[Shadows of Nexus] Tavern Talk

Posted up Character Sheet, not quite finished though, just the Character Appearance, History, Artifact Backgrounds, and Names to go.
Sorry it's taking me some time to finish my sheet, I've been a bit busy lately at work and arranging a quick trip I need to make by the end of the week, but I should have it ready soon.
First, sorry about any delays I may be causing. I've been really busy the past couple days, and will probably be a bit busy tomorrow as well, but I should be able to make a post to get this started within a couple days. That will allow the people who have their characters ready to post, and give those who don't time to get ready.

Second, I have absolutely no idea how to do something like that haha xD
To avoid spamming the character thread, I'll share my opinion on the custom demon.

I think they're a bit unbalanced, a Parry DV of 10 means that any starting Solar needs to devote his resources to get a combat pool of at least 10 to even be able to hit them, if you want more certainty than that, you would need a pool of 15-20. That means that if you don't max out Dex and one combat skill, you're better off not trying.

Additionally, I see they have Infinite Mastery of Melee as part of their charms, correct me if I'm wrong but iirc spirits can't get that particular Solar exclusive charm, as it is not an Excellency, but rather a General Solar charm.
Alazair said:
First, sorry about any delays I may be causing. I've been really busy the past couple days, and will probably be a bit busy tomorrow as well, but I should be able to make a post to get this started within a couple days. That will allow the people who have their characters ready to post, and give those who don't time to get ready.
Second, I have absolutely no idea how to do something like that haha xD
I'd say just get something going to introduce us three (and if Laefar has anything I can at least mention his character :D )
It's not so much a head start as it is a chance for those who are done to post something and have their characters meet (if they don't already know each other) while waiting for others to finish their chars...

As for the Szmiya, I agree with Lord-Leafar in that they feel a fair bit too powerful. Hence my removal of the +2 DV bonus. In regards to Infinite Melee Mastery, I'm not certain either, but I believe Lord-Leafar is correct as not even all Exalts have access to it. Barring those two issues (which are easily fixed by simply removing them), I believe the Szmiya would be acceptable unless there's something else I've missed in skimming through.
Alright then. But just to let you know, it is trivially easy for the DB's to get rolls that will kill the PCs. With excellencies they usually get around 10 sux per attack. If you do decided to downgrade the PCs, keep that in mind.
The campaign you're mentioning is decidedly a fair bit higher powered than this one is... A DB, even with maxed out traits, would be getting 5 + 5 + 3 + 8 + 4(ish) = 25 dice, costing 4m to do it... A "normal" (by which, I mean stats that were chosen for RP purposes and not minmaxing) DB would be getting about 3 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 2(ish) = 17 dice, costing them 3m.

Consider that a Szmiya is designed to be a bodyguard for the Sorcerer (usually)... Using Defend Other, even a weakened Szmiya would reduce any attack by 8 successes (often stopping the "normal" DB's attack flat out), then allowing the attack to continue on to the Exalt. The Exalt would then trivially defend against even the attack made by the maxed DB by merely breathing on it. If the Sorcerer is casting, that would result in a single roll to maintain the spell. A single roll is pretty trivial. If the Sorcerer needs more defense, that Sorcerer simply summons more Szmiya. All for a cost of... Well, the Summon Demon spell and... Any (or every) random night of off-screen casting. All other costs would be regenerated by the next morning.

Edit: Also, if Stunts are counted as well, that puts it even more in favor of reducing the power of the Szmiya because of the fact that Stunts merely add dice to attacks but add directly to DV for defense.
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I'm still here, checking RPdom and this game at least 10 times per day.

I don't believe we're waiting on me, though I could post yes *bark*
Well, I was... I don't know. Waiting on other people to enter the scene? :P

Either way, apologies if it was just me - and I have taken the chance to put something up to get things rolling again ;) *bark*

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