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Seeking: Long-term, detailed 1v1 roleplay partners re-re-reeeemix!


the traitorous queen
Hello, minion!

My name is Mordecai, but you can call me Mordey or Cai for short. If you're here, you must think I am awesome and you must want to start an amazing roleplay with me! Or, you got lost trying to find the loo... *sigh* it's this way...

Anyways, for the select few of you who are still reading this, I'm I’m looking for a few detail-oriented, driven writers with whom I could start a roleplay. You can read more about my roleplaying preferences below. Please PM me if you'd like to discuss something more in detail. ^__^

I have an old interest check floating around somewhere, but I'm too lazy to try and dig it up.

Preferences I’m not going to call them rules or guidelines, because they’re more of preferences than anything else. I’m really pretty flexible, but I'm not a doormat.

· Detail: In my roleplays, I definitely prefer a detailed roleplay partner. I usually average 600-700 words a post, or more, if some passing inspiration drifts my way. Sorry, roleplays only really interest me if I have something more than a few sentences to read. I’m not going to put a required word count, but three decent-sized paragraphs at minimum would make me a happy woman.

· Activity: Honestly? If you get me at least one post a week, I’ll be happy. More would be awesome, but not necessary. I am a full-time PhD student, so I do get busy, but I will get you a post at least once a week. I will let you know if something has come up and I’ll be away for a while. I hope you do the same.

· Plots: Please participate in plotting with me! I love both discussing ideas with my partners and/or being surprised at a turn of events in a post. I don’t believe in passive roleplaying and I will get bored if you aren’t willing to bounce ideas around with me. I'm very talkative and love making friends.

· Pairings and Genders: I'm indifferent to romance. I don't want to just throw two characters together and mush them together for the sake of "romance." If it happens, great. If it doesn't, great. I love exploring the dynamics of a friendship(/family/enemies/etc.) just as much as I do the dynamics of a couple. Don't get me wrong, romance does tend to spring up in most of my 1v1s.

· Anime: Sorry. I don't watch it.

· OOC: Talk to me! I love to talk! =D

· Creepy Pasta: Please don't ask about this. I don't even know what it is, really. Is it a fandom? A style of roleplay? My Italian leftovers from over a month ago that have been pushed to the back of the fridge and is now smelling a little funky? IDEK.

Interests If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please feel free to suggest! I love trying all sorts of new things. Sorry, I don’t really do too many fandoms. Italics means I prefer to play that role, but I can be talked out of it.

· 16th century pirates {Pirate x Royal, Pirate x Pirate, etc. etc.}

· Royalty x Royalty/Peasant/Servant/etc. {Can include fantasy. Any setting: past, present, or future.}

· (Post)-Apocalypse {Disease, zombie, nuclear fallout, war, or whatever.}

· 18th century American Revolution

· Gang leader x (Undercover) cop {I'd prefer more mafia-style gang to gangbangers of NY}

· Slice of life {We need to plan a plot or something before we begin. Plopping two characters in, like, a library or something gets boring real damn fast.}

· Fantasy {Past, present, or future setting.}

· Bounty Hunter x Bounty {Any setting: past, present, or future.}

Also, a few fandoms I may be willing to try:

· Lord of the Rings {OCs only.}

· Borderlands

· Criminal Minds

· Witcher

Plot Ideas Just a few story ideas my muse hasn’t gone any further with. Let me know if any of them pique your interest. I’ll happily play either C1 or C2.

The Elves were once a proud and magical people, but after years of disease and war, they have been reduced to servants and pheasants in the kingdom of men. C1 is a young and spry elemental Elf who has been assigned as the maid of C2, the human prince of Aldguard. Spoiled, but otherwise good-hearted, C2 is set to inherit the throne as King, but in order to take over as the sovereign ruler, must prove his nobility beyond all reasonable doubt. As such, a challenge is presented to him by the kingdom’s elder, and C2 is tasked with slaying an ancient and feared dragon known to reside in the mountains of Volkur, some several hundred miles from the palace he calls home. To become king, he must perform the task given to him, or face life as a banished outcast. As the maid of the prince, C1 is asked to accompany him on his journey; however, do her best interests truly lie within helping the prince succeed in completing a task he may very well die attempting? Or is she more interested in proving her peoples’ worth and bringing upon new reign of power to the Elves by slaying the only known heir to the throne? The road to Volkur is one paved with friends, enemies, and magical creatures of all shapes and sizes, lined with deceit, hope, lies, and intrigue.

Never could the journey to being a king be so treacherous.

Long ago, the veil between life and death broke, carpeting the Earth in a handful of half-living creatures called Acerbus. While quite alarming in theory, the Acerbus look, and quite often act, human, but are incredibly powerful creatures that come in a variety of flavours. Acerbus are separated by element, with each element possessing unique powers. Most of these creatures are relatively harmless and are looking for nothing more than a second chance at life, but humans, driven by greed, want to control these powerful elementals for their own profit. The Acerbus become highly priced, highly sought after slaves, and a black market quickly opens up for the sake of buying and selling them. Some Acerbus have fled into small, underground villages while others still have turned to fight for their freedom against the forces at work.

Acerbus Types

  • Light/Energy - Peacekeeper, crusader, luminary - Arguably the most humble of all the elements, Lights are incredibly loyal and strongly believe in the goodness of all creatures. They often possess a very abrasive form of self-loathing and tend to be thought of as borderline bipolar. Nevertheless, they tend to be some of the smartest individuals and enjoy spreading their knowledge. They are incredibly effective peacekeepers and will never skip an opportunity to quench a fight. Their powers include manipulating existing energy, releasing energy in the form of heat or light, steal energy away from other creatures, and dole out life energy for healing purposes.
  • Shadow - Quiet, informant, deceptive - Shadows are the smallest group in number and the least understood of all the elements. They are incredibly quiet and would much rather keep to themselves than meddle in the affairs of others. While they do tend to have sadistic elements to their personality, this does not necessarily make them outright evil. They enjoy, above all else, spying and have been known to be informants and moles throughout history. Their powers include controlling shadows, animating one's shadow, night vision, blocking out light in a certain area, and teleportation via shadows.
  • Fire - Defender, avenger, and entrepreneurial - Despite what many people think, Fires are not often quick to anger. They are the type with strong emotions that display them as they are felt. That said, they are incredibly passionate and driven individuals, especially when they have their mind set on a goal. They are confident and eager, sometimes to a fault, but make up for it in sincerity. Their powers include being able to start and manipulate flames and heat, melt things, control explosions, and burn things. They can also steal heat from other living creatures to effectively freeze them to death.
  • Water - Cultivator, compromiser, and phlegmatic - Waters are calm, "go with the flow" individuals that rarely get swept up in their emotions. They tend to be seen as maternal or paternal figures and are usually very passive, often to the point of being push-overs. Waters have a very clear sense of morality, justice, and custom, but are also very accommodating. They are considered the warm-climate cousins of the Ice element. Their powers include manipulating and controlling water in any form (although solid form can be very energetically taxing), breathing underwater, dehydrating other animals or plants to death, and healing.
  • Air - Vagabond, prankster, adventurer - Air is commonly seen in individuals who are carefree and fun-loving, but known to be a bit disobedient. This doesn't make them necessarily bad or immoral people, but they do like to bend the rules a little. As people go, they tend to have short attention spans and get restless if they stay in one place for too long. As such, they are known for being incredibly nomadic and can be a bit flakey when it comes to keeping schedules. Their powers include manipulating air, wind, and gas, traveling on wind currents, controlling certain extreme weather conditions like tornadoes, and removing oxygen from an area of their choosing to suffocate a living creature.
  • Earth - Moderate, passive, and cultivator - Earths tend to be more concerned about their own problems than the problems of others. They can be a bit stubborn and set in their ways at times, but make great friends to those they trust. Overall, Earths tend to be content with letting life pass them by and don't get wrapped up in the "big picture." As such, they are probably the group with the least amount of individuals captured by the humans because they prefer a hermitized lifestyle. Their powers include controlling and manipulating earth and rock, reshaping landscape, create earth minerals, growing plants, and healing small animals.
  • Ice - Cynic, scientist, intellectual - Considered a close cousin of the water elementals, Ices are very smart and very apprehensive. They prefer to hide themselves behind logic and think of emotions as internal affairs as opposed to external ones. They are sometimes thought of being cold-hearted, but are usually quite the opposite, and can be quite amicable and helpful under given the right conditions. When provoked, they are known to explode violently, bringing down a swift and just punishment. They are able to control liquid water, but it can be very energetically taxing on them. Their powers include controlling ice and snow, freezing things to solid ice, lowering the air temperatures in the area around them, and healing.
  • Metal - Warrior, builder, leader - Metals are ambitious, self-confident, deliberate, and long-range thinkers. As such, they believe in constant technological improvement. While they make excellent leaders, they tend to lead by example and less by voice. They are known for being a bit aloof, but are incredibly balanced individuals both mentally and spiritually. They believe in cut and dry concepts, especially in cases of right or wrong and winner or loser. Their powers include shaping and creating metals, liquify metallic substances without heat, build nigh unbreakable weaponry, and manipulate the movement of rock to a lesser extent.

Note: This could go a lot of ways. Our characters could be either Acerbus or human and the plot idea is open-ended enough that we can collaborate on what our characters will be doing. Will they be fighting for the Acebus's freedom? Fighting against it? Or are they hiding their powers to prevent capture? I also think this plot could be set in both modern and historical eras, although I think 5th and 6th century would be fun.

One day, on a particularly brisk August day, it began to snow… and it never stopped. People had once tried to fix global climate change but had gotten it wrong in a big way. The first day of the freeze was five years ago, and the fact that the Earth had been plunged into a never-ending winter is old news. Contrary to 2015 pop-culture, the apocalypse turned out cold, dark, and white. Most of the people died when the food ran out, but select few groups holed up into underground barracks. The people of the barracks survived by following tightly regulated rules and carefully restricted diets. Seeds were grown and harvested under UV lamps, powered by out of date and slowly dying generators. Small animals, like rabbits, chickens, cats, and dogs, were bred selectively and used as sources of protein, protection, and companionship. Even with rigorous laws in place, barrack number 6697 was hardly a paradise and its people were slowly starving to death.

On the brink of starvation, a partial radio transmission was received from another barrack some fifty miles South from 6697, describing an area of land they call “The Thaw.” Only a brief description of thawing earth and sunshine were received before the transmission cut out, but the thirty-two second broadcast filled the barrack with equal parts hope and doubt. Left with a decision to stay or leave, the people of 6697 divided into two groups: the separatists and the loyalists. The loyalists, a group of thirty-seven, stayed behind at 6697 while the separatists, a group of twelve including C1 and C2, went off in a hopeful search for The Thaw.

Armed with a few sleds of supplies and a handful of dogs, the group of separatists begin their journey towards The Thaw, but not even two days in and a particularly bad storm ravages them. C1 and C2 find themselves separated from the rest of the group after having accidentally fallen behind due to a broken sled dog collar. With only enough food to last them two weeks, three sled dogs, a partial map, a compass, and a handful of other supplies, C1 and C2 decide to press onward towards The Thaw instead of returning to 6697. Unfortunately, they quickly discover that the cold and snow is the least of their problems when they're faced with empty bellies-- not only their own, but those in the bodies of very fierce, very savage, wild animals.

Note: This was based off of a movie I saw forever ago and can't remember the name of. It's driving me nuts. This plot could go one of two ways. Either they find The Thaw and it's a. amazing or b. not what they were expecting or The Thaw doesn't exist at all and they must find new methods of surviving in an eternal winter.

Due to an overabundance of pollution, humans must leave Earth. Most can afford to pay their way on to large ships that keep them safe for as long as it will take for Earth to reset; however, there are people who were left behind. Whether they couldn't afford to pay their way on to a ship, or simply chose not to go, they are stuck on Earth. They call themselves Dregs.

Several years after the great migration to space, Dreg societies begin to crop up. Many groups form towns in rundown office buildings in the cities, watching as Mother Nature begins to slowly reclaim what was once hers. C1 and C2 are both Dregs living in the same society in the northern Midwest of what was once known as the United States, although they have never met. However, their fates are intertwined when a fire, set by a rival society, ravages their city in the middle of a particularly harsh winter. Burned out of house and home, with limited supplies, C1 and C2 run into each other escaping from the fire, and without any other friends or family, they decide to stick together until they can find a new place to live. So, they begin to head South to find a more mild climate.

Unfortunately, Dreg societies can be not only far and few in-between, but violent towards outsiders. If that wasn't bad enough, they also had to worry about nomadic bandit groups that keep trying to kill them over what little supplies they own.

During the age of exploration, Europeans set off to find grand riches and exotic lands. C1 is one of those explorers, but after being forced off-route due to a cataclysmic storm, he and his vessel are chalked up to a loss at sea. While his vessel did sink in the storm, C1 washes up on a beach... very much alive (albeit a bit water-logged). The island, covered in a thick forest, was not on any map he had ever owned, but knowing he was probably going to be stuck here for the foreseeable future, he pokes around for a while, looking for any bit of shelter or food he could find. What he wasn't expecting to find was the gateway to the forgotten city of Atlantis. Atlantis was a story his parents' had told him about as a child, but he didn't expect there to be any truth to those legends, yet there he was, standing before the enormous, stone city.

He is found by C2, a native girl of about his age, and the city takes him in, albeit apprehensively. C1 and C2 hit it off quite well, as C1 enjoys learning about the city, and C2 loves talking about it, but the more C1 sees, the more he realizes that the city is not as perfect as it seemed at first glance.

Note: ...And that's as far as I got on that one. c: I think it could go in a lot of directions.

C1 is the crown princess of (kingdom), set to inherit the throne on her wedding day alongside her fiance, an owl-faced prince of a neighboring kingdom. The marriage is arranged of course, but C1 had come to term with her duties as a royal and swallowed her own desires in order to better serve her nation. The day before her wedding, she hears a rumor that her fiance is planning to have her murdered after they are wed, leaving him as the sole ruler of both of their nations. She confirms the rumor when trying to leave the palace, finding that her fiance's guards do not allow her to leave. Scared for her life and the life of her family, C1 makes a harrowing escape from the palace, bolting for the far-off villages of her kingdom on horseback. She arrives at the sleepy village of Hucklebur, where she immediately hires a mercenary, C2, as a bodyguard. Keeping her identity a secret, she tries to cope with living as a civilian and come to terms with the startling truths and betrayals of her kingdom that are beginning to unfold as her kingdom's and her fiance's armies scour every inch of the land looking for her.

Due to some unlikely, divine accident, the Norse gods have been thrown in to modern time, stuck in mortal form. Dazed and confused in her new body, C1 (who I pictured being Freya, but can be any god(dess)) must fight her way through a world entirely unknown to her and attempt to return to her own, rightful time and body. With her powers stolen from her, C1 must live like a mortal, and she still hasn't quite figured out the concept of "light switch" yet.

This may or may not have been Loki's fault...

Note: C2 could either be a modern day human or another Norse god stuck in modern day times (although I think Loki would be absolutely a blast to have included in this plot idea).

Three-hundred years in the future, cultures and provinces have dissolved into a single nation, ruled by a sovereign governing body known as Tartarus. The ideal citizen is nondescript and doesn't pay attention to anything except their own lives and their duties. While not brainwashed in the typical sense, citizens of Earth are stripped of their most basic identities. Numbers are assigned in place of names and all major life choices in an individual's life is made by Tartarus. History is outlawed and memories, at least those not approved, are taboo. Citizens are constantly reminded that Tartarus is good, kind, and necessary, and are prompted to the rules of the new regime, and the punishment for breaking them.

A few people do break the rules, however, and when someone commits a serious offense against Tartarus, they're given a name. Their name and face are plastered everywhere so no one will forget it. This makes them an immediate outcast amongst all law-abiding citizens and severs their connections with most numbered people. Most of these named individuals are thrown into prison camps, but a few made their escape and are living quietly under the radar. A rebellion begins to rise from these named outcasts and in the midst of politics and war, blooms love and hope and a thirst for freedom. C1 and C2 are named individuals who are important parts to the underground rebellion and with the taste of blood in their mouths and the scent of freedom in the air, they must make the decision to flee from the Tartarus or strike for the independence they have longed for.

Note: I'm not even sure if this will work as a roleplay plot, but I think it's an interesting idea, especially if the rebellion falls apart and our characters are forced on the lamb, trying to survive in a world where Tartarus is everywhere and clearly wants them dead.

Eden 5 is a hard world, barely habitable, orbiting a dim, solitary star and surrounded by three small moons. Before the Great War of the galaxies, it was a sanctuary, the only safe way-station for the great intergalactic ships crossing the vast, empty stretch of space called the Cleft. Once revered for its incredibly rare and valuable gems, Eden 5 was industrialized many years ago and wrung dry of most of its worth in a few short years. Now the planet houses mostly refugees—people who fled the poverty, decadence, or oppression of Earth and families too poor to buy their way off the little spit of rock called Eden 5.

The refugees left behind were left to build new lives, amidst simmering turf wars between gangs, crime syndicates, terrorists, and the refugee’s own militia. With all the major companies and government having been withdrawn from Eden 5 years past, the planet hosts little in the way of social order. There is no formal justice system or written law, thus, death was a more common occurrence than getting dinner. All of that changed seven years after Eden 5 had been declared resourcefully dry. A small company called the Medina Confederation investigated deep caverns in the planet and discovered a new source of revenue: a small gem called Calonezite, which was discovered to have restorative and healing powers. Nicknamed the “Gem of Youth,” Calonezite quickly grabbed the attention of everyone within the galaxy as a good old fashion "gold rush" economy exploded.

On Eden 5, two people—C1, a cynical mercenary and C2, an escaped slave with a bounty on her head and a score to settle—find themselves in the race to find the vein of Calonezite rumoured to be held deep within the planet’s endless internal caverns. Unfortunately, the path to finding the Calonezite is paved with militaries, mercenaries, and fanatics who would think nothing of killing them.

But is all that wealth really worth gambling with their very lives to obtain? Probably, yea. After all, if they are going to die on Eden 5 anyways, it might as well be while wielding some firepower and going down shooting.

Note: Inspired by the video-game Borderlands. This plot will take a butt-load of development and dedication to be successful, but I think it could be a whole lot fun.
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I'd be interested in being a long term writing partner of yours. I'm interested in your post apocalypse setting, fantasy setting, bounty x bounty hunter, and the 16th century pirates.
Hi there! I really love your plot, Bad Company. Super cliche, but I totally dig 'em whenever possible, hehe. Anyways, if you're still up to do it, shoot me a message and we can get to discussing it further! I'd love to role-play with you. I'm no PhD Student, but high school life can get crazy at times with projects and homework, but I'll be able to post once every few days (a post per day is kinda rare for me, but I do my best), so I understand if you get busy at times because I get busy myself. Okay, I think I'm done rambling. I hope you have a lovely day!

I'm really interested in your Lessons in Trust plot! I've always been a fan of epic stories, and I'd like to write one with you. Now, I know you said in your Interests section that you're not too crazy about the whole Medieval / Fantasy genre right now, so I understand if you're not exactly keen on doing it right now.
I'm really interested in your PiratexRoyal? I'd love to pm you but I am unsure how to do that, so shoot me a pm if you're interested?
Gang leader x (Undercover) cop could be an interesting web to weave. I also like the Outnumbered plot idea.
I'm extremely new to rp, but I'm learning. So if you don't mind a newb to rp with, I would like to be your partner :D EDIT: I don't have school tomorrow, so I have alot of time
Thanks for all the responses. I've been working slowly at getting back at everyone, but I've been taking breaks as I'm super under the weather. Thanks for your patience!

So I have a ton of OC ideas that I am looking for people to help me roleplay through. That being said, we may have some contradictions in style. I prefer more of a cohesive writing style, where we both write in a 3rd person perspective. Ideally 2-5 paragraphs per post. Basically, my preference is that we can compile our posts back to back and it makes sense to someone reading it as if it were a novel. I am still seeking a long term RP partner, because I hate bouncing between partners and trying to pull ideas for my own writing out of several different RPs.

If you are interested, let me know and we can have a little chat about things. I would prefer sort of like an interview or getting to know each other first, since I view long term RP partners as a considerably serious commitment. So since it's very important to me, I take it quite seriously.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Hi Nikki,

Thanks for your response. While I normally write in third person for my roleplays, I have never done a narrative roleplay in a novel style. As such, I'm not really sure how that would work since our characters would be blocked into our separate posts. You seem interesting, but I'm going to be honest in saying that I'm not sure I'm going to be intense enough for you as a partner. I'm pretty laid back and enjoy roleplaying as a hobby. I am by no means a professional writer and, sometimes, my roleplays aren't always so serious. While I take pride in committing myself to my roleplays and my partners, I'm not sure I'm what you're looking for.
I appreciate the honesty, Mordecai. That being said, I should have clarified I am less concerned with roleplay style than I am with you as a person. I need someone willing to discuss ideas and try new things. Someone who is agreeable and open minded. As for the making things flow together, I am more than willing to work with you on it if it's something you are at the very least interested. Worst case scenario you are exactly the person I need, you just write in a different style than me. If that is the case all I would ask is your permission to edit and change things so they mesh together. The end result I would share with you in a google doc so that you would have access to it.

I hope that clarifies things a bit. Virtually anybody could be what I am looking for, regardless of skill or literacy level.

Hi, Nikki. I'm going to have to pass, sorry. I'm just not comfortable with my partners editing my writing for their own use. Good luck finding your perfect partner!
Okay, well I apologize if I came across poorly. I will keep searching. Thanks for humoring me at the very least.

Take care!
Update: Sorry I've been slow getting back to some people. I went through my messages and cleared a whole bunch and I think I may have deleted some discussion threads. If I haven't gotten back to you recently, please PM again. Thanks!
Hey! I'm very interested in "the thaw" I'm a pretty detailed writer, I write about 3-4 paragraphs a post. (unless we are In a conversation of course.) so if you would like to do the rp with me, Shoot me a message!
Are you still looking for an RP partner? I gave up on my idea, I am just gonna write it as a story. Was there anything in particular you were really keen on RPing?
Hi Nikkola, I am still looking. (: I have been a bit busy recently, so, I may only be able to get one to two posts out a week for the next month or so, but if you're alright with that, I'd be happy to start a roleplay with you. I am not craving one roleplay in particular, but I am open to suggestions.
Sorry I rubbed you the wrong way earlier, I just like to be up fron with things. I have quite a few RPs on the go right now so I am trying to think of a premise that won't be heavily influenced by one of my others. A relationship dynamic I really want to explore is the idea of rivals. Similar to what you see in Pokemon games. I don't want it to be a Pokemon RP, I just am trying to think of ideas that really fit with that idea of being rivals on a journey together. Always trying to one-up each other.
Oh, you didn't rub me the wrong way, I just prefer my writing to be edited, but I wasn't offended that you asked. In fact, I'm really appreciative you asked. To be completely honest with you, I have never seen Pokemon, so, I'm unfamiliar with those references, but I think I understand what you mean.
I was using an example assuming that most people have at least played a Pokemon game... Uhm... Gimli and Legolas are rivals for what that's worth. I mean rivals in the friendly sense, obviously. Someone to compare and compete with. As for the actual idea behind it, I was thinking students of some sort seems like it would work well.
Nope, I have never played Poemon; however, I understand what a friendly rivalry is, I assure you. (:
Hey you! I've been keeping an eye on your thread for over a week now and I wanted to know if you were still looking or if you have plenty on your plate? I also wanted to ask if there was a gender you preferred, since I didn't notice you specifying that in your post (or then I'm blind, haha). I unfortunately limit myself only to females because I tend to get bored with my male characters and not really enjoy playing them. Aside from that, seems like we're both agreeing on activity (I'm finishing my bachelor's degree, so I can be a bit busy), and your length is very promising (700 is what I usually do, sometimes more).

Holla at me if you're interested. If not, I wish you luck in your partner hunting. :)
Ah,it sounds like we would mix well (aside from the fact that I can reply like rapid fire,haha).Would you be interested in doing a Pirate x Captive one in a sort of time frame that smashes modern and historical aspects?I would only be willing to play a female captive,however,since I stink to high heaven playing makes and I doubt I'd make a good pirate xD .

Leave me know if you're interested!

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