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Seeking: Long-term, detailed 1v1 roleplay partners re-re-reeeemix!

I believe I have been in touch with you. If, by chance, I missed you (and there is a good chance, I'm a complete airhead sometimes) please shoot me a Conversation. Also, if I haven't responded to our Conversation in a few days, please message me again. Again, I've got a terrible case of the airheadedness. =D
Do you have any particular ideas you want to do or certain genres you prefer?

Never mind didn't see the first page sorry!
Hello! I would like to rp with you as a trouble maker and me as a female goody two shoes if you don't mind~
Sure any setting is fine! What age would we be? Middle school, high school, college, or sometime later in life?
If you are still looking, I like quite a few of your ideas. The Norse one, as well as the Thaw, and these:

Slice of life {We need to plan a plot or something before we begin. Plopping two characters in, like, a library or something gets boring real damn fast.}

Royalty x Royalty/Peasant/Servant/etc. {Can include fantasy. Any setting: past, present, or future.}

(Post)-Apocalypse {Disease, zombie, nuclear fallout, war, or whatever.}

To say some things about myself, I am a multi paragraph rp'r, (2-3+ Paragraphs) I typically play male.
I would love to RP with you. I'm a massive fan of both your "Ad Mortem", and "Outnumbered" pitches, so if you'd like to discuss either of those in greater detail with me, I'm all ears.

I think we have very similar RP styles, in that we are both seeking more detailed posts, and based off that assumption I think we could theoretically create a great story together.
Great! I'm glad to hear it. Shoot me a PM so we can discuss more in detail. I'm at work at the moment, but will be around to discuss more later this evening.
Sounds great,

So, unless I'm absolutely blind, I'm relatively sure I don't have enough posts on the website to actually message people yet....

Just message me whenever you get back, and we'll talk over ideas then.

Sorry for the inconvenience, :P
Hello there! I've been looking for a roleplay recently and your thread caught my eye. The plot "Ad Mortem" looks particularly interesting. If that's already taken, I would also be willing to do some sort of God x Human or high fantasy roleplay. PM me please.

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