News Server Update

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The Dark Wizard

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey guys!

I'm sure some of you saw the very brief downtime we experienced about fifteen minutes ago. Before you ask, no, I didn't break anything.

Instead, we upgraded to a new, considerably more powerful server! What does this mean for you? It will increase site speed, load times, and give you a better user experience overall. For those of you more tech savvy, we are now using two servers, one to hold the RpN database which communicates over a 40GBs private network to the front facing server to better distribute the strain and all that good stuff.

You may still experience some lag for a little bit. Some users may also have trouble accessing the site for the next hour due to their DNS not having updated yet. If you notice other issues, please post them here.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Hey guys!
I'm sure some of you saw the very brief downtime we experienced about fifteen minutes ago. Before you ask, no, I didn't break anything.

Instead, we upgraded to a new, considerably more powerful server! What does this mean for you? It will increase site speed, load times, and give you a better user experience overall. For those of you more tech savvy, we are now using two servers, one to hold the RpN database which communicates over a 40GBs private network to the front facing server to better distribute the strain and all that good stuff.

You may still experience some lag for a little bit. Some users may also have trouble accessing the site for the next hour due to their DNS not having updated yet. If you notice other issues, please post them here.

I have to ask....Did you break anything?
I thought you broke something. Guess I was wrong.



Have a good one!
My roleplay has dissapeared from the fantasy category and all searches, but an old link to it I put in a convo still works :/
Something had to be broken in the process.... because, the perfection of this update.... *Insert eerie music here*
[QUOTE="Painted Puzzle]Something had to be broken in the process.... because, the perfection of this update.... *Insert eerie music here*

Something was broken. Refer to post here:

Arianrhod said:
My roleplay has dissapeared from the fantasy category and all searches, but an old link to it I put in a convo still works :/
I think all searches are broken ;~;
Arianrhod said:
My roleplay has dissapeared from the fantasy category and all searches, but an old link to it I put in a convo still works :/
What is the name of your RP?
Actually scratch that, just searching from a specific person's posts/threads by their profile, from what I can see...


[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I'll go ahead and rebuild the search index, just in case.

That would be a good idea... A really good idea...
Arianrhod said:
Death and Rebirth: Stories from After the Fall * in fantasy, detailed *
The search system has to recatalog everything, just give it another 20 minutes or so and you'll be good to go, all existing links work.
[QUOTE="Painted Puzzle]Sonic Fast!

Sanic Fehst

Ahh its marvelous simply marvelous

*damn why did i change my name, that phrase wont work anymore.*
Well, this is a pleasant awakening. <3 Thanks Wiz and Ghan!
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