[Shadows of Nexus] Tavern Talk

If youre having activity issues, Im an avid gamer/exalted addict . Im new to the online stuff. I joined this site just to try it for the first time. If youve got room, I am in.
If foolish doesnt post soon I'm moving the thread along. But I believe there are a couple openings, I'll let Alazair know you're interested. He's busy moving right now so may not see this lol
Hey gang, sorry about the MIA.

I got ambushed by some last minute schoolwork and yeah...got really wiped out in the process. Gonna get to posting as soon as I can.
PirateLexi said:
If foolish doesnt post soon I'm moving the thread along. But I believe there are a couple openings, I'll let Alazair know you're interested. He's busy moving right now so may not see this lol
I believe there's at least 1 opening, since we were originally supposed to be a Perfect Circle *bark*
Yeah, Alazair is trying to hunt down our night caste to find out if they still want to play. If not, that's what's going to be free.
[QUOTE="Wolf Rawrrr]@Foolish13 - I feel like my character is supposed to comment in reply to what yours said, but I don't think I understand properly :/ *bark*


And this is what happens when I forget to finish my character's history...

Sky led some refugees through the deserts of the South trying to find a safe place for them in an attempt to do something right for once because he was in one of the armies that was involved in the conflict that caused the movement of said refugees. At some point though, he gave himself and the refugees up to a caravan of slavers so that they could survive and he began working on gaining the trust of said slavers and having them treat the refugees better than they would have otherwise until they reached Great Forks where he was sent to get the money owed to the slavers for the new slaves. Instead, Sky managed to use that same money to buy the slaves and free them, and when he did so, he exalted right there in front of the gates of Great Forks.
Damn go to work and an entire conversation happens haha. I'll be posting my reply after I get home in about two hours
Ok my character background is complete, it's left purposely vague after her Exaltation, as I kinda wanna leave some space for mystery and fit some details with Alazair, it will be easy to rationalize that the mother and child she saved during her Exaltation left being witnesses of her Second Breath, and might or might not have spread word of a new Anathema in town....
Ok I'm hopefully back... I was moving, and in the process of doing so, I lost access to my computer and probably won't regain use of it for an indeterminate amount of time... Certainly not in the foreseeable future.

I've also had issues with my phone not functioning (or charging) and so have had to replace it, which prevented me from even being on Skype or checking this site at all.

Due to these circumstances, among others, I've been unable to easily check information in the various pdf books I have to give the requested lore or post any replies here. I intend to do what I can to post and give the needed info over the next day or so.
I'm sorry for not replying but this time I have an excuse.

I figured my character should have at least something to say about Hollows, if not more given her past and abilities, however - I have looked but cannot find even a single page about Hollows on the Internet. I asked Alazair over skype but he said he needs to brush up on his knowledge in that regard as well. In the meantime, I don't want to post my character saying "Nope, I'm clueless." so that's why I haven't posted anything.
Same here. I'm waiting for Alazair and I know things are rough for him right now so I'm being patient.
Yeah it got us to a standstill but what can you do, it was a legitimate and pretty logical question to be made *bark*

Funny, for a game that's been around for a long time and has so many manuals, Exalted sure leaves a heavy impression of being unfinished and overly complicated. I'd think it'd be more refined and have more useful information at hand.

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