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Fantasy Sector 6-10 Squad OOC

LOL voracity voracity

You don't have to create a code for your town. I'm putting it, literally, in my database (which is already heavily coded)

I just need a picture and description and I input myself ^.^
LOL voracity voracity

You don't have to create a code for your town. I'm putting it, literally, in my database (which is already heavily coded)

I just need a picture and description and I input myself ^.^

My bad > A < So sorry bout that. I mostly have jot points, but I'll make it all coherent for you and send the pictures to you, without the coding it'll be done pretty quick I hope. Also, in regards to IC, would you rather we not make an fancy IC ... post ... code frame thing? Just plain text?
My bad > A < So sorry bout that. I mostly have jot points, but I'll make it all coherent for you and send the pictures to you, without the coding it'll be done pretty quick I hope. Also, in regards to IC, would you rather we not make an fancy IC ... post ... code frame thing? Just plain text?
I'm not picky. So long as it has the necessary info for me to know what, where and how your character is doing, I'm fine.
;-; and here I thought I was being creative u.u
You could of gotten more creative with her mental illness. That's the most interesting part of the role play and you picked anorexia as your illness.
Sorry for my honesty (plus I hate humans)
Am i the only one thats just super giddy seeing updates and pieces of the world coming together before the rp even starts - its beautiul.
Am i the only one thats just super giddy seeing updates and pieces of the world coming together before the rp even starts - its beautiul.
This role play is a re-boot, so aside from Terrinx, everyone else has already experienced what you are experiencing. Now, the REAL question is do they still feel giddy? I remember Alstro posting in the OOC every goddamn day askin' when's the role play startin'. I'm surprised he isn't harrassing as much xD
I'm excited, btw, I already created my first post.
Since Terrinx hasn't done much with her character (from what I see), I don't know whether to include her character in the first post. Right now, my first post is on standby.
O o O gosh darn, ur always so prepared for everything! Even if its a reboot everythings just so organized and well paced (releasinf updates and stuff) - i leik a lot
Thanks, man. I take my role plays pretty serious. I'm still contemplating as to whether to make a second character. Hmmmm...
Whats mainly stopping you from making that second character? From what I remember we're still down a second pilot I think, i only know spaceships from mass effect, halp.
The second pilot can be an NPC.
Honestly, the sexes are balanced. I don't know whether to be a male or female.
Being a pilot is fun, you can make up shit like saying we're about intersect an asteroid belt and we can go for a heavy ride. Pilots determine what happens to the ship. :)

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