Secrets of a Race (are you a Hunter, or the Hunted?..) [Inactive]

Having dazed off for a little bit, something that she was notorious for, Robin only realized she had been spoken to once the other had walked away. Heat rushed to her cheeks, tainting them with a pink shade, and she felt her heart beat pick up its pace, just a little bit. Instead of answering his question out loud, she answered it to herself. Honestly, she really did like this weather, despite his sarcastic tone. It was calming, not too hot, maybe just a little bit too cold, but that was okay. When it's too hot outside, there's only so much you can take off before it becomes illegal. When it's too cold outside, you can always put on more layers. A simple solution, really, but many people didn't see it like that.

A repeating, "Ma'am? Ma'am, your order is ready," pulled her away from her thoughts, and the blush once again returned, though this time it was a bit more profound. Taking the beverage and offering a quiet, "Thank you," she moved to sit down. Her attention, however, wasn't focused on the hot chocolate, rather the bit of conversation going on just a little ways away. The area was rather populated, much more than she might have liked, and although Robin would love to join in on a conversation with someone, it seemed that every time the chance came up, it slipped through her fingers. This was her own fault, yes, and she should have known better, but sometimes she felt like she couldn't help it. Her imagination was too big to ignore, especially for something like small talk with a stranger. But still…

Thunder crashing in the distance became audible from outside, and it caused her to flinch, though she quickly processed just what it was. Unfortunately, that probably meant that the rain had picked up, and that wouldn't be a great way to get home. Maybe she could have a friend drive her? Shaking her head lightly, she brought the cup to her lips, tilting it back just enough for a dribble of the liquid to coat her tongue, and it instantly warmed her, causing small bumps to rise up on the back of her neck. The contrasting temperature was astounding.
In the human world

Henry noticed that Nathan joining in on the conversation. "Oh hey." He looked back at the woman. "See mam this is my brother that I told you about." He looked at back at Nate. He also saw through the window behind the woman that tried to talk to before. He thought to himself. "I want to talk to her when I got this under control. Henry suddenly snapped back to reality. "Nate show this woman your ability please." Now he's hoping for the best.

Meanwhile in dragon land

Rollo kept eating and he finally decide to bring up the reason why he wanted to see the shape shifters. "Alright you know what. I'll tell you three right now since you three are here. Okay the reason I called you here involves you children going to college."
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He looked at his brother, his eyes wide. Showing a stranger his powers? “what are you talking about you want me to...?” He was still in shock but he trusted his brother more than anything in life. He looked around uneasy because of the amount of people. He tried to chill and in second he controlled the rain around them so that it didn't hit them anymore, creating a dome around them
Above thunder rumbled, lightning threatened to strike them as Aislyn grew slightly relaxed, but still hostile.

"Listen to me." she started, raising a hand to the clouds, allowing the electricity to zap out of her fingers and into the clouds.

"I don't know what you want, or why you're talking to me, but I really don't want to get caught. Your public displays of power will get you killed, and it will get me killed too. If you are so eager to talk to me tell me what it is that you want. If you were willing to stop me just to show me your brother who can control water than you are not worth my time. If there is something more you wish to share tell me now." she said, her voice stern.

But they were worth her time.

Aislyn wouldn't admit it, but deep down she was thankful that she wasn't the only one.
Released the water and prayed for no one to pay attention to them “no need for the hostility, miss” he said “I'm sure my brother just wants to help you” he said seeing him directly into the eyes. “I know it can be scary, but fear will only make it more unstable!” He said emphasizing the word unstable “we can help you with your powers, but you have to let us in,”
Henry looked back at the woman. He thought to himself. "She's one of them. I can tell." He snapped into reality. "Uh so if you want to talk let's go back inside and try to discuss this little situation here." Henry thought to himself again. "Come on please say yes."
"I have been dealing with this since I was a child, and I certainly do not need your help." Aislyn stated, her voice firm.

"But if you wish to speak... I will respect your offer and will oblige to it." she said with a nod, opening the door to the Café to let herself out of the rain. The bell rung as she walked over to a table to seat four and sat down, crossing one leg over the other as she waited for the odd pair to join her. She really didn't want to talk with anyone about this sort of thing, but she agreed to do so, and the pair seemed determined to help.
Henry looked at Nathan. "Alright let's go." Henry walked into the cafe and sat at the table that she was sitting. Now he is waiting for Nathan. He thought to himself again. "Alright now this is a start."
“What the FUCK are you doing Henry?! Socializing with dragons?!" He thought trying to seem as emotionless as possible. He walked into the café and sat next to Henry, he pinched his brother in the ribs trying to say: “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!”
Zenith had acknowledged the 'good morning' he had received from Kyra and he nodded back to her.

"So... Why are we going to college?" He asked, in between bites of food..
Aislyn watched the two closely, cocking her head slightly as she watched their odd behavior.

She let out a silent snicker, placing her hands on the table in front of her. Between both index fingers she passed a shock, before she clasped her hands together and placed them elegantly on the table.

"What do you want, exactly?" she asked, her gaze flickering between the pair that were obviously brothers. She wondered why only one of the two had an ability, was only one a dragon such as herself?
In the dragon land

Rollo looked at Zenith. "That's exactly what I called you for. Now some of shape shifters had left already. Or a few never lived here to begin with." He took a sip of some apple juice. "Well reason I want all of you to go to a human college is very simple actually. I think is time for some of us to go down and get a close look at the race we've been fighting for as long as we can remember. That's all there is too it."

In the human world

Henry noticed the look that Nathan was giving him. "You know me Nate. You know that I want this never ending war to end. That's why I'm doing this." He looked back to answer the woman's question. "Uh yeah um. My name is Henry Lane and this is my brother Nathan. What I want is simple really. What I want is peace between the humans and the dragons."
Aislyn grinned and began giggling like a child.

Her giggles becoming laughter within seconds.

Was this guy serious?

After a moment of laughing she caught her breath, wiping the tears that had mustered in the corners of her eyes.

"And... How am I going to help you with that?" she asked, trying to keep a serious face.

"Your wantings are almost impossible to achieve. I suggest you give up." she said, rather coldly. She didn't mean to be rude, but what he wanted was outrageous.

"Dragons and Humans alike have always been mortal enemies, and you won't be able to change that."
Henry was expecting that kind reaction. So he sat there for a few moments waiting for her have a few laughs. When she finished he answered her question. "Oh you are not the only one that's gonna help. This requires a few more of you guys. Like that girl over there holding that cup of hot chocolate over there I know she's one also. If you're gonna ask how I know. Well I can tell your kind from a regular human. Your kind in human form have that feeling of social awkwardness about them. Most people wont notice but I do."
"Save your breath." Aislyn muttered, raising her head.

"How do you know they'll all agree with your ambitions? How do you know you wont be killed for even trying? How do you know I'll help you? How do you know anyone will help you?" she questioned, a wry grin pursing her lips.

"Do you think that we haven't tried to end this rivalry before? We have, on several occasions, but all we have to prove it are several failures and many casualties."

She let out a soft sigh, shaking her head.

"I'll help you when I know for sure it's worth risking my life..." she started, tilting her head to look at her lap.

"But right now it's a lost cause."
Glancing back at the door once the sound of the bell rang out, the girl bit the inside of her cheek to keep from saying or doing anything stupid. So, instead, she just eavesdropped. Well, she preferred to call it "listening carefully," but not everyone found comfort in the phrase. Eavesdropping sounded so childish. Dismissing the thought, she concentrated on the voices just a few feet away, although they were speaking in hushed tones (or was it Robin's lack of a proper attention span?). She brought the cup to her lips again, this time taking a longer sip, allowing the drink to burn her throat as she paid mind to the trio.

One statement, however, caught her off guard; he was talking about her, right? He had to be talking about her, she was the only one with a hot chocolate - or at least the only one that he should know of. 'He knows I'm one? One what?' She thought to herself, a confused look easily readable on her face as her brows pulled together. Robin listened a little more intently, her lower lip buttoned under her teeth as her fingers (with nails bitten down to the nub and black nail polish glazed over the top) tapped her cup; an attempt to calm her quickly beating heart. Wait, what? A rivalry? What are they even talking about? She wanted very badly to turn around and intrude on the conversation, but what if it actually had nothing to do with her at all? What if another girl had ordered a hot chocolate, and it was some kind of battle of the cliques? Granted, it was unlikely now that she thought about it, but there still was the possibility...
Henry thought about it for a second. "True there has been a few fail attempts before, but now with the support of some humans. Especially with a few hunters including me and my brother here supporting. We could probably be able to do something about it. We might be able to win this one." And yelled at a staff member for a refill of his coffee. A moment later someone gave him a refill of his coffee. He took a sip. "So if we can get a few more dragons and some hunters to join us we can do this."
Ryan put the book down and flipped back right side up. He then made his way to the restroom and took a quick shower. After cleaning himself up, Ryan walked outside and headed to a cafe.
"Here's not the place to talk about it." The girl said abruptly, her fingers gently rubbing the temples of her forehead.

"You don't understand what you're dealing with." she said with a prolonged sigh before standing, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a small card. She put the card on the table, using a finger to slide it over to the pair.

"That's my contact information. We can schedule a date and talk more privately if you'd like, but for now I must be off."

Outside the thunder cracked as Aislyn opened the door, sending the men a quick wave before stepping into the rain.
Dragon world:

Beginning to stand up she asked in wonder "When are we leaving?" Wanting to make sure she had what she needed packed at her house. A thought accruing "were are we living, I mean are we aloud to come back? To fly at least? "

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Dragon land

Rollo finished his apple juice. "You and the others that are still here will be leaving in two hours from now. I already got you three dorms at the college. Yes you can come back during the weekend but just for a day. And at last but not least no. You must not fly while your there. Except at night you must be extra careful." Rollo toke another bite of some Hash. "Any other questions?"
Taking what he into thought her heart stopped when he said no at flying for the first time. Then eased up again when he said that they were permitted at night. Standing up, she grabbed her drink of orange juice. "Nope, may I leave" she bowed, in respect.

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“I hate dragons like that, jeez” he said “now you just revealed a weird dragon that a hunter has powers and that some hunters wan to end this war” he said glaring at his brother “it could've been easier if you just asked her to kill us!” He said furious, causing the rain to pour harder
Dragon land

Rollo looked at Kyra. "Yes you may leave. Good luck in college Kyra. Good luck to all of you." He then got up from his seat and headed back to his bedchamber.

Human world

Henry grabbed the card. He read the card and he put it in his pocket. "True. I could've screwed us pretty bad. But you know me. I really want this to end." He toke a sip from his new cup of coffee. "But in order to do that we need more people though." He was still thinking about the girl with the hot chocolate. He looked at Nathan. " I'll be back in a second." He got up from his seat and looked for the girl with the hot chocolate. He found her within a few tables away. He took a seat across from her. "So how about that weather today?"
“Ugh.... Here we go again” he said staring at his brother. He didn't move tho. He didn't want his brother to screw things up again

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