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Fantasy .: Secrets :.


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Katherine sat inside the carriage and looked out the window. She sighed and fixed her hair. "Her royal highness, Princess Katherine Pierce!!" A voice announced as the horses trotted up to the front gates. She heard the great doors to the castle open and smiled as the door to the carriage opened. She straightened her jade dress before rising from her seat. A hand was given to her and she took it carefully as she stepped out of the carriage, smiling. (Now time for the royals)
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Ciel seemed unentertained by the whole event. Yes true it was to honor the royals from all the lands, but Ciel truly didn't want to attend. He wanted to be back in his library reading. The people of the town celebrated there royals showering them with praise and affection, but when Ciel got out of the carriage no one cheered for him. People belived that the phantomhives kept there throne threw black magic and the occult and know one wanted to praise that.
Kyzer arrived to the royal convention on horseback along with a small entourage. He was garbed from head to toe in a combination of magnificent purple and gold. He was here for one purpose only, to represent the nobility on behalf of the Obscuro Family. It wasn't something he particularly enjoyed, and he'd much rather be elsewhere but here. In his mind the life and fame of a mercenary was more exciting than nobility. However, his mother had practically begged him to go which was more than enough to convince him.

He surveyed the crowd with distaste. Their constant noise and cheering annoyed him. Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit of self entitled happiness as they cheered for his arrival. His eyes wandered to the other royals, who all appeared exceedingly average. They weren't worth more than two seconds of his attention. He sighed and gigged his steed forward, a soft klink of his concealed blade sounding out as he did so.
Leo walked up to Katherine and bowed his head formally. "It's a pleasure to have you here, princess of Dual. I never expected such a beauty to come out of the carriage." He jests, though he still kept his polite tone of voice. Eros follows Leo and bows his head as well in greeting. "Welcome to Freigh, princess. I am Eros and this Leo, my brother. Our father, the King, has ordered us to greet you and make sure everything is suited to your tastes." He says in his usual, way, completely empty of emotion, not even looking at Catherine. @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled to Leo and curtsied. She did the same to Eros. "Oh please, its an honor to be here." She said in her British accent. "And please, call me Katherine." She added as she smiled once more. She glanced over at Eros, his emotionless voice clinging in the back of her head like a heavy stone. She still smiled though, not wanting to be rude. "So its the two brothers, Leo and Eros." She said warmly. "Again, it's an honor to meet you." She said, curtsying once more. @Verdas
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"The honor is mine, Catherine. You may also call me by my name if you wish." Leo replies politely, though much happier now that he was given permission to call the princess of Dual by her name. The happiness was evident in his voice as he spoke, though Eros was still the same emotionless statue. Eros smiled at Catherine and bows his head once more, a fake smile, but none-the-less a very realistic one. "Then you may address me as Eros."

Ryuu walked towards the carriage through the cheering crowd to see what was going on. People glared at him or looked at him with suspicion as he forced his way through the crowd. His clothes were very different from the ones the people of Freigh and Dual usually wear, and his eyes stood out. He ignored the stares of the people and continued to force his way through until he could see the carriage and the princess, who was having a conversation with the two princes of Freigh. @SnowFeather
Moon is sitting on a roof watching, of course she had to be there, but she wasn't going to get closer. She sees a few birds in the distance and whistles softly calling the birds, she opens her hand to let the bird sit down before looking back at the palace where the two princes are talking to the princess, she stands up and jumps to another roof that's closer, not she could get a closer look. She covers one ear to block the cheering "Can't humans be less loud?" she asks quietly while keeping an eye on the situation.
Katherine smiled and glanced over at the smiling Eros. She heard muttering in the crowd and turned her head to see man looking at her. Odd fellow, she had never seen anyone like him before. She smiled at him, before turning back to the Bane brothers. @Verdas
Ryuu trips on someone's foot, falling forward but catching himself on time and getting back up. He was now closer to the talking royals and had no way back through the crowd. "Sorry about that." He hastily apologises to the one he tripped on.

Eros turns to the seemingly foreign man and turns back to Catherine. "If you'd like, I can deal with the disturbance." He narrowed his eyes when he felt like being watched and glares at the girl on the rooftop not too far from them. Leo sighs and taps Eros on the shoulder. "Don't bully the guy. He probably doesn't know his way around here." He says, gesturing to Ryuu who was now trying to get back through the crowd but to no avail, and he did not want to show off his skills by jumping over the crowd. @SnowFeather @Flame Demon
Katherine shook her head. She walked up to the man. "Are you alright?" She asked kindly, giving him a sweet smile. Some of the crowd stared at the princess in awe and amazement. She ignored it. @Verdas
Moon sits down and she lets the birds fly of "So he did notice me" she says quietly, she watches as Ryuu tries to get back through the crowd, she then turns her attention to the princess wondering how this would play out.
Ryuu nods and was curious who the woman who greeted her was as he came from the east and was still new to this western part of the world. "I am. Thanks." He smiles back at her. "If I may ask, who are you? I am still new to these parts and it seems that you are of royal blood." He asks in an accent completely foreign and different to those of Dual and Freigh. @SnowFeather
Katherine smiled and curtsied. "My name is Katherine Pierce, princess of Dual." She said. She turned back to the princes. "Well, I have never been here either." She replied to the man. She smiled again. @Verdas
Ryuu smiled once more. "I see. I am Ryuu Azuma, I hail from the east. I have heard many great stories of Dual, though I have never hear of Freigh." He glances at the two princes and asks. "Are they also of royal blood?" @SnowFeather
Ciel grew tired of the cheering and shouting for the other nobles, he turned around and walked away. On his way out he spotted a girl on a building and it interested him, he entered the building and walked up the steps. Eventually coming threw a hatch onto the roof, a little tired from all the walking. He walked over to the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. "You don't like crouds do you ? Neither do I" @Flame Demon
Moon turns to Ciel "They're just way too loud, but then again, you could've expected it" she says and adds "And I suppose you could say I don't like them". She looks back the the princess and the other guy "Well at least you can head home" she says and sits down.
Ciel looked down at the girl. "And what do you mean by that? Do you have no home to return to. Also is that why you hate the royals they have and waste what you would give everything to get." Ciel stared down at his fellow royals. "I don't like them much either, they use there title to get what they want instead of working for it themselves. There parents bless them with all, the next generation of those households are bound to fail."

@Flame Demon
Kuroha teleports near Dual Kingdom, presumably in the forest. "Dual Kingdom... Never really thought I'd be here. Concealing Eyes." Kuroha beats himself to a conclusion, looking up at one of the towers, he vanishes, leafs and dirt flying around all over the place. He appears at the top of the tower, looking down. "Well.. May as well observe, Focusing Eyes." His eyesight changes to be around the inside of the Kingdom, him still being up on the tower.
"I had a home to return to, but I ran away" Moon says and she sighs "If I return they'll kill me" she says and looks at Ciel "Well I had everything I wanted, when I left I only took a few things with me, and some money of course" she says and looks adds "I should go, before the crowd starts screaming more". @Artorias
Katherine nodded. She heard a klinking sound and turned around to see her pure white stallion, Aragorn. She smiled and nodded her head to a man. He came up with a saddle and gave it to Katherine. She put it on the stallion and looked back at the princes. "Princes, I was thinking about a ride through the kingdom, would one of you perhaps like to join me?" She asked as she hopped up on the horse astride. The dress was adjusted so she could sit that way. She smiled at Ryuu. "Care to join?" She asked. @Verdas (Sorry, on my phone.)
"Wait" Ciel said in a firm but somewhat caring voice. "If you want you can stay at my manner, its not often I meet a person I feel like talking to. You have managed to interest me." Ciel looked at the girl and waited for an answer. @Flame Demon
Kuroha stops Focusing Eyes, reverting them to outside the Kingdom. "I would care to take a ride on a stallion, but.. Too much time a wastin'. Concealing Eyes." He teleports outside the Kingdom, but still inside the walls, a pulsating sound when he teleported. "Focusing Eyes" His eyesight changes, he has it focus on the stallion.
Moon thinks for a while and she smiles slightly "If I can, that would be great" she says and stands up again "Well the crowd really is getting louder, want me to get you to the ground?" she asks, she could easily get on the ground and that way Ciel didn't have to walk all the way down. @Artorias
Ciel looked at her. "That would be helpful I really hate those forsaken stairs." Ciel looked at the crowd one more time. (Why do they love there useless rulers so much, and yet despise the one that dose the real work) Ciel blew it out of his mind. His name was tarnished people beloved the PhantomHives had black magic. @Flame Demon
Moon picks Ciel up and she jumps down landing behind the crowd, she put him down again and smiles "There you go" she says and she looks at the crowd again "I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Moon, you're Ciel right?" she asks, she had heard the name before "Rumors has it that the Phantomhive uses black magic". @Artorias

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