Secrets of a Race (are you a Hunter, or the Hunted?..) [Inactive]

He thought to himself, Hm maybe I'll just walk around for awhile.

Ryan opened the door and walked out once again under the pouring rain. He looked around and made a left turn.
Aislyn took his departure from the store as an advantage. Quickly and silently she slid behind the man as he walked out of the cafe, sliding between the door and the doorway and into the rain.

She had gotten out of the café without hurting anyone, and now she was safe to go home.

The girl felt guilty for abandoning the men without giving them any information, but if they needed her she knew they had her card, and all they had to do was call.

The thunder roared above as lightning lit the darkening sky. Aislyn's house wasn't located too far away, but it'd be a long walk to get there. She quickened her pace, walking down the sidewalk that was slicked with rain. Beside her a steady stream of rainwater flowed through the gutters, dragging leaves and other objects along with it.
Having taken another sip of her quickly cooling, not-so-hot chocolate, she lowered the cup, shaking her head lightly. "Oh, no, I'm still a senior in high school, as much as I wish I wasn't. Just a few more months and I'll be out, though! I don't actually know what I want to do with my life after that. I sort of just want to travel a lot, enjoy being young, you know? I'd hate to just jump right back into school."

Her fingertips tapped against the cup again, though the sound and action could be easily missed if you weren't paying enough attention. Along with this, her feet were swinging every so gently under the counter; a habit she'd carried with her since primary school.

"So, that other guy you were with, was that your brother or something?" Robin finally asked, hoping to ease into the conversation she heard the three having before, without making it too obvious that she'd tried to make out every word they said.
He was watching her dark hair and her dark eyes. He thought to himself. "She's very pretty. Better not say that out loud." He snapped back into reality when she was talking about her plans. "Well don't you think that most seniors would have at least a plan by now. Henry looked at Robin. He looked back and pointed at Nate. "Who that guy? Yeah that's my little brother."
as the crimson skies light hit her gold and white scales. They gleamed as as though they were crystals. Her heritage of a sun dragon creating the effect. Her wings out stretched, took a beat about every 15 seconds. The wind softly running bast her body. Looking around she took in the stunning view, as her green spears focused. Pine trees, reflecting waters, the sun coming over the mountains a head, grassy plains. She thought "I should get back soon" turning her body, her wings beat, she began to make her way back.

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"Yeah, I guess so. I've just never really thought about it. I mean, I've never had to. My parents keep us pretty well off, so it's not like I ever had to worry about supporting myself. Not to mention I know a large portion of their money is going to me anyhow, so my 'future plans' just never got a chance to fall into place. I suppose I'd like to go into behavioral sciences, though. Or maybe meteorology. I'm not sure, but I still have time to figure it out." She gave a light shrug of her shoulders, the slightly-loose fabric of her shirt moving with the action. Her drink was now rather cold, but thankfully, there wasn't too much left.

"You two, your features are kind of similar, so I thought so. If you don't mind my asking, who was that lady you were talking to? She seemed almost upset." Yeah, that was a great way to 'ease into' the topic; way to go, Robin. She mentally cursed herself for sounding eager (or was that just her mind playing tricks on her?), but listened for the response anyhow.
Henry took his final sip from his coffee. Henry thought to himself."Oh crap is never asked her for her name." He looked at her. "You know what I never did asked for her name. He thought to himself again. "Good job Henry now she'll probably think that I'm crazy or something.. Great great great." He took a bite from his muffin waiting for her response.
The dragoness soared down into the cover of trees, soon wandering around on the ground, searching for a place to hide for now. She had been hiding herself from all contact with anyone living in her recent years, and had succeeded for the most part. She allowed a puff of smoke to leave her nostrils as she contiuned on in the forest.
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