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Graded [Shadowfen-Ryke] Shadowfen's Dungeon Dive



On the fringes of civilization, enshrouded by the mists that rolled in from the Great Continental Lake, the small, forgotten town of Shadowfen lay hidden. It was a couple of days' journey west of the bustling trade city of Azuran in Ryke, presenting a stark contrast to its prosperous neighbor. In Shadowfen, the shadows clung a bit tighter, and the nights were filled with the whispers of the unseen. Overlooked by the caravans that plied their trade between Azuran and the outer reaches of the Protectorate, the town harbored secrets as dark as the waters of the nearby lake.

The Ember Hearth Inn stood as a lone beacon of light in this dreary town, a testament to the resilience of those who called Shadowfen home. Its walls, blackened by the soot of countless hearths, had seen better days, yet it remained the heart of the town—a gathering place for the desperate, the curious, and those few adventurers bold or foolhardy enough to probe the mysteries that lay beyond.

Rumors had begun to swirl around Shadowfen, carried by the few travelers who dared venture to this remote corner of Ryke. They spoke of a dungeon, newly unearthed by a tempest that had torn through the land, its entrance revealed as if by some malevolent will. Whispers suggested it was once the sanctum of a sorcerer whose name had been lost to time, a figure of dread and power, whose experiments with the arcane and the dead were said to have twisted the very fabric of reality.

Outside, there was an open hearth, glowing with embers of burnt-out logs. Among those around the open hearth, one man stood out, given his space as the other locals chatted about their day over tankards of ale procured from inside. This man, old and wrapped in a tattered cloak, his face obscured by the flickering shadows caused by the ember's scintillation, was known to the few who dared speak with him as Morran the Cursed. Once a member of a fateful expedition into the sorcerer's sanctum, he had returned alone, his eyes haunted by what he had witnessed. Morran spoke in riddles and warnings, his voice barely a whisper, muttering to himself as he rocked back and forth over his alcohol.

A distressed woman, Mira, paced just within the inn's entrance, her gaze flitting towards the door with every creak and whisper of wind. She was the wife of one of the scouts sent from Azuran, her once vibrant face now etched with worry and sleepless nights. Mira held a crumpled note—the last message received from the scouts. Each person that entered saw her look up, pleading, "Are you a brave soul? Please, please look for the fate of my dear husband and his companions!" She held a locket in one hand, quite a nice looking one—a family heirloom with the insignia of Azuran's merchants, promising a handsome reward for their safe return or at least, news of their fate.

Leaning against the bar, a well-dressed man watched the room with a predator's keen interest. He introduced himself as Varic, a merchant with ties to Azuran's upper echelons—and its shadowy underbelly. Varic spoke of a creature or perhaps an artifact, rumored to be the key to the sorcerer's research, that had caught the attention of Azuran's black market.

Tucked away at a secluded table, a robed figure poured over ancient scrolls and tomes, their surface flickering with faint, eldritch light. This was Eldrin, a scholar of the arcane, whose obsession with the sorcerer's knowledge had led him to Shadowfen. Eldrin believed the dungeon held a library, untouched for centuries, containing the sorcerer's personal grimoires and the secrets to forbidden magic.

Near the inn's indoor fireplace, a hooded figure stood alone, staring into the flames with an intensity that suggested a deeper, unnerving focus. Known only as the Seer, this mysterious individual spoke of visions of a darkness that bled beyond the confines of the dungeon, a force that threatened to engulf Ryke in shadows. He believed the dungeon was not just a crypt for the sorcerer's remains but a seal over a rift that led to realms of unimaginable horror, which explained why he was alone by the indoor fire even on a cold night like this.

The innkeeper, a stout man with a weathered face that bore witness to many a story, shuffled between the patrons, his voice carrying over the murmur of conversations. To newcomers he nods and barks out, "Shadowfen welcomes you. May you find what you seek in its shadows, but beware, for not all that is lost yearns to be found. Listen well to the tales of old Morran but the Seer is a bit...," he said, pausing to refill a traveler's mug. "For in his madness lies wisdom. And If you have a moment, chat with dear Mira," he turned towards the anxious woman, "She needs someone with courage find her husband. No doubt the Azuran Lord Constable would be pleased as well if his scouts came back home."

You may request additional information and/or use your abilities, skills, and titles. For example, recognized adventurers could arrive with a quest for one or all of the breadcrumbs, etc.
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As the flames on the hearth flickered and embers rose with the smoke metallic footsteps gradually approached the Inn from the shadows, the light of the flames revealing Lauren's silver hair and eyes. The light from the flames glinted off of her legs as she got closer, her body not too bothered by the chilly weather with the thick long-sleeved coat she had recently bought recently. She passed the man named Morran, pausing for a moment to give a concerned glance to the former adventurer - a part of her resonating with him as she recognized the look of horror in his eyes. The momentary pause turned into an awkwardly long thousand mile stare as her mind recalled her own trauma, though a gentle bump from one of the Inns patrons walking back inside snapped her back to reality. Without saying a word to the man she turned back towards the Inns entrance and made her way inside, glancing to Mira as she desperately asked for help. Once she was inside she walked over towards the bar and took a seat, a low but long growl silently rumbling out from her stomach. She reached into one of her pockets to pull out some cash for a meal and a drink, patiently waiting as the other patrons in the room chattered away. She tried paying attention to what some of them had to say. She could hear some talking about how their day went or boasted about a monster they killed last week, though the rumors about the dungeon peaked her interest at the very least.
"Dungeons huh..." Lauren quietly mumbled to herself as she rested her head in her arms, thinking about the ruins she had barely escaped from. "I wonder if that counted as a dungeon... Probably not though. I don't think he's related to this at least, so it could be worth a shot to gather some more information about it." Lauren finished her thought as she raised her head back up, looking around to see if anyone seemed knowledgeable enough to provide some insight.

An initial glance of the room gave Lauren more questions than answers. The Innkeeper himself seemed the least likely to know about the dungeon, though his suggestion to new patrons to talk to Mira at least told her that they might know where the dungeon was. The well-kept man leaning against the bar a few seats down from where she was introduced himself to her as Veric earlier, though at the time she had just ignored him and took a seat further away from him. Though the merchant himself speculations about the dungeon seemed plausible, something about him seemed a little too shady for her taste. Then there where the two robed figures at a secluded table and the uncrowded fireplace. The one with the table full of scrolls and tomes seemed more interested in knowledge than treasure, while the other she could faintly hear spouting off theories as to what awaited adventurers in the dungeon... She had her doubts about both of them respectively. Then there was Morran, who had probably witnessed what happened inside of the dungeon itself based on his traumatized gaze and the Innkeepers words. She knew who she needed to converse with, though it would have to wait until after she had gotten some food and a drink into her stomach.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Equipped Titles: [Isekai], [Human], [Apprentice Knivesman]
Having just arrived in Ryke, and this world as a whole just a few days ago, Cook had been wandering from one place to the next, without a clear objective in mind. It didn’t help that his memory was muddled, foggy, not being able to remember a single thing about himself, besides his nickname and that he was, at some point, a pretty good cook. It was only by pure chance that his legs had brought him to the small town of Shadowfen. He couldn’t help but feel a strange nostalgia overwhelm him as he took in the dark atmosphere of the town. Still, nothing was jogged to the forefront of his nogging with said feeling.

With steady steps, the middle-aged human approached the Ember Hearth Inn, his black shoes leaving a faint trace of footprints behind him. However, before reaching the inn, Cook’s attention was caught by the open hearth where a few of the locals gathered and socialized. The human’s wizened eyes focused on a particular figure near the meeting spot who stood out from the others. While it was unknown for Cook, that man was Morran the Cursed. With a few blinks, the middle-aged human was on his way once again, towards the entrance of the inn.

It was there that a distressed woman, Mira, inquired him about something peculiar, just as she had been doing to the few other patrons who entered the establishment. Cook stopped, giving her his full attention while he listened to what was ailing her. "Wait, he's gone missin'? That's a whole heap of trouble. My thoughts are with you, ain't nothin' more crucial than family." There was a strong tug at his mind when he mentioned the word family. For whatever reason, it had an extremely deep importance to him. "Well ma'am, I reckon I wanna lend a hand with this here closure and see what in tarnation happened to your husband. What else you can spill about him and his buddies?" Cook asked, as if being compelled by a shadow of his past.


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Mentions: | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II [Lauren] | Maxxob Maxxob [Cook] |

As the darkness beyond held its silent grip on the night, a series of sharp hoarse shrieks had been steadily rising in volume as it approached the Ember Hearth Inn. While most dismissed it as some sort of creature howling in the night; whether for food, anguish, or attracting the opposite sex, others began to listen to it more acutely to feed on their curiosity. Those that did could hear something of a pattern to those calls; like a melody. They were sharp and hoarse, something like that of a bird, but mixed in it were what must be syllables... words. And there was also the subtle rapid plucking of strings that could only come from an acoustic instrument. It was a song. Not a great one admittedly, but for being rather off-tuned and a voice clearly needing a glass of water, it was unmistakable. It heralded the arrival of an ecstatic figure...

...One who was simply three feet tall and who was very... VERY... loud.

In a fury of movement, Desmond burst out of a nearby bush, seemingly blissful of his surroundings as he sung his ballad into the establishment


The lyrics were... loosely related to one another. It was like a combo of vague rhymes and jargon that were mashed on the fly at breakneck pace, which mixed with his raspy tone made it sound rather jarring. A few guests would cover their ears, grumbling over that "terrible noise", with some booing at his performance while others just put their heads down. That being said... the instrumental wasn't too bad. It honestly would've been much more bearable if the gawking raptor could just shut his trap!

Desmond, however, wouldn't care. Or rather, he was just too engrossed in his song to care. The small creature would continue to dance and sing, tapping against the ground with his sickle claw madly in tune with his beat. But as he swayed through the main mess hall lost in thought, he'd find himself rudely interrupted by the distressed woman, Mira, who inquired about what seemed to be the very topic of his song. Startled by her sudden approach, Desmond screeched loudly as he leapt several feet into the air, nearly dropping his guitar if it wasn't for the strap swung about his coat!

"Ay, ay, AY! Don't be startlin' poor ole Desmond!" the raptor screeched, flailing his feathery arms in protest. He didn't expect his ballad of sorrow to have real-life implications. But potential opportunities for business aren't something he'd pass by so easily, "Let Desmond grab somethin' to eat first! Then Desmond will talk, yez."

As the feathery raptor tapped his way towards the bar, he'd listen to the innkeeper who formally welcomed all who came to Shadowfen. He even gave a bit of insight to individuals such as old Morran - who has tales to tell - as well as dear Mira - the woman that unintentionally startled Desmond regarding her lost husband and companions - and one Azuran Lord Constable who's related to the latter companions. They sounded like very interesting folk.

But first things first; a meal and a drink to fill him up.

Leaping up to the ordering counter, Desmond clambered up as his head peeked just above the counter. "Hallo, halloz!" Desmond greeted, chirping cheerfully as he scanned the menu. Upon picking his choice, he slides the payment on the table, "One deliciousio Rabbit stew please! Also a glass of wa-wa thankz you very much, have a good'o evening-!"
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(Mundane Monster)

Nebula stood on the fringes of civilization, the mist from the Great Continental Lake curling around her like ethereal tendrils. Shadowfen lay before her, a forgotten town hidden in the shadows. The Ember Hearth Inn, with its blackened walls, stood as a lone beacon of light in the dreary landscape. The rumors of a newly unearthed dungeon had reached Nebula's ears during her travels, drawing her to this remote corner of Ryke.

The town, overlooked by the caravans traveling between Azuran and the outer reaches of the Protectorate, exuded an air of mystery and neglect. The whispers of the unseen danced through the night, and the shadows clung tighter to the buildings. Nebula, her scales shimmering faintly in the subdued light, observed the town from a distance.

The Ember Hearth Inn, a weathered structure with walls tainted by the soot of countless hearths, caught Nebula's attention. It seemed to be a gathering place for those seeking refuge or adventure in the forgotten town. From her vantage point, she watched the comings and goings, the desperate, the curious, and the few adventurers who braved the mysteries that lay beyond.

The rumors of the newly revealed dungeon had piqued Nebula's interest. As a creature drawn to challenges and the pursuit of power, the prospect of exploring a sorcerer's sanctum filled with dark experiments fueled her curiosity. She hadn't heard the rumors in Shadowfen itself but had journeyed to the town following the tales carried by travelers. Humans were a rarity in the old continent, even now they were an oddity to Nebula. She knew little about them or their customs. Little about their strengths or weaknesses. If this sorcerer truly was a strong mage, Nebula wished to see it for herself and ground her understanding of just how strong humans could get.

Positioned outside the dungeon entrance, Nebula gazed at the stone archway, revealed by the tempest that had swept through the land. The mist clung to the entrance, adding an eerie atmosphere to the mysterious portal. The whispers of the unseen seemed to intensify around the dungeon, a symphony of secrets waiting to be uncovered.

Nebula contemplated the nature of dungeons in this new land. The old continent, with its freely roaming monsters, had not known the structured confinement of dungeons save for of course those spectacular exceptions even elder demons refused to enter. Yet here, dungeons were a common occurrence, each one harboring its own set of mysteries and horrors. The peculiar contrast intrigued Nebula as she stood on the threshold, her keen eyes taking in the enigmatic landscape.

As she observed the adventurers entering and exiting the Ember Hearth Inn, Nebula witnessed the toll the dungeon took on them. Their faces were marked by exhaustion, and haunted expressions, their eyes reflecting the weight of the sorcerer's legacy.

The mist enshrouded Nebula as she lingered on the outskirts. the rumors that had drawn her to Shadowfen now echoed through the town, carried by those who had ventured into the depths of the dungeon.

In the quiet moments between the whispers of the unseen, Nebula's thoughts drifted to the nature of her own journey. The pursuit of ascension, the allure of power, and the internal struggle between ambition and ethical considerations mirrored the mysteries concealed within the dungeon. The town of Shadowfen, with its forgotten secrets, became a reflection of Nebula's own quest for purpose and understanding in the shadows of the second continent.

The open hearth outside the Ember Hearth Inn served as a gathering place for the town's inhabitants, each with their own stories and concerns. The flickering embers illuminated the faces of those huddled around, revealing the unique tales that wove the fabric of Shadowfen. Clad in a cloak that hid all her features except for her face and hair, Nebula did her best to pass as human given her mostly humanoid appearance.

The hooded figure by the indoor fireplace, known only as the Seer, captivated Nebula's attention with talk of visions and darkness bleeding beyond the dungeon's confines. The ominous foretelling added a layer of mystique to the already complex web of narratives. Nebula couldn't shake the feeling that the Seer held crucial insights into the true nature of the dungeon and the forces at play.

The innkeeper's warning echoed in Nebula's mind as he spoke of the peculiar wisdom hidden within the Seer's madness. Approaching the man, Nebula stood beside him, her piercing and soulless red eyes gazing into the flames alongside him. "You spoke of visions. Of darkness that bleeds beyond the confines of the structure you people call a 'dungeon'. Of a rift to other realms. Tell me more. What is it you see, hu.... old man."
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti
Scene 1: The Ember Hearth Inn, Round 2.
In the dimly lit Ember Hearth Inn of Shadowfen, a convergence of souls each bearing their own burdens and curiosities unfolded, drawn together by the whispers of darkness and the promise of untold mysteries lying in wait within a newly unearthed dungeon. As the night deepened, their paths intertwined, setting the stage for a journey that would delve into the heart of sorcery, secrets, and possibly, salvation.

Lauren, with her silver hair catching the flicker of the hearth's light and her metallic footsteps a soft echo on the wooden floor, offered a silent acknowledgment to Morran the Cursed, recognizing a shared trauma in his haunted gaze. Her initial contemplation of the dungeon, fueled by her own experiences, was momentarily set aside as she sought sustenance and overheard the fragmented tales of adventure and whispers of the dungeon that piqued her curiosity.

Cook, a man whose past was as clouded as the mists surrounding Shadowfen, found a purpose in the plea of Mira, whose distress over her missing husband resonated with him on a level he could not fully comprehend. His offer to assist, driven by a sense of lost familial bonds, marked the beginning of his commitment to unraveling the fate of the scouts sent from Azuran.

Desmond, the boisterous and eccentric performer, burst into the Ember Hearth with a melody as chaotic as his entrance. His song, a jumbled ode to the ongoing search for Mira's husband, brought an unexpected energy to the inn. Despite the mixed reception from the patrons, his resolve to partake in the discussion about the dungeon, after a much-needed meal, hinted at a deeper curiosity and perhaps, an opportunity to lend his unique talents to the unfolding adventure.

Nebula, a creature of mystery with scales that shimmered faintly in the subdued light, observed Shadowfen with a sense of otherworldly detachment. Drawn to the dungeon by rumors of dark experiments and arcane power, her encounter with the Seer by the indoor fireplace revealed a shared interest in the forces that lay beyond the mundane. Her inquiry into his visions hinted at a quest for understanding that transcended the immediate lure of the dungeon's secrets.

Inside the Ember Hearth Inn, the atmosphere was charged with whispers of adventure and the quiet resolve of those seeking answers. The bar, a sanctuary for eight souls, found itself a gathering ground for an eclectic group of adventurers, each tethered to the enigma of the rumored dungeon by fate or fortune. Desmond, Cook, and Lauren, guided by the primal call of hunger, secured their spots at the crowded bar, where space was a luxury amidst the whispers of quests and curses.

Leaping up to the ordering counter, Desmond clambered up as his head peeked just above the counter. "Hallo, halloz!" Desmond greeted, chirping cheerfully as he scanned the menu. Upon picking his choice, he slides the payment on the table, "One deliciousio Rabbit stew please! Also a glass of wa-wa thankz you very much, have a good'o evening-!"

"Ah! Uh, oh, ah, wee Master Desmond?" the innkeeper replied, perplexed, terrified, and thrilled to have more customers, no matter how strange nor small they may be. His tone at least finished with a mix of warmth and regret, as he busied himself behind the counter. "The hunt for rodents has been less than fruitful of late. The wee ones wander into the fens and water ways, drown as they are, they don't taste so great." He coughed, clearing his throat with a long pull from his own tankard of ale. "Sorry, my mind goes into strange places these days." He chuckled, "However, our fish chowder could warm the soul, our crawfish gumbo dances with spice, and our fish and chips have been sung off in taverns far and wide. Perhaps some pickled lake weed as a garnish? A local specialty, I assure you." With a practiced hand, he filled a mug with the dark, brooding ale of the region. "Take it strong or weak, but I'd advise against the water here. It's... been different, lately. But the ale is great."

Cook, the embodiment of steadfast resolve, caught the eye of Mira, whose plight hung heavily in the air. Mira, inquired him about something peculiar, just as she had been doing to the few other patrons who entered the establishment. Cook stopped, giving her his full attention while he listened to what was ailing her. "Wait, he's gone missin'? That's a whole heap of trouble. My thoughts are with you, ain't nothin' more crucial than family." There was a strong tug at his mind when he mentioned the word family. For whatever reason, it had an extremely deep importance to him. "Well ma'am, I reckon I wanna lend a hand with this here closure and see what in tarnation happened to your husband. What else you can spill about him and his buddies?" Cook asked, as if being compelled by a shadow of his past.

Mira, her spirits lifted by a glimmer of hope, responded, "Bless you! They sought the dungeon's depths, enticed by whispers of arcane relics and untold riches. Yet silence has taken them. Any word, any sign... it'd mean the world." She glanced towards Varic for a brief moment, which would be easy to miss in the shadowy atmosphere of the inn. "My husband and his scouts went in. He brought me this," She paused, clutching the pendant to her lips and giving it a kiss, "Said it would keep me safe." The pendant oddly looked more like a clear crystal with a drop of liquid inside, but smelled of salt to the Cook. "They...they...went in thrice...he shudda never gone back in. They were just soo...soo" Again another glance towards Varic, who wasn't paying attention to her, "Committed to scouting for the Lord Constable."

Lauren, her interest piqued amid the unfolding narratives, placed her order with a quiet intensity, her mind a battlefield of strategy and skepticism concerning the dungeon's allure and the nascent alliances within the inn's walls.

Varic, ever the opportunist, sidled up to Lauren with a grace that belied his intentions. "The allure of the dungeon's secrets is undeniable, isn't it?" he mused, his smile smooth yet predatory. "But caution, dear adventurer, for the shadows hold more than just secrets. Should you stumble upon... curiosities, perhaps anything alluring or hard to put down, keep it and bring it to me." His eyes held a depth of unspoken intrigue, hinting at a world beneath the surface of his merchant's guise.

The innkeeper came back with the orders Desmond and Lauren make. "Shout for more." He wandered over towards the other tables, refilling ale and chowder.

The innkeeper's warning echoed in Nebula's mind as he spoke of the peculiar wisdom hidden within the Seer's madness. Approaching the man, Nebula stood beside him, her piercing and soulless red eyes gazing into the flames alongside him. "You spoke of visions. Of darkness that bleeds beyond the confines of the structure you people call a 'dungeon'. Of a rift to other realms. Tell me more. What is it you see, hu.... old man."

Nebula's steps towards the Seer brought a silence around the hearth, although the reason was hard to tell. The air around the Seer was hazy shimmering like heat yet smelled of spice like cinnamon and nutmeg. The air around the Seer tickled the eyes and hastened the heart. The Seer, a solitary figure whose connection to the unseen was rumored to be as deep as the chasm within the dungeon, slowly turned his gaze upon her. Within his eyes, the fire lived, casting shadows that spoke of realms untold.

"Ah, seeker of shadows, you tread paths woven with the threads of fate and fear," he murmured, his voice carrying the weight of unseen worlds. "This dungeon, this veil once torn, only to heal broken and misshapen, it is but a tear in the veil that separates the life's troubles from the neither happiness. It was rent asunder by a sorcerer's hubris, turning dreams into greed."

His focus sharpened on Nebula, a rare intensity burning within. "Brave souls venture forth, drawn not by gold or glory, but by the whispering seduction of the beyond. It offers solace, enlightenment, a haven from the storm... yet, it chains them in a shroud of their making, a prison woven from their desires."

As he spoke, his breath seemed to weave with the flames, creating patterns in the air, ethereal and shifting. Nebula, though unsure if it was mere trickery or a glimpse into otherness, saw visions of hungry claws, wailing victims, carried by metal mannequins. Her head buzzed and a drowsiness came over her almost like she was dreaming and awake.

The Seer continued without noticing, "The breach, it hungers. It feasts upon the dreams of those it captivates, growing, spreading, an insidious blight. The sorcerer's gift to the world was not knowledge, but a curse that seeks to engulf all in its essence."

With a sudden clarity, the Seer's eyes pierced Nebula's soul. "Sobriety lies within the salt stones, yet the true salvation is found in confronting the allure of dreams unfulfilled, in sealing the tear within before it devours the very essence of being."

His gaze then drifted back to the flames, his body hunching over and his breath settling upon the flames, leaving Nebula amidst whispers of a truth veiled in madness. The path forward was not just a journey through darkness but a quest into the heart of the enigma itself, to face what lay beyond the veil.
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gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Uasal Uasal II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Develius Develius

Cook’s eyes widened as the creature of no more than three feet bursted out of a bush and made their way into the Inn. The human had seen quite a few strange things ever since stepping into that world, but he discounted most of them as tricks being played by his own mind. As the horrible cacophony permeated the air, as soon as the feathered being passed through both him and the desperate woman, he exclaimed while looking at the back of the creature, clearly unnerved by its sight, his heavy southern accent carrying through. "Well, I'll be hog-tied and dipped in molasses! What in tarnation is that there? A chicken yappin' away like a Sunday preacher? And strummin' on a guitar like it's pickin' at a banjo in a hayloft? Hot diggity dog!"

The surprise lasted quite a few moments, the wrinkles on his face becoming a tad more pronounced. The human noticed how the patrons didn’t exactly show any reaction to the creature’s very existence, but some showed annoyance due to its singing voice. Was that normal? However, his attention was soon caught once more by Mira’s desperate plight. The middle-aged man tilted his head slightly to the side as he heard the woman, as if making it easier for her voice to reach his right ear. "So let me get this straight, your old man and his buddies ventured into that there ‘dungeon’ to fetch some mystical knickknacks and gold for that fancy-pants 'Lord Constable' fella... Well, ain't that a hoot and a holler." Cook rationalized the situation the best he could at the present moment, his gaze first settling on the pendant which she was holding, the smell of salt reaching his nostrils, then following towards the figure which the woman was sparing glances towards: Varic. Maybe that man would know where the dungeon was located.

"Don't you fret none, ma'am. I'll make sure whatever mischief went down with your man and his boys gets dragged out into the open." He reaffirmed his commitment, showing a resolve that bellied his wizened state. With that, he made his way to the ordering counter, walking over with a slight hunch, taking a seat a few ways from Desmond, trying to catch wind of whatever exchange that was happening between Varic and the silver-haired girl which he had so gracefully approached. Producing a few coins from the back pocket of his gray pants, he placed them over the counter. "Howdy! I reckon I could use a little somethin' to put some fire in my belly and wet my whistle." Cook said to the rather busy innkeeper.

As Lauren waited for her meal and drink to arrive she could hear Mira pleading to another to-be patron entering the Inns tavern, turning her head to see the potentially widowed woman sharing her woeful tale with a man of... acquired taste. If she had to be honest with herself, the man she would later learn went by the name of 'Cook' had the appearance of the stereotypical degenerate. She knew better than to judge a book by its cover, and it did help that Cook seemed genuine in his concern about the safety of Mira's husband. Then the shrill screeched singing and chattering of the small raptor stole her attention away, her composure faltering as she repeatedly tried and failed to comprehend what she was seeing. The fact that everyone else was acting as if this was a normal day in town made her think for a brief moment that she was stuck in a dream. And then the raptors voice rattled in her ears a second time, followed shortly after by 'Desmond' as it called itself lunged for one of the empty stools two seats down from her - her head slowly turning towards the raptor as her gaze turned cold and intense. She had a strong feeling that she couldn't be able to get along at all with the raptor bard, and her side-eye towards him was probably enough to make the unfortunate patron stuck between them uncomfortable enough to find someplace else to sit. Lauren hadn't even noticed Nebula enter the Inn with her focus so tightly locked on Desmond, though her gaze was eventually turned away from the raptor as the Innkeeper brought her order to her.

"Thanks for the food! It looks so delicious." Lauren excitedly said as she gave the Innkeeper an extra tip for his service, making relatively quick work of the meal before her. The main dish she had ordered was a small plate of Owlbear Ribs glazed with Black-Pepper BBQ sauce, alongside some Caramel Fritters with Pomegranate Jam stuffed inside and a mug full of beer. As she enjoyed every bite of the meal before her she heard Cook try to make sense of Desmond, chuckling a little as she ate. She had almost finished off her plate when Varic approached her, taking the seat between herself and Desmond before he started talking. His voice and demeanor emanated confidence to smooth talk the less guarded and make them more receptive to a deal or contract, though she wasn't too keen on the idea of becoming his personal treasure hunter. After a minute or two of listening to him talk she finished her meal and took a swig or two from her beer, setting it down before turning to face Varic with a cold glare.
"My interest lies with the dungeon itself, not the treasure that lies within it. Any treasure I do happen to find down there I'll either keep with me or leave down in the depths..." Lauren paused for a brief moment to think about her options, her metallic fingers tapping the bar counter as she turned her head away from Varic before running the smooth skin of her available hand through her silver hair. "However, I could attempt to retrieve what you seek from the depths should the price be high enough - perhaps 75% of the cash made from the sale of said relic in exchange?" Lauren finished with a slight smirk. She knew that the merchant wanted whatever was in the dungeon pretty badly, perhaps even enough to find someone foolish enough to go into the dungeon in his stead without some form of payment. And so she figured she'd try her luck bargaining with the merchant, starting her asking price high and clarifying her reason for entering the dungeon straight off the bat. If he outright refused, he could try to find someone desperate or stupid enough to be willing to risk life and limb for a potential knife in the back. If he tried to haggle the price down or accepted her offer outright, she could still earn a hefty profit and have the entire tavern serve as a witness to tie the shady Varic to her potential murderer. After all, one can never be too careful when making deals with the devil, especially when dealing with details as vague as 'curiosities' as the merchant so eloquently put it. And with that, her business with the merchant was done. Picking up her mug and chugging the rest of it down she gave a satisfied sigh, setting it back down on the counter before giving Varic one more glance. "If I don't hear back from you before I depart, I'll pretend this conversation never happened. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Lauren softly spoke before getting up from her spot at the bar, walking over towards the hearth where Morran was and taking a seat not too far from him. Dealing with Varic was one matter, though she had some doubts about whether or not the man beside her would be willing to share his story to a stranger like her.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Uasal Uasal


Mentions: | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II [Lauren] | Maxxob Maxxob [Cook] | Uasal Uasal [Nebula] |

Desmond's wide eyes stared silently at the innkeeper as he proceeded to list off all the menu items. Fish chowder, Crawfish gumbo, fish and chips, and pickled lake weed were all mentioned; each sounding tasty in their own right. Yet much to the poor raptor's dismay, that delicious rabbit stew he so desperately craved was not listed being present among them. Desmond wanted to cry out in agony. Oh the humanity! His favorite meal at the Magic School was naught to be found here! Processing his grief beneath his bulging eyes, a tankard of ale slid next to him, for he was warned that the water in these parts were less than sanitary. His eyes watched it slide to a halt, pausing his gaze upon it with what looked to be empty thoughts.

But before he could vent out his frustrations, Desmond heard someone mention his likeness from somewhere behind him. His head cocked back to look at the rickety man, the Cookster, calling him "a chicken yappin' away like a Sunday preacher". "DESMOND IS NO CHICKENZ!" he squawked abrasively, flapping his winged arms aggravatingly, "DESMOND IS A DEINONYCHUS! RAPTOR! RAPTOR! AND TODAYZ IZ! ... I-IZ-! UHHH...." Oh dear, has Desmond forgotten what day it was today? He chattered his teeth frustratingly as he tried to remember. But he wouldn't have to take long. Eventually, his eyes would land on a calendar, with the date circled being - "TUESHDAY! IZ TUESHDAY TODAY!"

Flustered by this pause in judgement, Desmond's will to continue the yapping ceased as he slumped forward on the table, again glancing back at the mug o' ale. Yet his gaze would momentarily shift to the person just behind the mug, feeling a cold gaze ruffle against his already puffed up feathers. The blonde fair-haired woman with the funny-long ears... what he'll soon learn was named Lauren. Why was she looking at him like that for? Something he said? An uncomfortable pause would settle between them, despite Desmond feeling little to no shame in his wide-eyed thousand yard stare towards this stranger. That's when he blinked, thus breaking his trance. Shaking his head rapidly, Desmond glanced back at the innkeeper like nothing happened. "Yez yez, Desmondz would like gumbo-jumbo pleaze."

As the innkeeper went in to fetch the meals, the figure known as Varic would separate Desmond from the lady the following stool down. The raptor glanced at the figure smooth-talking the lady; where he couldn't help but to eavesdrop on the conversation [Perception F] taking note of several key features in his voice.

A dungeon's secrets. A cautioned tone. And 'curiosities' that should be brought to him if found.

It sounded interesting, if not a bit ominous. He was like a predator that Desmond was, but more... dominating. Less raptor and like a more sly and mega... raptor. But as he began to listen to the lady's reply...

His gumbo was ready. And with it, his concentration has now focused solely what's under his nose.

Desmond pounced into the bowl of warm soup and devoured it in a messy yet surprisingly quick and effective manner.

"Mmmmm, very good, VERY good, yez." Desmond chirped in satisfaction, wiping away the brothy drool from his lips with his feathered wingtips as he proceeded to down the ale. While he initially struggled with keeping the tankard grasped in his hands, he was able to down the bitterly-sweet drink with not much effort. He wasn't the big fan of beer or ale, but if the water here was bad, it was better to drink it then get some deadly parasite or explosive dirarrhea. He then bowed at the innkeeper, "Desmond thanks you for deliciousz meal! Had Desmond notz been satisfied, Desmond would've gutted youz and everyonez here." The tone became rather serious upon stating his threat, which lingered just a second too long before a collateral cackle howled from his mouth like cackling kookaburra! "HAHAHAHAHAHA, DESMOND KIDDING! KIDDING KIDDING! YOUZ HAS GUDZ EVENING AND GUDZ NIGHT!"

Then the man who called Desmond "a chicken" would emerge onto the scene and sit some ways from the raptor. "Get Gumbo! Gumbo good!" he chittered in recommendation, "Cook good!" He meant to say something among the lines of "It's cooked well!" but in his excitement had decided to shorten his statement.
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(Mundane Monster)

Nebula took a step back, her senses reeling from the enigmatic presence of the Seer. The hazy air, shimmering like heat and carrying the scent of spice, left a tingling sensation in her eyes and a hastening of her heart. As the Seer delved into the tales of the dungeon and the rift to other realms, Nebula found herself drawn into a trance-like state, the visions weaving through her mind.

The Seer turned his gaze upon Nebula, his eyes ablaze with the flickering fire within. His voice, laden with the weight of unseen worlds, revealed glimpses of the sorcerer's curse and the insidious nature of the breach. As he spoke, patterns in the air seemed to dance, and Nebula felt a strange drowsiness creeping over her, as if the fabric of reality itself was warping. A feeling that left her sick in an oddly familiar but off putting way.

Nebula, feeling the weight of the Seer's words and the ethereal visions playing in her mind, took a step backward. In a bewildering sight, she appeared next to the bar, her eyes fixed on the man she had just escaped from. The transition from the hearth to the bar was swift and seemingly nonsensical, a display of spatial manipulation that defied the laws of physical movement. Her step had cleared the bar floor, patrons, tables and all.

"Mental magics, how bothersome. The polar opposite of my own," Nebula remarked, her voice carrying a note of curiosity and mild irritation. She observed the Seer from her new vantage point, her keen eyes assessing the mysterious figure by the hearth. The enigma of the Seer and the tales of the breach lingered in Nebula's thoughts, a puzzle that demanded unraveling in the shadows of Shadowfen.

Looking to the barman, and the colorful assortment of characters that sat affront him, Nebula sighed softly. With a shake of her head she shifted her focus solely to the barkeeper "I require a rock of salt. Do you have one, Lord of this domain?"
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Maxxob Maxxob II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Develius Develius
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gmimperfecti gmimperfecti II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Develius Develius Uasal Uasal

Cook was slightly taken aback when the feathered creature started to protest being called a chicken. However, the surprise only lasted a few moments, before he started to laugh at the whole situation, going so far as having to wipe off some tears which formed in the corner of his eyes. Perceiving a sort of friendliness from the creature as the raptor gave the middle-aged a recommendation about ordering gumbo as well, he decided to scoot closer, using his hands on the ordering counter to hoist himself up slightly and change seats. After doing so, Cook reached the coins he had produced earlier, moving them in front of him, while adding a few more for the meal. "Well, if my buddy here is vouchin' for it, reckon I'll have me a bowl of gumbo too, please and thank ya kindly." He said to the bartender, before focusing his gaze back to the creature, now being able to see Desmond from closer.

"Well, shucks, I plum reckon I ain't never come 'cross someone like yerself before. My apologies for the mix-up." He offered as an apology to the raptor, his mind flashing with the end results of several chicken recipes: chicken pot pie, chicken alfredo, fried chicken and chicken curry. All that while keeping a friendly expression on his face. "The name's Cook. Well, reckon it's more like a handle folks stick on me 'stead of my real name. And if I ain't mistaken, yours must be Desmond, right? Well, ain't that a pleasure to meet ya." The man introduced himself, trying to build some rapport with feathered being. "So, what in tarnation got ya wanderin' 'round these parts?" Asking, he continued, thinking it was only fair to disclose his own business first. "Well, I overheard that gal by the door blabbin' 'bout her ol' man gettin' himself lost in some dungeon thingamajig. Reckon I'll lend a hand, ain't nothin' sadder than a fella gettin' lost while tryin' to put bread on the table for his kin." Cook added, crossing his arms and leaning back slightly, the chef’s knife, which was haphazardly attached to his leather belt, swaying slightly.

The knivesman’s ear caught a curious request from one of the patrons: a rock of salt. Sparing a glance towards the hooded figure, his eyes quickly back. Maybe they had some beast of burden that needed a salt lick.


Mentions: | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II [Lauren] | Maxxob Maxxob [Cook] | Uasal Uasal [Nebula] |

Desmond's head cocked towards the man as he apologized for calling him a "chicken". But by this point any form of malice or offense had left Desmond's sub-conscious almost completely. "Desmond takes no offense! None at all!" he chirped innocently, his feathered tail wagging under the stool with excited energy, "Many people have not seen someone like Desmond before. Desmond doesn't blame them! Understandable, yez!" The man would then introduce himself as Cook, something which humored the raptor somewhat, before asking his name in return. "Yez! Desmond is pleased to meet Cookster! Hope you cook good food for Desmond, yez?"

The raptor listened intensely to the reason Cook was here, mentioning Mira and her lost companions that now resided in the Dungeon. He clicked his tongue in shame, "Desmond comes from Magic School. Entered recently so Desmond can play funky guitar and help folks! But Desmond needs money; money to pay off two months worth of College Tuition. Desmond was meant to find job to help pay, but no one wanted poor lil Desmond. So sad! Very very sad! Then, friend told Desmond about dungeon mission here and told of sad lady and her missing friends. Want to help! Dis is Desmond's first dungeon dive. Hear its dangerous, but fun! Is exciting, yez?"

Soon enough, another patron of the bar would walk towards the counter; a pale woman with crimson red eyes and a reserved attitude. As soon as Cook glanced at her, Desmond couldn't help but twirl around to see her asking for a "rock of salt" to the "Lord of the Domain" that is the innkeeper. He felt himself audibly gasp, slowly turning to face the innkeeper with a starstruck look. "YOU A LORD???" he asked enthusiastically, his feathers ruffling and his tail wagging even faster in anticipation.
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The surprise lasted quite a few moments, the wrinkles on his face becoming a tad more pronounced. The human noticed how the patrons didn’t exactly show any reaction to the creature’s very existence, but some showed annoyance due to its singing voice. Was that normal? However, his attention was soon caught once more by Mira’s desperate plight. The middle-aged man tilted his head slightly to the side as he heard the woman, as if making it easier for her voice to reach his right ear. "So let me get this straight, your old man and his buddies ventured into that there ‘dungeon’ to fetch some mystical knickknacks and gold for that fancy-pants 'Lord Constable' fella... Well, ain't that a hoot and a holler." Cook rationalized the situation the best he could at the present moment, his gaze first settling on the pendant which she was holding, the smell of salt reaching his nostrils, then following towards the figure which the woman was sparing glances towards: Varic. Maybe that man would know where the dungeon was located.

"Don't you fret none, ma'am. I'll make sure whatever mischief went down with your man and his boys gets dragged out into the open." He reaffirmed his commitment, showing a resolve that bellied his wizened state.

Her eyes went wide as she reached out towards him, clutching the pendant closer to her heart. "Oh, if you could bring any news of him, it would mean the world to me. They were supposed to find something... something valuable for the Lord Constable, but I fear they found trouble instead. This," she held the pendant up slightly, its surface catching the dim light of the inn, "was from his first trip. Said it kept his head clear down there. If you’re heading towards that dungeon, it might help you too."

Mira's gaze lingered on Cook, a mix of hope and desperation in her eyes. "They talked about old magics and hidden treasures, but none of that matters if he... if they aren't safe. Please, be careful. That place... it changes people. My husband wasn't the same after his last return. Kept saying he needed to go back, for one last delve." Her voice trailed off, lost in the haunting memories of her husband's obsession with the dungeon's depths.

[Sobriety Stone Pendant]

Type: Grade-E Amulet
Description: This elegant pendant holds a luminous salt stone, said to be a fragment of a larger artifact found within the depths of a cursed dungeon. It holds a single drop of distilled sorrow from one of the lost subjects of a place where reality and dreams blur, and only those with the strongest stones can remain unswayed by the seductive promises of power and oblivion.

The wearer of this pendant finds their mind enveloped sobriety, impervious to the intoxicating effects of either mundane or magical substances up to Grade E.

- Clarity of Mind: Grants immunity to effects that would cloud or manipulate the wearer's thoughts, including magical intoxication and mind control.
- Detect Source: The stone faintly vibrates in the presence of lost subjects or sister stones.
- Nightlight: Emits a soft glow, providing a minor source of light.

- Addiction to Resistance: While it offers sobriety, prolonged use may lead to an overreliance on the stone, an addiction to the resistance that makes it hard to stop using it.
- Sorcerer's Residue: Bearing the stone makes the wearer more detectable to beings sensitive to the Elysium Sorcerers, attracting unwanted attention from those who seek the secrets of Elysium's Veil for themselves.

Warning: Once worn, the only way to take it off is by shattering the pendant.

"Mmmmm, very good, VERY good, yez." Desmond chirped in satisfaction, wiping away the brothy drool from his lips with his feathered wingtips as he proceeded to down the ale. While he initially struggled with keeping the tankard grasped in his hands, he was able to down the bitterly-sweet drink with not much effort. He wasn't the big fan of beer or ale, but if the water here was bad, it was better to drink it then get some deadly parasite or explosive dirarrhea. He then bowed at the innkeeper, "Desmond thanks you for deliciousz meal! Had Desmond notz been satisfied, Desmond would've gutted youz and everyonez here." The tone became rather serious upon stating his threat, which lingered just a second too long before a collateral cackle howled from his mouth like cackling kookaburra! "HAHAHAHAHAHA, DESMOND KIDDING! KIDDING KIDDING! YOUZ HAS GUDZ EVENING AND GUDZ NIGHT!"

The innkeeper, initially startled by Desmond's abrupt transition from gratitude to a thinly veiled threat, took a moment to regain his composure. His eyes widened momentarily, not quite sure how to process the raptor's dark humor. After a brief, awkward silence, he let out a cautious chuckle, deciding to play along with the jest, albeit with a hint of nervousness lingering in his voice.

"Ah, Desmond, you surely have a unique way of expressing your satisfaction," the innkeeper replied, forcing a smile as he busied himself with wiping down the bar. "I'm glad you enjoyed the meal. We aim to please all our guests, feathered or otherwise."

He glanced around the inn, ensuring the other patrons hadn't taken Desmond's joke the wrong way. "And, uh, let's keep the gutting to the fish, shall we?" he added, attempting to lighten the mood further. "You do have a good evening and a peaceful night, Desmond. And remember, the Ember Hearth is always open for a... lively character like yourself."

Nebula took a step back, her senses reeling from the enigmatic presence of the Seer. The hazy air, shimmering like heat and carrying the scent of spice, left a tingling sensation in her eyes and a hastening of her heart. As the Seer delved into the tales of the dungeon and the rift to other realms, Nebula found herself drawn into a trance-like state, the visions weaving through her mind.

The Seer turned his gaze upon Nebula, his eyes ablaze with the flickering fire within. His voice, laden with the weight of unseen worlds, revealed glimpses of the sorcerer's curse and the insidious nature of the breach. As he spoke, patterns in the air seemed to dance, and Nebula felt a strange drowsiness creeping over her, as if the fabric of reality itself was warping. A feeling that left her sick in an oddly familiar but off putting way.

Nebula, feeling the weight of the Seer's words and the ethereal visions playing in her mind, took a step backward. In a bewildering sight, she appeared next to the bar, her eyes fixed on the man she had just escaped from. The transition from the hearth to the bar was swift and seemingly nonsensical, a display of spatial manipulation that defied the laws of physical movement. Her step had cleared the bar floor, patrons, tables and all.

- Insight from Madness, Grade G: Each exposure reveals clues about the dungeon, its inhabits, and its history. The Sleeper must awaken!

- Fiery Delirium, Grade G: First exposure induced short, temporary hallucinations, effectively contained to a sphere of influence around the.

"Mental magics, how bothersome. The polar opposite of my own," Nebula remarked, her voice carrying a note of curiosity and mild irritation. She observed the Seer from her new vantage point, her keen eyes assessing the mysterious figure by the hearth. The enigma of the Seer and the tales of the breach lingered in Nebula's thoughts, a puzzle that demanded unraveling in the shadows of Shadowfen.

Looking to the barman, and the colorful assortment of characters that sat affront him, Nebula sighed softly. With a shake of her head she shifted her focus solely to the barkeeper "I require a rock of salt. Do you have one, Lord of this domain?"

Soon enough, another patron of the bar would walk towards the counter; a pale woman with crimson red eyes and a reserved attitude. As soon as Cook glanced at her, Desmond couldn't help but twirl around to see her asking for a "rock of salt" to the "Lord of the Domain" that is the innkeeper. He felt himself audibly gasp, slowly turning to face the innkeeper with a starstruck look. "YOU A LORD???" he asked enthusiastically, his feathers ruffling and his tail wagging even faster in anticipation.

The innkeeper, already somewhat frazzled from the evening's peculiar interactions, faced yet another unusual request from the teleporting Nebula, followed by Desmond's exuberant reaction. Taking a deep breath, he tried to maintain his composure amidst the growing absurdity of the night.

"For the last time, I ain't no lord," he responded to Desmond, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Just the simplest, humblest innkeeper you ever met, doing everything to keep this place afloat. And you, sir...madame...erm?" he looked at to Desmond, trying to inject a bit of firmness into his tone, "Please keep that tail still before it knocks something valuable over."

He then addressed Nebula's request with a puzzled look, not used to being referred to as a lord, especially not in his own inn. "A rock of salt, you say?" he mused, rummaging under the counter before producing a small, somewhat dusty lump of salt. "I shave it when customers want a bit extra flavor in their food. Bit pricy, I've only got the one, but Shadowfen has its share of... unique needs."

The innkeeper slid the salt across the bar to Nebula, his gaze lingering on her for a moment, curiosity piqued by her appearance and manner. "Anything else, milady? Perhaps something to wash that down with? Our local ale, maybe—strong, to be sure, but it's safer than the water these days. Folks have been acting a bit odd after drinking from the well."

Grade F - Salt Rock
Type: Consumable / Quest Item????


A small chunk of salt, ordinary at first glance, but don't be fooled! Could this be just a mere seasoning?! Rumored to have been mined from the ancient, mystical Salt Flats of Shadowfen, where the salt is said to be very salty!


- Salty Skin: When applied directly to the skin, grants +5 resistance to being taken seriously by anyone.
- Preservation: Can keep your food fresh for days or your company puzzled for hours.
- Dehydration Danger: Might attract unwanted attention from slugs or overly enthusiastic chefs.

Usage Tips:
- Throw over your left shoulder whenever a devil is present and it will hit them in the eye and cancel bad luck.
- Grate it into small flakes and add it to food to elevate it's flavor.

Warning: Excessive use may lead to increased blood pressure in NPCs. Not recommended for slugs, snails, or characters with a low sodium tolerance.

She had almost finished off her plate when Varic approached her, taking the seat between herself and Desmond before he started talking. His voice and demeanor emanated confidence to smooth talk the less guarded and make them more receptive to a deal or contract, though she wasn't too keen on the idea of becoming his personal treasure hunter. After a minute or two of listening to him talk she finished her meal and took a swig or two from her beer, setting it down before turning to face Varic with a cold glare.

"My interest lies with the dungeon itself, not the treasure that lies within it. Any treasure I do happen to find down there I'll either keep with me or leave down in the depths..."

Lauren paused for a brief moment to think about her options, her metallic fingers tapping the bar counter as she turned her head away from Varic before running the smooth skin of her available hand through her silver hair. "However, I could attempt to retrieve what you seek from the depths should the price be high enough - perhaps 75% of the cash made from the sale of said relic in exchange?"

Lauren finished with a slight smirk. She knew that the merchant wanted whatever was in the dungeon pretty badly, perhaps even enough to find someone foolish enough to go into the dungeon in his stead without some form of payment. And so she figured she'd try her luck bargaining with the merchant, starting her asking price high and clarifying her reason for entering the dungeon straight off the bat. If he outright refused, he could try to find someone desperate or stupid enough to be willing to risk life and limb for a potential knife in the back. If he tried to haggle the price down or accepted her offer outright, she could still earn a hefty profit and have the entire tavern serve as a witness to tie the shady Varic to her potential murderer. After all, one can never be too careful when making deals with the devil, especially when dealing with details as vague as 'curiosities' as the merchant so eloquently put it. And with that, her business with the merchant was done. Picking up her mug and chugging the rest of it down she gave a satisfied sigh, setting it back down on the counter before giving Varic one more glance.

Varic's eyes twinkled with both amusement and a hint of respect at Lauren's forthright negotiation. Leaning back slightly, he steepled his fingers, considering her offer carefully. The dim light of the inn seemed to play tricks, casting his face in shadow and making his smile all the more enigmatic.

"Ah, Lauren, your spirit is commendable, truly," Varic began, his voice smooth as silk yet carrying an undercurrent of excitement. "75%, you say? A bold starting bid, indeed. However, let's not forget the risks I'm undertaking by providing you with the necessary gear and information. Not to mention, the... complexities of recovering anything from that cursed place."

He paused, his gaze never leaving hers, as if trying to gauge her reaction to his next words. "I propose a more... fluid arrangement. I'm happy to partner with you on the sale, but it wouldn't be immediate and is not itself without a certain degree of risk. Someone such as yourself would, could be quite useful in such sales, plus or in addition to consider," he paused for effect, "Access to my merchant system? This includes gear that might... enhance your chances of success in the dungeon, and of course. Should you go into debt, we can arrange terms that won't leave you, shall we say, 'out in the cold.'"

Varic's proposal laid out a complex web of incentive and assurance, painting him as both benefactor and businessman. "Consider it, Lauren. This dungeon, it's not a trifling matter. The items I offer could very well save your life. And the promise to retrieve what I seek? Let's call it an investment in your future successes."

Varic unrolls a scroll across the bar, the parchment glowing faintly with magical runes. "Let's see what might interest you," he murmurs, his finger tracing the images and descriptions of the items listed. Each item is depicted with meticulous detail, alongside a brief explanation of its properties and uses.

  • Equipment F - There's various random pieces of weapons, armor, and catalysts all Grade F.
  • Luminous Feather Quill - This quill emits a soft, ethereal glow, seemingly drawing power from an unknown source. Rumored to have been plucked from a dream creature, it is said to make one's handwriting exceptionally beautiful. Grade: F.
  • Antidote Vials (x3) - Simple yet effective, these vials can neutralize common poisons. Handy in a pinch and easy to use. Grade: F.
  • Basic Light Stones (x4) - Emit a soft glow upon activation, illuminating dark areas without attracting unwanted attention. Grade: F.
  • Evershifting Dream Map - A parchment that constantly changes, showing locations from the the dreams of whomever is holding it. It's captivating to look at. Grade F.
  • Sobriety Pendants (x2) - Enchanted to keep the wearer clear-headed and free from the influence of intoxicants, magical or otherwise. Perfect for navigating environments saturated with mind-altering substances. Grade: E.
  • Detoxification Spell Scroll - When activated, this scroll purges the user of toxins and minor curses, a must-have for any adventurer delving into places unknown. Grade: E.
  • Crystal Vial Containing a Breath of Wind - Unleashes a gust strong enough to clear paths or solve wind-based puzzles. Its uses are as varied as the imagination of its wielder. Grade: E.
  • Spears of Ice (x2) - These magically imbued spears freeze anything they pierce, combining physical damage with elemental surprise. Grade: E.
  • Mirror of Echoed Whispers (Grade E) - This small hand mirror seems to murmur indistinctly when gazed upon. The whispers hint at secrets and treasures, but following them leads only to circles.
  • Day Stone - This rare item, when activated, bathes the surrounding area in bright light mimicking daylight for a full day. Essential for areas of perpetual darkness or creatures averse to light. Grade: D.

Varic's collection, kept secure within a pocket dimension, is accessible only through his merchant system.

"Each item comes with its own price, of course. The Sobriety Pendants and the Day Stone are particularly popular, given the nature of our... current situation. But remember, investing in the right equipment can make all the difference between life and death in the depths of the dungeon. We can barter if you've got means or you can incur debt and pay it off with the proceeds from what you retrieve for me from the dungeon. Debt is held as a [Title: Debt (Grade)] that Merchants can [Assess]."

He smiles, a glint of intrigue in his eyes. "So, what catches your eye? Remember, if you find yourself in need but short on coin, we can always discuss the terms of a debt. A small price to pay for survival, wouldn't you agree?"

While Varic spoke, his eyes took note of Desmond, Nebula, and Cook. "There's other interested parties that have arrived I see. Come, our dear Lauren here needs time to process, but perhaps one of you are more decisive?"

She had a strong feeling that she couldn't be able to get along at all with the raptor bard, and her side-eye towards him was probably enough to make the unfortunate patron stuck between them uncomfortable enough to find someplace else to sit. Lauren hadn't even noticed Nebula enter the Inn with her focus so tightly locked on Desmond, though her gaze was eventually turned away from the raptor as the Innkeeper brought her order to her.

"Thanks for the food! It looks so delicious." Lauren excitedly said. The main dish she had ordered was a small plate of Owlbear Ribs glazed with Black-Pepper BBQ sauce, alongside some Caramel Fritters with Pomegranate Jam stuffed inside and a mug full of beer.

The Ember Hearth Inn, usually a place of quiet murmurs and the occasional clink of mugs, buzzed with an unusual energy tonight. Word had spread like wildfire through the small, shadowed corners of Shadowfen that Lauren, the newcomer with an air of mystery and metal for flesh, had ordered the infamous Owlbear Ribs—a dish as rare as it was notorious, furnished by none other than Eldrin, the solitary arcane scholar.

As Lauren's order was placed before her, the inn's atmosphere shifted. Patrons, who had been dispersed in their own worlds of hushed conversations and solitary drinking, suddenly converged around her. Their expressions ranged from eager anticipation to barely concealed disbelief. The ribs themselves, a paradoxical blend of the wild and the arcane, gleamed under the inn's dim lighting, glazed with a Black-Pepper BBQ sauce that promised a taste as fierce as the creature they came from.

Eldrin, previously lost in his scrolls and tomes at a secluded table, now watched Lauren with a keen interest that bordered on academic zeal. He opened a journal, quill in hand, ready to document every reaction, every bite. His usual detachment from the inn's daily goings-on was abandoned, his curiosity piqued by the spectacle unfolding.

The innkeeper, a man accustomed to the ebb and flow of adventurers and tales of daring, offered Lauren an apologetic smile as the locals began placing bets. "It's become a bit of a tradition," he explained, his voice tinged with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. "Not many dare to try the Owlbear Ribs, and well, it's become a sport of sorts to see who can finish them."

Lauren's challenge had become the evening's entertainment, a light-hearted yet sinister reminder of the dungeon's dark influence on the town. The Owlbear, a chimera of feathers and fury, was just one of many paradoxical abominations rumored to roam its twisted halls, a fact that Eldrin's presence underscored. His interest in the ribs for "research purposes" hinted at a deeper, more disturbing fascination with the dungeon's creations.

As Lauren thanked the innkeeper and prepared to tackle her meal, the crowd leaned in, whispers and wagers weaving through the air like spells. Eldrin's quill danced across his journal, capturing the moment with a scholar's precision, his eyes never straying from Lauren and the plate before her. The spectacle of the Owlbear Ribs had transformed the Ember Hearth Inn into a theater of sorts, where the boundaries between culinary curiosity and arcane experiment blurred, reflecting the dungeon's shadow over Shadowfen.

Location: Ember Hearth Inn, Shadowfen
Available: Any PC can try although Lauren is currently started it.

Grade: F

Effectiveness to Overcome: 5
- Choose a (Stat + Advantage/Equipement/etc + Skill) and compute the effectiveness
- Choose outside assistance Teamup for another +1 (should not be overt)
- Choose to combo with a second relevant ability for another +1.

In the heart of Shadowfen lies a challenge that only the bravest or most foolhardy dare to undertake—the Owlbear Ribs Feast at the Ember Hearth Inn. Sourced from the depths of the enigmatic and perilous dungeon known as "Elysium's Veil," these ribs are no ordinary meal. Rumors whisper of their strange, magical effects on those who dare to consume them, effects born from the dungeon's twisted experiments with Dreamshade and other arcane substances.

Your task is simple in words yet daunting in execution: finish the entire plate of Owlbear Ribs glazed with Black-Pepper BBQ sauce. But beware, for the ribs carry the unpredictable essence of "Elysium's Veil," and not all outcomes are favorable.

Success Criteria:
Consuming the entire plate without succumbing to the ribs' arcane effects. Showcasing your resilience and fortitude, not only will you earn the accolades of Shadowfen's locals, but the spectacle of your feat will also draw in bets from the onlookers, granting you enough cash to afford a Grade-F item from the merchant Varic's collection.

Should the ribs best you, be it through an inability to finish or falling prey to their magical afflictions, you'll find yourself entangled in a complication deeply tied to the dungeon's legacy. The nature of this complication could vary from a temporary hallucinogenic journey to the awakening of a latent, arcane curse.


Success: Accolades from Shadowfen's locals, enough cash to afford a Grade-F item from Varic.
Failure: A unique, dungeon-related complication that could lead to unexpected adventures.
Special Note:
Regardless of the outcome, Eldrin, the arcane scholar, has expressed a keen interest in interviewing participants of the challenge. This could lead to further opportunities to delve into the mysteries of "Elysium's Veil" and perhaps even uncover the secrets behind the dungeon's creation of Dreamshade.

Will you take on the challenge and test your mettle against the Owlbear Ribs Feast?
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(Mundane Monster)

Nebula responded to the innkeeper's denial of being a lord with a bemused expression, her head tilting slightly to the side. "You give all these people food and shelter then collect a tax, do you not? That makes you a lord. I should know; I already asked about such figures when on my travels," she remarked, her voice carrying a mix of genuine curiosity and a hint of skepticism. "A silly little hu... man informed me of such things. If you are not the lord, then who else could possibly be the lord? Tsk. Do you take me for a fool?"

Picking up the salt rock offered by the innkeeper, Nebula examined it with curiosity. It didn't seem to possess any magical properties, nor did it appear capable of defending against mental attacks. However, it also lacked the essence of those who had failed to achieve their aspirations. Lost in contemplation, Nebula momentarily drifted into her own thoughts, only to snap back to the present when the peculiar competition surrounding Owlbear Ribs began.

Her attention shifted to Lauren, the metal-clad woman whose order had sparked the unusual gathering. The inn's atmosphere crackled with a blend of excitement and tension as the locals converged around her, their expressions a mix of anticipation and disbelief. The Owlbear Ribs, a dish as rare as it was notorious, gleamed under the dim lighting, promising a taste both fierce and exotic.

Nebula's eyes widened with sudden realization and enthusiasm. "That's it! Metal female, you must fail! Give it your all and fail in desperate fashion, then weep for me! Go! Quick, quick! Fight on!" she exclaimed, her words a blend of encouragement and playful urgency.

The inn's patrons, drawn to the spectacle, placed bets and exchanged excited whispers. Nebula, with her unique perspective on competition and ambition, found herself caught up in the fervor of the moment. The Owlbear Ribs challenge had become more than a culinary endeavor; it was a manifestation of the town's resilience in the face of the dungeon's mysterious influence.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Develius Develius II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II
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gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Uasal Uasal II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Develius Develius

With the Sobriety Stone Pendant safely stored in his pocket, the middle-aged grinned, in a friendly manner, as the feathered being called him Cookster and told him of his expectations of trying out the good meals that he could prepare. While Cook had his doubts about how ‘good’ these meals would end up being, he had confidence that they would be at least edible. From what Desmond told him next, his quest to acquire funds to pay for his tuition at the Magic School, and how he had planned to do it, it became clear that both of them would end up going into the dungeon to aid Mira. "Heh, betcha I'll rustle up some real surprises in the kitchen. Just gotta make sure we're pickin' from the right stock down in that dungeon. Lord knows how long we'll be rootin' around down there, and we sure don't wanna run outta grub before we're done." The human exclaimed, hiding his worries about the possibility of whatever they would find could end up being poisonous. "Well, ain't that a hoot! A guitar-strummin' magician, huh? Well, I'll be darned! Never laid eyes on that kinda magic 'round these parts before. Reckon you'll have to show me what tricks you got up your sleeve. I'm bettin' you'll leave me mighty impressed." He continued, just now noticing the tankard of ale and the bowl of gumbo which had been placed in front of him.

Taking a swig of the ale first, letting the strong beverage down his throat, Cook didn’t show a single change in his façade, clearly unaffected by the drink. "Well, ain't no moonshine, but it sure hits the spot just fine." Cook commented with a satisfied expression, next wolfing down the gumbo without delay. Each spoonful was eaten precisely and without waste, a sigh of contentment leaving his lips once in a while. The warm meal was a stark contrast to the eerie atmosphere which surrounded the shrouded town. As the human was finishing his meal, he heard another topic being approached: the innkeeper being a lord. Cook laughed, as both Desmond and the pale woman drummed that notion, much to the innkeeper’s discontent, taking a long swig of the ale at his side, gulping down the alcoholic beverage with ease, before placing the tankard on the ordering counter once more. "This fella ain't no lord, he's a man of the dirt. If he was some lord, he'd be loungin' on his backside all day, barking orders and livin' high on the hog with folks' hard-earned coin." The middle-aged man remarked with palpable disdain for those in power, be they politicians or nobles.

It was then that his attention shifted to Varic, the elusive merchant, which seemed to offer quite a selection of goods to those who dared to venture into the dungeon. All for a price, of course. Getting up from his stool, Cook approached the merchant, the wrinkles on his face intensifying as he read the items and their descriptions in the scroll which was displayed on the table. "Now, them's some mighty interestin' goods y'all got there. Reckon I could find some use for-" With his sentence stopping midway, the human’s wizened eyes focusing on something else that began, as the atmosphere of the tavern shifted considerably. It looked like the silver-haired girl, which was previously talking with the shady merchant, had taken upon herself on some sort of eating challenge. Making his way through the crowd, squeezing himself between the patrons with his sleek frame, Cook appeared to be eager as he saw the plate of barbecue ribs, of some sort of animal which clearly wasn’t pork, in front of Lauren. With the more particular details of the whole ordeal being not clear for the human, his interest was made manifest due to his own Southern self, the idea of meat being prepared in such a particular manner tugging in his mind. Joining the chorus, he cheered on. "Git on there, girl! Don't let no plate of barbecue get the best of ya! If ya need a hand, just holler!" Saying that, despite being filled with the bowl of gumbo and ale, he was excited to try the challenge next.


Mentions: | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II [Lauren] | Maxxob Maxxob [Cook] | Uasal Uasal [Nebula] |

Desmond's toothy grin widened upon hearing Cook complimenting him. With his promise to make great food in the kitchen, he ought to put up his side of the bargain for the sake of food and proving how much more he is than meets the eye. "Desmond will not disappoint!" he chirped positively, "Will sing many great songs, yez!" After eating his meal and asking whether the innkeeper was a lord, he'd feel mildly-disappointed that he was just... well, an innkeeper. A disappointed growl left his mouth, with a snort to cap his deflating excitement. Granted, he should've known the mysterious white-haired lady was just as new to this world as he and Cook were, but one never knows what others might truly know. Cook would comment on what Desmond believed to be what a real lord would be like and he'd nodded his head. "You iz right" he replied, raising his head with a gaping yawn, "Woulda been funny if true. More gold; more jewels; more fancy clothing woulda be appropriate for royalty."

Once Varic became involved in the discussion, primarily towards the metal lady, he'd see him unfold his wares - immediately revealing himself as a merchant. Desmond's amber-yellow eyes were immediately drawn to his selection, giving a silent coo of interest. He didn't know what most of the items were, but from what he could pick out they'd be mighty helpful to stock up for the dungeon. Amiss the armors and weapons, he had potions, antidotes, crystals and scrolls, all of which would prove useful. However... he only had a limited amount of coin. But after hearing Varic's offer to barter or be given payment through part of the treasure collected in the dungeon, Desmond's head cocked in curious consideration. It was very tempting... but also would be honorable if he had the funds right now. If only he could gain a good selection of coin right at this very moment...

Thankfully, he might be able to accomplish that, as a plate of absolutely mouth-watering ribs were set in front of Lauren. Desmond's eyes had already been locked on the plate the moment he glanced away from the merchant's wares, already bug-eyed like massive yellow saucers. "HIJIBITTYJIBBITYhey-" he blabbered senselessly, abandoning his verbal components and letting his nostrils do the talking for him. [Heightened Smell F] He would immediately pick up a tinging scent emanating from the ribs; an intoxicating aroma that appeared to have put him into a trance. The ribs smelled gamey, yet the way they were cooked and drenched in sauce was something no carnivore could resist. It was already making him drool buckets, reverting him back to his primal carnivorous instincts. Apparently these were "Owlbear" ribs... a concept Desmond couldn't seem to wrap his head around.

How did a bear and an owl even make that happen??? Even in his homeworld, avians and mammalians weren't able to produce viable offspring due to their differing biology. Was it magic that made this combo? It was already too much thinking for poor Desmond.

He listened intently at the barkeeper, explaining how eating a plate of owlbear ribs is considered a sport in these parts; claiming how many hadn't dared to try them. And judging by the crowd that had now gathered before them, it certainly backed up that claim. Apparently if one could finish an entire plate of them, they would win a prize - most likely money according to Desmond's experience back home. Both Cook and the mysterious red-eyed woman cheered her on, as did everyone else, offering assistance should she need any. But none were more desperate to try them than the carnivorous raptor, frothing at the mouth and finding it hard to keep his snout from snapping on their own in ravenous anticipation.

"DESMOND WANTS TO EAT YUMMY-YUMMY BEAR-OWL RIBS TOO! PLEASE!" he shrieked, nearly lunging to steal the entire plate of ribs for himself if it wasn't for Cook and the other fellas standing between them. He was absolutely beside himself! "GO GIRL GO! BUT KNOW DESMOND WILL DO ANYTHING TO EAT TOO! ANYTHIIIIIIING!"

As Lauren had gotten up to join Morran she paused as Varic started his counter proposal, though unfortunately for both herself and the merchant she was practically broke. Between barely earning enough to have replaced her tattered rags she had when she first reincarnated, keeping herself fed and clean, and spending night after night at various affordably cheap Inns to save money - she was left with hardly any means of realistically being able to pay off the debt. At least for now. And then another plate of Owlbear Ribs was set before her by the Innkeeper, though the initial smell was vaguely different from the plate she had eaten just a minute ago. It had initially left her a little confused, though the excitement and cheering from the other patrons and the apologetic tone of the Innkeeper made her think that only the bold attempt to eat this dish... A shame for how delicious the previous plate was. Such a taste was too good to pass up on, though the excited look of the man she would learn to be 'Eldrin' while jotting down notes at a rapid pace made her a little concerned - especially since he had his face buried in his scrolls and tomes from the moment she entered the Inn up until now. Before she began to chow down she ordered another mug of ale, the mana within her body building up an [Electrostatic Pulse] to hopefully resolve whatever arcane shenanigans has Eldrin so worked up.

As Lauren gradually worked her way through the plate of ribs before her, the expression on her face gradually turned from a slight grin to genuine euphoria with each bite. She had always been a massive fan of spicy foods since her time in college, the feeling of her tongue and cheeks burning intensely being numbed by the savory taste of the meat combined with the tanginess of the BBQ. No cut of meat nor sauce tasted remotely as good in her original world as the plate of ribs before her in this new life. With each bone she left behind small scraps of meat still lingered on the bones she wasn't too concerned with trying to pluck off and eat, the mana in her body gradually being converted into electricity as it gradually focused around her stomach - the light tingling sensation that started at first gradually felt as if someone had started stabbing her repeatedly. And as she finished the last of the ribs she slid the plate over to Desmond to have him polish off whatever scraps she had left... Though there wasn't much left for him to polish off to begin with, it was mainly just her taunting him with the plate full of almost barren bones. With a massive satisfied grin to hide the pain she was putting herself through and maybe a little too much food in her stomach, she called out to the Innkeeper.
"Thanks for the Ribs!" Lauren cheerfully spoke as she then released all of the electricity she had built up using [Electrostatic Pulse] straight into her stomach, her body briefly wincing from the pain of feeling her stomach being meticulously cooked. It was a shame that she had to take such precautions, but the temporary pain was worth it with how delicious the ribs were. While her stomach was certainly in a lot of pain, at least by electrocuting it and the food inside thoroughly she didn't cause a lot of internal bleeding - if any. Still, practically giving her stomach 2nd to 3rd degree electrical burns wasn't a pleasant sensation.

[Electrostatic Pulse]:
  • Physics F + Magic F + Componentless Magic F - Using her control of mana, Lauren amplifies the electrical signals throughout her entire body, before channeling the electricity accumulated into her next action or attack. - Grade F - 0 Post cooldown
Challenge Effectiveness Scores:
[Electrostatic Pulse]
(4) = Int E (2) + Componentless Magic F (1) + Magic F (1)
Teamup Bonus w/ Desmond (1)
Regeneration F (1)

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Maxxob Maxxob Develius Develius Uasal Uasal
In the dimly lit, sparsely populated inn, an air of anticipation had settled thick as fog. Eldrin, the arcane scholar, watched intently, quill poised over parchment, as Lauren faced the infamous Owlbear Ribs challenge. The local patrons, usually detached, now buzzed with a rare vibrancy, their eyes locked on the plate of ribs that had defeated many. The innkeeper, a blend of anxiety and excitement marking his weathered features, stood back, allowing the spectacle to unfold. Even Varic watched the spectacle, taking bets from the different patrons and setting up a ledger to track who bet for and against. At the outset odds were 2:1 against Lauren. The Seer never left his fire, and Mira fidgeted near the door watching Lauren and Varic in turn, frowning and looking again at Lauren.

Nebula's encouragement cut through the murmur of conversations, a stark contrast to her usual demeanor. Her voice, laced with a blend of jest and genuine curiosity, added a layer of entertainment to the already charged atmosphere. Cook, finding himself caught up in the excitement, abandoned his previous conversation to join the onlookers. He bellowed, his enthusiasm infectious, drawing laughs and cheers from those around him. Desmond, the sentient raptor, nearly lost to his primal urges at the scent of the ribs, added to the chaos. He shrieked an outburst to the dish's allure. His threat to "do anything" for a taste was both alarming and amusing, highlighting the absurdity of the situation. It earned him his own pocket of space, despite his diminutive size the patrons of the inn kept their distance.

Before Lauren could open her mouth to jam the ribs in, the door to the inn burst open. Morran the Cursed, amidst the growing tension and curiosity within the Ember Hearth Inn, pushed his way closer to a group of adventurers. The crowd's eager chatter dimmed to an uneasy silence as Morran's grave words filled the air, his haunted eyes sweeping over the gathered onlookers.

Morran's eyes were bloodshot and his voice hoarse, haunted even. "Beware, the dungeon's heart beats with a darkness not of this realm!" He looked to Lauren and then Desmond. "Its corridors twist not just in space, but in the mind. The mind is the mind killer, no the... brave and bold men reduce themselves to shadows." He looked down at his own callused hands, "They...they empty their eyes, lost hearts to the embrace." His gaze, distant and troubled, seemed to latch on to Cook. "They...I...through the dim, seeing horrors unseen by others."

Varic's irritation was palpable, his carefully neutral expression hardening as Morran's dark pronouncements threatened to dampen the evening's spirited ambiance. The Innkeeper came over and gently led Morra back outside with a tankard of ale.

"The Subject 3 entered again," Eldrin's quill flew across the page, capturing ever detail of the scene, narrating out loud as if no one could hear him. "However, Subject 13 seems unfazed as she contemplates the experiment for no compensation. Must look into recruiting more free subjects for Experimental Protocol 5."

As Lauren braced herself against the formidable plate of Owlbear Ribs, the inn's atmosphere teetered on the edge of collective breath-holding. The patrons, their earlier mirth subdued by Morran's dire warnings, now watched with a blend of hope and trepidation.

Lauren, undeterred by the ominous prelude, lifted the first rib with a steely resolve. The aroma, a heady mix of wild game and smoky barbecue, filled the air, reigniting the room's anticipation.

Eldrin, his quill hovering, muttered, "Subject appears to be an abomination. Electronic fusion with flesh. Electrical pulses causing internal damage. Possible organic regeneration or autoadaptive mechanical subsystems? Warrants further study. Subject does not appear to be dying."

As she bit into the succulent meat, the inn fell into a hushed silence, every crunch and chew amplified in the charged atmosphere. Varic, his merchant's gaze calculating, nodded slightly, as if acknowledging the significance of the moment. The Innkeeper, wringing his hands, whispered to a nearby patron, "Looks like Lady Luck is fickle patrons. I'll open up to 1:2 for Lauren if there's any late bets?" But there wasn't any as everyone watched the horrific sight of a lady electrocuting herself to win a bet.

As Lauren placed the final rib back on the plate, allowing Desmond to picked clean the bones, achieved through the unconventional method of electrocuting herself with [Electrostatic Pulse] to mitigate the dish's arcane effects, left the audience in stunned silence before erupting into applause. The sight of her enduring the pain, electricity crackling around her, was both horrifying and awe-inspiring.

Eldrin, closing his journal, pursing his lips before looking over to review a scroll and drawing several diagrams Lauren and Lauren-like beings, with mathematical equations and sorcerous sigils. "Perhaps this is why they used abominations towards the end of the trial period after all," he frowned, "If only there were other subjects. More data required." He sighed, growing silent as his eyes roved over a pile of books that seemed to change size and texture and his hands roved over them, before settling on a black tanned hide covered grimoire. It really did seem like Eldrin didn't realize anyone else was there, almost like he was observing everything from behind a one-way mirror.

The Seer, momentarily drawn from his trance by the commotion, glanced over with a flicker of clarity. "The heart beats about as dream shadows falter," he intoned before returning his gaze to the fire. The fire seemed to crackle loud several times like knuckles cracking. The Seer nodded to himself.

The locals, who had placed bets on her failure, found themselves parting with their coins, a mixture of disappointment and admiration in their eyes. The innkeeper, relieved at the absence of disaster, couldn't help but share a proud smile with Lauren, acknowledging her bravery and tenacity. Meanwhile, Varic was busy settling accounts amongst those who had bet. Then sesing an opportunity, approached Lauren with a respectful nod. "Well done," he said, offering a handshake that belied his usually calculating demeanor. "Perhaps we can work out a deal with you and your... collaborators?" He passed the scroll back to Lauren, "With my cut on the winnings, and the house bet in your favor, pick on of the F-grade items on the catalog. Debt is an artful bet in invested wisely, consider some other options that might appeal to you and yours...as an hedge against finding more of what I'm looking for."

As the applause died down, the patrons of Ember Hearth Inn were left with a renewed sense of wonder and unease about the dungeon's mysteries. Lauren's triumph over the Owlbear Ribs was a testament to the resilience of those who dared to face the unknown, a beacon of hope in the shadow of escalating dangers. It served as a reminder of the dungeon's pervasive influence, capable of turning even a meal into a trial by fire. Yet, in the face of such challenges, the spirit of camaraderie and resilience shone brightly, a beacon of hope in the shadow of the unknown.

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Develius Develius II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Uasal Uasal

Cook took stock of the man who had bursted into the Inn just as Lauren was about to take on the BBQ challenge. His memory flashes with the memory of the solitary figure who he had seen out of the establishment, just before entering and first engaging with Mira. Morran’s current disposition was nothing short of a madman, his cryptic and haunting words following through. However, Cook’s experienced mind advised him to not simply discount the man’s words: broken minds could often see what was under the veneer. When the rambling man’s eyes met Cook’s, they were greeted with the human’s ones narrowing, his expression, just a moments earlier of excitement and cheriness morphing ever so slightly to a more serious one.

Afterwards, Cook’s expression relaxed as the rambling man was gently escorted outside by the Innkeeper, looking once more towards Lauren and the challenge she was facing. And, as it ended, with some uncanny electricity crackling around her, one of the human’s eyebrows was raised, joining the rest of the patrons in applause for her formidable display. Glancing towards the plate with the scraps that were slid towards Desmond, which earlier seemed extremely eager to also taste the ribs, Cook chuckled, looking at him with a lighter demeanor. "Well, leastways you'll get a nibble of them ribs." Not that there seemed to be much of them left.

Remembering the Varic’s catalog of items, Cook made his way to him, already having in mind what he was going to purchase. "I reckon it'd be downright foolish to go traipsin' into that dungeon empty-handed. I'll be takin' me an Antidote Vial and a Detoxification Spell Scroll. How much'll that run me?" The human asked, hoping that would be enough to carry him through whatever waited for him in those unknown depths.

(Mundane Monster)

1709305433847.pngNebula, with a disappointed expression etched across her features, observed as Lauren triumphed over the Owlbear Ribs challenge. The applause and admiration filled the Ember Hearth Inn, but Nebula's mind lingered on the unconventional method of consumption displayed by the metal-clad woman. The crackling of electricity, the eerie fusion of flesh and machine, intrigued her.

"This human-construct monstrosity has indeed beaten the challenge," Nebula muttered to herself, her eyes narrowing slightly. Lauren's method of electrocuting herself with an [Electrostatic Pulse] to mitigate the arcane effects of the dish left Nebula both fascinated and perplexed. The mix of wild game and smoky barbecue had been intended as a culinary trial, but Lauren's approach turned it into a spectacle of bioelectric consumption.

Pondering the implications, Nebula couldn't help but wonder if all humans ate in such a way when pushed to extremes. She mused internally, 'Is this how humans truly consume sustenance when faced with challenges? A bizarre display of self-inflicted pain and electrical manipulation to enhance the process. Perhaps this is a hidden aspect of their biology, a feature that only surfaces under duress.'

Her keen eyes scanned the room, recalling the various humans she had encountered on her journey. None had exhibited such a unique and seemingly painful method of consuming food. Nebula considered the possibility that humans when driven to extremes, tapped into latent abilities that set them apart from mundane creatures.

'It must be the case,' Nebula concluded, her thoughts becoming more speculative. 'For no human, I have encountered thus far came close to consuming food in such a way. Perhaps this is their true nature, hidden beneath the veneer of normalcy. A reminder that, even in the act of eating, humans reveal facets of themselves that defy conventional understanding.'

As the inn continued to buzz with chatter and applause, Nebula's contemplative gaze remained fixed on Lauren. The electrifying display had left an indelible mark on the atmosphere, further intertwining the mysteries of the dungeon with the peculiar nature of its denizens. In the shadows of Shadowfen, where the arcane and the extraordinary mingled with the mundane, Nebula found herself drawn deeper into the enigma that unfolded before her.

Nebula, still contemplating the peculiar nature of human consumption, turned her attention to the innkeeper with an inquisitive look. Her piercing red eyes focused on him as she posed an unusual question.

"Lord of this domain," Nebula began, her tone direct and unyielding, "If I were to bring you the corpse of a hellspawn, would that cover the cost of this salt stone?" She gestured towards the dusty lump of salt that the innkeeper had provided earlier.
Remembering the Varic’s catalog of items, Cook made his way to him, already having in mind what he was going to purchase. "I reckon it'd be downright foolish to go traipsin' into that dungeon empty-handed. I'll be takin' me an Antidote Vial and a Detoxification Spell Scroll. How much'll that run me?" The human asked, hoping that would be enough to carry him through whatever waited for him in those unknown depths.

Varic's demeanor shifted subtly as Cook approached, his calculating gaze softening into what could be interpreted as a semblance of camaraderie—or perhaps just the recognition of a potential transaction. He flicked through his ledger with practiced ease, stopping at the page listing the items Cook expressed interest in.

"Well, my adventurous friend," Varic began, his tone a blend of warmth and shrewd business acumen, "you've made wise choices. The Antidote Vial and Detoxification Spell Scroll are essentials for anyone daring enough to venture into the depths of the dungeon. As for the cost," he paused, tapping the ledger thoughtfully, "We trade in grades. One of the Antidote Vials is a [Debt: Grade F] and the Detoxification Spell Scroll is a [Debt: Grade E]. It's on the edge of what I would extend towards an adventurer entering the dungeon for the first time, but just so."

Cook Gains the following:
  • Antidote Vials (x1) - Simple yet effective, these vials can neutralize common poisons. Handy in a pinch and easy to use. Grade: F.
  • Detoxification Spell Scroll - When activated, this scroll purges the user of toxins and minor curses, a must-have for any adventurer delving into places unknown. Grade: E.
Cook now holds:
  • Temporary Title: Imperfect Debt, Grade F. Failure to pay this back will result in the narrator requesting Grading Mod to make this a permanent title. Holders of this title will be unable to trade with merchants upon being assessed for purchases of F-grade or higher.
  • Temporary Title: Imperfect Debt, Grade E. Failure to pay this back will result in the narrator requesting Grading Mod to make this a permanent title. Holders of this title will be unable to trade with merchants upon being assessed for purchases of E-grade or higher.

"No doubt Morran is a great example of what happens if you go into the dungeon with at least a vial of antidote." Looking towards the Seer, "And no doubt the Seer suffers from a curse or two. If only they possessed your puissance, they might still delve into the dungeons depths. The innkeeper is too kind by far towards them."

He straightened, his expression one of magnanimous generosity. "Your consideration is a great investment in your survival and, hopefully, your success."

Varic's eyes gleamed with an unspoken addition, a silent acknowledgment of the potential for Cook to uncover treasures beyond the mundane within the dungeon's confines. "And should you come across anything... unusual," he added, "such as gossamer ribbons that float with an ethereal grace and taste like sugar, or prismatic boxes that some claim can only be seen out of the corner of their eyes, or indeed any artifact of magical significance, remember that I offer the best prices for such rarities. Not to mention, a finder's fee for items of particular interest."

The merchant's gaze held Cook's, a mix of encouragement and keen anticipation. "The treasures of this dungeon are many, and their mysteries deep. Who knows what marvels you may uncover?" With a final nod, Varic extended his hand, the gesture both a seal on their deal and an invitation to the promise of further collaboration.

Varic unrolls a scroll across the bar, the parchment glowing faintly with magical runes. "Let's see what might interest you," he murmurs, his finger tracing the images and descriptions of the items listed. Each item is depicted with meticulous detail, alongside a brief explanation of its properties and uses.

  • Equipment F - There's various random pieces of weapons, armor, and catalysts all Grade F.
  • Luminous Feather Quill - This quill emits a soft, ethereal glow, seemingly drawing power from an unknown source. Rumored to have been plucked from a dream creature, it is said to make one's handwriting exceptionally beautiful. Grade: F.
  • Antidote Vials (x3) - Simple yet effective, these vials can neutralize common poisons. Handy in a pinch and easy to use. Grade: F.
  • Basic Light Stones (x4) - Emit a soft glow upon activation, illuminating dark areas without attracting unwanted attention. Grade: F.
  • Evershifting Dream Map - A parchment that constantly changes, showing locations from the the dreams of whomever is holding it. It's captivating to look at. Grade F.
  • Sobriety Pendants (x2) - Enchanted to keep the wearer clear-headed and free from the influence of intoxicants, magical or otherwise. Perfect for navigating environments saturated with mind-altering substances. Grade: E.
  • Detoxification Spell Scroll - When activated, this scroll purges the user of toxins and minor curses, a must-have for any adventurer delving into places unknown. Grade: E.
  • Crystal Vial Containing a Breath of Wind - Unleashes a gust strong enough to clear paths or solve wind-based puzzles. Its uses are as varied as the imagination of its wielder. Grade: E.
  • Spears of Ice (x2) - These magically imbued spears freeze anything they pierce, combining physical damage with elemental surprise. Grade: E.
  • Mirror of Echoed Whispers (Grade E) - This small hand mirror seems to murmur indistinctly when gazed upon. The whispers hint at secrets and treasures, but following them leads only to circles.
  • Day Stone - This rare item, when activated, bathes the surrounding area in bright light mimicking daylight for a full day. Essential for areas of perpetual darkness or creatures averse to light. Grade: D.

Varic's collection, kept secure within a pocket dimension, is accessible only through his merchant system.

"Each item comes with its own price, of course. The Sobriety Pendants and the Day Stone are particularly popular, given the nature of our... current situation. But remember, investing in the right equipment can make all the difference between life and death in the depths of the dungeon. We can barter if you've got means or you can incur debt and pay it off with the proceeds from what you retrieve for me from the dungeon. Debt is held as a [Title: Debt (Grade)] that Merchants can [Assess]."

Nebula, still contemplating the peculiar nature of human consumption, turned her attention to the innkeeper with an inquisitive look. Her piercing red eyes focused on him as she posed an unusual question.

"Lord of this domain," Nebula began, her tone direct and unyielding, "If I were to bring you the corpse of a hellspawn, would that cover the cost of this salt stone?" She gestured towards the dusty lump of salt that the innkeeper had provided earlier.

The innkeeper, already on edge from the day's excitement and the Owlbear Ribs challenge, visibly paled at Nebula's direct gaze and the mention of a hellspawn corpse. Swallowing hard, he took a cautious step back, his eyes darting around the room as if seeking an escape or assistance. The intensity of Nebula's presence seemed to weigh heavily on him, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the safety of his inn's walls.

"Uh, well, Miss," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper, the usual warmth and hospitality drained away by fear. "This inn, it's just a simple place for travelers to rest, and I'm just a humble keeper of it. We don't, uh, deal in... such matters here." His hands fidgeted with the cloth he habitually carried, twisting it in nervous motions.

He glanced at the salt stone, then back to Nebula, trying to muster a semblance of his usual demeanor. "The salt, it's on the house, for you. No need for any... additional payment," he hastened to add, hoping to dissuade her from any thoughts of bringing such a terrifying contribution to his establishment.

"Perhaps there are others more suited to... appreciate your offer," the innkeeper suggested, attempting to direct her interests away from his inn. "But here, we prefer the simpler things. Meals, ale, a warm bed. Peaceful, you understand?"

He offered her a shaky smile, a feeble attempt to bridge the gulf of understanding between them.

Nebula Gains the Salt Stone free of charge for terrifying the poor Inn Keeper.


Mentions: | gmimperfecti gmimperfecti | II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II [Lauren] | Maxxob Maxxob [Cook] | Uasal Uasal [Nebula] |

As Desmond was about to watch Lauren stuff her gob with those delicious ribs that should be rightfully his, the event would be temporarily interrupted by a mysterious figure burst into the inn as if it saw a ghost. The raptor's head cocked towards its direction, his feathers puffing up with a peeved look as. How dare he interrupt the great feast-fest! Desmond would have him hanged with his own guts if this was his inn! "DIRTY HUMAN! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!" Desmond squawked incessantly at the intruder, his teeth chattering with rage. Still, he was able to barely listen to his near incoherent rambling for a few moments, given his obsession with the contest. The warned about the dangers of the dungeon, something about minds and shadows...? He wouldn't get a clear picture as the innkeeper would quickly escort him to the back of the establishment with a tankard of ale for the lad to forget about the entire evening.

Good riddance!

And with that party-pooper taken care of, it was time for the feast to commence! With a mug of ale to start off, Lauren proceeded to dig into the ribs with ravenous resolve! It was looking as if she was genuinely enjoying each bite with an expression of pure bliss. Poor Desmond's salivating expression and rumbling tummy was forced to watch this unfold with enviable madness. She must be tasting the food prepared by the gods! If these were as dangerous as the innkeeper had warned, he was willing to risk it all! He HAD to get a bite, he must! He cheered and he cheered, hoping to charm the pretty metal lady to give her a spare rib for poor ol' Desmond.

And to his surprise, it wouldn't take long before she slid the plate at him!

His eyes go wide. "MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE!" Desmond screeched, breaking free of the folks blocking his way as he pounced onto the table below! Within seconds, his snoot was pressed against the plate and what he'd see were-

Bones. Nearly barren, with only a few bits of scraps on em.

There was... a brief pause, as Desmond's hyper-focused high snapped him back to the painful sober reality that was before him. The toothy grin of glee reverted to the saddest, most disappointed frown that could be smothered on a raptor's face. "W... Wha-?" Desmond had never felt so crushed and dejected in his life. And across the table, was the smug-ass grin of a very satisfied Lauren, knowing damn well what she did. He watched as she thanked the innkeeper for the ribs, before emitting a pulse of electricity that shocked through the inn! Desmond's feathers stood straight up due to the static charge, but his frozen expression remained just as shocked. He couldn't believe it. He refused to believe it!

Cook would chuckle at his unfortunate predicament, stating that he'd at least have a nibble of them. "Bu-Bu-But-..." the raptor stammered, before sadly proceeding to nibble at a scrappy piece still stuck to the bone. He sworn he could JUST taste them, just the very hint of greatness taunting his tastebuds! That briefest of moment hitting him with a kick of rich spice and glaze. But any chance at getting the full experience was long gone. He'd proceed to sadly pick at the scraps some more until they were completely spotless. Lauren was gonna pay for this. Oh she will! No one gets to prank Desmond and get away with it scott-free! Desmond will have his revenge! She'll see!

If only he'd realize how much pain and agony the metal lady had been actually feeling, having done well enough in hiding it for not even Desmond to notice.

Despite his rightful prize being ripped from his claws, he would get the next best thing. With her victory, Lauren and her collaborators - Cook, Nebula, and Desmond respectively - would have access to his wares, being able to acquire them right now so long as they kept to the payment debt plan. Desmond crawled over and inspected his stock, eying each thing carefully. Which items looked to be the best for going into that dungeon? He'd quickly settle on his three choices.

"Desmond wants pretty light stone [Basic Light Stone x1], Antidote vial [Antidote Vial x1], and funky-dunky Breath of da wild Wind vial [Crystal Vial Containing a Breath of Wind x1], yez. How muchez?"
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After enduring the stunned silence of the Inn for an uncomfortable amount of time, the sudden roar of applause made Lauren feel a little more at ease. And as the atmosphere of the Inn slowly simmered back down it left Lauren some time to ponder over the proposal that Varic offered her earlier, her peripheral vision noticing his approach as her gaze turned to meet his. He seemed rather pleased with the money collected from the bets against her earlier, and with a nod of respect and some praise he offered his hand to shake. She was still doubtful about whether or not she could trust him, though she decided to place a little bit of trust in him to see how things panned out. And after hearing that she could pick one of a few select pieces of his wares made her impression of him improve. With a soft smile that slightly twitched from the pain she was enduring she reached her metal hand out to grab his, giving a firm handshake with a bit of a tight grip before swiftly looking through the scroll.
"I'll definitely need some armor, so preferably a chest-plate would be nice..." Lauren stated as she looked over her options with careful consideration. With how Morran had barged earlier while rambling about the depths of the dungeon, something to protect her sanity would be very much preferred. "While I would prefer to remain debt free, I wish to make a deal for one of your Sobriety Pendants. Perhaps three relics retrieved from the dungeon would suffice as payment for one of the Pendants?" Lauren bargained as she sat back down onto the bar stool, glancing over to Desmond being dejected at the lack of any meat on the rib bones she had slid over towards him earlier. The sight alone was enough to get a slight laugh out of her, though she immediately regretted it as her stomach very quickly brought forth an orchestra of pain. Although she kept her composure, her smile from earlier became muted as her eyes seemed to contemplate her somewhat regrettable choices.

Develius Develius gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal

gmimperfecti gmimperfecti II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II Develius Develius Uasal Uasal

Cook’s expression, which was still slightly more serious thanks to Morran’s earlier entrance into the Inn, now relaxed even further, once again back to its friendly self, thanks to Varic’s demeanor. The middle-aged human listened attentively to the merchant as he praised Cook’s mental acumen in the choices of items which had been made, flashing him a sly grin. "Just like folks say: it's better to be safe than sorry, ain't that the truth?" He commented, as he kept his attention when the nature of the prices were revealed: debts. Listening further, about how the lack of preparation could have caused Morran to be in the state he was currently in, Cook pondered for a moment about what the raving man must have encountered in the dungeon. Would it have been simply poison who had made his mind sick or something else entirely? Still, being new to this world, Cook wasn’t able to even come with the slight idea of what must have happened.

And, when the merchant mentioned the Seer, Cook’s hazel eyes darted towards him. There was certainly an air of mystery around the hooded figure, almost as if bathed in unknowns and shadows. “Curses, huh?” Those words escaped his lips in a tone no louder than a whisper. From where he was from, curses were nothing more than mambo-jambo, however, once more Cook remembered that now he found himself in an unknown place and he shouldn’t write off that possibility. Turning once more towards Varic, the middle-aged man stored the items he had purchased it and accept the merchant’s hand for a handshake, Cook’s grip around Varic’s hand being tight [Strength E], which bellied his weathered self, while his wizened eyes kept locked on Varic’s. "I appreciate yer hollerin' for my success. Whatever oddities and magical trinkets I stumble upon, I'll be sure to fetch 'em back. Got to square up for them supplies, after all." Being a man of his word, Cook fully planned to pay Varic back, it was only a question of whether he would find such items. "I reckon I'll likely haul back a fair share of critter cuts from that there dungeon delve. Can't rightly say if they'll be fancy enough to pass for delicacies, but they'll make for some interestin' eats, that's for sure…" Cook added, still holding Varic’s hand, the sly grin widening a few notches, turning his head towards the Innkeeper to check if that might have picked his fancy, before returning to Varic and releasing his hand.

He then noticed two of the other patrons had also approached the elusive merchant for his wares: Desmond, which Cook already knew would also be delving into the dungeon, and the girl with metallic limbs who had gone through those delicious looking ribs in a very odd fashion. The middle-aged man made the supposition that she would also be delving into the dungeon, even more when she mentioned wanting a Sobriety Pendant, something akin of what Cook himself had received from the desperate woman, Mira. With that, he decided to make, or at least tried, her acquaintance. "Well, howdy there, Miss! So you're fixin' to venture into that there dungeon too, huh? Name's Cook, pleased to make yer acquaintance. Me and my new buddy here, we're fixin' to do some delvin' of our own…" The human said, his slightly hunched form slightly patting Desmond’s back, without interrupting his business, taking at the chaotic being for a moment, before focusing on Lauren once more. “... I reckon it'd be downright smarter if we all went into that dungeon as a group. More folks means less chance of things goin' south on us." Cook offered, his wrinkled expression still friendly and his voice loud enough for anyone nearby to hear it.

(Mundane Monster)

Nebula observed the innkeeper's visible distress with a stoic expression, her piercing red eyes unyielding. As he stammered and nervously attempted to dissuade her from the idea of bringing a hellspawn corpse, Nebula remained outwardly unmoved. Inwardly, however, she was somewhat perplexed by the innkeeper's extreme reaction to what she saw as a straightforward proposition.

Taking the dusty lump of salt from the bar, Nebula tucked it within the folds of her cloak with a fluid, almost casual motion. Her gaze remained fixed on the innkeeper as she pondered the situation. Though the notion of haggling or negotiating was somewhat foreign to her, and she couldn't comprehend why the tavern keeper seemed so terrified by the prospect.

As the innkeeper offered her the salt stone without any additional payment, Nebula's confusion only deepened. The simplicity of the innkeeper's desires clashed with Nebula's expectation of value exchange. The hellspawn corpse, in her mind, held worth – a potential commodity that could cover the cost of the salt stone. Yet, the innkeeper's reluctance hinted at an unfamiliarity with such transactions.

"Humans and their peculiarities," Nebula thought, her mind grappling with the cultural nuances of this unfamiliar land. She wondered if her attempt at what humans referred to as a 'haggle' or 'negotiation' had somehow violated social norms. Had she done something wrong? Were the corpses of hellspawn not considered valuable in these parts?

With a nod, the woman concluded her business with the man and was about to take her leave for the dungeon when she heard two of the patrons engaging in conversation. Specifically a conversation about the dungeon and how they might team up to explore the structure. Intrigued by this Nebula silently approached the two before speaking aloud once behind the male of the two. "You two wish to form a temporary pack to explore this dungeon correct? I shall join you in this endeavor. Are you ready to leave? If so I shall move us to the dungeon entrance immediately."
Maxxob Maxxob II-CinderRadcliff-II II-CinderRadcliff-II

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