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Multiple Settings Serenity academy IC/RP thread

"Hey! It's 7 am! Time to wake up!"

Harken wakes up

H: hm...? Huh?

His little sister, Athena, stands alongside his bed, shaking him

: wake up you big silly! It's time for school, I already got your backpack and lunch, we gotta go!


Harken got put of bed, getting his backpack and lunch from Athena and they both started running towards the academy

Meanwhile with Veronika, she was getting dropped off by her mother, and Finn, he was already at the academy, laying back on a bench, staring at haldur's grayish blue sky, he always had a fascination with nature
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Doctor Edward Hart
Dr Hart's Office | "I'm not really cut out for this kind of work..."​

Adjust the axis by six degrees. Reset the time dial. Double-check the anchor point. Commencing attempt 27 at 3... 2... 1...

The apparatus lets out an unexpected, pained sputtering. A pungent smoke stinking of burned silicon and singed flesh fills the office, prompting Edward to gag and lurch for the window, hurriedly pushing it open to let the stench escape. As he makes his way over to his desk, Edward only notes that the rat cadaver sprawled out over the equipment remained as just that; a cadaver. "Hm. Equipment failure," he mumbles as he scribbles over a notebook. "Mana consumption increases in an exponential rate after a certain time threshold. I'll need to order more components for repair later..."

If the empty cans of coffee and energy drinks strewn all over the floor were not enough of the indicator, the two deep dark bags resting beneath his eyes surely spoke of the many all-nighters the Doctor had pulled, working. And he would have been more than happy to have slaved himself away in his 'hobby' had his phone not have begun violently ringing right as he had planned to dissect the cadaver. "Oh, crap," was all he could muster as Edward took note of what the occasion was on that morning. "...Do I have to be there?"

The 'holidays' had gone by in but a flash, and once again, the quietness he loved so much would soon be drowned out by the hustle and conversation of the hundreds of students that would soon flood the Academy's halls. Worst of all, for some unfathomable reason that surely God could only know, he was one of the unlucky few who had drawn the short end of the stick, and had been dumped with the duty of taking part of orientation.

Couldn't be helped, given that sudden and unexpected resignation of a non-negligible number of teachers left the Principal in shambles, hurriedly filling the gaps left behind. "Hope it's not a permanent arrangement," thinks the Doctor out loud as he dons his coat and half-stumbles out the door. A quick glance at his pocket watch revealed the time to be 7:20 AM, leaving Edward a measly ten minutes to arrive on time, which would have been more than sufficient if only... well...

"... where was the assembly hall again?"

If he had given any attention to the layout of his own workplace, that is. Which was doubly disconcerting considering it should have been a teacher's job to know the Academy well enough to escort students away in case of emergencies.

"I'm probably gonna get an earful later..." The threat of arriving late and receiving a scolding from his boss caused the idea of abusing time magic to buy himself some time to cross Edward's mind. A notion he entertained for a bit longer than any reasonable human should have taken.

Thankfully, memories of nights of repetitive failures annoyed the Doctor just enough to not want anything to do with the such.

Well, that left him with Plan B. Pray that he comes across a student, or better yet, another teacher that was heading to the same place as he was.

Or abuse magic for his own personal convenience. He really wasn't above going back on his decisions when it came to these sort of things.
Athena and Harken were still running through the suburban neighborhoods to get to serenity academy, they were 7 minutes away from the academy

And again, meanwhile, Finn was still staring at haldur's skies, and Veronika and her mother arrived at the academy, as Veronika got out of the car, she said her goodbyes to her mother

bye mom!

"Bye Sweetie, have fun ok?"

V:I sure will!

Veronika got in the school, just wandering around, waiting school to begin
The sun had not yet risen when the young woman awoke, 5 AM every morning was the same. After the typical routine of every human being, Silja left her condo and went straight to the dojo near campus. There she would complete her daily training.


A wooden blade was pulled from a rack and with the flip of a switch came to life fluorescent lights shining one at a time above the mats. She stepped onto their surface and made her way towards the center and closed her eyes. She raised the blade up for a moment being still, then began to go through her drills. Perfect foot placement and precise swings, air would escape her mouth with every swift move and back in between them. Expertly done with every moment calculated to be as crisp as can be neither too slow or rushed.


She completed her drills as she always had, then sliding her foot as she widened her stance, turned her attention to a wooden dummy with padding tied around it’s center. She was silent for a moment while getting ready to move on past fundamentals. She sprung forward with vigor and struck the dummy’s side, letting out a shout. The impact could he felt through the wooden blade and shot into her hands. It felt perfect, right on point and it gave her satisfaction. She continued to wail on the dummy for several minutes but was careful not to exert herself too much.


An hour had passed since Silja had entered the dojo and only now lowered her weapon. She returned the practice blade to the rack she found it, replacing it with a towel she then used to pat down sweat.

“…this is what I strive for every day.” She continued to think to herself as she stood alone in the vacant building.

A shower and a small meal later, Silja was dressed and ready for their orientation. I new semester was about to begin and she was going to be punctual. As she exited towards Serenity Academy, the morning’s still brisk air felt soothing against her skin. It would not crack a smile below her ever sharp gaze, she could tell it was going to be a good day.

Now on campus, she adjusted her uniform to confirm every inch was flawless before walking along to sidewalk. In between her long and lethal strides in heels that clacked with every step, the girl glanced down to her wrist. The face was below her left palm and as she held it up the fashionable watch, it had just struck ‘7:21.’ Indeed she was insuring her punctuality as this young woman was only a few moments from the designated area.
As much as the prospect of finally attending a school for formal magical education had excited Sophia, It had required a small amount of adjustment and a few other complications. Namely, the fact that it was situated a few thousand miles from her parents' homestead had necessitated quite a bit of travel, moving in relative strangers at one of her mothers old friends' communes and of course, adapting to the quite alien situation she had found herself in. Still despite all of this it didn't not put a damper on her spirits and excitement at finally being able to attend the Academy. Sure she might have wished for the whole Campus dormitory experiences she had read about but its not like she could complain too much.

As the long-awaited day finally arrived, Sophie would rise with the sun as she always did and start to go through her usual exercise routine, improvising somewhat though given her actual exercise equipment was a little too much to ferry from home. Instead, she had managed to put together a home made assortment from a short trip to the local scrap yard, and hopefully the school itself would have something a little more advanced, it was enough for now though.

Finishing up. showering and dressing, Sophie would take a look to the sky for a moment as she hoisted her backpack over a shoulder. From how the sun sat in the air it would seem to be about 7, meaning she had plenty of time for a quick run to the school and still be there on time. She had already done a few trial runs in the days prior to make sure she wasn't about to get lost on the first day so it was fine, and so with a quick wave to her host family she would set off to the school.

Twenty minutes later the girl would find herself slowing down to a brisk walk within the campus grounds, reading of the planned itinerary for the day. Apparently the first call would be an induction assembly and orientation, and as much as she would have liked to have explored the grounds first showing up late might mean she missed something important that would be embarrassing later. So with a final deep breath she headed on forward in the direction the other students' younger students seemed to be heading to get seated, after all the chances of so many people heading in the wrong direction was certainly slim.


Darkness had begun to recede as the radiance of the sun rose, boasting in its glory and power. The city of Haldur reflected the light which graced it, displaying the enormity and mundaneness of the structure. Naio stood before the city with a singular feeling washing over him as he stepped forth into the city.

Wake up-

Naio was awoken by that same ethereal voice each morning, awakening him from his boring dream. Another dull dream, he thought, how come he couldn't get any of the wild ones where he could explore his interpretation of the world or experience the insanity of sheer absurdity. Always so dull, Naio would think as he left his cozy rock bed. The cave he lived in was rather convenient, no one would ever disturb him due to how far away he lived from the main city. While explorers and hikers would think twice of approaching with all the bear markings scattered about.

"Aw man," Naio yawned, extending his arm to the side to pick up the flashlight he kept as his only light source, "What time did I wake up this time?" he questioned himself as put on some clothes, then climbing his way out of the cave only to find the sun had hardly arisen from the horizon, "3 am... give or take" he stated to himself.

With the time thoroughly confirmed, Naio would return to the depths of the cave where he stashed all his prized belongings: watches, skateboards, magazines, textbooks, and all other sorts of trinkets. Today, however, he felt an urge to experiment, it would be his first day attending that school, so it would be best to warm up with some reading before borrowing any books from the school itself. From the scattered pile of textbooks, he reached to grab one in particular: 'Master Book for Physics: Motion in Three Dimensions'. With time to kill, Naio would take the book and sit on a chair he fashioned from the cave rocks, turning to the page where he'd left off and illuminating it with his flashlight.

Naio let himself become enraptured by the book, he couldn't understand how people struggled to read these sorts of books, reality was always more fascinating than whatever story people could come up with. Then again, not everyone could appreciate things as he could, but soon, the shining sun would creep into his cave, its light slithering through the cracks to remind Naio of the day. Carefully placing down the textbook, Naio looked over to grab one of his many skateboards but hesitated at the action. Today was not the day for a routine, today was time to leave an impact, and now was the best time to apply what he'd learned.

Rushing back outside, Naio would be greeted by the brilliance of the sun shining down upon the mundane but enormous city. A feel washed over him as he gazed at the city, "Wow, what a piece of a trash." he chuckled to himself as he stepped harshly onto the ground. A large prism of earth would emerge from the ground, its edges smooth and its height appropriate. Next Naio would dig his hands into the ground, ripping off a perfectly rectangular slab which he'd toss on top the prism, appearing almost like a seesaw. Naio would place himself onto one end of the slab, causing it to descend whilst the other side rose. "Now comes the fun part!" Naio exclaimed as he swung both arms forward, causing a nearby boulder to be thrown up into the air and falling into the other side of the slab.

Naio was launched forward and up, soaring through the sky as the ground beneath him became smaller. He could feel the wind crashing against his body, dragging him behind and slowing him down, this mattered little though, as Naio could only feel the adrenaline pumping in his veins. However, as he rose, he would soon come back down, and like clockwork, the ground beneath him growing. Preparing for collision, Naio would entering a diving posture, and instead of crashing into the earth below, Naio would simply dive into the earth. He swam within it as the stone became a softer substance that he used to propel himself further.

After reaching his limit on air, Naio would emerge from beneath the earth, fashioning himself a large slab of stone to use as a board whilst he continuously morphed the ground beneath him to carry him forward. The city now grew larger as he approached, he'd gotten in trouble before for his shenanigans, but he knew how to circumnavigate the laws themselves. Tilting his board to the side his terrain now changed to the road which he manipulated all the same to propel his board forward, but ensured that the road returned to its original state, that way he could avoid punishment.

Skating further into the city, he would purposefully crumble his board to become a fairer size, allowing him to weave through traffic and occasionally sliding under larger vehicles, deforming the ground beneath him to have enough space. Eventually, however, he would realize, the whereabouts of the school were unknown to him, or perhaps he'd forgotten, Bianca was always such a drag to listen through. An idea would light up in his mind as he would ditch the board, blending into the ground itself as Naio was lunched forward, using his bare feet to slow himself down into the sidewalk.

His earth sense, while impressive, couldn't allow him to get a view of the entire city, this perhaps a change of perspective as in order. Naio would think as a pillar of stone would emerge from beneath him, launching him upwards and into the top of a skyscraper, where he finally had a new view of the city. "Hmm... That's the one" Naio would mumble to himself as he lined himself up taking a running start at the top of the skyscraper and once at the precipice, a pillar of golden stone would emerge, propelling him forward like a bullet towards the school grounds.

Naio would crash upon the fields of the school like a meteor, kicking up dirt and mud into the nearby terrain. "WOOO!" Naio would hype himself up as he began to fill the crate back up, making a clearly poor but passable attempt to fix the damage he caused. "Man, this place looks like ass." he would claim as the boy would wipe off the mud from his person. It seemed he'd made it just in time for the boring ass assembly he'd have to sit through. "Well, I already got my blood pumping," Naio would explain as he began to stretch, "a little in between break shouldn't be too bad." he told himself as he headed into the academy.
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Athena and harken finally arrived at the school, they knew there was an assembly, but they forgot

Meanwhile with Finn, he noticed everyone walking in the academy and decided to go in, going to get seated

Harken noticing Finn, he ran up to him

H: hey! You!

F: huh?

H: do you know where the assembly is gonna take place?

F: oh, yeah, the event room, the room at the end of the main hall

H: alright, thanks!

Harken, a bit tired from all the running, sat down, Athena, however, wasn't as she immediately ran down into the main hall

H: wha- HEY!

He chased after is little sister, with her taunting him just a bit

Finn was just walking, he wasn't in much of a rush
A sleek, sturdy sedan hummed quietly through the streets of Haldur, unassuming except for its gleaming black paint and tint that was almost solid from the outside.

In the back was one Proserpina Yao, rising "model", designer, and streamer, head of a network of businesses that was approaching a twentieth of Athis' net worth. Well, there'd be a lot of time to catch up.

Holding a small mirror in her hand, she ran a final check on her eyeliner, foundation, and lipgloss. Simple and sharp. Sure, she looked good natural, but Athis had made billions processing raw material into flawless finished product. Why should the looks of its heir be any different?

No eyebags, thank goodness. She'd spent a couple hours last night talking to her followers online about her "hiatus", discussing stories about the esteemed Serenity Academy and how her magic might grow. Then she'd gotten up nice and early to depart from Athis' regional office in Washington, though it was a few hours' drive to Haldur anyway.

She wouldn't need to worry about the commute until the end of the semester, as she'd be lodging in the academy's dorms.

She'd opted for a more done-up look today, despite the academy's fairly relaxed dress code. Glasses (instead of contacts), a ruffled, long-sleeved blouse, black dress pants, and matching shoes. Couldn't hurt to make a good impression.

She didn't have much more time to look out the window as the car pulled into the main driveway of the academy.


No further encouragement was needed from the square-jawed, middle-aged man as Pina gave him a nod, hopping out of the vehicle.

"Thanks Arthur, I'm off. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"Yeah, I think I'll take a break until you're done this term." Arthur retorted dryly. Still, hewaited for a minute before driving off.

Pina had scarcely began to walk towards the orientation site before a boy crashed out of the sky, leaving a crater where he slammed into the ground but emerging no worse for wear.

Now if this was the way trained mages acted, maybe this place would be interesting after all.

With that, Pina raised her foot slightly, and took a single step forward. In a literal flash, she had caught up to the boy, leaning towards him a little.

"Hey there! Couldn't help but notice the awesome execution on your dynamic entry. Is this your first term too? Or are you not heading to orientation? I could really use someone to show me around..."

Before any response could be forthcoming, she already had her phone out of her pocket, angled down from on high to snap a selfie with herself and Naoi.

Getting to know the locals! Try not to miss me too much while I'm at school!
#orientation #haldur #serenityA

Solirus Solirus
Interactions: N/A
Location: Making his way towards orientation

Ciernan wasn't particularly enjoying how hectic the day was. A part of him hoped walks to the academy would bet quieter as the year progressed but for now he just.. had to tolerate it. Fixing his bag on his shoulder, the first year made his way across campus to get into the main building for orientation. ".. maybe I should start bringing headphones with me.." He sighed to himself. Perhaps he didn't entirely process that other teens his age or younger with supernatural abilities would be potentially even more excessive than normal teenagers.

Making sure to stay out of the way of any students that didn't know the concept of moderation, he fixed his round glasses and picked up the pace to find the correct place to go since he didn't actually know. He was never given the chance to go on any kind of tour before classes started since his enrollment was so last minute.​
IMG_9857.jpeg Marcus Rodriguez

Location: Serenity Academy gateway —> Main Building

Interactions: OPEN

Mentions: ZackStop ZackStop

The sun’s glaring rays pierced through Marcus’ wind and covered his closed eyes. As if ordering him to wake up. Of course he did in fact get up, reluctantly, and began stretching and yawning, Ready to start the day. He started to do some exercises to get his body moving. “Grandfather always said a mage needs a strong mind AND body.” Once he was finished he headed to the bathroom and got himself cleaned up. As he was washing his face he looked in the mirror in self reflection. “I don’t know about this whole academy thing…what if people see me as a freak? I mean, I don’t think I look like a freak.” He sighed as he looked at his hand, which was emitting dark energy. He clenched his fist and dispersed the energy. “I’ll be a hero. No matter what.”

Once he left the bathroom, he was greeted by the smell of breakfast. He quickly got himself dressed and headed to the kitchen, where his grandfather was making pancakes. His grandfather grinned as Marcus entered the room.

“Hope you’re hungry kid.”

“Didn’t you say that we’re getting too old for you to cook for me?”

“What? Can’t an old man do a favor for his precious grandson? Besides, today’s a special day. It’s the least I could do.” His grandfather smiled as he gave Marcus a plate of pancakes

As Marcus was eating his pancakes, he looked on his watch to see that he was running late. He quickly stuffed his face and packed his bags. “Can you please open a portal to the academy? Can’t afford to be late on my first day.”

“Anything for my grandson.” His grandfather then opened a portal to the academy. “Remember what I taught you.”

Marcus nodded. “I love you Grandpa.” He then stepped into the portal. “Give ‘em hell, kid.”

Marcus stepped out of the portal and into the school campus. To most people that have been homeschooled, this would’ve been a nerve wracking experience, but to Marcus, he was elated. This is exactly what he wanted if he was going to prove to his family that they are wrong about Dark Magic. He checked the itinerary to see where he needed to go. “I’m guessing the orientation is in the assembly hall. Seems appropriate.” He then began walking toward to the main building. As he was walking towards the main building, he noticed a young woman around his age. Judging based on her mannerisms and the way she walked, he deduced that she was someone of ‘high-status’. “Great, just what I needed.” He despised anyone ‘high-status’ despite him technically being one himself. Nonetheless he wouldn’t let that distract him from anything. He then walked a little bit faster to get to the assembly hall.
Nellancholy Nellancholy Solirus Solirus

“Ugh, how much longer until we get there? Why did you have to get your stupid coffee? Now we're gonna be late!”

Reagan pressed her nose against the glass window of the subway, as if she could see the upcoming station through the darkness. Bianca still couldn't afford a car and her tenure at Serenity gave her a discount so the subway had become their primary mode of transport around the city.

“3 minutes; Because I'll kill Hart without it; and we won't be late, we'll be exactly on time.” Bianca dryly answered her questions in order, taking a sip from her coffee. “Why are you asking me? I thought you could see that with your pink-eye power.”

“It doesn't work that way. And stop calling it that! Gross!”

Bianca raised an eyebrow, her curious gaze hidden behind her shades, “And since when are you this eager to go to school. I thought you were only going there because Naio was going…and all the missing student stuff, which is seriously weird by the way. I regret mentioning it to you now.”

“That was before I found out Pina is enrolled there too. She announced it on her livestream last night.” Reagan retorted, holding up her phone for Bianca to read the social media post. “See?”

Bianca lowered her shades and glanced over their brim, clearly oblivious to the young celebrity on screen, “Who's that?”

“She's the creator of one of the comics I like. You know, the Spider Lily girl I showed you? She's also a big cosplayer and streamer. Super popular. You'd know her too if you weren't so old and boring!”

“Ahuh. So is the livestream the reason you have bags under your eyes?”

“I do not!” Reagan hissed shrilly, opening up her camera app to check for the aforementioned bags. She turned her head left and right, dragging a finger under the eye without the patch. Her eyes were her favourite feature, so she couldn't afford bags to ruin them. “Do I look that bad?”

“Mmhmm. You look like a rat.”

“No seriously, Bee! I don't want to finally meet a celebrity and look ugly!”

“You're pretty Reagan, stop overthinking it.” Her sister said firmly, yet warmly. She then took another sip of her coffee and smirked, “A pretty rat.”

“Ugh, you suck!”

Bianca let out a chuckle as she stood up from her seat and walked away. It was only then that Reagan noticed the train had stopped and the doors had opened. Bianca was already outside, chugging the last of her coffee before tossing the empty cup into the trash.

Reagan hopped off the train and speed-walked to catch up with her sister, “I thought you said less than three minutes?”

“I did. That's counting walking there.” Her sister stated cooly, one hand in her pocket and the other carrying her purse. “Could be less if you ran. Just be careful of traffic. I didn't work my ass off for this position just so you could become a statistic…”

It was all Reagn needed to hear. With a giggle of glee the girl took off at a sprint. It was times like this that she wished Naio was here. He could probably use the ground to surf. As for her, the best she could do was predict which lights would be green ahead of time and dodge pedestrians.

As she ran she heard a ding from her phone. She brought it up to her face to quickly check what it was. It was post from Pina’s social media page, and much to Reagan's surprise there were two familiar faces in the selfie. There, standing next to Pina herself was none other than Naio.

“HUH!? NO WAY!!” Reagan practically screamed, drawing a few odd stares from passersby. “NO! I COULD HAVE BEEN THERE!”

More determined than ever, Reagan sprinted even faster, enough that she could see neon streaks around every person she bolted past and weaved between. Gotta get there, gotta get there. As much as she wanted to listen to her sister, desperate times called for desperate measures.

She focused on the threads of neon pink and bolted across the street. Using her 6th Sense was all about timing and instinct. If she focussed too much or too little it just wouldn't work. She dashed past a car, leapt over a hood and then stopped just in time for a motorbike to zoom past. With one more step she was on the other side of the street. She could see the school ahead of her and hear the honking of horns behind.

Made it!

She jogged through the gate of the school and then took a moment to catch her breath, leaning on her knees and gasping for air. Dodging cars was great practice, but Bianca never saw it that way. In fact, she really hoped she hadn't seen any of that. Last time she dodged traffic she was grounded for a whole month.

Now that she wasn't gasping for breath, Reagan walked up to the entrance. There in the front yard she spotted Naio and Pina, but hit with a sudden burst of anxiety, she stayed away. Did her hair look OK? What if Pina thought she was weird?

Regan took out her phone and checked her face and hair again. Was her hair too messy? Was her eyepatch straight? God now she's all sweaty from sprinting. Torturing herself over the little details, Regan stood near a bush and adjusted her hair and eyepatch using her phone camera as a mirror.

It must have taken her a lot longer than she thought because the next thing she knew was her sister's voice from behind her.

“I heard lots of honking horns on the way here. You didn't dodge cars again did you?”

Reagan nearly dropped her phone, “N-No!”

“Hmm, right.” Her sister hummed, clearly seeing through the lie. She glanced over at Naio and Pina. “Isn't that your streamer girl? Why are you sitting here? I thought you wanted to see her? Here let me help.”

Seeing her life flash before her eyes, Reagan desperately tried to talk her sister out of it “Bee, don’t! Wait wait wait!”

It was too late. Bianca was already strutting over, raising her voice and a hand to flag down Pina’s attention. “Yo, streamer girl. My kid sister's a huge fan of your Spider Lady cartoon. Can we get a picture?”

Reagan hid her face in her hands, only daring to peer through the spaces between fingers. Her face was almost the same shade as her sweater now. Maybe it would have been better if she had been hit by a car.

Content with embarrassing her sister as punishment for disobeying, Bianca walked closer to Naio. She grinned and gave him an affectionate flick on the forehead, “Morning, stinky. You better fix up that crater -- properly -- before assembly or you're in detention.”
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Interaction: LostHaven LostHaven

After a month of settling in America. Now comes the day she has prepared for. Watching her fully dressed self in front of the large vanity mirror of her spacious yet sad beige room. A month abroad was barely enough to get used to her new life.

"Why... Do I even have magic?"​

She looks down to her open palms. Furrowed brows and uneasy stare. She looks into herself in the mirror, she has face hiding many questions, but no one to ask to. The sun's rays slowly seeps in the large window behind her by the bedside, morning has risen. A knock is heard over the white door to her right. A tall young man leaned against the opened doorframe, arms crossed and posture relaxed. His hair dirty blonde, and unkempt. Blue hoodie with yell V-diagonal stripes and same colored pajamas to match,

"Hey dude, ready for schooo'? Come on, breakfast's downstairs!" Greeted by his never-fading casual smile.

"Yes, Stanford Onii-san." She nods to Stan before following him downstairs through the rather muted colored house. "Hehe, C'mon Getsumei, Stan's just fine!" He chuckled before taking the last step downstairs. Breakfast is on the table.


A freshly cooked pair of bacon & eggs. Milk as the morning drink and a ding from the toaster, well toasted bread. She was feeding herself slow. Stan tuned into the TV for some morning news, whilst pouring himself some morning coffee. Nothing worth taking note of in the morning broadcast, just background noise to the girl silently eating breakfast that's far from what she eats at home. Stan took a side glance Getsumei, she was only poking her food, taking her time to roll another piece bacon into her mouth, albeit reluctantly. "You don't like it, Getsumei?" A burst of energy emerges from the girl and began to pick up pace. "N-no! It's good! It's just..." Her head droops low. "Just what?" he replied curiously. "Nothing..." Folding her arms into herself.

"I know it's ya first day, your nervous, dude! Just think of it like going to school, again! Maybe except for the part that its a magic school and not the party magicians kind. I'm sure you can manage, yer smaaart girl~!" Giggling at himself. He took a piece of toast for himself and placed another at Getsumei's plate. Placing the last pieces of egg and bacon onto the toast and into girl's mouth. "C'mon! Lets get you to the car."

The ride was a bit long given the distance of Serenity's location from the new home of Getsumei. Luckily the road taken is less of a hassle to drive through, a smooth ride overall. Getsumei sat in the backeast of the red hatchback.

"Does Morgan-Sama come home in the morning?" She tilts her head slightly. Stan in the driver's seat met eyes with her via rearview mirror. "Rarely. Big sis usually comes home late afternoon. Sometimes a day or two if the work is that handful. Honestly, I rarely know much about her hocus-pocus career but it does get her the bag sooo, i'm cool with that." Making a left turn towards a highway where there are more vehicles on the road.

"Do you do magic too?" Getsumei looking at the window, buildings pass them by in a blur. Stan glances back to the rearview again and smiles to himself. " Naaahhh, I just don't got that fairy dust like my sister do. Maybe I do got that magic touch but eh, I don't mind. I'd still be working my job at home, typing way on a laptop, with or without magic."


"Yo, dude. I'm driving here." Stan calmly comments to the green sedan overtaking dangerously close at the tight highway. "I would have zapped that guy with some horrifying blast of darkness or something to that guy and that's were the differences lie, dude." Giving himself a light chuckle. Getsumei had a disturbed facial reaction.​

1718929642204.pngFinally arrived towards the castle-aesthetic Serenity high. Awesome was one way to describe it.

"Got your bag? Your allowance? Potions? Wand? Water? Calculator? Talisman? Pencil? Alright, have a great day a Serenity, little dudette!" Lending her a black schoolbag and two large books. "Don't forget to say goodbye to Hecate!" pointing towards a toy plush of a black cat with yellow eyes, wearing a witch's hat. It is neatly seated at the shotgun seat, wearing a seatbelt to set a good example. Getsumei stared the plush down with indifference "Goodbye Hecate-Chan." as she wave goodbye to Stan and the car driving off campus.

Turning a heel towards the school. There was no way to go but forward. Her feet taking steps of their own. She's starting to see other students too all looking like normal people but the feeling of forces beyond everything she understood was in the air of these schoolmates. Her sleeve covered arms hugged around the books she have in hand. She was distant of other students, almost blending into someone's scene. Successfully, she entered the main entrance hall. The interior was nothing like the design outside. "Was this place reused?" She just shrugged it no mind. She has never felt more alone than before. She knew no one, know where she is, know what she should be doing. The flow was free form, she did not follow students her age. She took a turn on an empty hall for her eyes found a peculiar figure. She slowly snuck pace behind and followed with a "G-Good Morning." She bows to his presence.

"E-Excuse me. Do you know here the new students are going to go?" Getsumei was dressed in the old fashioned sailor type school uniform layered with an oversized cardigan with sleezes that covers the hands. Her eyes are plain brown.

'DJ' - Desiree-Jeanette Chea-Soeur.


Onward! To the academy...

"Sooooo like whacha thinkin' , Cals?" DJ removed her helmet and tusselled up her hair to give some body to her slick, black, lustrous waves. One pink and green boot propped herself and her backpack on 'Purrge,' DJ's prized 2 wheeled monsterous beauty as the other idly played with the clutch.

"I like it," an electronic yet very chipper and postive female voice squealed away from her robo-cat shaped backpack, "I can set up, perched on that ledge and still get vid cap of nearly 360 degrees of you down there. We going to livestream, sis?"

"Hahaha... no. Not now. Not anymore, Cals. We incognito now. This is just for future ref when I can post to ToBeYou again. Aaaaaanyways... let's set up and murder this place. Start waxing that bench and bike rack. I'mma get the concrete slab thingie over there. Decent run, no?"

The girl dismounted from her green and black chrome beast and promptlly proceeded to unzip her just as green and black leather top. She pulled her prized skateboard from Calli's paws, unshouldered the adorable robo-kitty and set her down upon the ground. Calli couldn't feel it in this form, but still, DJ stroked the robo's bulbous head and skritched her ears. "I am detecting distorted variations in your voice, sis. Crackling. Do you miss your mother and brother?"

"Giiiiiirl wut. Desperately. My gosh with a capital 'desperate."

"We should schedule a flight to go visit them."

"Not anytime soon. Bruh. We are sooooo on our own out here, kitty. Just you n' me."

"We should invite your gir--"

"EY! Eyo. Chill. Chilly-Chilly, silly. We gunna be just fine here. Calli. It's just you and me."

"But I'm sure she would love--"

"Yeah. Yeah I thought she loved me too." *Siiiiigh*

"What I meant was not that. Sis, I meant--"

"I know whachu meant, kitty. I do. But it don't matter. None of it does. We just need to serve out our sentence at Serenity and bail all the way back to Canada when I grad. Screw this place. It ain't home."


"It ain't."

"Redirect. So. Just you and me, sis?"

"Always. Like ya knows, kitty. Now lets skate the hell outta this place till Karen gets her panties all bunched-up like. Team Panty-Twister wut!!"

"Wut-Wut, sis...!"

"Like ya knows, kitty! Like ya knows!!"

It was her daily routine to alternate skate days with her workouts, all depending when the weather was nice of course. From there she would catch a small brekkie at this little posh cafe that no one really knew about. No doubt, she would stalk everyone from A to Z on social's while there. One of the names she was intently following was one Prosperina Yao. Yeah that's right, they were actually going to be in the same school together!

Really exciting. They had rubbed elbows in the past at major spectacle events but never really got acquainted. DJ was really curious to actually interact with the modelling mogul on a more personal level. But still.... part of her resisted for the fact that DJ's little brown face would show up on feeds that featured Pina in the algorithm, That would put her on blast for sure. So a bit of a conundrum. DJ pocketed her giant slab of a phone and scooped up Calli.

From there it was off to the showers at the gym since they did have a nice little pampered facility where she worked out. When all was said and done, she VIP parked Purrge into the garage, kissed her motorcycle on its nose, then skipped away to the surface.

A contented smile held at her lips as she walked to the campus. Today was a white blouse and black tie and vest over top of a green and black plaid school girl skirt complete with white knee highs. Of course she had on her pink and white fancy-assed, crispy skater kicks; they scorched the pavement with their absolute sexy-fied glory. On her back was Calli strapped in all nicely. The adorable robo-kitty held its neutral expression as she clutched DJ's custom XL deck skateboard, unicorn decal side exposed. DJ had Cals on text-only mode so that the bot would just look and act like a backpack but still communicate via SMS.

DJ caught a glimpse of herself in the reflection of the double-doors at the main entrance to the academy and straightened out her poofy twin pony-tails, nodded, grinned that award winning smile and wandered on inside towards the assembly.

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Doctor Edward Hart
Empty Hallway | "Ah, uh... the... assembly hall... Wherever that is..."​

There were but four minutes left until Edward was to initiate the orientation assembly, and the last six minutes had not been well spent, having not moved and inch from the hallway outside his office, and instead fumbling with his phone attempting to find the emergency escape plan map on the school's website. Surely that would at least point him to where he needed to be, right? "Afton is going to kill me... man what a haradass..." Half groans and half-chuckles the absentminded teacher as he at last pulls up a digital map of the school, and notices that he is at least five minutes in walking distance.

Be it that the herculean task of finding where he was supposed to be at demanded his one-hundred percent attention, or just Getsumei's natural disposition to blend into the background, Edward had entirely failed that the small girl had crept up behind him. And thus, as she gives the professor her greetings and bows, Getsumei would be greeted to the sight of a fully grown man jump up in surprise, and snap backward 180 degrees almost instantaneously to face her.

"Jesus Christ, are you a ninja or something?" huffs Edward, accidentally spilling his thoughts out loud. He firstly pats down his pockets to check if anything of importance had inadvertently fallen out of them, before looking up to face the new student. "Yes.. Yes I do..." Though, his words did not seem very convincing, especially when he needed to immediately whip out his phone to check only moments later. "New students are to arrive at the assembly hall by 7:30 for orientation," he later adds after verifying his information. "You are... quite far from where you need to be." And so was he.

Taking note of the student's... strange choice of fashion, Edward surmised that she had to either be a transfer student, or a cosplayer. Given her accent, the former was probably more likely. "Lost on your first day... Must be rough..." Well, if Edward were to make use of some magic just to get to the assembly on time, now was as good as any a time to do so. After all, his dumb pride was nowhere near as important as saving a new transfer student her dignity... or something along those lines. Japanese people were really hung up on their punctuality, right? Edward didn't really know.

"Well, I'll give you a hand. And, by the way, how familiar are you with time magic?"

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
Giovanni "Vanni" Jia
first image.png
Ciernan DuckPrince DuckPrince


Giovanni Jia woke up to the sound of his alarm at precisely 4:00 AM. His room, bathed in the soft glow of a nightlight, was a testament to his disciplined lifestyle. A meticulously organized bookshelf held tomes on martial arts, philosophy, and magical theory, while a bed sat in the corner, reflecting his innate sense of order. His day began with a series of deep, controlled breaths, a practice ingrained in him by his father. He slipped out of bed, stretching his limbs and rolling his shoulders to shake off the remnants of sleep. Giovanni headed to the kitchen, where he prepared his breakfast: a nutritious blend of oatmeal, fresh fruits, and a handful of nuts. He paired this with a protein shake, ensuring his body was fueled for the intense physical activity that lay ahead.

By 4:30 AM, Giovanni was outside, the cool morning air invigorating his senses. He started with a series of dynamic stretches to get his blood pumping, gradually transitioning into a vigorous workout routine. Push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups were executed with precision, each movement deliberate and controlled. His body, though not overly muscular, was toned and agile, a testament to years of disciplined training. After about thirty minutes of calisthenics, he laced up his running shoes and set off on his morning run. The neighborhood was still asleep, houses dark and silent as he jogged through the quiet streets. The rhythmic pounding of his feet on the pavement matched the steady rhythm of his breath. Giovanni found solace in these runs, a chance to clear his mind and prepare mentally for the day ahead. The sky gradually lightened as he ran, painting the horizon with hues of orange and pink. After covering a respectable distance, he returned home, sweat glistening on his brow.

Next on his agenda was his martial arts practice. Giovanni changed into a loose-fitting gi and stepped into his modestly decorated living room. The space was clear of clutter, allowing for unrestricted movement. He began with Tai Chi, moving through the slow, deliberate forms with a fluid grace. Each motion was a dance of balance and control, his mind fully engaged in the harmony of body and spirit. Transitioning to Aikido, he practiced akin to shadow boxing performing gentle throws and hold. The martial arts session served not only as physical training but also as a mental exercise, reinforcing his calm and composed demeanor.

By 6:00 AM, Giovanni was ready to meditate. He seated himself cross-legged on a cushion, closed his eyes, and focused on his breathing. Inhale, exhale. With each breath, he drew mana from the environment, feeling it flow through him like a gentle river. This practice, akin to Qigong, allowed him to absorb and balance his mana, preparing him for the day’s challenges. The meditation also served to center his mind, enhancing his focus and mental clarity. At 6:30 AM, Giovanni concluded his meditation and headed to the bathroom. The hot shower was a welcome relief, washing away the sweat and fatigue of his morning routine. As he dressed, choosing a simple yet elegant outfit that reflected his refined tastes, he felt a sense of readiness for the day ahead. His thoughts drifted to his father, Liang Jia, who remained in Italy.

Giovanni made his way to the living room and dialed his father’s number. It was mid-afternoon in Italy, and his father answered on the second ring.

“Good morning, Dad!” Giovanni greeted warmly.

“Good morning, Giovanni. How is your day going so far?” his father replied, his voice carrying a familiar mix of pride and concern.

“Very well, Dad. I just finished my morning exercises and am getting ready to head to the academy,” Giovanni responded, explaining his morning routine briefly.

“You’re pushing yourself too hard, Giovanni. Remember to take breaks and not overdo it. Your body needs time to recover as well,” Liang Jia's voice held a note of worry.

“I know, Dad. I’m being careful. The routine helps me stay focused.” Giovanni reassured him.

“I worry about you being so far away. You’ve always been disciplined, but it’s important to have balance. Have you made any friends? Are you eating well?” his father continued, his concern evident.

“Yes, Dad, I’m eating well, just about to head off to the academy, you'll be the first to know when I make a friend,” Giovanni said, trying to ease his father’s worries.

“Just remember, you can always call me if you need anything. I’m proud of you, but I want you to be happy and healthy above all,” Liang Jia's voice softened.

“Thank you, Dad. I appreciate it. I’ll call you regularly, I promise,” Giovanni felt a surge of determination and warmth.

“I’m glad to hear that. Take care of yourself, Giovanni. I love you,” his father said, the affection clear in his tone.

“I love you too, Dad. Talk to you soon,” Giovanni replied before ending the call.

Giovanni glanced at the clock; it was nearly time to set off. He grabbed his bag, ensuring he had everything he needed for the day, and took a moment to look around his home. It was modest but comfortable, a sanctuary that reflected his disciplined lifestyle and cultural heritage. The walls were adorned with a mix of Italian and Chinese artwork, and a few potted plants added a touch of nature to the interior. Giovanni set off from his home with purpose, the anticipation of his first day at Serenity Academy propelling him forward. Although the academy was a brisk 20-minute jog away, Giovanni decided to enhance his pace using his Internal Mana Manipulation ability. As he jogged steadily along the quiet streets, he focused on his breathing, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. With each breath, Giovanni visualized his mana circulating through his body like a gentle current.

With a mental command, he directed the mana to enhance his physical capabilities, subtly increasing his speed and agility. The mana flowed through his muscles, optimizing their efficiency and reducing the fatigue that would normally accompany such exertion. Giovanni maintained his steady pace, the mana manipulation adding a fluidity and grace to his movements as he covered the distance to the academy in record time. As he approached the campus grounds, he gradually slowed his pace, allowing the mana to settle back into its natural rhythm within him.

As Giovanni approached the entrance of Serenity Academy, he witnessed a sudden commotion. A student came crashing down from the sky, creating a small crater upon impact. The surrounding area was thrown into disarray, with other students stopping to gawk at the spectacle. Giovanni took note of the individuals who seemed to have caused the ruckus but chose to give them a wide berth. He found such displays of pointless destruction distasteful and preferred to avoid unnecessary conflict. Shaking his head slightly, he continued on his path.

Giovanni navigated through the bustling crowd of students, his calm demeanor contrasting sharply with the chaotic energy around him. He moved with purpose, slipping through clusters of excited newcomers and their hurried conversations. His eyes scanned his surroundings, taking in the intricate architecture and the diverse mix of students. Despite the jostling masses, he maintained a serene composure, determined to make his way to the orientation without delay.

As Giovanni continued towards the main building of Serenity Academy, his keen observance of his surroundings led him to notice another student who, like himself, seemed to navigate through the bustling crowd with a calm and purposeful stride. This student appeared to share Giovanni's preference for avoiding the masses, moving with a deliberate pace that suggested a similar intent to bypass unnecessary interactions. Intrigued by this shared demeanor amidst the chaotic energy of orientation day, Giovanni decided to approach the fellow student. His steps took him closer, a respectful distance maintained to avoid intrusion, but with a genuine curiosity to make a connection in this new environment.

"Greetings,"Giovanni began with a tranquil smile, his voice carrying a composed demeanor amidst the bustling campus. "Finding a moment of peace amidst this orientation chaos, aren't we? I'm Giovanni Jia, a first-year here at Serenity Academy. Is this the correct way to orientation? I'm just following the crowds at this point."
Interactions: Giovanni ( JonKenPon JonKenPon )
Location: Making his way towards orientation

Ciernan nearly stumbled as his 'peak' focus on trying to get through the ambling masses was disrupted by someone talking to him. Slowly turning to look at the stiff but polite sounding person, he stumbled again as a random kid rushing by bumped into his back and knocked his glasses askew with the momentum of the bump. The young man stayed frozen for a moment before straightening up and looking at the kid who bumped into him, middle finger pressing against the bridge of his glasses to push them back up and fix them. "Yeah, so, if you want to actually have a conversation, we're gonna have to move aside, Lovie. Or I will quite frankly tweak out." That smooth voice with a London accent said just loud enough to be heard at close vicinity.

"C'm'ere." He motioned with a hand, and upon closer inspection his nails were clearly manicured into an almond shape with black french tips. Shuffling to the side where it would make no sense for students to come blazing by, he finally fully gave his attention to the guy. "I'm also a first year, Ciernan Oakens. I would be lying if I said I knew, I wasn't around for open house so it's entirely guesswork. We could try getting lost together unless you want to go find someone else who might know better, yeah?" He explained and offered rather calmly compared to the previously silent rage at being nearly knocked over.​
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She wasted no time and that gave her a sense of satisfaction she could not get elsewhere. One could simply arrive before the rest of the pack to take advantage of their new environment, and getting a leg up was something Silja intended to capitalize on. After all, this world of magic can be cruel.

With a push of a door she made it into the assembly hall, pleased that she beat the torrent of other students who were bound to be rambunctious. She could feel the faintest feeling of eyes on her from the others who had also arrived early, not like it bothered her. She was not one to seek out attention but she did not mind it either. She continued to stroll forward towards the many vacant seats with her leather bag under her arm, her footsteps echoing thanks to well constructed acoustics.

Once again she mindfully checked her watch as it caught the light with its sleek chrome design. ‘7:23.’

With a quick turn of her heel, Silja found a suitable spot, one near the front row without being too far from the other few seated. The last thing she wanted was to alienate herself by seeming standoffish with first impressions being so crucial. She placed her bag down and held her skirt down as she sat. Flicking her long snowy hair back and crossing one leg over the other, the young woman settled in her place with attentiveness for their orientation.
Getsume Watanabe
Interaction: LostHaven LostHaven

1719006453988.pngThe girl flinches and nearly shield her books at her face against the startled man. She couldn't utter an apology from the man's quick recovery and assessed her simple loss of direction, although he sounded a bit unsure but the student only seems to be relying on the fact this man seems to be a the only adult she found who seems to be familiar with the school's layout more than she could guess. The man has bags on his eyes and properly dressed enough as an authority figure in her book. Now to think about it, she found him in this rather lonesome hall... Perhaps she was rather-- The man confirms that she has dwelled far from the gathering orientation. Despite her hands being hidden undersleeves, the man can tell, her fingers were pressing the pages of the books she was hugging tighter.


The man mentions something she wasn't expecting out of the blue. Putting a sleeve over her chin, she began to think the question. Is it a trick question? How does one answer "How familiar are you with time magic?" Her head is put through an exercise of what she knows about concept of time and context of question, regarding time and magic being together. A slight sign of visual frustration written in her face, until simply just shaking her head as her brown eyes look back to the tired eyes of the man.

"I'm sorry, Sensei, I don't know... Is magic like that... Possible?" Rubbing her right temple with her sleeve.
Before she could get a response of note from the energetic, earth-bending boy, an adult woman, likely part of the faculty, came up to Pina and acknowledged her presence and her apparent identity.

Darn it. Really, she hadn't taken especial measures to avoid being recognized, not that she especially intended to stay incognito while here for the semester. Still, she hadn't expected to get pegged so early on.

Of course, said woman's acknowledgement took the form of pointing Pina out to her embarrassed daughter...uh, niece? Well, when a fan got like that, it was better not to be too overbearing.

"That's right." She smiled slightly, raising her index and middle finger and swiping them over her forehead, where the horns on Spider Lily's half-mask would be if she was wearing it. A signature pose of sorts. "PinaCrush, at your service." She kept her voice a bit lower than usual, as if the mention of her main social media account's handle might summon the horde.

Making a beckoning gesture at Reagan, she turned to keep walking. "I'm dialing back on my social media density, like I said on my stream. But you can still post a picture from yours, if you want. Come on, walk with me."

"And you, stinky."
She chuckled as she patted Naio on the shoulder. "Better do as Ms. Bee says."

"So, a Lilyhead huh?"
She kept an eye on Reagan as she walked. She wasn't a big fan of the term, but her fandom came up with it, and she rolled with it. Never interrupt your audience while they were praising you. "Always happy to see someone who likes my work. You a manga-only or did you see this face of mine first?" She flashed Reagan a wider smile.

Following the flow of students and faculty, she'd eventually make it to the assembly hall as well.

She noticed a familiar pair of puffy black twintails having entered some time before her.

Was that-


She'd have to find an opportunity to catch up, later.

Juju Juju Solirus Solirus (briefly mentioned: BuggaBoo BuggaBoo )
Doctor Edward Hart
Empty Hallway | "Well, you're in for a surprise."​

Though the girl's expression did little to reveal much of her inner thoughts, the tightening of her hands beneath her comically oversized sleeves did not escape Edward's notice. She really was upset at the prospect of arriving late on her first day, after all. Well, that was all the more reason for Edward to lend her that helping hand, he supposed.

Though, unexpectedly, his question, that had been nothing more than the musings of an absentminded man elicited a response from the new student that the Doctor couldn't have predicted. Not only was the young girl not familiar with the concept of 'time magic', she had voiced her doubts on the very possibility of manipulating it through the use of magic. Not only was she a new student, she was mostly unfamiliar with magic in its entirety. Good. These kind of students, that didn't take magic for granted were also the ones that were more likely to ask the good questions. This caused the edges of Edward's lips to curve ever so slightly into a barely noticeable grin. "Yes. Good answer," remarks Edward as he raises his cane and with it, begins to make circular motions in the air. "Of course it's possible," elaborates Edward. "In fact, it's already possible without the use of magic. Time, in fact, moves differently for people moving at different relative speeds, or gravitational potential. It's just not great enough in everyday context for us to notice. Einstein's Theory of Relativity."


There he goes again, babbling off again. Or, as the youngsters would say, 'yapping'. As he trails off spouting what must have sounded like nonsense to Getsume's ears, she would observe streaks of bright golden mana trail off from his cane. Soon, they come together into the shape of an immensely intricate 'magic circle' that almost resembled an analogue clock face. Then, with as he taps his cane onto the ground, a blinding light bursts forth from the magic circle's golden lines, before vanishing. And yet, when the light subsided, it seemed almost as if nothing had changed. "Hmm. Fifteen minutes seems sufficient," comments Edward as he moves to the nearest window, and flings it open. "Take a look," he instructs the student. If she glanced out the window as the Doctor had said, Getsume would behold a strange sight indeed; the world outside seemed to have been slowed to a crawl; the hundreds of students outside moving like a video placed on slow motion.

"I've stretched three minutes to fifteen. Plenty of time to get to the assembly hall, no?" asks Edward, smiling ever so slightly wider than before. "Magic throws the laws of physics straight out the window, but here we are. Oh, and don't touch anything moving. This is very much a work-in-progress magic, so I don't know what might happen."

On an entirely unrelated note, some students later that day had to fill out incident forms regarding a near-death encounter with a window that had suddenly flown off its hinges from the third floor.

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre
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Giovanni "Vanni" Jia
first image.png
Ciernan DuckPrince DuckPrince

Giovanni nodded thoughtfully as he listened to Ciernan. The crowd continued to bustle around them, even barging into his new acquaintance but he remained calm. He appreciated Ciernan’s directness and calm demeanor, finding an unexpected sense of camaraderie.

"Nice to meet you, Ciernan," Giovanni said, offering a genuine smile. "I wasn't at the open house either, so it looks like we're both figuring this out as we go. Honestly, getting lost together sounds better than wandering alone."

He glanced around, observing the flow of students and the layout of the campus. "Plus, two heads are better than one, right?"

Giovanni looked back at Ciernan, noticing his polished appearance, his nails catching Giovanni's eyes, as a martial practitioner hands always told a story about a person. "Since we both seem to prefer avoiding the chaos, maybe we can help each other out. Let’s head in and see where the crowds take us. If we get lost, we can always ask for directions."

He gestured towards the main building, ready to move forward with his newfound companion. "Shall we?"

Giovanni added, "By the way, I'm really looking forward to what this academy has to offer. What about you? Any particular reason you chose Serenity?" He kept his tone light and friendly, genuinely interested in getting to know Ciernan better. As he spoke more and more his Italian accent began to poke through.​
Interactions: Giovanni ( JonKenPon JonKenPon )
Location: Making his way towards orientation -> In the orientation room(?)

Giovanni's calm demeanor definitely helped put Ciernan at ease, especially the lack of judgement. "Sounds like a plan." He chuckled lightly as they carefully began moving through the migrating mass of students.

Knowing the fellow student obviously came to the academy willingly and by extension wasn't a stranger to whatever abilities he had seemed rather fitting. It caused Ciernan to chuckle a bit before he thought about how to answer. "It wasn't necessarily by choice. I don't know how it is for others that enroll here but essentially; my ..'abilities' awakened rather recently in a not particularly harmless way. I nearly flooded a classroom so transferring somewhere that might be able to help me figure out how to not do that again was a logical judgement call on everyone's part." Ciernan explained. "Luckily I didn't hurt anyone, just freaked my former classmates out." The teen added, perhaps for his own peace of mind. After the incident he'd been so worried he might've hurt someone or potentially caused anyone to drown that it ate at his conscience.

"Looks like this might be it." He motioned to the doors a bunch of students seemed to be filing into, and from the sound of it, the inside was spacious and full of a bunch of students. Walking to the door, he poked his head inside before it closed and further pushed it open so Giovanni could step inside as well. The very front of the room had obvious messages welcoming 1st years to their first day. "It hasn't started yet, thankfully."​

'DJ' - Desiree-Jeanette Chea-Soeur.


Sitting there in the assembly...

A small smile held at her lips as her head bobbed to the music of her earbuds, twin poofy-tails swaying gently with her wavy shoulder movements.

Of course, she had her giant phone in her hand but the screen was black. Yes, the music was played from her phone but that's not what she wantted to use her phone for right now. Yeah she did have inhibitors in place to keep her incognito but it would be so easy, just sooooooo easy to get Calli to turn it off so she could do what she absolutely desired to do right now. Here she was in her new school after being tutored for the better part of her life. She had a dope camera on her giant phone. Her little Robo-Kitty, Cals, had high quality audio recording, noise cancelling AND 8k eye cams. DJ had spent a lot of time and money doing her make-up today. And speaking of make-up, the brands she used almost exclusively was the one that the one and only Pina Yao's company sold. An speaking of Pina, yeah, the one and only daughter-of-Yao was in the building! My gosh, this was the vid op to send the masses into a frenzy.

@PinaCrush and @theOnlyChaser split screen vid collab, live-streamed on the first day of school? Say less.

DJ's hand was shaking so badly, she wanted to turn on her phone and make it happen. But then a flash in her mind took place. A vibrant and vivacious collage of her family, friends, agent, agency, reps, sponsors, business associates-- no. No, there was too much at stake to break the 'stay-incognito-agreement' for her to give in, break and feed the 'go-viral' addiction. DJ grit her teeth and slammed her phone down upon her plaid skirted lap. A sigh then she removed her earbuds and placed them in their charging case before tucking them into her robo-kitty 'backpack.'
"It ain't a life sentence. Just get through it, Ditzy... This ain't home. This ain't home. This ain't home..."

Big green eyes remained closed as she repeated the mantra, but a whisper neath her breath.

Following the flow of students and faculty, she'd eventually make it to the assembly hall as well.

She noticed a familiar pair of puffy black twintails having entered some time before her.

A bit of a murmur sounded out behind the girl, coming from the aisles above. She didn't have to turn her head to know what was happening. Yeah, that was the familiar buzz and hubbub of people trying to supress their excitement when a celeb walked in unannounced. A small sheepish laugh fell from her full lips, big green eyes lowered and to her brown cheeks heat flowed. Not that it was vain, but still out of force of habit DJ pulled out her big bug-eyed sunglasses, slowly slid them on and lowered her shoulders. It was how she tried to act more demure when a star bigger than her arrived. But perhaps it did more to attract attention since she was the only one in the assemble sporting glasses?

Regardless she tried to play it cool and lifted her phone and turned it on. She flipped the view to selfie and pretended to adjust loose black strands and tucked them behind her ear. But of course, she had it angled just right so that she could see just over her shoulder. And there she was. Pina and her crew. She recognized the fella as the one that was came out as a Magical Boy with Earth-Manipulation powers. She never met him, but he seemed to surf/skate with his powers so that was hella cool in her eyes. Solirus Solirus The chick with eye-patch seemed a little to nervous or excited as she walked. DJ had her doubts. She could be a clout chaser or stream sniper but most likely a fan or some kinda groupie-- 'a Pinabee', as they were called. Juju Juju Well, better than what they called Ms Chaser's fans; 'Chafers.' But oh how she loved the ones that had her back and clapped back calling those negative bitches; 'CHaters' lol

DJ then put Calli on the desktop, facing the trio as they walked the aisles. With a quick toggle of several switches, the little robo-kitty was recording in full 8k glory. The girl then re-positioned her phone to look over her shoulder and the shot was framed perfectly. DJ just had to take a sneaky-pic... and so she snapped one. Quickly she held her phone in her lap and turned off the screen, smiling softly as she pat Calli on the head. She had the worst urge to start off with her welcoming spiel when she live-streamed but instead she just bit down upon her lip. A sigh then she turned off Calli's a/v recording. She'd just have to greet Pina properly when the buzz died down. Just then DJ's eyes popped wide. A giggle followed as a random thought came into her head.

"Bruh. Whatevs... eyo. Why all the excitement?" she held a backhand all conspiratory-like to cover her mouth as she spoke to anyone willng to listen, "Pffft... I mean... just who in the hell she supposed to be anyways?"


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