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Fantasy Shadow of The Seal - OOC



Senior Member
The Shadow of The Seal
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// premise ...
#Found family
Everybody knows the seal; they know what it means.
A single, blank letter, stamped with a crimson red seal, left on the windowsill or doorstep. It is an omen; a promise; a message: Death has found you.

Nobody can say for certain when people started receiving the letters. Some say The Seal - as the group has now been called - has caused the rise and fall of entire kingdoms. Others believe it is the latest in a long list of soon-to-be-forgotten attention grabbers. Some declare that there is only one person behind The Seal. Others insist that it is impossible for one person to hold that much power. Some even believe the whole thing to be a myth. But The Seal exists, and has existed for the almost 200 years. You would know. After all, you are one of them.

A 300-year-old library stands tall, its impressive stone walls seeming to glitter in the light of the Kidem sun. People go in and out as normal: some scholars looking for material for their latest research articles; a few commoners looking to borrow or return books on topics spanning from the destruction of Lotoy to the history of magic; a wave of tourists and couples, wanting to spend time admiring the largest library in all of the continent of Emem; the rest...assassins, lorekeepers and spies, Agents working under The Seal.

For years, the noble houses pushed down on the commoners with tyranny and corruption and they pushed just hard enough that a rare gem formed under all that pressure and it started pushing back. This gem, several years down the line, would come to be known as The Seal, and through assassinations and espionage, declared themselves to be Judge, Jury and Executioner if the noble houses that seek to use the poor and the broken as their footstools.
This Grand Library of Kidem has functioned as the beating heart of The Seal for over a hundred years, their operations unseen and unnoticed thanks to the codes and riddles woven into every shelf of the library. Upheld by its Four Pillars: Bookie, Guille, Keep and Seer, The Seal stretches all over the world of Tainam with the Grand Library serving as the chief base of operations while having offices in the other libraries spread around the world as well.

For years, The Seal has controlled the political ebb and flow of the world through the shadows. However, you and everybody else hidden in the Shadow of The Seal are about to learn the shadows often have plans of their own.
// roles ...
You have been here for 4+ years. You have seen the Seal go through thick and thin, now standing as a rock for newer characters to lean on and the first to be called when backup is needed on a mission. Because of your steadfastness, there are rumors that you may be a future Pillar.
Bookie doesn't like you, he calls you unpredictable and he says that that is a liability to The Seal. You have a tendency to want to do things your own way. But Keep likes having you around and the other two Pillars don't care enough to be bothered by you. Plus, you're good at what you do.
You are one of the newest recruits - any time less than ten months - and, in that short time, you're already being assigned high profile missions, missions that others needed years to work up to. You assimilated quicker than anyone the Pillars have ever seen and some of your peers call you a Pillar in the making
You are one of the newest recruits - any time less than ten months - and you are still in training, learning the ways of The Seal and finding out what kind of agent you want to be. You are made to shadow missions and your primary role is to follow the orders given by whoever you shadow, no matter what the order is.
As a principle, you don't like killing and violence and so being an agent is hard for you. However, you try to convince yourself that it's for the greater good; that The Seal is looking out for those who can't help themselves.. Plus, at least The Seal has a code. You still don't particularly support their methods though.
To you, rules are rules and are meant to be followed strictly. Any deviation is intolerable. You adore The Pillars - their word is law to you - and you even aspire to be a Pillar yourself one day. You've given everything you have and everything you are to The Seal with religious, almost problematic, dedication.
You were on the run from the law, you'd been on the run for a long time actually. However, your luck ran out; they had you cornered and you knew your time was up. You'd given up all hope and resigned yourself to your fate, then The Seal found you and, to you, they are protection from the law.
To you, The Seal is a means to an end. You recognise that all the agents under The Seal are some of the best at what they do. The Pillars form the very pinnacle, where you want to be. But you are not content with being "one of those" at the pinnacle. You want to be the pinnacle yourself, undeniable so.
Newer recruit - 0 months to a year. No matter what those around you said and how they tried to convince you that it was just a myth, you always knew The Seal was real. You'd followed their missions closely, modeling your style after them. The day you were recruited was a literal dream come true for you.
You were a noble once, maybe even royalty. But, all that meant is that you got to see the cruelty of high Society firsthand and it was a vile taste in your mouth. You knew you had to do something. You were nothing more than a nameless vigilante before The Seal found you, now they have your full devotion.
Both of your parents were agents of The Seal and they raised you while keeping their lives as part of The Seal secret from you. Eventually, you grew old enough to have questions. With few options left, they finally gave you the answers you wanted and brought you into the life they'd tried to shelter you from.
You got into a nearly fatal accident and you had to leave for several months while you healed and got your strength back. You returned very recently, not only do your memory and muscle memory need to return, it also feels like so much has changed - there is much for you to keep up with.
You process and consume information at an extraordinary rate and you are always hungry for more, seeking to grow and improve yourself in your craft, each day better than you were the day before. Your progress is staggering and your dedication is an example to those around; you just might be a future Pillar.
The role you fill under The Seal gives you purpose and it is one of the very few things that does. There aren't very many things that you are naturally good at - even things you worked for years on. But you do your jobwithin The Seal perfectly, almost as if you were born to do this.
You are a treasure trove of talent. You can, have, and will fill all roles, bouncing from one role to the other as the missions demand. You may not be the best at any one role, but your versatility makes you indispensable. Because of this, you're one of very few able to be assigned solo missions.
In a world of secrets, lies and shadows, you are a much needed breath of fresh air - a literal ray of sunshine. You know what The Seal is and you fully commit to your role within it. And yet, you carry yourself with the demeanor of somebody who works in a candy shop, unflappable in your positivity.
Reserved for GM Wyll
You've been here for 4+ years. Whenever somebody is recruited, they are warned about you because you are known to give the newbies a hard time, a true trial by fire. Your reasons are your own, but every newbie knows your name and most fear it.
You have been around for a while - at least three years - and you may not be the best in your role but you are indispensable all the same. Your experience has made you a master of navigating sticky situations. You are known for your clever ideas, if there is a problem, you are often the solution.
Your natural understanding of people, creatures and situations allows you to be the glue that holds people together when things don't go smoothly. You are perfectly able to discern between when a situation calls for support, guidance or discipline and you know how to provide all three as needed.
Just as the saying says, everything is a nail to you. You believe in power and asserting dominance and this shows through in how you carry out the activities of your role and even relations with other agents. Not particularly one for tact or patience, you trust in your own abilities to navigate any situation.
You had been searching for The Seal for a long time and you knew more than you thought. To The Seal, the only thing more dangerous than someone that knows too much is someone that doesn't know how much they know. So they found you before you found them; your search is over and their secret remains safe
You've been wronged and want vengeance. You don't care that it's against the code of The Seal to keep personal matters out of the way. For now, you will follow their rules; play their game; obey their silly code...but when a chance for vengeance comes, you won't let them or anyone else stop you.
Life has dealt you a tough hand many times over - situations that would have made most other throw in the towel - yet, somehow, you've persisted. Giving up and giving in seem to be fundamentally and entirely against your nature and you carry that spirit through every mission and everything you do.
Life has taught you that anything could happen and you live every day and every mission with that in mind. You play it as safe as possible, doing everything you can to guarantee complete success no matter what. You refuse to act until victory is absolutely certain, scared of what failure might mean.

// rules ...
This RP will be obeying all RPN rules.
All accepted players and characters will be added to the group Discord which is where we'll have most of our OOC conversation and plotting - so yes, Discord is mandatory.
All players need to be at least 18 years old as the the RP will be dealing with mature content in most of the scenes.
There is an expectation for each character to post at least once a week. Of course, life happens, and if you aren't able to meet that, just let me know.
More of a notice than a rule: If you have any questions, comments, complaints or suggestions, - about the RP, characters or otherwise - don't hesitate to reach out to me.

A battle of secrets, lies and shadows
© reveriee
Also, CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon , what you've gotten your character into is chaos and angst. Hope this helps.

As for plotting connections and relations with other characters, would definitely prefer you all do do such plotting once everyone's created their characters and has them accepted.
Would hate for you to cook up delicious plots with another person's character and then they don't get accepted.
Also, CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon , what you've gotten your character into is chaos and angst. Hope this helps.

As for plotting connections and relations with other characters, would definitely prefer you all do do such plotting once everyone's created their characters and has them accepted.
Would hate for you to cook up delicious plots with another person's character and then they don't get accepted.
I like you so much more now.
I need the sheet! My creative juices are flowing.
Not sure what I did but I'll always take being liked 😂😂
Also, because you care if people put their effort into establishing a connection and don't want to have them all excited just to destroy their set up by having their characters not get accepted.
I need the sheet! My creative juices are flowing.

Also, because you care if people put their effort into establishing a connection and don't want to have them all excited just to destroy their set up by having their characters not get accepted.
Sheet is available in the CS thread 🫡🫡

There's a list of what I'm looking for from your CS app and the sections I'm looking to see as well as some guidelines for cooking up your character.

Not particularly strict on what code (if any) you use.
Sheet is available in the CS thread 🫡🫡

There's a list of what I'm looking for from your CS app and the sections I'm looking to see as well as some guidelines for cooking up your character.

Not particularly strict on what code (if any) you use.
Oh nice. I'm gonna vanish for a day or so to do this. Lol
I understand this is mid-fantasy. So no higher magical beings like angels, demons, demon lords, etc. However, would something like a tiefling or changeling be allowed? I’m trying to figure out what type of non-human races are allowed. (Using DnD as inspiration.)
I understand this is mid-fantasy. So no higher magical beings like angels, demons, demon lords, etc. However, would something like a tiefling or changeling be allowed? I’m trying to figure out what type of non-human races are allowed. (Using DnD as inspiration.)
Very much allowed and I was hoping to get one actually
Awesome! Follow up question: how long do elves live in this universe? A few hundred years or? (I haven’t decided what race my character will be. I want to cover my bases first before I choose.)
Awesome! Follow up question: how long do elves live in this universe? A few hundred years or? (I haven’t decided what race my character will be. I want to cover my bases first before I choose.)
Great question, I'd love to tell you.
There's a lore page coming up that tells you more about the world and locations and things like that that should help with this - expect it some time in the next 12 hours - just need to get back to my home computer.

But we're capping the oldest someone can live to at around 500 years old.
There's the few stragglers that make it to like 505 or 510, but not much older than that.
So a couple hundred years younger than what Elves are typically known to live until

When the lore page goes up, I'll be sure to tag everyone in it so you all get that info
Great question, I'd love to tell you.
There's a lore page coming up that tells you more about the world and locations and things like that that should help with this - expect it some time in the next 12 hours - just need to get back to my home computer.

But we're capping the oldest someone can live to at around 500 years old.
There's the few stragglers that make it to like 505 or 510, but not much older than that.
So a couple hundred years younger than what Elves are typically known to live until

When the lore page goes up, I'll be sure to tag everyone in it so you all get that info
Cool beans. Thanks! Looking forward to the lore page.
any preference on realistic/drawn faceclaims?
None 'tall.
Didn't want the style of the faceclaim to be used to turn people away so we accept any and all.
Main thing is that, no matter what faceclaim style you use, all characters need to have a detailed description of what they look like. Eyes, hair, skin, height, weight, distinguishing marks, stuff like that.
Whatever the case, by the end of your character app, we're looking to have a pretty solid idea of what your character looks like.

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