward,'It's all over now.' She finally stopped in front of one of doors in the hallway, her best guess being that it was a bedroom inside. She twisted the doorknob and pushed inside.

A comfy queen-sized bed. Sunshine pouring past the window curtains. A smell of welcome, of a new home. Rebecca cracked the first genuine smile in who-knew-how-long before fully entering the room. Her hands roamed over everything with a gentle touch, as if they would disappear if frightened.
Sam entered his room and closed the door gently. He frowned as he looked around. It wasn't as if the room didn't meet his expectations it was just that it was pretty.. well bland. Sam scratched his head ass he thought. Maybe later he could ask that girl who seemed to be in charge if he could at least paint the walls a different color.

His guitar sat propped against the wall and he eyed it. My guitar? They actually brought it? He approached the guitar and inspected it closer. The small scratch was still on the neck of the guitar and he nodded as if approving of it. The instrument had been with him his entire journey and he felt as if no other guitar would do. Sam sat on the floor and stared at his room.
ardetha closed her eyes, finally being able to just lay steady and look around her new room. its was beyond what she hoped for, a bed for one and its was just the right tempurture which meant no more late nights in the snow. she turned over and gasped..reaching over to the little table near the bed she grabbed a dogs they found this she doesnt know but right now she was at peace.

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