Secrets of a Race (are you a Hunter, or the Hunted?..) [Inactive]

Outside of the cafe the weather threatened to get worse, the sky turning in a terrifying fashion.

She really didn't want to go back inside the Café. There were two there that had figured out what she was without even trying, and she didn't want to risk getting caught by someone who wouldn't have a second thought about killing her.

The men she had met seemed determined to end the rivalry, but Aislyn had always been taught to hate the human race, to fear them with a passion, and now the two she had met seemed to be the exact opposite of what she had learned.

Perhaps they were fooling her, but perhaps there was something more to them.

Lost in thought, Aislyn wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, and in the blink of an eye thousands of volts bursted through her body.

She had been struck by lightning.

Aislyn dropped to her knees, absorbing the entire shock. Her body vibrated violently as she trembled, looking up at the sky.

It didn't hurt.
Thea woke up, a reaking yawn echoing from her mouth throughout the apartment. "Uggghhh... I want to flllyyyy!!" She screamed, jumping out of bed and slipping on human clothing. She thought about how she might socialize today, and how she could practice being a normal human being, and possibly avoiding those scientists that are so eager to know more about us. "I'm so borreeddd..." She groaned walking out the door, her hair rather a bit shiny today. She realized that she wanted to go to her magic chamber, a place that the humans would never gain the prospect to find. "I'll just wait..." She groaned, before walking into town.
Saw the giant lightning bolt that just hit the girl. He stood up and ran outside to see if she was fine, for his surprise, she was perfectly fine. He walked to her offered his hand to help her up. “Listen, we can talk more politely or I can start screaming: DRAGOOOOOON” he said sternly “your choice, but I would really choose the first option.” He said. He needed to convince her to talk, otherwise he'll have to force her. He patiently waited for her response as he silently casted the rain away “by the way,you can call me Nate”
"Listen here, kid." Aislyn started with a groan, standing up on her own.

She adjusted her rude manner slightly, looking at him. She looked younger than him, but in reality chances are she was older than him by a longshot. The girl let out a sigh, rubbing the back of her head.

Her tone changed dramatically as she straightened herself out, looking him in the eye.

"I'm sorry." she said, brushing her bangs away from her eyes.

"I get it, I was rude, but it's not really the nicest thing to go pointing out someones hidden abilities in public." she stated with a shrug.

"I don't think I can help you. I don't have the knowledge that you seek."
Ryan continued to walk in the rain. As he walked past some people, his eyes found the empty basketball court that was wet from the pouring rain. He smiled a little and continued walking. Maybe he could play some basketball while no one was there to split the court with him or judge him. Ryan walked into the cafe and quickly got a drink. He brought the drink outside and started walking toward the basketball court.
“You do have the information we need! You know other dragons, you've seen your king! You can guide us to them, and together we can finally end this pathetic war ” he said, a spark of hope burning in his eyes. He never felt so optimistic about anything, but this time, it was different, they had an Ally that could lead them to their world. Well, only if she accepted. Nate was so excited he totally forgot the rain and soon noticed that the people were staring at them. “We should go back inside and talk about this” he said now embarrassed by the fact that he may have just told everyone he had special abilities
King? Other dragons? Had this guy gone mad?

Hannah didn't understand what he was saying, but she accepted his offer, and stepped back inside the cafe.

The warmth greeted the drenched girl as she walked back inside. She let out a small sigh of relief, walking over to the counter at the front of the shop and ordering herself a drink.

After a moment of preparation the clerk handed her a french vanilla, steaming hot out of the machine. She took it in her hands, smiling at the man before paying the fee, and seating herself at the table in the corner.
Sat next to her and silently controlled the after in her clothes and hair, making her dry again. He stared at the dragon for a long time before a sentence escaped his lips “by your reaction I can tell you don't know anything about the elder dragon, do you?" He asked hoping that she was just making up that reaction. It would suck if he placed his hope in her and she will just be a blinded pawn.
Nova fished her phone from her jean's pocket. She took a look at the caller I.D. only to find it blank. Raising it to her ear, she tapped the green flashing button begging to be answered.

"Davin. Surprise, surprise. I haven't heard from you in ages."

"Well, Nova. I try my best to keep away from irrational company."

She blew through her nose in a silent snort at what was suppose to be a mocking remark. "My heart groans in pain, love. And here I was thinking you had a crush on me."

"You can actually think?

Rolling her eyes, she frowned at the sky. The drizzle had turned into a onslaught of rain, pounding against her protective covering. "Enough with the petty talk. Why did you call me?"

Davin's rough voice assaulted her ears. Before he had a tinge of playfulness but now it was all business. "We have so news from our inside sourse. Supposedly, we have some young dragons heading our way."

Nora's eyes narrowed at the sudden turn of subjects. She wasn't raised like Davin had been. Training to hunt and kill beasts of lore. She was the thrill seeker that tagged along for the ride and a possible prize.

"How do you know this to be certain?"

"There's no way to be certain. We just have to wait and see."

"Do you know why they are coming?"

She heard Davin pause, inhaling a deep breath. "That was the reason why we are calling you. You are now going to be a college teacher, Ms. DeWitt."

"Are you kidding me? They are coming to go to college? That is the most retarded things I've heard of."

"I'm not questioning it. I'm just giving you a message. I need you to use your power in the military to get is into the college they are going to. Of course, I'll be a teacher too, just to make sure you don't screw up."

"When have I ever screwed anything up?"

"You would know best of the positions you take in bed. So you tell me."

Nova hissed into the phone, now agitated by the males perverted witt.

"Why do I have to play teacher? Why can't you do it by yourself?"

"We don't know how many dragons are attending the school so there needs to be more than one pair of eyes. So welcome aboard, assistant DeWitt." And with that he hung up.

Stuffing the phone into her bag, she muttered under her breath. She would kill that man someday. Somehow.

She looked to a coffee shop that stood so brightly on the dark streets. She was tempted to enter and warm herself up. But she decided she could do that in the comforts of her home.
Aislyn grinned at him nervously, sipping her drink that was far too hot to drink at the time.

It burned the inside of her mouth but she kept it in, swallowing.

"No?" she asked awkwardly, shrugging her shoulders and shifting her weight so she was more comfortable in the odd cafe chairs.

"Should I?" she asked, her nervous smile not leaving her face as she spoke.
As Ryan approached the basketball court, he noticed a ball by the side of the post. He picked the ball up and shot it into the basket. Ryan shivered as he felt a strong breeze blow while he rebounded the ball. He looked around and put the ball back down. It was too cold and rainy to make another shot. What to do, what to do.
Dragon world:

leaving the Hall, the doors shut rather hard from behind her. As to the weight of the doors. Walking to her house, she paced in. Her steps moving through the now empty house. It was her own anyways. Living there on her own since her parents past and have been by her self for a while now. Grabbing her bag she walked out, turning around taking one last look at the place she called home. Throwing the bag up over her shoulder, she turned carrying it. Reaching the point us younglings were going to leave. She dropped her bag a thought coming to her "just one last flight maybe" looking around she didn't see anyone. Moving she began to walk normal, then sprinted all at once into the forest. Following a old trail she found as a child. Knowing that the farther she moved down the trail that it became a tunnel of leaves and vines, one of never ending. Suddenly the sun scraped away at the tunnel, light breaking through. Suddenly opening, white warm light broke through as the sun rose. Coming to a walk and then a halt. Her place, a cliff, looking out over the pines, and hundreds of trees. Lakes grass. Flowers. The sun a brilliant pallet full of colors...She fell in love with it the moment she saw it as a child.

Looking behind her and around she took note that no one was able to see her at the moment. Beginning to remove her clothing. The sun hit her skin. A chill running through her as summer gust blew, pulling her hair as a kind of sail. Her clothing hidden, she walked over a foot away from the edge of the cliff. Sighing she began to change forms, her skins becoming a mix of white and gold shining scales. Her arms began to grow, white scales replacing the skin, as golden claws began to lengthen. Her hair shortened turning into golden horns. Her chest began to become tight as her bone structure began to grow and take form into white plates of scale. Her wind pipe becoming larger, her breathing becoming less human and more of a beasts. A dragons face taking shape instead of the human one before it. White scales forming at her muzzle morphing into a gold as it reached the top of her head. Almost her whole body completely changed now, she knew she grew to lost the size of. a helicopter , her body a pure shining white, while gold covered parts. Her new dragon bone structure, making her fall on all fours. Then it came, the pleasing feeling as her wings grew. Feeling as though they were being trapped before, they unraveled now. A bright Gold out blending into white to the very tips of each wing. She sighed. Breaking her eyes open,her green spears pierced the sky before her. She was fully changed..her beast awaken. Opening her wings, she raced them as the crimson light hit her scales. Leaping of the ground, her wings pulled back tight against her body as the wind slid past her. She closed her eyes, savoring the moment. Opening the next, sensing the earths floor was near her wings reached out, grabbing air. She soared, a soft beat after the next as she glided threw the morning air she thought "freedom..".

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"The weather?" She offered him a soft grin, her dark brown irises, which almost appeared to be black, expressing her thankfulness toward the conversation. "I actually really like it, if I'm to be honest. A lot of people don't, but it's kind of relaxing, right? It's very good thinking weather..." She paused for a moment, letting herself look out the window again. "My name's Robin, it's good to meet you. What's your name?" The girl inquired, sending one of her hands across the table for him to shake. The expression that her being radiated was a child-like one, filled with innocence and a bit of naivety. Many people mistook that for ignorance, but she was no stupid girl.
Henry chuckled at her response. He reached out his hand and shook her hand. "Well nice to see to hear your opinion over the weather." He let to of her hand. "Nice to meet you Robin. My name is Henry Lane at your service." He took another sip of his coffee.

(It's like saying hi to myself... Weird."
The girl let out a soft sigh, taking a small sip of her deadly hot beverage as she crossed a leg over the other.

Aislyn had many questions she wanted to ask, but she didn't know if by asking such questions she'd be spilling information that she had vowed to keep.

She didn't trust him yet.

Outside the rain was relentless, pelting the structures and vehicles that lay in the storm-cloud's path. Each time a shock of lightning would strike nearby she'd jolt awkwardly in her seat. She tried her hardest not to be affected by lightning, trying hard to not look like a complete idiot who was terrified of lightning, but her jolts were unintentional, and in the end there was nothing she could do to stop her body from absorbing the electricity and shocking her slightly.
Ryan picked up his drink and walked back inside the cafe. He smiled a little at the heat the cafe provided him once he walked in. Taking off his jacket, he took a seat on a chair and picked up a book. The fiction novel had something to do with dragons and magic.
Smile continuing to remain present, she shifted a little in her seat, crossing one leg over the other. Hating to have too much silence fill the area - and such a public one, at that - she continued to speak, trying her hardest to have her voice sound... Well, unforced. "So, what brings you to town on a day like this? Most people'd like to avoid coming outside."

The girl could feel the steam from her drink rising up, landing on her still-icy cheeks. It was kind of bothersome, but her body temperature took a while to adjust to things. Either she was freezing cold for hours on end, or she felt like she was headed on a one-way ride to the center of the solar system. This, of course, happened to be a chilly day, so she would, in turn, stay chilly as well. It was an easy concept to understand, but not an easy one to accept, unfortunately.

While waiting for the response, she scrutinized his features, following the slightly tousled look of his hair, and the peculiar shade it held, his eyes almost matching the tone. Very strange, not a combination you'd see every day, or even every week, month, year... Actually, Robin had never seen someone with such genetics in her entire life. Which only made her more intrigued, of course.
"Well I'm going to the college here in town. Is the weather always like this." He ordered for some muffins. When the waitress came back with some hot muffins. He pulled another ten dollar bill. He thought to himself again while he was eating one of his muffins. He noticed that Robin was very focused on something. He looked her. "What did I do something funny?"
Aislyn couldn't sit still.

She had been listening to the old style radio in the bookstore today, the weather forecast repeated itself at least 200 times on the channel they were listening to, but there was no way she could change the channel, the thing was as complex as a time-machine. She knew what to expect today, and she knew how the weather was going to affect her, yet she still took the risk and now she was stuck in a really bad situation.

Gradually she could feel the electricity building in her body, causing her to shake slightly. She had finished her beverage by now and all she wanted to do was go outside, to go home and relax in the solitary confinements of her residence. But she felt like she would be abandoning the two she had met earlier, leaving with rather essential information.

Then again, she had left her contact card with one of the men, and it seemed they knew about her abilities more than she did.

The girl hadn't even gotten the names of those who understood what was wrong with her, but she decided it was best she leave before she caused anymore damage. Such events caused her to remember some thought to be forgotten memories, like when she was a kid at school, still trying to fit in. The class would be instructed not to sit anywhere near her when it rained, and they were terrified of her. She'd sit alone at lunch, at recess, during work periods, because they had such a fear of a rather harmless girl. It only took her one time, one wrong move, and she ended up blowing the circuits throughout the entire school. She remembered how almost every light shattered, how the kids screamed, and how unfazed and unaware she was. It was on that day she realized the dangers of being caught in the rain, and she really didn't want to relive such events again.

With a sigh she stood up, careful not to touch anything. Her body was buzzing with electricity, threatening to shock whatever she neared. With her cup in her hand she formed a small plan in her head. She would place the dirty cup on the counter, unnoticed, then slide out the door and rush to the safety of her home.

The plan seemed perfect, short and simple, there was only one issue.

The door handle was metal.

Aislyn knew that if she were to touch it, the handle would produce a serious shock, which could be strong enough to transfer her electricity to the nearby electrical wiring and lighting that powered the cafe.

Aislyn placed her mug gently on the counter, making her way to the door. Her plan was to wait beside the door and hope someone would either enter or leave so she could slip outside.

A flawed plan, but it will have to do.
"Hm? Oh, n-no, I was just--Your hair and your eyes, they... They're just different. Very interesting. I like it." She let out a small laugh toward the end of her statement, to ease the swirl of awkward tension. "Sorry. Anyway, the weather isn't always like this, no. Most days it's actually quite sunny and warm, but sometimes we get days like this. Can I, um, ask what you're going to college for?" Her head turned ever so slightly to the left side, her dark locks falling this way, courtesy of the Earth's gravity, of course.

This man, Henry, he was sort of... Well, she couldn't quite place it. He wasn't your average college freshman, that was for certain, but what was it that made him so out of the ordinary? The girl just couldn't tell, which was rather unsettling for her. Tuning back into reality, she hoped she hadn't missed his answer while petty thoughs raced through her mind.
Ryan finished every last drop of his drink and put the book away. He stood up, wore his jacket, and threw away the empty cup. As he walked to the door, he contemplated whether he should go to his room or try to find some dragons.

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"Oh yeah. You ain't the first person to something about." He took a sip from his coffee. "People say that I'm special because of my hair and eyes." When he heard about Robin liking it he gave a small grin. He refocused when she mentioned about the weather. "Yeah I really like to see a sunny day or two." He took a bite from his muffin. He quickly tried to remember why he was going to college. "Yeah I'm going for zoology course here." He noticed that she's thinking about something. "So are you going to college here?"
Aislyn leaned against the wall beside the door, a small sigh escaping her lips.

She could hear the conversation about the weather that passed between a pairing in the cafe, eavesdropping slightly. She let out a small huff, chuckling slightly at their remarks.

'A sunny day or two' she thought, shaking her head.

'I wish'.

It seemed each day she'd wake up and the sky would be clear, not a single cloud to be seen. Then when evening came, just as she'd get off of work, all these storm clouds would roll in to ensure her day sucked even more. It was a reoccurring pattern that was quite a pain... she loved the rain but she missed the sun.

Aislyn was trapped in her thoughts, her gaze trailing off to look at absolutely nothing as she pondered. It wasn't until she caught a figure in the corner of her eye did she snap out of her trance.

The girl turned her head to look at the man that approached, brushing the bangs out of her face so she could fully examine him. It was obvious he was on his way out, and now was her time to escape. She shoved her hands in her pockets, ensuring she wouldn't accidentally electrocute him on the way by, and waited for him to open the door.

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