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Shaparita Academy

"Towa...?" Mrs. Keyes knocked on the door and was answered... "Leave me alone!" Towa shouted. Mrs. Keyes sighed.
Alexis was taken back by Towa's yell but she pushed that aside. "Um..Towa...?" Alexis called out to him, "It's Alexis..."
"Um...well... I was worried so I asked if I could tag along with your mom," Alexis said and knock on the door, "can I come in?" The waited, "please...?"
Towa got up and unlocked the door. "I'll leave you two alone while I'm making dinner." Mrs. Keyes headed downstairs,
Alexis hugged him. She wanted to ask how it happened but she was afraid that she'll make the situation worst that it already was.
Alexis could feel her cheek heating up when Towa pulled her closer to him. She didn't complain, it made her feel...safe for some unknown reason.
"Anyways... Thanks for coming here... Alexis..." Towa said, finally smiling as he continued to hold Alexis's close.
"It's okay," Alexis gave him the best smile she could. Even thought she was smiling, on the inside she felt sad that she won't be seeing him at school anymore.
"I'll be homeschooled but you can visit me if you ask my mom for a ride or something..." Towa said, giving out a smile.

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