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Realistic or Modern Sengoku Jidai[A Samurai/Feudal Japan RP]

Clan: Kita Clan
Name: Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita
Place: Yamato Province - Ueno Main Camp
Time: Summer 1556 - Night
With: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Tag: Sopranos Sopranos

At Lord Ueno's praise Yuki nodded to acknowledge, his view while Hayate sat expressionless behind, internally though his eyes narrowed though the praise appeared sincere a well trained person could easily fake that and any praise could be a ruse genuine or not. Hayate's eyes zeroed in on the advisor the second he started speaking, he seemed intellegent and his mind seemed to work along the same lines as Hayate's, he would have to be taken out should the Ueno Clan ever be a target.

Agon's advice was true, it any influencing of the sun would likely control the lord, Once questioned Yuki turned once again to cede the control of the conversation to her brother. Hayate had been running situations through his head but he was wary of this line of questioning, this could be an elaborate method to gain information on the Kita's strength however to show that they were in this alliance in good faith he would need to give up some information. "We have people with the skills to enter the castle but the posed strategies present several problems, kidnapping is hard as exiting a fortress with an un-cooperative subject is very difficult" He was confident his finger could do this but it might expose them to unnecessary risk "And both bribary and negotiations require a loss of resources. I propose that we give the son a slow acting poison and then we can tell the lord that he must give us the castle or his son will die". This was an important point it would help him get the measure of this lord and how far he is willing to go for his aims.
As the enemy army began to move Kagatane turned to look at Narisane, "Once the enemy gets with in bow range have the archers fire off two volley's then begin the retreat at a slow pace. Fall back alittle engage the enemy, break away, reengage, and repeat until we get to the rode. If the enemy retreats we pursue and keep them focused on us. Have the soldiers yell every insult they can come up with at the enemy to keep them angry and wanting blood. " as the young lord gave his orders they were dispersed to the unit commanders. The archers stepped forwards and readied their arrows. They would fire two vollies once the enemy was in range then they would fall back behind the infantry but right in front of the heavy cav. Once the archers were behind the infantry they would form a wall of spears in front with swordsman behind them.

The nakane army started to shout slur's, taunts, and jeers at the enemy trying to provoke them. Kagatame hoped it worked but he couldn't be sure. Considering how the enemy reacted to such a small provocative earlier he was sure that they would respond the way Kagatame wanted them to. Now he just had to bait them back into position and the battle would belong to the coalition.
Sopranos Sopranos

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