Servants of The Night [Inactive]


The Painter of Thoughts
ThunderDire submitted a new role play:

Servants of the Night - To all vampires~Not all dogs should be servants...and never should werewolves..

As time has gone on vampires have been the masters, the bosses if one may say it. Bosses of what may I ask? Werewolves. Hundreds of years werewolves and vampires where great rivals. Almost equally matched yet they each had there weaknesses. Soon the fighting became so bad that the vampires had to make a decision. They were loosing numbers fast, day the Lord vampire attacked a, what he thought to be a werewolf, yet was a witch, one of black magic. As she begged for mercy, he asked her...
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........................~SERVANTS OF THE NIGHT~................


Nakoma Grey

Place: Black Markets

~THIS was a day, just like many others. Voices yelled out, as the bidders gathered. Steal cages were lined up in rows, inside this underground abyss. Only reachable by a secret subway, railing only to this... secret place. Many gather here, Hunters yet equally as many Vampires. Hunters stood out side are cages, talking about how there creature was the best. Hundreds gathered for the best pick of the bunch we guess, this was the month of werewolf season. Or at least that's what the hunters say. Ohhhh Hunters were cruel, catching us, rounding us up. Treating are kind as just the common house pet, yet... we were so much more capable of being deadly. Wolves of so many kinds were caught in this trap. Deltas, omegas, betas, alphas. Even the most experienced, although only a few have, gotten caught. Browns, blacks, tans, greys, blurs of earthy colors were inside each crate. She felt plain, white, she didn't share the same color the others did. She was the only white wolf, one of the only who didn't change, wouldnt. Morons who couldn't hold there wolf form in and transformed in fear or anger, but didn't they see. This is what the hunters wanted. They wanted us to change so the vampires could see are true forms. They did the one think forbidden by man kind but no one said it was forbidden to us supernatural kinds. Judge by the cover. This was the hunters plan.

Scare or anger the wolf out, and sell them by appearance.

~IN her cell, she sat in the center of the cold metal cage. Just enough light from the ceiling to be seen from all sides. Her knees tucked to her chest, as her silvery white hair fell down her sides. The hunter spat at her to change as he pulled out a pole , electricity flowing through it. A rubber handle protecting him from the flowing pain he should feel. Looking up her eyes turned bright gold, as she stood up, moving out of his reach. Growling she bared her teeth at him, she would not play his game. The wolf urging for control, urging to get out, yet she denied it access. As her golden gaze moved around the cage, claw marks were drawn on the steal poles from previous captors like her self. How could she be do foolish into getting caught yet again. She just escaped not to long ago, yet again she was in the cold cage. "Well I guess I will just have to kill another...." she muttered. Remembering how she killed her previous master, dead...cold...he deserved all of it. "Ha I bet the hunter will "forget" to tell whoever purchases me next. hmm...poor fellow...will never know what will be coming" she thought.

~BUT before her next thought emerged, the electric pole stabbed into her side, making a slight gash. A slight red liquid slithered out of her body, as electricity flowed into her. Not having the will to keep her wolf on a leash anymore. With that strike, her teeth lengthen as she growled at him in pure anger, causing him to step back slightly then laugh the next. Happy with the change happening on her appearance. Her bones moved, snapped, lengthened. Her features changed to a wolves, as pure white fur began to grow. Finally reaching her full form she was definitely taller then before, lean muscle visible from her appearance. White fur covering her use to be pale skin. Eyes a pure blazing gold as she glared at the hunter. Realizing the huge amount of vampires stopping at her cage, she turned to face them, baring her teeth as anger rose once again. a dark deep growl moving out of her mouth, then leaving to silence again. Only voices of bidders enveloping her own. She sighed, not barring her teeth anymore. She was going to be sold once again, and she couldn't stop it, at least not from here. Might as well give them a show of what there vision of a pet should be. And with that her wolf rose its pure white head, letting go a long lone howl..
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(Ok, I hope I was supposed to make a post... Oh, and during the rp, I tend to put my OOC comments and whatnot in brackets. So, just telling you what this is, though if it's not welcomed, you are free to tell me to stop. And of course, I'll stop. )

Roxanne was painting a picture in her room, bringing the paintbrush over her canvass in light, smooth strokes. With each motion of the brush, new colors and beauty found themselves intertwining into quite a masterpiece, at least for someone as young an age as Roxanne. She was just about to add another vibrant streak of pigment to her work, but froze, giving a shuddering flinch as her roommates loudly burst into the room, talking at an exceedingly high volume about the 'cute guy' they were all apparently displaying romantic affections for. Roxanne slowly turn around to glance -vexation concealed by the usual light smile- to her roommates, and then gave a sigh and turned back to her painting. "Hey, Roxanne, who do you like?" One of her roommates inquired on a dreamy note, tapping on the were's shoulder. Roxanne slowly turned again, smile fading but still existent. "No one, Jessica. Romance is disgusting. Especially when you've had to bare through a lesson on how animals and humans reproduce in science class." Roxanne explained with a shrug. "Ohhhh, I bet you'll like someone, Rox! C'mon, I bet we can find some guy you like in a magazine..." With that, her befriended started to search through her things. Roxanne made an expression of immature, mock disgust. "Uhh... No thank you." She then added when one of her roommates glanced to her with bewilderment and perplexity. "Here it is." The girl brought out her magazine, and held it in front of Roxanne, with rather... 'Steamy' men about the page. Now Roxanne made an expression of true disgust. "So, which do you think looks the best?" Her befriended inquired, still sounding on a day-dreamy chime. Roxanne glanced to an advertisement for garden rakes off to the side on the page, and pointed to it. "That one." She stated, and her friends moved in to see where she was pointing. "So... You like... A garden rake? Guurrrl, what's wrong with you?" One of her roommates asked in a sassy tone. "Nothing. You said which one I liked the best; I'm saying that rake looks better than any of the other... Things, on that page." Roxanne explained, giggling at her own statement, and how she referred to the immodest men on the page as 'things.' One of her roommates slowly shook their head. "Alright. Fine with me if you wanna go dating rakes, Roxy." One added, and they began to head out to do some shopping. "I intend to date no one!" Roxanne called after on a still-giggly note, and now having her hyperactivity triggered, began spinning around in her 'spinny chair,' or one of those chairs that could spin. She glanced to her painting as she twirled, stopped herself, swiftly painted in the final touches, and headed out herself to possibly go do something fun as well. And in Roxanne's book, fun included swimming, randomly running in the near by woods, and pouring chocolate milk in the councilor's underwear wardrobe...
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Peter Michaels

Current assessment- NOT a good place

Peter looked around at the cheering crowd, the snarling wolves, and the people in cages turning into those wolves. Absorbing the entirety of his environment , he responded the only way he could. “Christ what the hell did I find myself in?!” The moment that Peter had wandered into the city he knew something was off about this place. Humans had a definite smell…that much he’d learned over the 5 years of being a vampire, but this city…it reeked of something else, and boy had he found it. It was faint at first, familiar though. Though the deeper he got into the city the stronger it got, accompanied by another smell, almost like wet dog…but more pungent. He kept following the two smells, his heightened senses picking up on the trail more and more. He fell in with a group heading to the subway that had taken him to this place. He didn't have to ask, he immediately knew what they were, just like him, vampires. He’d split off from that group not long ago, now he was lost in a crowd of madness. He felt lost among the crowd, leering vampires, people who smelled like humans…but they were near those like him with no problem.

Then there were those who were kept in cages, he didn't know what was going on with them. They were transforming from man to beast, and why were they being stuck with cattle prods, why were they being sold? He again seethed under his breath looking trying to make sense of it all. “Christ what the hell did I find myself in?” The only thing that he now understood about the society that he never had entered before was that apparently shared little in common with the world that it existed in the shadows of.

Location: In the woods

Sparrow was running in the woods, away from vampires. The girl was in her wolf form but she was getting tired. The vampires knew this and used it as a weakness. They jumped on her and she fell to the ground. "Let's get this one to the black market... They will sell it easily..." one of the vampires said. Sparrow growled and showed her fangs. She tried to got up but failed. The vampires started dragging her to the black market. She turned back to her human form and fainted.


"Where do you think you are going with this wolf?" Vaati asked, there was anger in his voice. "Shit! A hunter!" a vampire said. "Let's move on!" the vampire said before being stabbed with a wood stick in the heart. "You won't go anywhere with my Sparrow," Vaati said. The other vampires left Sparrow on the gound and runned away. Vaati walked up to Sparrow and picked her up, making his way back to his apartement.



Location: Vaati's apartement

"Huh? Where am I?" Sparrow asked. She shook her head, her long, brown, wavy hair was balancing from one side to another as she got out of bed with difficulty. She let out a yelp as she put her feet on the ground. Her wrist was almost broken. She was in a lamentable state. She looked at herself in the mirror. There was scars over her arms, she was still bleeding. "Hello? Helloooo?" she asked. Her voice seemed hesitant. She tried to remember what hapenned but her memory was fuzzy. Anyways, what was she doing here? Where was she? That was the questions that she needed an answer to. As she did a step, she fell to the ground, letting out another yelp.


Vaati let out a quiet sigh as he heard Sparrow. "Didn't I told you to stay in bed?" he asked as he walked over to the room where he left her. "You can barely walk Sparrow," he said before picking her up and laying her in bed again.


"Vaati?" Sparrow asked. "Why is my memory so fuzzy?" she asked again. "Why am I hurt?" with that, she took her head in her hands and goraned. "Why..."


"Yes it's me, Vaati," he beginned. "I don't know," he continued. "Because we got attacked," with that said, he looked angry. "I could have kill them but you were my priority."


"Sorry for that," Sparrow said. "Can I have my healing herbs?" she asked. "Since I can't get up..."


Vaati smiled. "Yes, here they are," he said as he handed her the herbs. He looked at her as she started using them. "That will always impress me..." he added.


I was thrown into a cage, I had escaped no longer then 30 minutes ago and I'm back into this hell hole. My head hit the wall and voices were all over, I was in my human form. My head throbbed and the anger raced through me but I was too tired to do much. "what's your rank!" The man stated, maybe of they thought I wasn't a alpha that no one will buy me, "Omega." I sneered. He walked into the cage, "I'll take a blood test then.-and I forced myself off the floor lunging at him taking a Wooden knife I had and driving it into him thrashing it in and out. I through him against the cage wall and jumped out the cage slamming the door shut I began to run across the stage and hunters started to chase after me along with vampires. A body slammed into mine and I collapsed to the floor lashing out at people. I decided to change screaming out and growling I dug my claws into my attacker throwing them to the side, and I did the most stupidest thing ever, I jumped into the crowd and was thrown back onto the stage instantly and felt a needle, then burning. Wolfsband!
Lavana Brairwood

Location: BlackMarkets

Lavana Brairwood was in the back of the crowd, arms crossed over her chest nervously. She came to see what was going on, nothing else. Many times she heard growls and yelling and she tried to peek over a few vampires' shoulders to see. She stayed silent, not wanting to attract any attention. There seemed to be an escapee and Lavana didn't want to get in that mess. She sighed quietly, staring in the direction of the cages, though her view was blocked by the many vampires.
(Wow. I totally forgot about this temporarily, sorry. xD )

Patrik Asil:

Location: Blackmarkets

Partik sighs as he watches the bidding going on, he knew what they were trying to do, make the beast seem scary to the vampires, but the vampires didn't fear them anymore, he knew that. He hated this whole thing. It was degrading, for the hunters and the wolves. He spied a girl at the back. He moved towards her, not quite sure why she was here. Most of the humans were hunters on guard, he was one of the other exceptions. "Not the view you excepted?" He says with a smirk on his face.
Lavana glanced to the side at a voice and after a few moments began to turn her head and eventually her body to face the new person. Apparently he was talking to her. "Who me? I honestly don't care... I just have nothing else to do." She replied, wrinkling her nose a bit and shrugging slightly. She didn't like all of this bidding stuff either, though only came to see what was going on, not because it interested her...
Patrik sighs "Trust me, it's not fun. I hate this stuff, there's no point to it either." he chuckles. "But I don't know you quite well enough to discuss my Ethics." he sticks his hand out. "My name's Patrik, Patrik Asil." He looks at how tall she is and grins. "You can't even see much can you? You know there are better views if you wanted to see them." He sighs. "Not that there's much to see, just a few hunters torturing the wolves for no reason."
Lavana shook the hand and replied with a polite nod of her head, "I'm Lavana Brairwood. And as for getting a better view, no thanks, I only came to burn time really. My parents are annoying... wait... Oi, I'm not that short!" She replied, a little late as she just realized what 'you can't see much can you' probably meant. She found it annoying though sometimes funny how her size was always one of the first things people noticed about her.
(Well, it seems no one else is coming for the moment... I hope no one minds, but I'll post again.)

Roxanne was walking down the sidewalk now, having left her boarding school's grounds, and was now heading to the grocery store... Why, you might ask? To buy chocolate milk, of course. (...Chocolate milk to poor in the councilor's underwear wardrobe, I might add...) But before she got there, something caught her eye. (I'm going to guess the entrance to the pre-mentioned 'secret subway' was hidden in an ally or something, if that's ok?... I can always edit the post afterwards if it's not.) In an ally she was passing, there seemed to be an entrance to a subway. "Who on earth puts subway stations in an ally?!" Roxanne murmured under her breath in bewilderment, but her curiosity drove her to inspect it. So much for pouring chocolate milk in the councilor's underwear wardrobe...

Once inside, the were was shocked to be seeing so many people. She had no idea they were vampires, or hunters. She actually knew nothing of weres, vampires, and hunters, and thus, didn't even know she was one; she knew she could change to a rather large African wild dog on will, but not that she was to be called a 'were,' or that there were others even vaguely like her. Unfortunately for Roxanne, she was decently short, and could not see over the crowds. She jumped and hopped to try to peek over the many heads, but that only gave her mere glimpses, and whetted her curiosity. "Urrrg..." She muttered in her frustration, now trying to shove past a few with faint "Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me please, coming through..." But most of the less polite beings there just shut her out. At least none seemed to really notice her gold eyes in the dim light of the area. Nor would they necessarily notice any scents, for an African wild dog's scent is bound to be different than a wolf's. Although, none the less, she probably still had a strange scent to her. Most likely suspected she was some foolish teenager that had blundered into the secret bidding area after having snuggled some strange pet, or possibly a stray animal of some sort. "Hmph." Roxanne pouted, but too stubborn to give up, went back to trying to jump up to see over their heads...
Patrik grins. "I never said you were short, just that you couldn't see much with these taller people around." He laughs "Lighten up every now and again, it helps deal with the dreariness of this place. Trust me, it can get worse then this." He looks around. "It's a quiet crowd today, thank god." He scans the crowd, he technically is supposed to be on the job but he hates doing this. "Looks like we got a curious new comer over there." He points to Roxanne. "Should we deal with it?"
It was a beautiful day for a little stroll. Why not get up and find something to eat while im out?' within the confines of a large corporate building Dracul...The lord Vampire sat in his 'Throne' Honestly it wasnt like his old throne, it had wheels and was made of some kind of fake leather, It was a office chair nothing special. Standing up he places his hands on his desk lifting himself with his eyes close taking a slight breath. opening his eyes slowly you could see the Crimson in his eyes as he shifted his old coat, it was obviously not a modern suit of clothing he then walked around the desk heading out. His boots made a bit of a click on the black marble floor as he entered a elevator waiting for it to go to the bottom floor.

Once at the bottom floor he exits the elevator as many vampires in buisness suits and other forms of clothing walked around, all carrying on with their day until they see him. Some of their eyes widen as they watch their lord just walk right out of the building, The whole lower floor went silent in fear and caution of Lord Draculs presence.

*Short time later entering the market*

The night was young and the moon was beautiful, its ominous glow was embracing, A small smile escaped Dracul at the sight. He was just walking the streets like any human or Vampire even though he was a lord, he felt a escort was a bit much and would take away from this beautiful feel of the moon. Soon he got to what looked to be a door way leading into the ground he saw two Humans guarding, his eyes narrowed as the happiness escaped him and the feeling of killing these two came over him. walking atleast 2 feet away his head did not turn but he glanced at the two his head down slightly. The two were afraid as they step aside opening the door, he walked through down the steps hearing the growls and cherrin of crowds. But the stench of Hunters hit his nose as no face was made but it was a awful smell.

entering the main hall he looked all around as he smiled seeing the chaos and the wolfs being put in their places. Some vampires noticed Dracul immediately and backed off from the crowds except that was a small fraction. he began walking foward and noticed a group a bit in awe, so he walked over in curiosity because honestly whats so interesting about these dogs? the crowd had a overwhelming sense as they all look back and immediately part way to the cage, they all moved evenly not staring at him and only at the ground for respect, Hunters did not feel the fear although what they dont know will kill them. Walking up to this darkened cage is eyes did not widen but surprise struck him seeing a white beast infront of him, it was not common for a pure bred to be in these auction halls. He walked towards the cage as he knelt looking in at this beast to determine its place in a pack. He did not show any glee only a slight scowl on his and his glare was deadly, it was a glare of domenence, not one bit of fear was in him he was a strong vampire their for he only starred at the beast waiting for the response to see if it was rebellious or knew its place
Peter wandered through the crowd, there seemed to be no one that wasn't screaming some wild figure of money. "how do they get this money...Christ. Guess the people on wall street are vampires, I need to figure out how to get-" Peter was in mid sentence when he noticed the giant man in medieval regalia enter the room. He stopped dead in his tracks, something about him made his spine crawl. The fact that most of the crowd seemed to be in awh further compounded this. He backed up a bit and muttered to himself "note to self, if looks could kill this room would be dead. do not tick him off."
Roxanne was unaware of Patrik's noticing of her, continuing to try to see over the heads with her hops and jumps. She caught slight sight of Dracul, and paused in her bouncy motions. Cool, medieval clothing! Roxanne naively thought, being a 'fan' of medieval things as we was. She had no idea who she had caught a glimpse of, but seemed more impressed and in awe of his clothing than anything else, really. Glancing to the side, she spotted Peter among a few other awe-struck bystanders, but though her curiosity compelled her to investigate him, there were still a few beings in between her and the people and things she wanted to explore. So, the young were went back to jumping and flailing her arms in hopes someone with a sense of politeness would explain something, maybe those between her and her points of interest would stand aside. "Hey! Helloooooo!" Roxanne said as she waved her arms, but didn't dare to raise her voice too much, because she didn't want to scream in the ears of the people she was trying to see over. Roxanne simply saw it as polite, apparently.

After a while, all the jumping had exhausted her, and she paused to catch her breath. I don't get it; why are there so many people here? And, ooooo, look, a penny! Her curious thoughts were easily distracted by the minor amount of currency she had just spotted gleaming it's copper hue in the dim light. Casually, Roxanne reached down and snatched up the coin, giving it a more cheerful smile than her usual almost-constant beam. But then, her mind returned to her previous thoughts of perplexity and bewilderment.
Suddenly everything became silent as she paced back and forth from each side of the cage. Shadows covered parts if her form at each movement. Although her face was always covered, her golden eyes glowing in the depths of shadow. As more and more gathered surrounding her cage but never paying any attention to the viewers among her. Each movement causing the lean muscle to appear as her black claws scraped the ground in annoyance at each step. Her white coat moving at each step. Her golden eyes heated to the core, as thoughts kept rolling in her head. "Moron!! how the hell did you get caught again! Really how long had it been...a month!!"

Yet....then a man walked forwards, his face literally up to the cage. No fear at all, he was calm. Making her completely bewildered. Never has one walked up to her like this before, except for....shaking the thought, Realization drawned on her of what he was doing. Nakoma came to a halt, turning she began to walk forwards. Silently, only sounds of her paws hitting the floor emerged. The other vampires and hunters moving back quickly yet the man remained where he was. Her golden eyes glowed in the shadow as she moved forwards, then light hit her face. Now standing directly in front of this man, she did not bow although never growled. Yet she was curious, never meeting one who has acted this way. Realizing she was staring that way for at least a whole minute a slight growl passed her lips as she bared her fangs slightly. She knew what he was, a vampire, one no different from the others. She would not fear him, yet would rather die. Moving away she saw the hunter who captured her from the corner of her eyes, suddenly letting out a low dark deep growl. As she began to pace again, trying to figure a way out possibly. A thought coming to mind "that man...why...why was he not afraid?"

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((Sorry I'm messaging off my phone so some words might be spelled wrong, also sorry it's kinda short, usually I make it longer :) ))

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Peter snapped out of his momentary shock later than he wanted, to noticing a young girl flailing her arms. Somehow with a larger than life figure who seemed to be vastly more powerful figure than most vampires here...this was not the the best time for wild enthusiasm. He slowly approached the girl and with a hushed tone said the most appropriate question that he could consider at the moment. "what the hell are you doing?! I'm not really aware of the specifics but I don't think this is the appropriate time to be flailing about! Especially when the people who are not afraid to be shoving cattle prods into people that turn into wolves, are a afraid of a guy who looks like he could snap someones neck in a second!" His eyes mirrored his tone, concerned. His eyes darted left from right scanning the crowd, so far, mister medieval had his attention directed at a wolf.
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"Who-wha?" Was Roxanne's first reaction to the approach. "Trying to see over the crowds." She then answered his first question, but made no effort to hush her voice as he did his. "And, who's shoving cattle-prods at who? Wait- People who can turn into wolves?!" Excitement was hinting in the African wild dog were's tone, and hyperactivity beginning to trigger again. "And, who looks like he could snap someone's neck in a second? That guy wearing the awesome medieval costume, right?" She was beginning to fidget, a sign that she was about to 'explode' with her usual hyper-activeness. Did Roxanne have ADHD? Possibly, maybe even likely. "Sorry, I haven't been able to see much, everyone is so much taller, and unwilling to move aside... " The girl huffed, pausing momentarily in her bombarding of questions on poor Peter. "Hey, speaking of which, why are you tall?... Your like, a foot taller than me. Or, maybe I'm short... Yeah, that's probably it. Most people are taller than me, even at school, it seems... " She rambled, the usual talkativeness and lack of listening showing through.
Situation: Defcon-3

Peter was on edge. He had been, this girl was not helping, she was rambling on, not quieting down, most likely to attract attention, and from the wrong people. He clamped his hand on her mouth, leaned down so that he was eye level with her. His voice was lowered and shaky, "I'm sorry...but let me be clear...they're are people here torturing don't smell like people like me...they find you I don't know what they'll need to leave...hell I need to leave. Do you understand me? I need you to calm down for a moment and nod, that you understand this is a really bad situation, and you should not be here. If you go out now back the way you came...I will answer all the questions you want if I meet up with you again. You just need to be silent and leave. " There was a definite tone of panic in his voice, he lifted his hand from the young girls mouth. "I am not trying to be be honest, I don't think they'll be the same way, and If you need a name for this concerned bystander that's just as confused as you are it's Peter."

(Ooc: this'll be the last post until other people catch up)
Lavana watched the girl a moment then nodded with an amused roll of her eyes, "Yea. We probably should. Before she kills herself." She waited for Patrik to lead before she made her way over as well.

I was thrown back Into one of the cages. It took me a minute to realize I was in one of the
MAIN cages that most vampires walk by. My gold eyes felt heavy and tired but I refused to let them shut, I guess it wasn't just Wolfsbane they gave me. I stood up my nails scratching in the cement floors and I raced to the front of the cage barking, slashing, and biting at the bars. I growled catching attention and forcing loud powerful barks out fighting what was making me tired. My knees shook and I fell to the ground my body sore and I just wanted to sleep. I stood again leaning against the bars barking and making this hideous sound that was catching the attention of many but I didn't care. I just knew it was annoying.
( Meh... Not sure if this rp is really still active, but I've got nothing better to do, so I guess I'll post, and see if that wakens things a bit. )

"Eep!" Roxanne gave a sharp squeak when his hand had been slapped over her mouth, muffling her next sentence. Usually, she would have stuck out her tongue and licked his hand simply for the enjoyment of his possibly disgusted reaction, but refrained for now. "Avvvv, Hma..." It may have been hard to understand, but that was Roxanne's muffled reply of 'Awwww, Okay.' To Peter's request, which was followed by a nod. She sighed, and began to sulk out of the area, but then sudden stopped, -Brightened smile returned- whipped around and waved. "Hi Pete-" She began, realizing she had forgotten to say 'hi' upon his first approach, but then stopped herself and faded her smile enough more as she also realized she should just leave. And so, even more sulkily than before, Roxanne continued to leave with sort of a pout.

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