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Fantasy Seven Deadly Sins: Character Sheet


Two Thousand Club
Appearance (Demon form AND human form)-


Name you go by-

Gender of choice (you can change at will)-


What does your circle of hell look like?-

How do you punish the sinners in your circle?-

Reason you want to rebel-

Main Powers-


Demon Form



Human Form


Names and Alias


Preferred Gender Female


Out of the Seven Deadly Sins, Gluttony has the most notable appetite. Greedy, boisterous, and lustful, Gluttony loves to indulge in whatever she feels like. Back in Hell, that meant creating whatever object she wished and then creating ten more just in case.

Gluttony is quite naive at times, and usually remains loyal to the hand that feeds her. Of course, over time and due to certain revelations, Gluttony has become a bit more paranoid and wary of who she trusts. But that still doesn't mean she's entirely bright for a Sin, and often, sometimes her fellow Sins do think she's just a mindless beast.

However, Gluttony is a comedian and is always cracking some sick-minded joke at the table or if a sadistic pun isn't enough, describing some interesting new concoction she's created. More often than not, Gluttony is usually banned from cooking or handling any edible items due to her insatiable appetite. That and she boasts a notorious streak of trying to tease her fellow Sins.

Despite all this, Gluttony is surprisingly well-mannered and can, when she chooses to be, wise about when to fall into her temptations. Of course, the fact that her real form is a giant wurm that burrows underground and can devour just about anything whenever she feels like it is no comfort.

What does your circle of hell look like?

A luscious, full forest filled with every luxury known to man. There are streams that run with all manners of wine, liqueur, even beer. Within the trees is everything from Maine Lobster to Twinkies to Stir-fry. And of course, marijuana plants grow freely among the dense overgrowth, with chests filled with ecstasy pills, cocaine bricks, and bags of weed. To most who set foot in here, it seems almost a paradise, with groves filled with fruit and wonderful benches to sit and eat.


How do you punish the sinners in your circle?

However, despite the description above, Hell comes in all shapes and color. Upon entering this area of delights, however, is a lost of addiction. The sinner in fact, has no desire for any of these things and when they try to eat or smoke or drink, they are simply repelled and disgusted by the taste. So then begs the question, what would they eat?

Well, Gluttony made a note that while some of her sinners were quite obese, others were simply skin and bones, with sunken eyes and ribbed chests. So, she decided to balance the groups.

Now, every sinner has only one addiction. Themselves.

With an insatiable appetite, both the large and the small devour each other, never truly dying. In fact, for the few who have managed to control their instincts and hide away in the dense jungle, find themselves constantly devouring their arms and legs. Of course, there is a reward to it. Those that eat others, often get to regenerate the flesh rotting off their bodies, and fresh flesh is much better than the rotting slabs of meat coating Gluttony's sinners.

And of course, this saves all the Twinkies, alcohol, and cocaine for Gluttony herself. Oh, and occasionally she'll join in the fun too.

Reason to Rebel?

Gluttony saw major bonuses in her realm during the early '80s and '90s. She watched with eagerness as the Drug War reigned on. Before, Gluttony mostly got drunks and alcoholics, who more often than not, were in poor taste as it was. But once drugs hit the street, Gluttony was seeing dozens upon thousands of people who had overdosed or who had simply died in the conflict come to her borders. Some of the most famous drug traffickers were even sent to her. A few of them she keeps as pets, often keeping them in a pen and watching them devour each other for her own sadistic delight.

But despite her powers, Gluttony was always a pet. A giant worm that Satan himself enjoyed tormenting at times. Often, he'd pluck Gluttony out of her realm and taunt her like a master with a dog bone, holding her by a leash and making her play fetch for treats. Knowing Gluttony always wanted something, Satan would dangle a treat over her head, making her beg, play-act, and do all sorts of demeaning actions before him.

Initially, Gluttony thought this was normal, and that all Seven Deadly Sins had this play time. Of course, when she found out that some of her fellow Deadly Sins had never even heard of such treatment, she began to plot against her master.

Even now, she simply states her reason is because she feels Satan didn't give them fair wages. In truth, Gluttony is too embarrassed to admit her naivety in front of the other Sins and feels it's only a minor issue that she can devour and hide away.

Main Powers

-Gluttony boosts what most people on Earth would call a high metabolism. She can devour just about anything, including some objects that would be deemed inedible.

-Gluttony can fire a corrosive acid that, depending on how she feels like, can melt through steel, glass, skin, and can taste like water, wine, and even cough medicine.

-As a Wurm, Gluttony can create a certain portal known as a "tunnel" or as she likes to call it "Wurm-hole". It's what had allowed her to traverse certain areas back in her domain in Hell, but now, can, if she can figure out the proper coordinate, serve as a teleporter.

Theme Song (YouTube link)-

Of all the songs, apparently Gluttony does like to indulge in ones that express her wishes.



Gluttony will never tell this to anyone, not even her other fellow demons, but she did bring one belly rub device that she use to use for the times she was too lazy to generate arms and scratch herself.

She's also a big fan of any major fast food chain as well as cartels and gangs on Earth that distribute drugs.

Gluttony has an immense fear of leashes and will squirm if she ever sees one. This is mostly because of the Overlord's treatment over her.

There was a running gag between her and Satan that Gluttony was formed from Satan's intestine, hence why she's a worm.

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Sin- Greed

Human Appearance: He mostly uses this even when he is in hell

Demon form: Used very rarely mostly for the fact that he doesn't think anyone has the right to see his glorious true form

Name you go by- Dante

Gender of choice- Male

Personality- Greed believes he owns everything in existence and that he is just letting others borrow it until he wants it back. For the most part, he is mostly well mannered and relaxed unless you try to deny him what rightfully belongs to him, then greed would fall into a very quick spout of rage.

Greed is often sarcastic and he enjoys making fun of and mocking his fellow sins. Well really, he enjoys making fun of anyone but mostly for his fellow sins. He does have his sadistic side but it really on shows throw when he his punishing though who tried to take what belongs to him.

What does your circle of hell look like?- Greed’s circle is a large golden city in the middle of fields that stretch for as far as the eye can see. In these fields only the most luxurious, and expensive food/ animals are seen growing or roaming around. Within the city demons roam freely and trade items all through the city, however standing in the center of the city are the massive golden palace, and a massive stadium. Inside of the palace every room looks more expensive than anything a human could ever imagine, while Greed sits upon a throne so beautiful most demons must look away for fear of their eyes burning from their heads.Through out the palace Famous people, heros, minor demons, etc can be seen serving as slaves in the palace and following Greeds will. Greed’s throne is also surrounded by piles of gold, artifacts, statues, etc.

How do you punish the sinners in your circle?- When the sinners arrive they are split into two groups, one group that hoarded their wealth in life, and those who wasted it. The two groups are armed with lances that are made of heavy weights and are braced against their chest. The sinners then must joust the other group, winners will be able to move on in the tournament, losers will be locked in a cell as the room is flooded with melted gold. At the very end of the tournament the ultimate winner will be granted the right to touch Greed’s throne, after they have laid hands on the throne Their hands will be removed, even though their hands will grow back the next morning. This tournament repeats with no break with Greed showing up every now and then when he gets bored.

Reason you want to rebel- Greed’s reason for rebelling is simple, the Jack ass King of hell thought he could take the wealth that belongs to Greed. Greed readily agreed to rebellion because he knew what the end result would be, if no when Greed won the war for the throne of hell then that would mean all the riches on hell and heaven would be his. That kind of opportunity would be to good to pass up.

Main Powers-

The golden alchemist- In greek myths their was something called the Midas touch, the curse that you turn what ever you touch to gold. Greed has this curse but unlike the tragedy of king Midas greed can control it. He is able to touch something and turn it to gold if he wants to.

Controlling Greed- Greed is able to take control of a devil/ persons body for a period of time based off of how strong they are. He is unable to do this against Satan or his fellow sins but any lower ranked demons or humans are fair game.

Body of gold- An ability that is only activated in demon form. Greed is able to spew forth flames of melted gold as a form of attack. Greed is also able to eat gold and heal wounds on his body.

Theme song:
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Sin- Wrath

Name you go by- Cheran

Gender of choice (you can change at will)- Female

Personality- Cheran is always on edge and ready for a fight. She also has an air of confidence about her. Though should she warm up to you she can be sweet and loyal.

What does your circle of hell look like?- It changes depending on the person, whatever place they felt most at one with is chosen.

How do you punish the sinners in your circle?- the sinners find whatever was precious to them in life and must watch their limbs destroy it. They watch as their limbs destroy whoever or whatever showed them kindness in life, helpless to stop.

Reason you want to rebel- Cheren hates to be ordered around and Satan loved to mess with her. Mostly in harmless but annoying ways, secretly she hated being trapped with a bunch of sinners.

Main Powers-
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Appearance (Demon form):

Appearance (Human form)-

Sin- Sloth

Name you go by- Aergia

Gender of choice (you can change at will)- Female

She doesn't like work. Well, that is an understatement... Sloth has never worked a day in its life and it never intends to, believing that others are her property and workers. Walking a single step is simply unthinkable when she deserves to be carried upon a golden stretcher. Chewing food? Ha! Someone should move her jaw to chew everything she eats into a pulp. Working is for the weak and underclass, of which, sloth is not. This fact happens to be an extreme character flaw as well because it makes Sloth impossible to work with.

Sloth is a master manipulator, excellent at tricking people into doing her handywork for her. Sloth's skills as a wordsmith make it easy for her to play with humans, demons, angels, etc. as if they were five-year-olds and not capable of understanding even the most basic of sentences. She often makes people stumble over their words. Due to her abilities, she has a sadistic part of her that loves to watch people break down and look unintelligent. She even loves to break down her fellow sins, tricking them into doing her own work for her.

Sloth resents all those who attempt to lead her due to her higher sense of self, believing that she is the most important being in existence. Due to this, if she is told to do anything whatsoever, she will purposefully not hear them correctly, choosing to do the exact opposite of what she has been told in order to slow progress and the like. If she does not "mishear" her superiors, she has an awful tendency to mock those who giver her instructions like a five year old, repeating what she has been told but in a more prickish manner. It isn't because she find it entertaining but because her aversion to work is so strong that she almost has the mentality of a five year old.

She does have a love for watching torture and participating in it. It is the one thing that she doesn't consider to be work and will actually apply herself towards. She sees inflicting pain upon an individual as the most solid form of entertainment, often considering it the most sensual action one can perform with another human being, even claiming that she gets to know others better than they know themselves in the few minutes that she has to torture them.

Sloth is bored, uninterested, apathetic, and just generally a dick to be around. She acts like a moody teen, blowing everything off as some stupid and bourgeoisie. Sloth is constantly pissed off, angry, and generally violent in her approach. She isn't exactly a dream personality

What does your circle of hell look like?
Pyramids, over a hundred times the size of the Pyramid of Giza, stretch across the horizon farther than the eye can see. The sun is always shining bright over a desert vaster than that of the Sahara. The sky is the most beautiful shade of blue, so fantastical that a person could look up into the sky for an eternity and never get bored. There is not a single oasis, but there is a river with the most clear and sparkling water runs through the center of the desert. Where the river ends, there is a single civilization that pops up, filled with the most beautiful men and women. They never work, constantly dancing, embracing, making love, and everything else pleasurable. Palm trees surround the city, green grass grows a foot tall, and it is the ultimate paradise. At the center of it all sits a thrown where Sloth sits and gazes upon her civilization. Statues of gold and silver surround her where she does not work and food is fed to her.

How do you punish the sinners in your circle?
Everyone in the civilization is a mirage and a false promise. The sinners are placed at one end of the river, able to see the civilization and all of its beautiful attractions. They are told that when the reach the end of the river, they can indulge in all of its festivities and never work again. The only catch is that they are chained to thousands of pounds of stone behind them that they must drag to the civilization. They are forced to work and drag the stone. The only thing is that every inch of ground that they gain, the civilization moves a mile further away, so that they can never reach paradise. If they give up, they are whipped into continuing to pull the stone and work. If they give up under the threat of the whip, they are brought to the civilization, forced to see its pleasures just inches within their grasp; however, they are forced to be Sloth's slave, continuing to expand her civilization, build her more statues, and never ever stop slaving for Sloth. If they stop, they are tortured by the queen herself until they start working as her slave once more. The work never ends and the pleasure never begins: a perfect place for all those who never lifted a finger in their life.

Reason you want to rebel

Sloth never really works in her realm and has seen no shortage of sinners showing up recently with the modern craze for television, video games, Youtube, the internet, and whatnot, she has perhaps the most steady stream of sinners of all the sins currently in hell. She even has sinners and other demons do her work for her. Satan himself caught wind of her apathy and demanded that she work to make sinners in her circle actually feel punished. Sloth... work? Seriously? The audacity that Satan has to expect minimal effort to be put forward into any project headed by Sloth. She could not help but feel the penultimate disrespect from Satan that he expect her to lift a finger, especially because he always fancied her as one of his favorite creations. He had even given her special treatment in many ways, ensuring that she never had to lift a finger whatsoever, but now that Satan had the audacity to ask her to do a single minute of hard work... Well, Sloth could not exactly handle it well and decided it would be excellent to rebel against Satan for forcing her to do actual hard work for once. Petty? Yes. In Sloth's eyes? No.

Main Powers
  • Slow Time: Sloth can slow time down to a near halt, even making it impossible for a person to move more than a centimeter a second.
  • Influence: Sloth has the unique ability to change a persons perspective, filling them with a feeling of lethargy or a lack of motivation. She can make an individual lack motivation to attack, defend, or want to do anything. She can even drive others to suicide due to the lack of wanting to do anything.
  • Summon: Due to a lack of wanting to actually fight, Sloth can summon powerful demons to do her bidding, fight in her stead. She can summon elemental monsters, trolls, vampires, and everything else that goes bump in the night to serve as her sword and shield so that she does not have to get her hands dirty.

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