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Fantasy Shallow Waters- Character creation

Character Submission!

Name: Coran Slander


Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): Assasin, Demi-god

Appearance: His appearance is rather fluidly dark. His skin is translucent. He is slender and armed with two saber crossing over his back and several other implements in various pouches on his person. Dressed in complete black-leather armor, he sports deep black hair and eyes. Even his facial features are fluid changing from handsome to dark and sinister. 

Personality: His personality like his appance is completely based on his circumstance. When needed, he can be gallant and a perfect gentleman. When he so desired, he can be a cold hearted killer ruthlessly murder. He is very smart and cunning which balance his ruthlessness. He has a soft spot however for orphans like himself. 

Strengths: Controlling shadows and his face, he is nearly invisible. He is a master of assassination because of his abilities.

Weaknesses: All out fights are his weakness. He would never engage of his own free will in a sword fight 

Backstory: A union between a low level god and an rogue assassin led to his untimely birth. Exhibiting destructive traits, his parents abandoned him to the streets. However, he rose above the streets to become a dangerous man utilizing his cunning and gifts. Despising the gods who care not for mankind, he seeks to move against them. 

Laurence Albert Waymen





Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc):



Law is quite knowledgeable in medicine and in fighting. 


Law tends to have horrible luck, and those around him tend to get some bad mojo too.




Law is often seen as a sarcastic and narcissistic asshole, with a crude sense of humor. He often mocks people to prevent himself from creating any relationships. Although Law often glares at others, he also seems to always help people whether or not they asked for his help. Law may seem like a total and utter asshole, but that's only because that's what he wants you to see. Under the surface Law is a kind, caring, and helpful asshole. He's also often seen eating an apple, because he once heard only assholes eat apples all the time.






-he's a slut for strawberries



-old people (they kind of scare him)



-people getting too close


Law was born into a healthy and happy family; his father was a blacksmith and his mother was a clumsy baker. His family was poor, but they were happy, after all his mother and father adored Law and each other. Law's father would kiss his wife and son goodbye before leaving for work and Law's mother would take her son to work with her. Law loved to help his mother bake breads, pies, cake galore! Although his favorites were always bread.

When Law turned eight his mother asked Law what he wanted for his birthday dinner. The young boy thought long and hard before saying home made bread with gumbo (gumbo is like a hot pot that you put left overs into). His mother smiled telling her boy if he wanted that, she'd make that. She skillfully made the gumbo, only adding in the foods her son loved, before she started to make the bread. As his mother went to make the bread, she realized they were out of yeast. She quickly changed into clean clothes and started walking to the store with Law. Law skipped ahead a few steps and kicked a rock like it was a soccor ball, which made in land in the middle of the crosswalk. The naive young boy darted into the middle of the crosswalk before checking for oncoming traffic. His mother saw a truck heading straight for her son. She ran onto the crosswalk and throw Law onto the safe sidewalk before she herself was hit by a car.

It took years for Law to function properly after that. When he was twelve he functioned enough for his loving father to bring him to work on a weekend. Law quietly sat on a stool, letting his father work in peace. His father glanced up at Law, causing him to accidentally strike his own hand with a hammer, breaking every bone in his hand. Law jumped up to help his father, but it was too late. His father dropped the hammer and clutched his injured hand. He backed up into the forge and fell when his son jumped up, his son had spooked him. The boy had tried to put out the fire his father fell into, but it was too late.

After the death of his father Law made a couple of friends, all but one died, Andie. 

Other/Special Info:

Law started to carry the first sword his father ever made in order to never forget him. Law learned how to forge weapons, just as his father did, but Law couldn't make a weapon without thinking of his father. Law also hated bread after his mother died. He blamed himself and his love for bread so he vowed to never eat another slice of bread.


Lily-Brianna Yoddlestern  







Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc):

Demi-God (Daughter of Sinon- god of spying) 


Libby can serve as a spy for Law. She can link their minds so she can experience whatever Law is experiencing and vise versa. (Hear, smell, feel, see, and taste)


Libby cannot go long periods of time using her slight ability, it leaves her weak with a migraine. 




Libby is very childish and bubbly. Libby loves to help and compliment people. Don't let her sweet exterior fool you though. She's very cunning and manipulative. Libby tends to get into trouble because she can't help but get her self involved in almost anything interesting enough. The only person she's kind of willing to listen to is Law, but she often does what ever she wants.




-Fooling others



-Her mother

-All gods

-Sinon in particular 

-Unnecessary pain


Libby was born into a rather rough situation. Her father, Sinon, had raped her mother, thus producing Libby. Although Libby's mother, Rosanne, didn't love nor care for the girl, she was forced to give birth to the girl. The rapist father, Sinon, had wanted to see his daughter before her left her side (forever). Sinon loved his dear Libby to pieces, however, his duty as a god was much larger than his love for his only child. With one final kiss, he left his only love behind with no intention of ever seeing her again. 

After Sinon left, Rosanne neglected all of Libby's needs. Libby wasn't her daughter in her eyes. The girl looked nothing like the mother, and she was just the bitter result of a rape. Rosanne couldn't force her self to at least pretend to love the girl. 

In Rosanne's eyes, the girl should be quite, get good grades, and stay out of her way. If she failed to do so, Rosanne would beat and/or neglect Libby. Libby wasn't naive enough to still love the monster that she called a mother. In fact, she hated her mother. Almost as much as she hated the man that created her and abandoned her. Libby would smile and try to please her mother during the day, but by night she was plotting her mother's murder. She was sick and tired of living like this. She wanted it to end. 

One day when Libby was eight she and her mother went to the local farmer's market, and her mother was suddenly enraged by something ridiculous when she went to strike Libby. The girl stood there with a blank look, she knew no one would help. They never did. Right before the woman's fist connected with Libby's face, a boy stopped her.

"It's not right to hit a child." He snapped.

Rosanne snarled at the boy, "Who are you to tell me how to discipline it?"

The boy chuckled. "It? Is she even your child?" 

"She's not my child, she's just my obligation." 

"Then I'll take care of her." The boy promised. Rosanne hesitated before agreeing to abandon her daughter. She didn't want to anger Sinon, but she figured if Sinon really cared, he would have done something by then. 

Libby hated the boy she later knew as Law too, for a long time, however; two years was long enough for Libby to grow to understand Law and care for him just as much as he cared for her. She knows about Law's past as her knew her's, together they were quite the pair.

Other/Special Info:

Libby my act childish but she has very sophisticated thoughts and ideals.
Name: Anabelle

Gender: F

Species: Human.. Assassin?


Personality: Annabelle is very timid and shy. She can often be described as a "nervous wreck", and she apologizes far too much. She stutters, is easily scared, and would not fit the description of the typical assassin.

SOUL BOUND: Annabelle is soul bound to NAMELESS (Below). A giant mystical construct left behind by an angered and cast-out god of old. She's also soul bound to the various artifact monsters she has collected during her travels. Annabelle can become in-sync with the monsters she summons, allowing her (and only her) to control and command them. She also gains one ability because of her soul bound connection with NAMELESS.
WONDER BARRIER: Because she is soul bound to NAMELESS, and as long as Annabelle is within a small distance of NAMELESS... she radiates an aura that protects her from any ability she herself does not possess. For example, if somebody was to try and cast a fire spell onto Annabelle, because Annabelle does not possess the ability to cast a fire spell of any kind, the casted ability is nullified by wonder barrier. 

Weaknesses: SOUL BOUND: If NAMELESS dies, Annabelle dies.
WONDER BARRIER: Annabelle will stop emitting Wonder Barrier if taken out of range from NAMELESS. Wonder Barrier also does not protect Annabelle from hand-to-hand combat attacks, so if an opponent is stronger than Annabelle, they can overpower her easily.

Annabelle is always hesitant to use a monster artifact other than NAMELESS. She possesses little confidence in her abilities to control them.
Annabelle is incredibly weak by herself. Without the strength of NAMELESS or other Monsters, Annabelle will most likely die.

Backstory: A miner since she could swing a pickax, Annabelle has been working deep underground with malnutrition, bad air, and the works for all her life... or at least, until she accidentally discovered NAMELESS. Since that point, she has been travelling across the globe in search of creature artifacts, left behind on earth. Unbeknownst to her, she's actually fulfilling a prophecy that spans back generations. 



(Annabelle for scale)

Personality: NAMELESS is a valiant and strong construct, knowing no fear. It will often rush into unpredictable situations (much to the despair of Annabelle).

Strengths: WONDER BARRIER: NAMELESS emits an aura so powerful and strange that it has often been associated with extreme balance. Wonder Barrier protects NAMELESS from abilities that it does not possess itself. This limits nameless to it's only form of attacking, swinging it's stone arms at opponents.

Weaknesses: SLOW. NAMELESS is normally very slow. At best, it can only manage a trot. It's attacks are pretty slow as well. If you so wanted, you could probably dodge it for quite some time.
NAMELESS cannot swim. It is far too heavy. 

SOUL BOUND: If Annabelle dies, NAMELESS dies.

Backstory: NAMELESS was left behind by a vengeful outcast from the land of the gods. It was made specifically to destroy the gods, and the hope of the outcast was that NAMELESS would be discovered by a valiant knight capable of leading NAMELESS (and the other monsters left behind) to victory against them.
Unfortunately, Nameless had been buried by the sands of time and was not discovered by some valiant knight or hero... but by Annabelle, a timid miner-girl. Becoming Soul-Bound to Annabelle, NAMELESS believes in her fully. It believes that there is hope for her to become a great hero among the humans in the final days.

If there's anything I need to improve on, i'd be happy to fix it.

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Name: Coactus, God of Time

Gender: Male

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): God


Personality: Absolutely fearless. Nothing has scared nor surprised him for eternity for he has seen it all. Coactus often stays out of wars, and other affairs regarding the time-line, but the humans have stolen his ability to travel through time, and he has set his sights on helping the gods win the battle.

Strengths: Coactus can predict any event that comes his way, and remembers with absolute clarity what he has witnessed, or what has happened throughout time.

Weaknesses: Time Travel. When someone uses time travel to fight him, or even uses it for other reasons, his ability to keep watch of there timelines can be damaged for years. or even, all of time.

Backstory: When Coactus came to be, so did seven cylindrical tubes, each containing a small "Time Gear". Using the power of these time gears, he is capable of manipulating time, and bending it to his will, in ways he sees fit. He kept track of all timelines, able to view each and every one of them for trillions of years.

When Farazia's plan to take control of the mysterious power that was held within the Earth's core, the humans wanted to fight back, and save their race from falling to the gods. A select few humans, no, thieves entered Coactus' realm, and took off with three of his Time Gears. Coactus took pursuit, chasing them through the timeline. He had sat out of the war, once more watching as Farazia made her final moves to take the core. The humans were going to lose, and Coactus would have watched had they not gone to bend time in their favor. Without the full power of his Time Gears, Coactus only made it back to the middle of the war, around the time Farazia was still plotting how to fulfill her plans. He was still capable of catching short glimpses of the near future and the past, however, because the humans time traveled, his vision within the time line was damaged tremendously, and he lost all memory of the outcome to the war.

The only fragment of information Coactus could recall, was that the humans now harnessed the power of time, and would likely stop at nothing to eliminate every god, including him.

(I understand this sounds OP for obvious reasons, but I just figured I should make a god character. o,o And what better way of doing that than to create an idea for how the humans obtained the ability to warp time, and I am not a godmodder. I think through stuff and find the best way to handle situations, without destroying the RP .3.)
@Wick It's a tricky one, to say the least. I think it would be okay though, as long as he doesn't suddenly decide to destroy the world and no one can stop him :P





The Horseman of Death




Horseman of the Apocalypse



Standing at the height of 6'6" with broad shoulders, and excellent physical condition. The stump where his head is supposed to lie remains coagulated with blood. The top of his spinal vertebrae still visible. Wears an old military suit, dating back to the British Redcoats, dirtied and covered with old crimson flecks from previous victims which have fallen to his axe. Yet the axe heats to such a degree, that most wounds do not have blood splatter.


Incredibly rageful at his own humiliation, due to the battle of his beheading. The horseman is mostly a puppet of the Goddess Farazia, yet somewhat retains scraps of emotion and memory from a previous life that can invade any current moment. Occasionally, witnessing certain sights, sounds and smells can have him flashback to a specific moment. As a Horseman of the Apocalypse, Death managed to personify him literally, thus giving him the instinct to kill. Alas, without his head the Horseman cannot reach his full power, giving him his unique method of murder, by decapitating his enemies. Due to all his pent up anger, he can no longer reason with his victims, many attempting only to fail. 
But there is a man, still lurking within the shell of his being.


An extension of Death herself

Still retains his own thought and functions

Only those who can see his spiritual form can communicate efficiently

Amazing resilience, and cannot perish till Farazia does



Being contained in proper circumstances that can halt him

The last dredges of his humanity

Blood tied to Farazia, thus has no real fate nor lifeline

His missing head.


Not much is known. He remembers laughter, flowers, the scent of rosewater and blemishless skin. Then the stench of gunpowder and war. Blood. 


His head, tumbling away, and the dissatisfaction of his mistress.

And yet there is a child in his dreams. Sweet and innocent. Untouchable by his raging pain, untouchable by Farazia.

Yet the tiny angel is too far away, and he must obey. 

Then I looked and saw a pale horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed close behind. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the beasts of the earth.




I thought horsemen were not allowed tho.. o,o or am I thinking of another RP O,o idk.. srry, carry on ;-;
I thought horsemen were not allowed tho.. o,o or am I thinking of another RP O,o idk.. srry, carry on ;-;


Shhh mah child, I made sure to ask c; 
Name: Mellissa, Goddess of Truth and Law

Gender: Female 

Species: Goddess

Appearance: image.jpeg

Personality: Warm, caring, yet, like the Law, is firm and sometimes wrathful. 

Strengths: Teleportation, magic blast, the power to move things and people at will, more or less. She can see through lies. Can trap people in cages for a short time. 

Weaknesses: Her affections for Dar'vange makes her a target for those who despise him. She also has a soft spot for children and is weak to physical damage. 

Backstory: As the Goddess of Law she has worked with Dar'vange to distribute Judgement among Mortals and gods alike. She maintains her realm of prisons for those who do wrong, but are too powerful to be killed. As they continued to work she eventually fell in love with Dar'vange, but to this day is unsure of how he feels. She has saved his hide multiple times already and vise versa. 

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I decided I might as well apply a character idea I had to this.

Name: Hurseppel, God/dess of lies, deceit, delusion, and falseness.

Gender: Presents themself as different genders, depending on who they are with, and usually to trick others. Doesn't have a "default" gender.

Species (God, Demi-God, Assassin, etc): God/dess.

Appearance: Their appearance shifts as they please. However, they tend to wear yellow robes in most forms, which can be a giveaway.

Personality: Hurseppel is manipulative, deceptive, and compulsively dishonest and disloyal, even to the other gods. Has, generally, been outcasted and looked down upon by the rest of the pantheon -- however, they cannot be taken away from power, as they are essential to the natural balance of humanity. Cruel, callous, and amused by others' shortcomings, they frequently play nasty tricks on mortals, for reasons ranging from humor to sadistic interest in suffering. However, they are unable to form close relationships as a result of this chronic antisociality. This has lead to many occasions where they need help from the other gods, but is unable to get it.

Strengths: Cunning, charming, (superficially) sweet, cutesy, and sociable. Able to manipulate and seduce others.

Weaknesses: Cannot form actual bonds with others, human or not, and is prone to outbursts of rage when they don't get what they want. Acts similar to a spoiled brat in that they are prone to begging. Can be easily swayed and attracted to people. By far their most prominent weakness is flora -- they cannot be near plantlife without becoming severely weak and exhausted. Also is somewhat of a coward and weakling in combat, and, when it boils down to it, has a hard time taking a life with their own hands.

Backstory: Hurseppel was formed along with the rise of humanity. They say that they first came into being at the first lie man has told. Ever since, they have aided countless conflicts, from personal rivalries to full-blown war. On multiple occasions, they were threatened to be dethroned, but this was inevitably overruled by the simple fact that humanity needed lies to function.

They are amused by assassins, seeing them as pawns in her ultimate game of deception.

Edit: Just noticed that the post above is the goddess of truth.

Irony is wonderful.
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