Seven Year Struggle

Quick Lesson in BBCode!

Border Code: border= width style color. You only need to put this once.

Background: bg=Color of your choice. For each section header you need the same color, or different up to you.

Everything else is thing like header (h) and other basic formatting things. Copy the code below in the BB Code Editor. The paper and wrench at the top right of your screen. Then click switch to rich text. Anything in Green needs to be altered with your chosen color, image, ect. Just be sure to highlight the green text and hit the clear format button at the top right of the window to make sure there is no code confusion.

[center][border= 3px solid [color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][bg=Hex Color][h]Name Here[/h][/bg][/border][/center]

[border= 3px solid [color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]]

[blockquote=[color=#00b300]Character Name[/color]]Quote[/blockquote]

[bg=[color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][size=7][b][i]Basic Info[/i][/b][/size][/bg]

[imageFloat=right] Image Here  [/imageFloat]
Appearance Notes: [/b]

[bg=[color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][size=7][b][i]Inventory[/i][/b][/size][/bg]


[bg=[color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][b][i][size=7]Ability[/size][/i][/b][/bg]


[bg=[color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][b][size=7][i]Persona[/i][/size][/b][/bg]







[bg=[color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][b][size=7][i]Background[/i][/size][/b][/bg]

[bg=[color=#00b300]Hex Color[/color]][b][size=7][i]Miscellaneous[/i][/size][/b][/bg]


Shura said:
Quick Lesson in BBCode!
AAAAAAAAaaaand, Shura beats me to making it perfect >_> I forgot about the Code window bbcode, well played, Shu, well played xD
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Yeah yeah, it's ok, just make my efforts to help look like a kindergartner trying to eat crayons, that's cool.. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the corner... making another CS.... by myself.... in the rain... xD
Yay for opening post!

Nice touch with the music, though this is still my favorite song from OoT of all time: [media]

That song is kind of amazing! I did change the song though to something more.... fitting of exposition and a little more ominous.


I know I reserved a spot, but unfortunately some stuff has come up and I'll have to withdraw from the RP. Have fun, everyone else!
Woot, progress! I almost have Thorn's post done, what about everyone else? :)
Haha, never fear, Thorn may just drop in to the rescue, one Deku looking after another, right? :D
Pic related:


EDIT: resized so as not to engulf the whole screen xD
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No problem, I was just poking this to make sure it didn't suddenly die on us :)
xD you should get you a quick post Damage. I might lower the writing level to casual so people can respond without having to write really long posts.
/me will continue to write verbose, eloquent posts anyway xD

Not that I want to show off my adeptness of the English language, I just find it easier to put in a lot of details, makes it easier to picture exactly what's going on xD
My apologies, but I haven't been on because of a lack of internet. I'll let you guys know when I get my internet back .

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