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Several in depth role play ideas


New Member
This is my ever growing list of role play ideas. Most that I have right now are set within one of 3 fandoms, Pokémon, Alien, and Sonic the hedgehog. I shall soon be adding original ideas as well but that will take time to coax the concepts from whatever hidey hole they have taken refuge in within my brain. I am always happy to hear any ideas you have, any orginal ideas of your or any alterations to mine you may have.

Here starts the list of my original ideas, do forgive me if they are somewhat jumbled and long compared to those in fandoms, their is much more to explain and I must find a way to vomit them forth in some kind of cohesive manner

1. For uncounted eons, 3 countries have ruled the Continent of Kroll peacefully. To the north, over vast stretches off snowy mountain peaks and frozen tundra, stretches the Krog monarchy. With control over the vast majority off most precious mineral, copper, iron, tin, and such material mining sites, much exporting and metal work is done in this country. Most of its people live in moderately stable and happy environments, working hard for a living and getting much for it. Its borders run alomg the Carg mountains (a mountain chain that dominates the north, north east, and north west and marks on all maps the most northernly point anyone has traveles) to end at the isis river that serves as the shared border between it and the other 2 countries. While it has more than twice the amount of land than the other two countries combined, only its most southern portions house the majority of its inhabitants, all the rest of it being home to gaint wild life and mining outposts. To the south and east rises the Shike republic. Within in its domain lie the entirety of the coast line, rich port city after rich port city. The most fertile of farmland and control of all rivers that lead to and from the sea make the Shike land the richest and most bountiful of all her neighbors. It has fostered a thriving community of philosophers, scientists, engineers and other intelligent men. To her, all learned men flock. The Shike Republic is the smallest of the three countries, her borders being the isis river to the north, the coast to the east,the kroth forest to the south, a forest that has resisted all efforts to either explore, destroy, or push past, and the shared pasture lands to the west. To the never ending west falls the Morris empire. From the pasture lands onwards, all land is technically under the empires control, though, in reality, the large blank space on the map marks where empiral control ends and savage wondering nomads begin. The Empire holds the undeniable claim to having the most powerful military of the three political entities, a fact neccesatated by the constant invasions of unorganized barbarians on the country. The fact that the nation acts as a shield for civilized lands against the unslaught of uncivilized is both a source of pride and bitterness for the Empire. In recent years, great famine and pestilence has devastated both The countries of Krog and Morris, killing of more than one tenth of the miners in Krog and destroying over a third of the Morris army. The Shike Republic has to thank it's superior farming technology and higher standards of sanitation in its avoidance of these catastrophes. Both of the beleaguered countries have requested their prosperous neighbor for assistance but the Republic refuses. My character is a highly suaght after mercenary, having earned much fame in his years fighting in the Morris army against invading savages. He has gathered about him his own group of fighting individuals, all fiercely loyal to him. He has recently been dispatched to guard an envoy convoy from the Morris to the Krog monarchy. Who your character is is entirely up to you. Is he/she within my character's band of fighting individuals? Is he/she the envoy my character is hired to protect ? Perhaps the assassin of forementioned envoy? Any of these or anything you can think of would be an acceptable character. This universe can be set either in a one with physics similar to our own, or one in which magic and anthropomorphic creatures are in high abundance. Again, all based on your whimsy

Here are my only current ideas within the Pokémon universe as of now

1. The Pokémon world is ruled by elitist aristocrat families that rule the puppet government. They decide there rank amongst themselves and society by the trainers they hire, whether it is the sheer number or the high quality of the trainers. The trainers are, for the most part, left to their own devices as long as they participate in the required number of recorded battles and attend the required number of tournaments held by gym masters. There is a lot more to this ( such as the ranking system, both for trainers and the families, the actual government, team rocket) than what I have listed and I will give more info if you are interested.

2. The story is set centuries before the failure that is ash Ketchum, long before the league was a viable governing system. All the regions are at war with each other, with mass hunts scouring the land for Pokémon to be used in the endless fighting. The war retarded the growth of technology as did the invention of the pokeball. All rare Pokémon and abnormally powerful were immediately confiscated by the military and found their way to the wealthy, who were the real reasons behind the wars. The common conscripted soldier was given the most common Pokémon, and were sent into huge confrontations that scarred the land, but were only fronts as the real work of the rare Pokémon was done at the aristocrats bidding. The aristocrats would eventually be over thrown by the government now ruling (the leagues, with the gym masters being descendants of war heroes) and the military reduced to a mere guerilla rebel force (team rocket). Again, there is far more to it, you need only ask to be told

For the sonic fandom, the first option for the Pokémon fandom can easily be tailored to fit this universe and I’d be happy to do so as well as one more idea

1. Two clans have resin in worship of the master emerald and the seven chaos emeralds. One is called the divided, which possess many varieties of chaos control and are split into many factions that war with each other constantly. The other is called the harvest, they have strange powers with the chaos emeralds and master emerald, powers that vary from controlling the elements, to seeing the future, to reading minds. This idea isn’t as well thought out as the others, as I don’t know if it’s set in the future or in present day sonic, or even before that. Or even If sonic will even be involved, or his friends or eggman, or any of the others. This one is the most subject to change so please note any ideas you have as soon as you can.

For alien,i have two ideas, both falling within, monsterxhuman and monsterxmonster categories

1. Your character has crash landed on a known xeno infested planet, your ship is destroyed when you impact but somehow, you survive. You soon find there are other things on this planet, things that are much stronger than you and just as smart. My character, a xeno that isn’t part of a hive, a warrior that has managed to escape the queens mind, finds you first and decides to play with its prey instead. Basically monster finds human and either makes the human its pet or befriends the human, as you’ve probably guessed.

2. On a sweltering jungle planet in a rarely traveled system, something rare has occurred. The alien swarm labeled by humans as, xenomorphs, have found a planet they cannot completely consume, something that even humans could not stop when it occurred. The local fauna are hardy enough to survive the infestation and have even been able to exist along the xenos. Again, in this one, my character is a rogue xeno, has no hive, hunts alone, and your character is either one of the local fauna or is another xeno and they befriend another in some form or fashion , mainly monster x monster

I just came to this website and know little to nothing of it. I don't know how messaging works nor what the main median of communication in roleplays here so do forgive any mishaps i may let forth. I will roleplay through any mode of comunication you feel comfortable with, just know im looking for someone who can reply often. All of my roleplays are adult roleplays (not nessacrily smut but all have cursing and gore)so dont expect me to censor myself. Below, i have an examply of what i will be bringing to the table and what i expect you to be able to recipricate.

Cormac rested against the ship’s hull for a moment, the cool metal almost seeming to burn against his hot skin as he tried to catch his breath. His ragged gasping filled the air, his usually pale hide now red and hot to the touch. He gritted his teeth before a sharp crack broke the temporary silence, followed quickly by a restrained hiss of pain. He lowered his left hand, mangled and bloody, the bones that had been almost pulped now set back into their proper place. He slid farther down the hull, falling onto his buttock with a thump as his eyelids fluttered, the blood loss catching up with him, threatening to doom him more certainly than the one that had shattered his limb.

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