Servants of The Night [Inactive]

((I had major testing the past 2 weeks so i have been busy and devoted it to studying but the weeks have passed and im clear of work and testing so i can finally Rp again!))

A dark presence came from Dracul always never a moment when people didnt notice except those who were naive. He looked at the white beast in a bit of a how you say 'Amazed feel' if you would. This beast was not like the rest it was, for one different color, two it was a bit defiant looking it may not have shown it but he knew this animal probably has a history of retaliation towards its owners. He starred for a good 2 to 3 minutes to see if the beast would sit knowing his power but it just stood there. A small smirk went across his face as he stood up with a fun idea, looking to the guard he smiles showing his toothy evil grin as a bit of hair fell in his face like normal. He says to the Hunter, "I'll take it she should be no trouble." The Hunter then says, "alright pay up pal you see the sign." Dracul chuckled slightly, "Do you know who I am human? I'll just be taking it." as he grabbed the lock with his bare hand he clenched it crushing it as it breaks apart he slowly opens his hand as the pieces fall out

The hunters eyes widen as he then begins to walk over infront of him and shoves him, or trys. Dracul only moved a inch or two. The crowd mad a bit of a gasp to what this hunter just had done as the hunter says, "You aint got money no deal!" Dracul let the hair fall infront of his eyes as all that could be seen was a frown but within a second, he picks his head up with a slight smirk as he says, "Oh Im sorry i must be mistaken..." in a flash he grabbed this hunter by the throat lifting him in the air chocking him. Dracul says with a bit of agitation in his voice, "Dont you ever! and i mean Ever touch me yu filth, You live and are selling in my city! and if you think you can say what i want and how i have to get it then your mistaken!." His long nails pierce his throat as he began to bleed, dropping him to his feet he bites the hunters neck as he begins to drain the blood from him in seconds, it poored down his face onto his coat and chest a bit but he did drain him of almost all the blood within a mere few seconds.

the body looked like a husk and fell to the floor as Dracul wiped his mouth not exactly clearing the blood but most of it as he then opens the gate grabbing the leash on top of the cage he stares at the white beast with anger in his eyes basically saying 'Get over here right now!'
OMG SO SORRY YOU GUYS I HAVE been studying for finals and completely forgot. I haven't been on for a while really since yesterday.) @TheCannibalChicken , @the juggernaut , @Lizzy , @Der Kojote , @HunterJumper , @TerraBooma , @LyraDark

Coming to a halt, she glared daggers at the man before her. "I am not a pet...." She growled baring her fangs fully at him. Moving forwards slowly her head and shoulders raised high as she stared at him. Ready to attack, as her gold color eyes glowed. Vampires and hunters alike began to step back. She was free now, about to leave this hell hole. Keeping her body facing him as she continued to move forwards, she took a slight glance either way to determine her best chance at escape. Right, she could smell the fresh air under the sweat and blood. It was calling for her. This was long to happen, she made her thought certain, she was going to kill this man and escape if it was the last thing she would do. The only way he would be able to catch her was to kill her, and ha! who cares, She rather die then be put in a cage again. Pulling her hind limbs down, she sprang from the ground, leaping at the man, teeth and claws extended for his Throat, as a growl escaped her muzzle.
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Taking the leash he holds it out horizontally so she would end up biting it. When he mouth snapped on it he twists the leash around so it began to tie around her mouth acting like a muzzle so she can't snap at him. Then grabbing he by the head he lifts her and smacks her into the ground. Backing up he looks at the dog and says, "Go ahead dog try again." Walking to the cage he slams the door shut as he then grabs one of the shock polls and hold it to the side of the head of this wolf. He turned it on saying, "now yield dog or you'll end like these other beasts!" His voice had a bit of a unsatified tone to it as he had the poll ready.

The crowd was in shock seeing The great Dracul make a bit of a fight in the way of no one has seen Dracul fight in years so the crowd and hunters were silent.
She began to see stars as from the impact of the stone cold floor. And her hurt shoulder from before thanks to the hunter, didn't help her situation. Getting up unsteady, she shook her head as her vision began to clear once again. Then turned to look at her new "master" "Who the hell is this guy?" Getting ready to pounce yet again, she growled loudly realizing her muzzle was restrained. "Ehhh these damn leashes." Now yielding to him or attacking him again, at least for now, she turned moving to the door, all she wanted out and this was the way, she knew it. Her seance of smell, picked up the air, the fresh air under the blood and sweat of this place. Even though it was city air it was definitely better then this. Coming to a halt she looked at him "Coming moron? I want to get moving." She knew now, with this muzzle, being in this place nothing was going be on her side for killing him, but the time would come. Just probably not now.

Sent from my sea dragon using rainbows and coconuts. :P
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