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Realistic or Modern Sengoku Jidai[A Samurai/Feudal Japan RP]



Daimyō Kuroda Tatsutya


Location: Alliance Encampment, Yamato Province

Interacted: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Sopranos Sopranos animegirl20 animegirl20

Mentioned: N/A

"Lord Kuroda, master Yuji. It's an honor to have you here by our side for this battle. Our lord knew you would arrived, but unfortunately he is busy with other affairs. Therefore he told us to welcome you instead."

The two eccentric men greeted Tatsuya as well as his brother, Yuji. Straightening his posture his blue armor clattering as he adjusted himself, replying in a light and mild tone.

"It is my own Kuroda Clan's honor to join the fight against the Watanabe Clan as well as rally with fellow clans around the realm."

“A warrior as befit of his honest works, master Sasaki. I've heard many things about you both as an ardent student of the art of war. A pleasure to meet your acquaintances. Should this answer your question, master Muto, I must say I am but a grain of rice in the world of martial arts. My spearmanship is all I can offer to the cause, but undeserving of your given praises.”

Chuckling at his brother's humble and modest response, Tatsuya was far intrigued on the future relations between Yuji and Sasaki. But before the two could continue their short conversation Yuji cut it short with a more immediate plan of action to go plan for the accommodations of his army as well as their battle plans. As the two brothers began to turn around and leave they were halted by a pure and lady-like voice from behind.

"Oh the Kuroda Clan it is good have you here. What are you two waiting for go ahead and let them in."

Tatsuya stared wide eyed at the lady as she was bowing towards the two. Bowing almost immediately back as a customary show of manners before standing once again.

"The Kuroda Clan greets the lady. We gladly accept your welcoming invitation."

Translation notes:
Aki walks with ueno into the castle with her army, she observed the troops that were around the castle, from the ashigaru to the samurai of each clan. She looks back at the lord and spoke.” So this is the force that will challenge that dictator, I wonder do you think this will be enough to crush him sir.”

Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Ueno Clan
Name: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556

It's finally the day had come. After days of welcoming lords and their armies from across the land to his land at Yamato, Lord Ueno shut his gates and gathered every lords that had arrived to his land. A ceremony was started to welcome them to the public, and to each other. Stood before the lords, Ueno Ichiro raised his voice.

"To every warriors that have made their appearance here in Yamato, with your weapons ready for wars, you will be remembered and appreciated for eternity, as the mightiest and bravest warriors to fight for your land in its most difficult time. The traitors Watanabe disrespected the Shogun, abuses him for power in his own hand, and use it to spill blood wherever he goes. Such crimes are unforgivable. It's most urgent that us being here, to form an alliance, to stand together and slay that blood-thirst monster to stop his reign of terror. Today, The Coalition Of The South - Minami no Rengō - is officially born, with the goal of liberating the Shogun and eradicate the traitor Watanabe, with these are it's members."

  1. Lord Nakane Kagatame of Nakane Clan, leading 27000 men from Musashi
  2. Lady Mitsuyo Aki of Mitsuyo Clan, leading 20000 men from Bungo
  3. Lord Ueno Ichiro of Ueno Clan, leading 12000 men from Yamato
  4. Lady Fujimoto Xun of Fujimoto Clan, leading 10000 men from Owari
  5. Lord Nagatomo of Nagatomo Clan, leading 10000 men from Echizen
  6. Lord Akemi Nobutada of Akemi Clan, leading 5000 men from Noto
  7. Lord Kuroda Tatsutya of Kuroda Clan, leading 5000 men from Mino
  8. Lord Ōshanrabā Daisetsu of the Ōshanrabā, leading the vessels from Awaji
  9. Master Shugachi Oniware, Mizuaki Oniware and Tachibana Oniware leading 2000 men of the volunteer unit.

"There hasn't been any gathering of men with bigger number than this, in our history. We are here with 91 thousand of brave and strong men that all eager to take the head of the enemy. Our troops, needless to say, are larger than the enemy. The only things we need are a right direction and Staying United Till The End. I can promise you that I, Ueno Ichiro of Yamato, can give you the first thing. If we fight the enemy as allies, under one banner until the day we march to the Capitol, VICTORY IS IN OUT HAND!"

(Meanwhile, outside the north gate entrance)

Outside the castle, there was another army marching toward the north entrance. But unlike the other force, they're fully armed, and their leader held a spear in one hand, a sword in another, ready for a fight. They wasn't here to join the alliance, by to fight, as their banner was Watanabe's. As the army arrived closely to the entrance, their leading general.

"LISTEN! I AM LI NADATARI, GENERAL OF THE WATANABE! I have followed Lord Watanabe's order to repel the rebel, restore the peace. If you're as brave as you sound in those messages you send, come out and face me. Or if you too coward, give me Ichiro's head and I'll spare all of you!!!"


With his speech coming to an end, the ceremony soon finished as well. It was brief and only the necessary things were given since lord Ueno didn't want to waste time. By now, the enemy already knew about them and they would soon lead an army to hit first. Lord Ueno needed to make sure when it come, the alliance's ready to counter it. What next was the meeting between the participants. Only the leader of each sides and an advisor were allowed to take part in it. Soon as all the lords and their advisor to the main camp, lord Ueno, with his daughter Miyako and his advisor Agon behind him, started the meeting.

"REPORT!" - A messenger rushed into the main camp. He bowed his head and started to speak with a heavy, exhausted breath - "LORD UENO! THE ENEMY HAS BROKEN THROUGH OUR FORCE FROM THE NORTH AND HAS MARCHED HERE!"

"Already ?!" - Lord Ueno answered in surprised.

"Watanabe's leading general of this army is the almighty Li Nadatari. His army broke through our force quickly and slayed master Oyama, our general. Right now he''s arriving at the gate, calling you out, challenging if anyone could face him in combat."

"I see" - Lord Ueno quickly composed himself - "If it's Nadatari then it's clear. He's the fourth in The Watanabe Five Spears. The enemy is already here, this is the first time we face the enemy, we must have a good start. It's not only that we must win, but we have to show our might as well. Anyone is confident that your men can handle this man and give me his head ?"

Lord Ueno looked across the camp to see if anyone volunteer to send their general out after knowing the opponent was one of the most fearful within the enemy ranks. He thoughts of Muto Heihachi, his leading officer, the Beast of the East, but lord Ueno didn't want to use one of his best cards too early. There was also Kuroda Yuji, the skillful and proud spearmen of Mino, but seem to be a risk that Yuji's brother would think twice before taking it. It's still too early right now to lose any valuable asset.

"Three leaders from the volunteer force ? Do you think you three can handle the task ? " - Lord Ueno turned to Shugachi, Mizuaki and Tachibana Oniware

"Lord Ueno, if I may" - Lord Nagatomo from Echizen raised his voice - "Such an important fight, how can you give it to the hand of these peasant, or event outlaw, if I may. If they lose, how is it going to look for us ? It would affect our armies morale greatly. Please reconsider this decision." - Lord Nagatomo spoke with a arrogant, judging tone.

Lord Ueno nodded his head with a smirk. He turned to lord Nagatomo at first.

"I know what to do if they lose, don't worry lord Nagatomo. I only need them to buy us a little time. If they lose, you have nothing to lose, since they are not samurai. But if they manage to slay Nadatari, his army will retreat and we won't have to use even one man." - He then turned to the Oniware - This is your chance to prove your name, to the enemy, and to us as well. Shugachi Oniware, bring me Li Nadatari's head, and I will reward your unit with 1000 horse from my stables and golds so that you could recruit more men."

To: Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Oniware Clan
Description: The enemy officer, Li Nadatari, leading an army to the coalition destination. He then started cursing, humiliating the members of the alliance, challenge if anyone could face his strength. Its important to not just answer his challenge, but to this duel as glorious as we can.
Objective: Mention in your next post that one of the Oniware answers the challenge and win the duel again the mighty Li Nadatari.

With a challenging tone and a smirk on his face, Lord Ueno looked at the Oniware, waiting if they could answer his challenge.

(Note: This is a main-plot post, the events in these posts take place in the current time. Other interactions that happened before this post can still be continued and finished (as it's not interrupted by the events of these posts), but please note them as "Flash back" to avoid confusion)

Taking lord Ueno's advice the Oniware kept their distance from the other lords talking among themselves until the meeting. There Shugachi and Mizuaki listened carefully while Tachibana on the other hand was staring off into space. A sudden change came when word got to Lord Ueno that one of Watanabe's forces had arrived. Hearing about the strength of the foe the three generals smirked a dangerous foe this early on no one would risk any trump card they might have. So of course that meant the best choice was the Oniware. The most expendable force here of course Shugachi had counted on this and stood up. "We will gladly take care of this foe Lord Ueno." The three stood and headed for the north gate exiting the camp they spotted what they assumed was the so called fourth of the Five spear whatever. Shugachi placed a hand on one of the swords at his side. "I'll handle this." Mizuaki then grabbed his arm. "Woah woah why you ya heard tye old guy he's a spearman so I should fight him." Tachibana then put in her own two cents. "Why do you two assume I'm not capable." Mizuaki scoffed at the idea. "All you have is that bow of yours this is a close range fight genius." Tachibana retorted. "Shugachi has two swords last I checked he can lend me one." Shugachi shook his head. "No way considering I'm the one fighting." Mizuaki and Tachibana then both cried out. "No fair!"

Shugachi then got serious and held up a fist. "Then we settle this the usual way." Mizuaki chuckled. "You sure I'm a hell of a lot stronger than before." Tachibana cracked her knuckles. "Like taking candy from babies." The three got in a circle and called out. "Rock! Paper! Scissors!" The three threw down rock a brief pause between them. "Tie go again!" All paper. "Tie go again!" All scissors except for Mizuaki who went back to rock. "YAY! I win I win!" Shugachi and Tachibana both clicked their tongues Mizuaki held out her hand to the gate where one of the Oniware soldiers was standing he then tossed to Mizuaki her favorite spear. "Now then sorry for the wait but-" Was all she got before being yelled at by Nadatari. "This is who that old fool sends children to fight his battles he disgraces Lord Watanabe with such pathetic warriors. Mizuaki stopped smiling and simply walked forward spear resting on her shoulder. "Alright then show me what kinda skill one of Watanabe's dogs have unless that spear is for show.

Nadatari handed his sword to one of his men and readied his spear stepping slowly to Mizuaki who was still not in a ready stance as she approached. Nadatari let out a battle cry as he thrust his spear forward at Mizuaki’s head. A quick dodge to the right saved her and she swung her spear smacking the but end against Nadatari's head. "You died just then." Nadatari grit his teeth and swung again this time it was blocked by Mizuaki’s spear the other two Oniware smirked. Tachibana couldn't help but laugh. "It's always fun seeing her get serious." Shugachi nodded. "Indeed." Mizuaki stared at Nadatari a smile spreading onto her face she then pushed against Nadatari sending him to stumble back slamming the butt of her spear into his chest. Nadatari gasped and held the spot of impact. "Dead again next tims I'll actually kill you don't make this too boring." Nadatari could hear his men whispering behind him gripping his spear he charged he and Mizuaki blocked each others attacks back and forth until finally Mizuaki deflected Nadatari's spear and stepped in close. Nadatari wasn't worried he wasn't able to use his spear but neither was this animal. He then heard her chuckle and saw her quickly reach behind her before he could react Nadatari's throat had been sliced by a knife Mizuaki kept for such situations. "Dead." Mizuaki wiped some of the blood from her face and licked it. Then looked out at Nadatari's men. "If you guys wanna play too we got plenty of men inside who'd love a turn." With their General gone the samurai turn and ran Mizuaki trotted back over to Shugachi and Tachibana staring at them the two exhanged a look of understanding and petted their taller fellow General on the head.
Sopranos Sopranos Dante Verren Dante Verren animegirl20 animegirl20 adrian_ adrian_ Minyari Minyari T TrueMandalorian590 Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Nakane Camp- Yamato Provence.
(Nakane Kagatame, Ujie Narisane, Nakane Rinko, Hakano Naotane, and Hakano Naokane)

As the three sat around the strategic table once more the sound of foot steps approaching the tent caught there attention. "Hakano Naotane requesting entrance!" sounded the voice of one of Kagatame's retainers. "Permision granted" responded Kagatame curious as to what the man needed. Opening the tent flap and stepping inside the taller man bowed in respect. "Report for you Kagatame-Sama. The last of the clans have arrived and Ueno-Sama has called together the lords for the meeting. You are allowed to bring one adviser with you and your presence is requested immediately at the castle. Report finished!" the man stood up as he gave his report keeping his expression serious. "Thank you Naotane. Mother, you Naotane and Naokane are in charge of the Camp. Narisane you will accompany me to the meeting. " "Yes my lord!" was the other three's response.

As they approached the edge of the Nakane camp heading to the castle Rinko stopped Narisane and her son. "My son, today marks your first meeting of lords as the leader of the Nakane. Carry yourself well and know that your father and I are proud of the man you have become." Turning to Narisane she bowed her head, "Narisane, keep my son safe in case anything happens." Narisane nodded his head "Of course my lady." The young lord and his adviser turned back to face the Hakano brothers. "Naotane and Naokane you two are in charge of the camp while I am away." "You can count on us my lord!" the two brothers said in unison. Reassured that the camp will be watched over Kagatame and Narisane made their way to the meeting of the lords.
Retainer 1.jpg
Retainer 2.jpg
Mitsuyo, Kuroda, Ueno, Fujimotto, Nagatamo, Akemi, and Ōshanrabā... standing among the lords of these clans Kagatame was feeling rather nervous. The Nakane wasn't a young clan but had only came to the height of it's power under Kagatame's father Moritame. The clan was massive now but it still had much to prove to older clans. There only claim to fame really was the Heavy Calvarly of Nakane, some of the best calvary in the land and made famous by Moritame. Kagatame had yet to prove himself a worthy succesor to his father and that only added to his nerves.

When he had first arrived at the meeting he scanned the faces of the many lords and there advisors. All of them seemed fitting of the roles... well two stuck out pretty easily. The first one was the girl who was beside lord Ueno. She looked not much younger the Kagatame and she was very beautiful. Maybe she was lord Ueno's daughter. Did lord Ueno have any kids, he had to have had at least one, Kagatame was really starting to regret not doing his research on the families of the Damiyo in the Coalition. Of course the next thing that caught his eye was one of two female daimyo present. At least he thought she was a daimyo considering she was in the spot where the Fujimotto daimyo was suppose to be. The fact that she was a female Daimyo wasn't what had caught his attention, they were rare but there were still a few female daimyo. What caught his attention about her was her choice of outfit... or should he say lack there of leaving alot of exposed skin. Kagatame thought he was doing a good job at not staring at her but a sharp elbow into his side from Narisane told him otherwise.

Deciding he needed to look at anything else so he wouldn't shame his clan he decided to focus on the banners hanging in the distance and listened to Ueno's speech. It was a pretty good speech and once it was over Kagatame was satisfied that he had indeed brought the largest army. Of course it was only by 7,000. He should have brought 30,000 men instead of 27,000. Oh well 91,000 total troops was still a pretty large army. He was a little disappointed that more clans didn't show up but they were declaring war on the acting regent of the Shogun so it made since that not more clans didn't show up. Not every daimyo would believe a message sent by the shoguns mother to be real so it was expected that not everyone would take up arms.

At the end of the speech the real lords meeting began but before it could actually get started they were interrupted. Apparently an enemy force had broken through. Hopefully Naotane and Naokane were getting the army ready in case they needed to fight. When the discussion of single combat came up Kagatame was ready to volunteer himself but another sharp elbow for Narisane stopped him. Looks like it was going to be left to the Volunteer force. Kagatame had no problem with having a volunteer force but to give them the honor of first blood was a bit annoying. Well there was the chances that they wouldn't even surrvive the battle.

They survived... well it would be more accurate to say that the volunteer warrior had made a mockery out of the Watanbe general. From the way that the volunteer had shamed the Watanabe Kagatame was surprised that the enemy retreated, if anything he expected them to charge forth in a mad rage. If this was the pitiful sate of there enemy then it would be an easy war.

Sopranos Sopranos animegirl20 animegirl20 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Minyari Minyari Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 adrian_ adrian_ T TrueMandalorian590
Baosanniang-dw7.jpgOnce they made it to the gate Xun suddenly found herself at a Ceremony with all the other clan leaders. She glanced at them all and only caught two other girls. Which she was actually quite happy about. Meant she wasn't the only Daimyo though one of them looked more to be a daughter then a actual Daimyo. The girl was seemed more intimidating. Guess you had to be when being a Daimyo was more of a male dominated thing. She tired to pay attention to the ceremony but some one else caught her eye. A guy who seemed to be younger then the other Daimyo's had been looking over at her. She wasn't sure why but she smiled at him anyway and started to wave but his attention had already went else where. She awkwardly looked the other way. If he wasn't even going to wave why did he bother to even look her way. Well at least it seemed like she wasn't the only young Daimyo. Though she had a feeling she was probably still the youngest.

When ceremony was over all the ladies and lords, along with their advisors were lead to the main camp to have the first meeting. Ugh this was going to be boring and probably confusing she was still learning where the hell everything was in her own province now she was probably going to have to look at a map she knew nothing about.....great. But it was alright she could do this. But before the meeting could even start a messenger came in reporting about the enemy had already arrived and that it had been lead by one of Watanabe's Generals Li Nadatari.

If it's Nadatari then it's clear. He's the fourth in The Watanabe Five Spears. The enemy is already here, this is the first time we face the enemy, we must have a good start. It's not only that we must win, but we have to show our might as well. Anyone is confident that your men can handle this man and give me his head ?"

She could do it! She could fight him! Bet that guy has never seen a huge bladed yo yo before. Speaking of which where was it? Did the soldiers did have it. She didn't know why they didn't let her carry it. The soldiers could hardly pick it up. She was about to volunteer but well she could most feel the stares coming from Keiji. Which killed any ideas of her going to fight. "Ugh I could totally beat that guy." Xun mumbled to herself. She then glanced at the other leaders and noticed Kagatame getting elbowed. She tried to hold in her laugh but slipped out a little and she quickly tried to cover it with a cough. But it was clear she found something funny. Guess she wasn't the only one ready for some action. Though in the end seemed like the volunteer force went to take care of it and they had won! "Alright our first victory!"
Dante Verren Dante Verren
T TrueMandalorian590
Minyari Minyari
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
Sopranos Sopranos
adrian_ adrian_


Marshal Kuroda Masamoto

Location: Alliance camp, Yamato province
Interacted: animegirl20 animegirl20 Minyari Minyari Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Sopranos Sopranos
Mentioned: N/A

Masamoto quickly rides into the alliance camp with seven-hundred samurais on horseback, the men seem tired and they quickly dismount and set camp with the other Kuroda samurai and ashigaru.

Kuroda Masamoto makes his horse rush across the camp like a frightened doe to his cousins and nearly jumps off his horse to get to his kin. "Yuji, Tatsuya! I apologize for being late!" Masamoto looks at the daughter of Ueno Ichiro, Ueno Miyako and looks at the warriors guarding the gate and their clan symbol, piecing together that information Masamoto looks back at Ueno Miyako and says "You must be Ueno Miyako, I am Kuroda Masamoto, Marshal of the Kuroda Samurai." Masamoto looks at the two warriors again and says in a rather angered voice, arriving just before Miyako began her sentence. "We must get in so we can strategize with the other clans if you do not open this door I shall cut it to pieces."

Translation notes:

Last edited:


Marshal Kuroda Yuji


Location: North Entrance - Alliance Camp, Yamato Province
Interacted: N/A
Mentioned: Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Sopranos Sopranos Minyari Minyari

Yuji followed the others to the staging ground, where the Oniware, as presented by their clan's mon and Lord Ueno's speech had already engaged Watanabe's officer on the field. The display of force were matched only by their ferocious feat of martial prowess. The marshal studied their movements, as he tucked his white spear beneath his folded arms. He watched, as the Oniware defeated their foe with capacity for celebration. His words were drowned by the cheers of Allied troops, as he looked on with determination. He signaled his runner to gather the rest of the Kuroda's army to the rearguard, where he saw that the opposing party was less keen on pursuing an all-out battle. Thoughts ran through his mind, as he noticed Lord Ueno's wisdom in the commitment of the volunteer forces, rather than his own. It was a sly move in disguise to promote the inclusiveness of the Alliance's purpose, as well as retaining his own officer's integrity for a later time. Two birds with one stone, thought Yuji, as he smiled beneath his stern facade.

“So it began... Little did we know, we already committed ourselves in a battle royale.” Yuji muttered under his breath, as he turn to Tatsuya.

Remaining vigilant in his stance, the lone marshal briefly studied the other clans' faces and their armies, noting the significant force gathered under Lord Ueno and the Shogun mother's letter. Yuji knew that the Kuroda were too young to be taking the on the Watanabe or anyone else within the coalition - especially Lord Ueno, whose decisions have left the prior on guard. He realized by now, that nothing is as it seemed, like a breeze on a hot summer day. The disturbance in the air only turned for the worse, plaguing the marshal's mind with more questions than answers. For the time being, Yuji could only abide by his brother's words and that of reality - standing idly in awe under the shades of the black pine tree.

Translation notes:

She looks at the lord and speaks to him “I see a large amount of people have gathered to fight this warlord, but I wonder, what’s your purpose to fight him. Is it wealth of the shoguns wealth, loyalty so they shall owe you, power, what makes you interested in this little squabble. But anyway back to the topic at hand I have some information that will guide us for victory. I hired some ninjas from the Hattori. They have enlightened me on some wonderful things useful things. But I’m quite hesitant that I shall give is as I ponder on this offense.” She walks up close to him, looking up as she is short. “How do I know this force is enough to remove him and his warriors. A bunch of rag tag peasants alone will not remove him from power and despite his cruelty, he still has many allies and Vassals at his beck and call weather they want to be allies or not.”

Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Ueno Clan
Name: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556
With: Daimyō from across Japan
Tag: T TrueMandalorian590 Minyari Minyari Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi animegirl20 animegirl20 Dante Verren Dante Verren adrian_ adrian_ Pure Calcium Pure Calcium

Lord Ueno's attention turned to lady Aki of the Mitsuyo clan as her questions were something he unexpected. The young ones are always so eager. He smiled warmly before gently answered her.

"Lady Mitsuyo, why are you asking such questions ? Of course we're all here because of the safety of our Shogun, and to punish the traitor who has committed unforgivable crimes across the land. Though I admit, each of us also has our own motivation to stand again Watanabe. It's our most important duty to ensure that the Shogun is safe." - He took a breath before looked toward the Oniware - "These peasant you're talking have been under Watanabe's regime for so long that they have to raise their weapon and rebel again him. Watanabe Yoshiro's sins have enraged the people. Give them a chance to fight by your side and they'll amazed you. I'm assure you of that."

The result of the duel went beyond expectation as Li Nadatari, the enemy officer ended up headless. His men was frightened seeing how their commander was brutally and quickly defeated, they soon retreated. As the Oniware on their way returning to the camp after their first achievement, lord Ueno's tea was still warm.

"Slaying the enemy within a blink of an eye, you're not just a gifted warrior, you're a true hero! One that the heaven has gifted us in this chaotic era. It would be a fool to ignore such heroes! Am I right, lord Nagatomo ?" - Lord Ueno said followed by a satisfying laugh, while lord Nagatomo was trying to covered his face with his fan, to hide his embarrassment. -"Like I have promised, young ones, 1000 horses and gold, those will be given to you tonight for you to take care of your men." - Lord Ueno sent a gesture to his retainer Sasaki Agon, ordered him to make preparation.

As the immediate threat was removed quickly and effectively, lord Ueno was able to turn to more important matter, a campaign for the coalition to march to Kyoto. He turned to the map on the table.

"Now the annoying pest has been eradicated, let's us move into the most important matter. Our goal will be a tough one, and our journey will be long and difficult. Right now, we already have the right resource for it, all we need is a right direction. As I have vowed in front of you and your men, I can give you that direction that we need."

Lord Ueno reached to the map on the table.

"As I have clashed with other Watanabe's allies before, I have had some experience to fight them. For now, we won't be able to march into the capitol and save the Shogun since there are too many threats around us, even if we manage to get through it would be a one-way trip.Therefore, the first thing we all need to do right now is removing Watanabe's allies around us, mainly Settsu and Izumi, weaken his force outside the capitol. Secondly, without any threat from the rear or the sides, we can march forward to the north to Yamashiro, capture Nijo Palace - Where the Shogun family is. Finally, after we're able to save the Shogun, we will need to send our army north to Tanba, Watanabe's last stand and wipe them out completely. Only when Watanabe is captured then our duty is completed."

Lord Ueno took a breath, before taking another, more detail map.

"Our enemy already knew about us, surely. Therefore we will have to act first. Our first step, to weaken their force from outside, needed to be executed tomorrow! Lords from across the lands! Ready for your direction for the first battle!"


"Lady Mitsuyo! Please lead your army to siege Kishiwada castle in Izumi. Kishiwada castle belong to the Suzuki clan, who surrendered and became a vassal for Watanabe just last year. The port here is a valuable asset to us. But taking it would be a difficulty. This castle sit near the sea, therefore you can only attack it from one side. Also, I heard rumors that Watanabe had finally made a deal with the Saika mercenary from the south, so there is a chance you will encounter them on the way to the castle. Their number is much smaller, but their musketeers can give you a headache... though if I remember right, lady Mitsuyo's men have a lots of guns as well. On the other hand, I also have contacted the Ōshanrabā clan for their direction as well. They will attack the coast of Kishiwada with their vessel from the west. Soon as you're done with the mercenary, taking Kishiwada should be easy with the Ōshanrabā aiding you from the other side."

Name:Siege of Kishiwada
To: T TrueMandalorian590 Mitsuyo Clan & adrian_ adrian_ Ōshanrabā Clan
Description: At first, the Coalition needs to weaken the allies around the capitol before they can march in. Lady Mitsuyo and lord Ōshanrabā have been appointed to take Kishiwada castle and port. This castle sit near the sea, there it will be difficult to siege. While lord Ōshanrabā will attack it from west with his vessel, lady Mitsuo will lead her army to siege it on land.
Extra:- There are rumors that Watanabe had made a deal with the Saika mercenary from the south, so there is a chance Mitsuyo army will encounter them on the way to the castle. The Saika mercenary led by Taichi Saika, their number is probably around 3000 but their musketeers can be difficult to deal with.
There has been rivalry between the lord of Kishiwada castle - Suzuki Nobshige and the Osharaba Clan. Lord Ōshanrabā Daisetsu should decide whether to kill or to spare this man after winning the battle.
Objective: Collab post between T TrueMandalorian590 and adrian_ adrian_ and their retainers to siege Kishiwada castle. This battle can take as long as they decide.

"To the north, Kayo Castle is a major strategic position for the enemy, it keep supplies for both armies from the Kishiwada castle and Arioka castle. Lady Xun, would you please lead your army to attack this castle ? You will be aided by the volunteer force led by the Oniware. Kayo castle was only build a few months ago. Before that, it was the site of Ishiyama Temple, belong to the monks. But they came under siege from Watanabe's force two years ago and quickly defeated. The entire temple was set aflame soon after and a fortress was built in Yoshiro's order. It's named Kayo castle as it was to be built for his daughter, Watanabe Kayo. Like Kishiwada castle, it would be difficult to capture them, due in part to its position on the coast. But the Ishiyama monks have agreed to support us, but with the promise that we return the castle to them after our campaign. With three units combined, we could totally outnumber their army and claim the castle. But remember another thing, after the battle, please welcome the Ishiyama monks into the castle and do not turn hostile with them. It would be most unwise to gain an enemy right now, even for a castle..."

Name:Siege of Kayo
To: Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi Oniware Clan and animegirl20 animegirl20 Fujimoto Clan
Description: Lady Xun of the Fujimoto and the Oniware have been appointed to siege the Kayo Castle. This castle is commanded by the first daughter of Watanabe Yoshiro, Kayohime, she's known to be as cunning and ruthless as her father. Due to it being on the coast, it can only be attacked from one side. Though it seem like the Coalition army is larger, Lady Kayo is a formidable opponent and would give the Fujimoto and the Oniware a challenge.
Extra: The Ishiyama Monk may come to aid the coalition army, but they're promised that the castle would returned to them after the campaign.
Objective: Collab post between animegirl20 animegirl20 and Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi and their retainers to siege Kayo castle. This battle can take as long as they decide.

"Next and most imporant, The Nakane and the Kuroda will take the responsibility to attack and capture Arioke Castle. Yoshiro has kept a large force here to defend this castle, up to 40 thousands men army led by his adopted son Nobuyuki, a fierce and proud warrior yet also calm and loyal. Therefore I suggest avoiding any face off again his army at early stage. It would be wise if the Nakane could lure his army away from the castle and then an elite unit from Kuroda could go around and spring a surprise attack from behind. Nobuyuki won't go down easy, but if he's defeated then the whole battle is our. However, Lord Nakane and Lord Kuroda, please consider carefully whether Nobuyuki should be executed or not, it's always sad to see such skillful men die..."

Name:Siege of Arioka
To: Minyari Minyari Kuroda Clan and Dante Verren Dante Verren Nakane Clan
Description: The Nakane and the Kuroda are sent to defeat the large army Watanabe Nobuyuki and claim the Arioka Castle. This castle is commanded by Yoshiro adopted son, Watanabe Nobuyuki. The castle is defended by a large army of Watanabe, led by the mighty warrior Nobuyuki himself. This would be the largest battle of the first stage.
Extra: Duel the skillful Nobuyuki when being challenged.
Decide Nobuyuki's fate after defeated/captured him. Executed him would greatly damage the Watanabe. If you admire his skill and are reluctant to see he dies, try to recruit him to your clan. The other choices are to imprison him or just release him.
Objective: Collab post between Minyari Minyari , Dante Verren Dante Verren and their retainers to siege Arioka castle. This battle can take as long as they decide.

"Finally, my army, the Nagatomo army will march forward and attempt to capture Asamiya castle. Claiming this castle can give us a clearer path to march into the capitol. Lord Akemi is responsible for the coalition supply depot. " - After giving everyone their roles, Lord Ueno turned to his daughter, who was standing behind him - "Miyako, my daughter... you will return to your castle and secure it. You should be safe, but stay ready as we might need reinforcement from you."

Lord Ueno then stood up from his seat and walked toward the daimyos.

"I have given directions for our first stage. There is nothing that can stop us now. Feed and rest your men! Tomorrow morning, we will march as planned! "

(Note: This is a main-plot post, the events in these posts take place in the current time. Other interactions that happened before this post can still be continued and finished (as it's not interrupted by the events of these posts), but please note them as "Flash back" to avoid confusion)
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Hayate moved quickly through the corridors of Anzen Yama, the main fortress of the Kita, snow still dusting his cloak from his ride through the mountains. After several long corridors and switch backs he reached the council chamber, a bird had gone ahead requesting this meeting so by the time he entered the room both his twin and the council were already assembled. As he marched into the room he pulled a scroll tube from his belt removing the scroll and handed it to the first councillor. "This message was dispatched by Lord Ueno to most of the Daimyo, it is in response to the Shogun's mother's letter which was sent out nearly 4 months ago.", the message travelled around the 6 councillors before finally reaching Yuki. While the councillors considered the message Yuki's hands tightened into fists, "Surely we must answer this call, already his expansion is destabilising the area and more bandits seek to prey upon our lands". One of the councillors shook his head "All the more reason that we should not respond, committing any reasonable quantity of force so far away would make any incursions that much more devastating", Another councillor then spoke up "That is unlikely with the new repairs of some of the upper forts we could move men from their into the lower valleys, it would prevent us from finishing the reconstructions but assuming this revolution succeeds it would do our position good to have assisted". Yet another councillor turned to Hayate "Do we know of any one else who will support this revolution", Hayate steeped his hands in thought before answering "I came directly here with this message and so I know of no one else who is moving for sure and the risk of the endeavour means that it's hit and miss, the only people that I could name with any certainty are the Oniware Mercenaries the possibility of battle will be two tempting and the Wantanabe are unlikely to employ them". The debate continued for a while before the council finally came to the decision that they could join this revolution and so entrusted the task to Yuki while some of her generals and the council would ensure the stability of the Kita territory.

Over the next two weeks the twins saw remarkably little of each other despite them both going on the same mission, Yuki was quickly moving between the forts gathering and redistributing men and supplies while Hayate was down in the valleys gathering intelligence and a small force of rangers and a Finger. In the end it took the Kita some 2 1/2 weeks to make ready to leave and they were commiting a force of 4000 Soldiers under Yuki's command while Hayate would bring 10 Rangers and one of his fingers, though no one but him knew the finger's identity in the column.

The column marched towards Yamoto with Ranger's leading, They skirted around the East of Lake Biwa moving at night to try and minimise their chance of being spotted by any fisherman on the lake who may be under the Shogun's pay. It took around two weeks to travel and just as they were crossing the borders one of the scouting pairs returned to the column stating that they had caught sight of a large column heading north bearing the banners of the Ueno clan. After a brief discussion it was decided that the column would turn north somewhat parallel to the Ueno's march while Yuki would ride with Hayate and 4 of his rangers to make contact with the Lord to find out the plan.

They rode fast overtaking overtaking the Ueno column before turning into their path and waiting, both Hayate and Yuki sat astride their horses with no weapons drawn while the Rangers had arrows knocked in their bows but pointing down and undrawn on their mounts. Once the Ueno reached shouting range Yuki rode slightly forward "I am Lord of the Kita and I seek and audience with your Lord, Ueno Ichiro" Her voice clear and carrying despite the scrunching up of her face at declaring herself Lord of the Kita.
Sopranos Sopranos
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Nakane Clan- Yamato Provence, Alliance camp
(Nakane Kagatame and Ujie Narisane)

Kagatame remained silent as lord Ueno answered lady Mistuyo's questions to reassure her of the integrity of the alliance. He never once thought of ulterior motives that any lord might have, in his mind fighting to free the Shogun's family and deal with the traitor snake was enough for him. The thought that this might be a power grab for some clans angered him and his hands clenched into fist. So be it, he would continue on with his mission to save the shogun and he would do what he must to save them. If one of his current allies would turn against the coalition and seek to use the shogun like Wantanbe was doing the Kagatame would not hesitate to act. This was his idea, this was his chance to live up to his fathers name, and he had found his reslove... something that he had been lacking until this moment. If things worked out for the greater good then he wouldn't have to take action against any traitors in the coalition.

Listining to Lord Ueno Kagatame was impressed, it was the right idea for him to be the leader. He seemed to have everything planned out, a two stage war and which clan did what. Anticipation built up inside him as he looked at the map and waited to here what his mission was. Mistuyo and Onshanraba at Kishiwada along with Fujimotto and Oniware at Kayo. Then came the moment Kagatame was most excited for, Nakane and Kuroda at Arioka. The Nakane were given the most important battle to fight in the first stage and pride welled up inside of Kagatame. A large smile crossed his face as the thrill of not only being able to claim participation in the important first stage but the fact that they were fighting a opponent of great skill and they were fighting alongside the heroic Kuroda. Kagatame couldn't have asked for a better objective.

As soon as the meeting came to an end Kagatame and Narisane rose from their seats. Narisane moved to catch Kagatame's attention but the young man ignored it. Instead with the large smile still on his face he quickly made his way to the Kuroda. He did not bow on approach, proper etiquette was not currently on his mind. Instead he walked straight over to the Kuroda clan leader and extended his hand. "Lord Kuroda, it is an honor to be given the opportunity to fight with you, I look forward to our combined efforts securing victory after victory in our coming battles." As Kagatame finished speaking Narisane made it over to them and bowed his head in both apology for his lords rudeness/ lack of etiquette and respect for the lord and his adviser.
Minyari Minyari Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
[div class=RikoFlex] [div class=RikoImage] [div class=RikoTitle]Hisakawa Riko[/div] [div class=RikoMentions] Character Sheet
Alliance Camp
Fujimoto Army
animegirl20 animegirl20 Sopranos Sopranos [/div][/div] [div class=RikoContent]Several horses and a carriage approached the Alliance Camp, bearing the Fujimoto Clan emblem. Entering the camp, it made its way to the Fujimoto Army. After coming to a stop, Hisakawa Riko was let down from the carriage. She looked around at the camp, and remembered seeing the other clan flags coming in. Smiling inwardly, she began to make her rounds greeting the various retainers and men within the Fujimoto group. It was a good decision to join the Uenos. With this number of clans and men, we shouldn't worry too much about losing political power.

Riko looked up towards where the main meeting is being held. "Is Shibata with the young lady?" "Yes, Lady Hisakawa. Would you like us to escort you to the meeting? "No need. As long as they don't agree to any weird terms, I'll leave the military affairs to the old man. Please, prepare some tea and snacks for when they return." Just as the servant nodded, it looked like that the meeting ended. Riko decided to wait for them to return and greet them. She was a bit tired from doing last minute negotiations with neighboring clans, ensuring the safety of Owari during their expedition, but she can last a bit longer to talk to the two. [/div][/div] [class=RikoFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: initial; [/class] [class=RikoImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; background-image: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/cache_235a7ae5-2a0f-414b-c195-1a3b0ca7aef4-png.36922/full'), url('https://i.imgur.com/CLi1Llx.png'), url('https://www.transparenttextures.com/patterns/cloth-alike.png'); background-size: 125%, contain, auto; background-position: 100% -5%, center, center; background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat; margin: 5px; [/class] [class=RikoTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; color: white; font-size: 40px; font-family: 'Arizonia'; background-color: rgba(197, 151, 119,0.5); [/class] [class=RikoMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Open Sans'; color: white; opacity: 0; background-color: rgb( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=RikoMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=RikoContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; [/class]


Marshal Kuroda Masamoto

Location: Alliance camp, Yamato province
Interacted: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Minyari Minyari Dante Verren Dante Verren
Mentioned: N/A

Kuroda Masamoto looks at Lord Nakane and says. "I do not mean to make this meeting rushed Lord Nakane but I suggest we all get to Iimoriyama castle as soon as possible. I suggest we head to Ueno castle first to engage the Watanabe army and then head to Iimoriyama so we don't have to wait for the Fujimoto and the Oniware to capture Kayo castle. But if you all heed my advice I suggest we try to keep our casualties low in the battle between Ueno army and the Watanabe army."

Translation notes:


Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Ueno Clan
Name: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556 - Night
With: Kita Clan (Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita)
Tag: Scavenger Scavenger

Lord Ueno and his men were on their way toward the front line. After the meeting with other lords, lord Ueno wasted no time organizing his men and taking them back to Ueno castle. Being able to arrive early would be most important as it would give him the advantage to march his army to the front line earlier and catch the enemy unprepared. Though it's not a huge one, lord Ueno wanted to gain every advantage he could since the next battle would be a tough one. For that reason, Lord Ueno avoided wasting time as much as possible and ordered his men to travel at night as well. But despite that, he still seem troubled.

"My lord, you seem worried. Is it about our next battle ? "

Agon asked as he approached his lord. Lord Ueno chuckled looking at his advisor, realized how observant Agon was.

"Agon. Did you know that I just lied about our number ?" - He stopped to see Agon's confused expression before continued - "We can actually afford only 10 thousands troops for this battle. I lied to the daimyos."

Even though having quite a number of territories, but in fact the Ueno only had enough troops to just defend themselves. They had to spread men to many new territories they managed to claim before, each had around 10 to 15 thousands troops, barely enough to stand again any potential attack. The force protecting Kawachi was quite thin and wouldn't stand again a full-size siege, especially Iimoriyama, which was way further to the north. It was the risk for starting the campaign from your own territory. Even with the coalition army in Yamato, lord Ueno's still concerned as their interest wasn't in protecting territories that wasn't their own.

"Our troops and Nagatomo troops combined is still around 30 thousands, only outnumbered the enemy by a third. Logically speaking, if you want to siege a castle that protected by 10 thousands troops, you would need 30 thousands at the very least. Asamiya castle is a solid fortress, hard to be broken through but easy to defend. If we go head to head into this battle, the casualty would be very large, even if we're able to win it. Not to mention, the north is Watanabe's territory, therefore enemy reinforcement is to be expected. By then, defeat is unavoidable... To sum it up, if we don't spend our 10 thousands troops wisely, we might end up with nothing for the next stage."

Master Sasaki was amazed by his lord vision. His concern was a rightful concern as the Ueno had no more troops to spare but still had territories to protect. If any stages of the campaign failed or went unexpected, the Ueno would be the first to be destroyed.

"Then what are you going to do, my lord ?"

"I despite a fight that costs me more than half of my resources. We'll need to break it from the inside this time. Agon, I'll need some spiders."

Agon immediately realized his master intention. He's not going to use a single men to fight... It was a battle that can be won by schemes.

"UENO-SAMA!!! There is an army marching toward us! They announced themselves as Kita Clan from Etchu. They wish to speak with you!"

A messenger rushed in and reported before lord Ueno and master Sasaki.

"Can you remind me who they're, Agon ?"

"Marching in the middle of the night, yet they made their presence to us... Seem like they're not a threat. They rule Etchu, have a reputation for espionage, sabotage and assassination."

"Oh... maybe they can be useful for our campaign." - Lord Ueno answered with a smirk - "Oh... maybe they can be useful for our campaign. Take me to the front! I will welcome them myself."

Soon the lord of Yamato was taken forward along with his advisor Sasaki. When he's there, Ueno-sama raised his voice.

"I am Ueno Ichiro! Can I ask for what reason you stopped me and my men from travelling ?"

The Kita representatives rode forwards slightly to remove the need to shout, Yuki leading with Hayate close behind and their escort further behind than him. Once they closed to 10's of meters Yuki descended off her horse, while smooth no one could call her dismount elegant, Hayate was quickly by the horses side and took the reigns while she stepped forwards and bowed slightly "Greeting Lord Ueno, I must admit that your men stopping was there own initiative I only wished to talk to" Hayate subtly clears his throat behind her "I am here because the Kita clan responds to your call for allies with 4000 of the finest skirmish and ambush fighters in japan". To everyone else Hayate was calmly sitting on his horse looking all the part of a lightly armoured retainer, internally though he was smiling, it seemed his sister had learned something of statecraft and only required a small reminder to reign in her personal feelings.
Sopranos Sopranos

Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Ueno Clan
Name: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556 - Night
With: Kita Clan (Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita)
Tag: Scavenger Scavenger

"I am here because the Kita clan responds to your call for allies with 4000 of the finest skirmish and ambush fighters in japan."

As the leader of the Kita clan finished her sentence, there were whispers among Ueno retainers and men from behind their lord.

"Only 4000 ? From the daimyo of Etchu ? What can they do with just 4000 ?"

"BE SILENT!!" - Lord Ueno shouted at his men before turning to Yuki - "It's an honor to have the Kita of Etchu by our side. I only sorrow at the fact that I cant give you, lady Yuki and lord Hayate a formal welcome. How about this ? Let's us travel together. Soon as we get to my camp, I'll welcome you with the finest wine that Yamato can offer."

As there wasn't time left to be wasted, lord Ueno quickly allowed the Kita to march along to the front line.


Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556 - Morning - Starting day of Stage 1
Tag: T TrueMandalorian590 Minyari Minyari Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi animegirl20 animegirl20 Dante Verren Dante Verren adrian_ adrian_ Pure Calcium Pure Calcium Scavenger Scavenger Alteras Alteras adrian_ adrian_

Finally, the day had come. Soon after the council, the daimyos soon made preparation and travel with their men to the battle side. The Kuroda and Nakane to Arioka, the Fujimoto and Oniware to Kayo castle while Mitsuyo marched a little further down toward the Kishiwada castle. Up north, lord Ueno had agreed to join force with the newly joined clan from Etchu, the Kita led by lady Yuki, to go north and attack Asamiya Castle. They all had reached to their battlefields, men were fed and prepared, with a great eagerness to wipe out the enemy. On this day, one of the greatest military campaign in history started.

(timeskip after the council and before the battles)



Clan: Ueno Clan
Name: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Place: Yamato Province - Ueno main camp
Time: Summer 1556 - Day
With: Kita Clan (Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita)
Tag: Scavenger Scavenger

It's morning, at the Ueno camp in the north, where the armies of Ueno, Kita and Nagatomo would join force to siege Asamiya castle. As they had traveled at night, all the troops managed to get to the battle site earlier, giving them a small advantage.

"Like I promised, this is the best wine of Yamato. Please enjoy, lady Yuki and lord Hayate."

Lord Ueno said with a laugh before finishing his drink.

"Lady Yuki, there is nothing to hide about the situation we're in. Early this morning, lord Nagatomo has led his army forward to attack Asamiya castle up north. If my prediction is right, they have probably meet the enemy force by now. The number is pretty much equal, so he won't be able to push forward any far. Tomorrow I'm supposed to send 5000 to reinforce them, but the result won't be much different. In a battle, if we're the favorite, we have the option to go all-out attack and control the battle. If they're the favorite, we can hold our own and wait for a chance to counter. But in this battle, neither we or they are the favorite, our numbers are almost equally matched, therefore our solution is unclear. If we just use our number to claim this castle, the casualty will surely be more than half. But if we remain passive, we won't have enough food and supply for our troops. I want to ask you, what would you do in a situation like this, lady Yuki ?"

Lord Ueno poured another drink while turned his eyes toward the leaders of the Kita, waiting on how they would reply.

Clan: KitaClan
Name: Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita
Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556 - Night
With: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Tag: Sopranos Sopranos

Yuki's eyes flickered with anger at the voices of the Ueno troops but she allowed Lord Ichiro to deal with his own troops. After his invitation Yuki would bow once again "We would be honoured to travel with you", she turned slightly and looked up at Hayate, Hayate nodded and a flicker of a smile could be seen on his face as he bowed slightly to his twin "At once my Lady". Even as a scowl developed on Yuki's face Hayate wheeled his horse and rode to where the Kita force had been paralleling the Ueno's march.

It didn't take long before Hayate returned, this time leading an eclectic column, while there was discipline it was on a grand scale, there was clear distinction between groups of fighters but inside of each group the level of organisation varied, some were in an ordered formation and others were just wandering groups. The armour was while not uniform in appearance was largely uniform in design and all bore the black wolf of the Kita somewhere on their armour. Yuki bowed again to Lord Ueno before re-mounting and riding to the head of the column with the 4 rangers as the Kita took up the position in front of the Ueno's march.

Clan: KitaClan
Name: Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita
Place: Yamato Province - Ueno Main Camp
Time: Summer 1556 - Day
With: Ueno Ichiro - Daimyō of Ueno
Tag: Sopranos Sopranos

Both Hayate and Yuki drank some of the wine offered Hayate, sipping at it slightly while Yuki gulped it slightly. "We thank you Lord Ueno, for your generosity" Hayate spoke first to ensure that his sister didn't make a comment on how different it was from the normal drink up in the mountains. Both siblings paid close attention to the rundown of the situation that they were given. Yuki was thoughtful for a moment before speaking "If you believe that we will run out of consumables before we can successfully starve them out and we lack the men for a full frontal assault then we either need to either take it from the inside or make the lord change sides" she turned her head to the side "Hayate, what do we know of this castle?". "It is ruled over by Lord Watanabe Fujitaka, he has one son who is also currently resident in the castle, The castle itself has an outer wall and a primary keep with several support buildings between the two, water is served by a single well and a supplementary store house, food is entirely kept in a storehouse. It has a steep approach and several catapults on the walls. There would be multiple viable approaches for this, given our current location I can likely stretch my fingers into it by this evening, tomorrow morning at the latest." Hayate had his head slightly cocked as he rattled off this information as Yuki nodded and turned back to Lord Ueno, "I agree, there are many tactics we could use, blackmail, denial of resources, terror tactics, fire. If I may ask what is my lords plan for this castle after this battle as it may limit our options?"

Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Fujimoto Clan
Name: Shibata Keiji - Retainer of Fujimoto
Place: Yamato Province -
Time: Summer 1556 - Morning - Battle Of Ishiyama Temple/Kayo Castle
With: Fujimoto Clan (Fujimoto Xun - Hisakawa Riko)
Tag: Alteras Alteras animegirl20 animegirl20 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

The Fujimoto was appointed by the leader of the coalition to combined troops with the Oniware and the Ishiyama monks to attack Kayo castle, where once known as Ishiyama Temple. While the Oniware was appointed to cut their retreat route, the Fujimoto duty was to lure the army out of the castle and damage their number from the front. As the situation required, Master Shibata was given the role to lead an army to lure the enemy out of the castle. An easy but risky yet very important role, and as the matter of fact he insisted that he himself would take the role rather than letting anyone else in the Fujimoto had it, especially his lady, princess Xun. Of course, there were many attempts of dissuasion from both himself and lady Hisakawa for princess Xun to finally considered giving up this position to Keiji. She was eager, which was very commendable but it was quite dangerous. Lady Xun herself then accepted the role of leading the ambush unit of 5000 troops to wait and attack the enemy from the flanks soon as they're lured out. Meanwhile, lady Riko was given 3000 troops to attack from the other flank and reinforce for lady Xun if necessary.

Master Shibata was at his camp, preparing his army for the coming battle. As he were preparing his horse, someone approached him.

"Father! The time has come! Every officers in command are waiting for your order! "

It was his second son, Yukimasa, who would followed him into this battle despite his young age. As Keiji saw his son, he replied

"Good! Get your horse! We are marching soon!"

Soon the young boy had his horse ready and followed his father, who then led the army forward.

"Father. Your task is proven difficult this time as you only have 2000 men to bait the enemy out."

"Foolish child! I have done this a hundred times. You think it would be different this time ?"

Master Shibata replied his young child concern with a loud, satisfying laugh. Yukimasa was still a young child by then. His father, master Shibata had expected his children to follow his way of life and raised them the only way he knew, to be warriors. At the age of 14, like his brother before, Yukimasa was taken to his father side to battles to learn the reality of war. The expectation and tradition of the Shibata clan soon made young Yukimasa an eager and proud warrior who had always wanted to follow his brother and father footstep to be a fierce samurai.

"Yukimasa! YOU MUST NOT BE AFRAID! Princess Xun is only 3 years older than you, but she has shown no sight of afraid, as the matter of fact she was eager to defeat the enemy. You must be brave, as one day you will be the one in my place, at princess Xun side and protect her."

"Y...Yes! Father!"

Young Yukimasa answered his father. Ever since he was young, he had not only been trained the way of the samurai, but the most important thing was to stay loyal to the Fujimoto.

Soon Shibata Unit reached Kiyo castle. Due to their arriving early, it seem that the enemy from within the castle was surprised. From outside the castle, Keiji started cursing:

"SERVANT OF THE DEMON! ENEMY OF THE LAND! You have been committing crimes again the land! Abuse the Shogun for power, killing innocent people, even go as far as slaying monks and burning a temple. Today you will pay for your sins!"

Keiji shouted loud and clear toward the castle, it was indeed the shouting of a brave warrior that would frightened anyone around it. But on top of the castle, there was someone who was still quite calm and confident, a lady, she pointed her swords down to the army from outside the castle:

"You old fool! Who do you think you are, to call me out ?! Do you think you can siege this castle with just that many men ?"

It was Lady Kayo, the second daughter of Watanabe Yoshiro and who was ruling this castle.

"So you're the daughter of the snake ? You ugly snake! I have been at wars ever since you're a baby. Let me tell you one thing, I only need these 2000 brave men to bring down such a disrespectful kid like you."

" What did you just call me ? HOW DARE YOU ?! MEN! I want this old fool squashed!"

As she gave the commands, an army was prepared and soon marched toward the entrance and to Shibata bait unit. The Watanabe army sent into the battle was tripled the size of Shibata's. The young lady of the Watanabe was easily predicted, Keiji smirk before pointed his sword at the enemy and galloped his horse forwad.


Men soon crashed to each other. The sound of men shouting, groaning, sword clanging and footstep of horse mixed together created a heroic, beautiful yet terrifying concerto of war. Soon it took shape of a merciless war, the casualties were noticeable, blood was spilled as men and horse were killed. Master Shibata had been in many battles ever since his youth, therefore this scene wasn't so frightening to him. He took his tachi off it's sheath and swung it up side down, quickly sliced an enemy soldier arm. Soon he raised his arm and finished off the man with a stab. Then another man came with his sword toward Keiji, shouting loudly. Quicker than ever, Master Shibata parried the man sword before swung his tachi side way. In a split of seconds his opponent throat was sliced.

As the fight had taken for about half an hour, Master Shibata noticed that the difference between numbers were clear and his men were hurting. He shouted


With his command, soon himself and Keiji's men turned their horse backward and retreated. As they're retreating, the Watanabe's army was on a winning form and chased forward hastily. So far everything was done right accorded to the plan.

Baosanniang-dw7.jpgXun waited for the right moment. She had to lead her men in once Keiji lured them out. Xun had been so ready to get out there she almost messed up the plan by going to soon but luckily someone stopped her. She sat on her big black horse and waited then finally she saw Keiji retreating. One of her men said she should start leading them out now but Xun told them to hold. "No not yet let's them get a bit further. She waited until the right moment then she yelled out to her troops to charge and they all started to attack Once Xun made it closer to the enemy troops she got off her horse with her weapon in hand and the moment her feet touched the ground she was surrounded. "Hmm? Oh wanna gang up on me huh?" She started swinging her weapon in her right hand. She smirked. "That's a very bad Idea."
Alteras Alteras Sopranos Sopranos Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi
[div class=RikoFlex] [div class=RikoImage] [div class=RikoTitle]Hisakawa Riko[/div] [div class=RikoMentions] Character Sheet
Yamato Province
Battle of Kayo Castle
animegirl20 animegirl20 Sopranos Sopranos Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi [/div][/div] [div class=RikoContent]"Lady Fujimoto's forces have begun to move. Shall we match our march with theirs?" "Yes, by all means. ALL MEN! FORWARD!"

Riko sat at the center rear of her formation of troops. Atop a warhorse and guarded by archers and cavalry men, she signaled the commencement of her flank's attack. "Ahh... she's charging straight into them... No matter, we put our best men on her." As they continued to hasten their pace to meet the enemy, Riko watched the many flags shift around the sea of men.

"Raise the flags!" "Raising the flags! Soon their own men were able to march under their Lord's Banner. "Continue the ambush and close any gaps!! Don't let them see their castle walls!!" Within a few moments, their frontline crashed into the enemy with just the same enthusiasm as Lady Xun's. [/div][/div] [class=RikoFlex] width: 100%; max-width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto; justify-content: center; align-items: stretch; display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; box-sizing: border-box; font-size: initial; [/class] [class=RikoImage] position: relative; width: 300px; max-width: 100%; min-height: 300px; background-image: url('https://www.rpnation.com/media/cache_235a7ae5-2a0f-414b-c195-1a3b0ca7aef4-png.36922/full'), url('https://i.imgur.com/CLi1Llx.png'), url('https://www.transparenttextures.com/patterns/cloth-alike.png'); background-size: 125%, contain, auto; background-position: 100% -5%, center, center; background-repeat: no-repeat, no-repeat, repeat; margin: 5px; [/class] [class=RikoTitle] position: absolute; bottom: 0px; width: 100%; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; height: auto; text-align: center; color: white; font-size: 40px; font-family: 'Arizonia'; background-color: rgba(197, 151, 119,0.5); [/class] [class=RikoMentions] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; top:0; padding: 5px; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: 'Open Sans'; color: white; opacity: 0; background-color: rgb( 0,0,0,0.65); transition: opacity .5s; [/class] [class name=RikoMentions state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=RikoContent] position: relative; min-width: 200px; flex: 1; height: auto; padding: 0px 15px; margin: 5px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; [/class]

Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Ueno Clan
Name: Ueno Ichiro - Sasaki Agon
Place: Yamato Province
Time: Summer 1556 - Night
With: Kita Clan (Hayate Kita - Yuki Kita)
Tag: Scavenger Scavenger

As lord Ueno heard the Kita, both himself and his advisor Master Sasaki tried to hide their impression toward their guess. The fact that their intelligent agents knew so details about the castle impressed the Ueno greatly. It's strongly proven that the Kita came to them fully prepared, not in military but intelligence.

"I have heard of Kita reputation for a long time. But now I can truly see . I would rather have the Kita in my side than having 30 thousand troops."

Lord Ueno laughed before pouring another drink. From behind, Sasaki Agon could recognized that his lord admiration for the Kita was something very sincere.

"Agon, before I make a decision, what do you think ?"

"My lord, it's true what master Hayate said, Fujitaka has a son with him in the castle. And what most important is that is his only son, therefore he adore him more than his own life. This son of him is only just 18 last month. Unlike his father, he doesn't have any military or leader qualities, but instead he loves poetry and art. With this son being the only chance for Fujitaka to prolong his family name, this could be a major weakness to explore."

"So what are you suggesting ? Kidnap, negotiate or bribe him ?"

"Whatever we decide to do, we will need someone with great talent in ninjutsu. Therefore it's crucial to have lady Yuki's and master Hayate opinions."

As master Sasaki finished, both himself and his master turned toward the Kita to see what they have to offer.

After the lords meeting had finished the rest of the day was spent stratigizing with the Kuroda. A base plan was laid down that everyone could agree to, one that was sure to bring them victory. The Nakane army would split into three groups. The main body of the army comprising of the infantry, archers, and a third of the heavy cav would act as the diversion drawing out some any troops and engage them in the field. The other two units consisting of the remaining of the Nakane Cavalry would hit the enemies from the sides and harass them as they retreated right into the hands of the Kuroda. If they were lucky they could even capture lord Nobuyuki this way and the battle would be over.

The next morning the Nakane packed up it's camp. Morale was high as soldiers could be seen with wide smiles as they got into formation. Kagatame himself had a smile on his face as his officers formed behind him, Narisane and Naotane on his left with Rinko and Naokane on his right. Raising his Naganata he swiftly brought it down pointing towards the northwest in the direction of Arioka Castle, "Warriors of Nakane, Forward!" He cried as he tapped the flank of his horse with his heels sending his horse forwards and starting the march ahead.
Once the Nakane arrived in Settsu provnece the army split into two parts. The main unit marching straight to the castle while the ambush unit made it's way into the hills northeast of the castle. Under the cover of night the Ambush unit split in half sending the third unit to the hills to the northwest. The main unit set up shop directly north of the castle. There plan was to fall back along the roads leading north allowing the cav unit to sweep down from the hills and catch the enemy trapped on the roads.

When morning arose the Nakane army was already in position. The early morning rays gleamed off the weapons and armor of the soldiers as they stood completely still and in Silence. Kagatame reached down to his belt and unhooked the water skin he had. He popped open the lid and raised the skin upwards. The sound of movement could be heard across the area as the soldiers copied him. "Brave soldiers of Nakane, drink now for it may very well be our last!" following his orders his soldiers all put the skins to their mouth and took a sip. As Kagatame put the skin to his mouth and began to drink the sweet taste of Sake washed over him. It was a Nakane tradition to take a sip of Sake before battle, that way even if you died in combat you would remember the taste in the after life. Once done takeing a sip the waterskins were returned to their belts.

"My brave soldiers, today is the day that we strike back against the snake who has slithered his way into the Imperial court. He thinks himself unstoppable but he has never been so wrong. Sitting in that castle before us is his adopted son Nobuyki. We will capture that castle, we will capture his son, and we will show him that Japan will never bow to a tyrant like him!" The soldiers pounded a foot against the ground. "Men of Musashi!" Thousands of war cry's filled the air in response, "Men of Sagami" more war cry's from different people. "Men of Nakane!" The entire main unit erupted into to cry's for battle. " The cry's quieted down and Kagatame pointed his Naginata right at the Castle. "You Nobuyuki, Honorable son of the vile snake! If you wish to defend your father and call yourself a warrior then come and we shall see whose resolve is stronger!"
Sopranos Sopranos Pure Calcium Pure Calcium

Chapter 1: Warring State
Stage 1: The Alliance Again Chaos


Clan: Fujimoto Clan
Name: Shibata Keiji - Retainer of Fujimoto
Place: Yamato Province -
Time: Summer 1556 - Morning - Battle Of Ishiyama Temple/Kayo Castle
With: Fujimoto Clan (Fujimoto Xun - Hisakawa Riko)
Tag: Alteras Alteras animegirl20 animegirl20 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi

Soon the army led by lady Xun and lady Riko joined the battle by charging from both sides. Both of their troops did more than well as ambush units and greatly damaged the enemy army. Quickly the enemy realized they're in a huge disadvantage of being ambush and started to panick.

"Father! Princess Xun and Lady Riko army have joined us from behind! The princess is fighting very bravely!" - Keiji's son, Yukimasa reported to his father while both were still retreating

"Don't go too deep my lady!"

Keiji soon ordered the rest of his men to return to the battle and chased the enemy soldiers who were in panic.

"Yukimasa! Stay here! I will go protect princess Xun!"

As he gave his son the order, Keiji left his unit to his son, departed with just a hundred men squad and rushed his horse into the center of the battle. His goal was to reach to lady Xun and secure her safety, though there wasn't any order from her or anyone. With a sword in his hand and his horse, master Shibata bravely broke a line into a sea of men, drawing blood as he went with his eyes toward his lady. With the enemy in a panic stage, none could hurt him him and many soon fell before the blade of the veteran Shibata Keiji. Soon he arrived, princess Xun was finally on his sight.

"MY LADY! YOU'RE STRAYING TOO DEEP INTO THE BATTLE! Please keep your distance! You must preserve your precious body!"

Keiji words reached his lady the same time his sword went through the chest of an enemy soldier who were reaching toward Xun. He took a moment to catch his breath before swinging his sword down and slayed another, his age was starting to catch up to him.

The enemy troops starting to retreat to their commander order, they're at a disadvantage and there were nothing they could do by then.

"The peasant will be there." - Keiji mentioned the unit led by the Oniware - "We don't have to pursue them so intensely anymore."



Clan: Watanabe Clan
Name: Watanabe Nobuyuki
Place: Settsu Province
Time: Summer 1556 - Morning - Battle Of Arioka Castle
With: Nakane Clan - Kuroda Clan
Tag: Dante Verren Dante Verren

"Nobuyuki! The enemy is outside, humiliating us! Gave the order to attack them!"

As they're in a high position from the castle looking down, Watanabe Nobuyuki, leading commander of the Arioka army, was shouted at by a men in his command. The man was Okita Yoshiaki, another retainer of the Watanabe who were appointed to defend this castle along with Nobuyuki.

"They're taunting us, master Okita. Lord... Yoshiro only ordered us to defend the castle, lets not be hasty and see what they got to show us."

Lord Nobuyuki calmed answered Yoshiaki, despite how angry he was. The army of this castle was actually combined from Nobuyuki's 15 thousand troops and Yoshiaki's 30 thousand troops. Master Okita Yoshiaki was a retainer of Watanabe Yoshiro, he was appointed here not only to send his army here to combine force with Nobuyuki but also to supervise the lord adopted son. Therefore though Nobuyuki was the commander of this castle in name, but in fact there were 2 military leaders within the Arioka castle. And unfortunately, this situation caused them a slight disadvantage.

"- How could you stay here while they're humiliating our lords!"

"- Master Okita, they probably come prepared, we must not be rash."

"- Nobuyuki, you're a coward! I will lead the army on my own! When lord Watanabe know about this, he will behead you for your cowardice!"


"- You're not my master! You're not even lord Yoshiro's blood! I will lead my army to defeat the enemy who were cursing at lord Yoshiro, and after my victory, your cowardice will be heard by the clan!"

With anger and blood pumping toward him, Okita Yoshiaki quickly left the castle and prepared his men. An army of 20 thousands troops was soon led outside of the castle, before them, their leader Okita Yoshiaki shouted loudly:


Soon the enormous army of the Watanabe marched forward toward the Nakane army from afar.


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