News Server Update

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[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Hey guys!
I'm sure some of you saw the very brief downtime we experienced about fifteen minutes ago. Before you ask, no, I didn't break anything.

Instead, we upgraded to a new, considerably more powerful server! What does this mean for you? It will increase site speed, load times, and give you a better user experience overall. For those of you more tech savvy, we are now using two servers, one to hold the RpN database which communicates over a 40GBs private network to the front facing server to better distribute the strain and all that good stuff.

You may still experience some lag for a little bit. Some users may also have trouble accessing the site for the next hour due to their DNS not having updated yet. If you notice other issues, please post them here.

We know you really did break something, but at least you were able to crazy glue it back together in better than new fashion!!!
Would this 'upgrade' affect alerts? The reason I ask is because I been on most the day and haven't gotten any notification/alerts on threads I'm watching and then when I go to those threads to look back, I find out I missed 2 pages of replies throughout the day...
Kishune said:
Would this 'upgrade' affect alerts? The reason I ask is because I been on most the day and haven't gotten any notification/alerts on threads I'm watching and then when I go to those threads to look back, I find out I missed 2 pages of replies throughout the day...
Nope. Nothing should change in that regard. There are a number of reasons as to why notifs may get accidentally turned off. There is a great tutorial that can explain these reasons at here.
A bit late on this thread, but I started experiencing issues this morning. After the update, my computer worked fine with the new server, however, I'm unable to connect now. I tried clearing my DNS and cookies, but is there anything else I can do?

I'm also wondering, if it's just a WiFi problem because I tried using two internet browsers.

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Akeira said:
A bit late on this thread, but I started experiencing issues this morning. After the update, my computer worked fine with the new server, however, I'm unable to connect now. I tried clearly my DNS and cookies, but is there anything else I can do?
I'm also wondering, if it's just a WiFi problem because I tried using two internet browsers.
Thanks for posting. (:

It's a known issue as of this morning and the great powers that be are working on it. I apologize for the delay and for the disruption of your roleplaying. :3

Thank you for your patience! I will make sure an update is posted as soon as I know more.
Mordecai said:
Nope. Nothing should change in that regard. There are a number of reasons as to why notifs may get accidentally turned off. There is a great tutorial that can explain these reasons at here.
I could be entirely wrong but I've seen a lot more complaining about broken alerts recently. I know it could very well be how they work but I've seen complaining from people who KNOW how it works recently.

I myself had an issue where someone's post would not give an alert. A specific person. And I know for a fact that an alert wasn't ignored because I'd just posted and this person was the first to reply to my post a few minutes later. I received an alert for the next person to post rather than the first.

They could be going a bit buggy, just a thought. I haven't had that issue since that one time but it might be safe to just check if possible, just precautionary y'know?
I am trying to add an 'Items' tab to my role play, except whenever I finish filling out the form and clicking submit, this pops up:

The following error occurred:

A server error occurred. Please try again later.

I am filling the form out completely, everything in the right place, and I've checked my wifi and batteries, too. Do you know how to fix this?
FallingFire said:
I am trying to add an 'Items' tab to my role play, except whenever I finish filling out the form and clicking submit, this pops up:
The following error occurred:

A server error occurred. Please try again later.

I am filling the form out completely, everything in the right place, and I've checked my wifi and batteries, too. Do you know how to fix this?
I tried to request a tab and got an error as well. We are now aware of it and it will be fixed soon, I'm sure. (: Thanks!
Problem happened again, and it has been fixed again. Please try now.
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