[Shadows of Nexus] Tavern Talk

Well the ST did say that shouldn't discourage the rest of us from posting, so by all means let's get to it for all I care *bark*

I just wanna play. Get bored here just waiting around... :/
Sorry, sorry, I was busy with something else yesterday, and anyways, in Sky's defence, seriously, App 4 + App 5 in the same room together? I'm surprised nothing's caught on fire or a sudden ray of light strikes the window in such a way that the entire room has a rainbow-hued atmosphere.
Sorry for the delays. I've had lots of stuff going on that's been taking my attention. I should be able to move this along later on tonight or tomorrow morning when I get back home :)
Sad day. Definitely hit alazair up if you need help with mechanics or me if you need help with the character itself. My newbness is more on the crunch than the lore.
And posted...I hope that I didn't go too overboard.

Sorry for the wait, but Alazair and I were working on my character sheet, I had made a buttload of mistakes. >.<

Now to work on the back stories of everything on Sky's sheet. T-T
Just some questions about a custom artifact.

I also meant to ask about mass combat because War is one of the poorly executed abilities that does suffer the same overlap as other Dawn abilities.
Shoot me the questions in a pm. I'll answer to the best of my ability and get answers otherwise from alazair.
I'm terribly sorry for all the delays. The holidays, in combination with some personal matters that suddenly arose have kept me far busier than I had anticipated and so I haven't been able to do more than glance at the responses here. Luckily now that the holidays are over, I should be able to keep up with this just fine :)
Apologies for my slowness. I have lost that initial spark I had in the start, much due to how long it took to get things going in the first place - and I am somewhat of an impatient wolf - but I'm not giving up that easy *bark*

Also, a second main thread? Is this official? (since it wasn't Alazair who posted, and it seems our characters were sort of warped ahead without any redundant questions)
PirateLexi said:
I'm used to each scene being a new thread.
Seriously? I mean... taking that theory into practice in my Amaranth RP, we'd have like twenty main threads and the game is perhaps a quarter way done... So a hundred threads per a long-running game? Wow.

I like condensing things. Specifically in RPing, I translate it into a book with logical chapters. However, each author to their own, eh? :D *bark*
Hey folks, I'm sorry but I'm going to be a little late with my reply, it'll be pretty involved, but I'm rushing to finish up some assignments here at the same time. At best, I'll probably have be able to post something on Friday...here's to hoping.
Yeah, I wasn't very clear with my response about how to post. I'm not gonna have a new thread for every scene, but I think I'll probably have a new one for each major location, so the thread that Lexi created will become one of those. The location threads will be treated much like the location threads are treated in Astrum, with a link to them from the Main thread whenever the story leads to that location. I'm still kinda deciding how I wanna do it, but I can move and reorganize things later I guess once I figure out exactly how I wanna have it organized.
Guys, I am terribly sorry. I took a long hiatus due to the holidays/sickness/and plain ol lack of inspiration and I kinda forgot about this thread, but I still wanna play and help you all out with your first Exalted game. I posted a draft of my character sheet, is still missing a few things but I'll add and fix those bits tomorrow morning, basically she's your archetypical wandering healer that in a pinch can whip out some serious kung fu to whoop your ass, her attacks are not very damaging but she is no damsel in distress, and I reckon she can put quite a fight against most. That aside, she is the most compassionate person you'll ever meet, throwing aside all comfort and commodity in order to help those in need.
Glad to see you back! Your character seems interesting and fills a gap in the capabilities of the party. I haven't yet looked over the sheet in detail, though I did notice both a rank 4 Art and Manse... We'll have to discuss those (especially the Manse) over the next few days to determine the exact nature of those wonders, how they were acquired, and any history they might have. I usually require that anything above rank 3 has a history and at least some small fame associated with it, which can bring both positive and negative attention to the owner of such rarities.

Also, I do believe I'm going to have to start insisting that people post at least once every 3 days. As it is now, Wolf hasn't posted in 5 and Foolish hasn't posted in 6. When there are only three active players, that really slows the game down to such a crawl that people become no longer interested in playing, and I simply can't allow that. If you need more than 3 days to make a post due to some upcoming event, just tell me and it's fine, but barring extenuating circumstances like that, there's no reason a post can't be made at least that often.
You are absolutely right, Alazair. I shall make an effort to remedy my recent laziness - starting from right now. Wolf's apologies *howl*
Alazair said:
Glad to see you back! Your character seems interesting and fills a gap in the capabilities of the party. I haven't yet looked over the sheet in detail, though I did notice both a rank 4 Art and Manse... We'll have to discuss those (especially the Manse) over the next few days to determine the exact nature of those wonders, how they were acquired, and any history they might have. I usually require that anything above rank 3 has a history and at least some small fame associated with it, which can bring both positive and negative attention to the owner of such rarities.
I'm working on my backgrounds now, coming up with a feasible and cool explanation on how did I acquire such items, I'll have it ready for review tonight hopefully.

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