Secrets of a Race (are you a Hunter, or the Hunted?..) [Inactive]

The woman hadn't said anything yet. "Oh well." He said to himself. Henry heard a very familiar voice coming from behind. He looked back to see if it was true. Sure enough he saw a very familiar face. It was his younger brother Nathan. He grabbed his coffee and walked to his table. He was behind Nathan. "Excuse me is that seat taken?"
“Oh, no, you can..” He stopped when he realized whose voice was. “Henry?” He turned to see his brother with a cup of coffee in hand. He was confused. A little scared, a little happy. He couldn't allow Henry to know he was running from home. “I thought you were already in the campus!” He said standing up and giving his brother a fraternal hug. He then sat again and signaled Henry to do so. He was trying to play it cool, hoping than that way Henry won't realize he's running
Henry hugged his brother back. "Yeah I've officially moved to campus a few days ago. But I won't start until tomorrow." He sat in the empty chair. He took a sip of his coffee then he looked at the window. He then looked back at his brother. "So what are you doing here? You're suppose to be home and train?"
“Yeah... I... Dad sent me for some muffins!” He blurted out quickly trying to seem relaxed. He looked out of the window, knowing that if he looked his brother to the eyes, he will be unable to lie. “Mom misses you. A lot.” He said trying to change subject. “You should go home today..,,, just to... You know, tell them you're fine..”
Henry noticed that Nathan wasn't quite himself. "Nathan don't lie to me. I can tell when you are." He took another sip of coffee. "They don't know yet right?" He looked at his cup. He thought to himself. "I need a refill after this. He better not ran away from home."
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“They don't.” He said realizing how smart his brother was. He couldn't lie to him. The muffins finally arrived and he received Them. He gave his brother one and started to wait for the moment when Henry stood up to run. “He knows. He needs a refill after this so I better run” he thought
Henry took one of the muffins and started to eat the muffin. He looked back at Nathan. "Good thing that they don't know." He took another bite from his muffin. "But really though what are you doing here. I don't care that your here, but I just want to know. Why?"
“I've already told you! I'm here for the muffins” he said. KNOwing that his brother wouldn't believe him, he controlled the water molecules in his coffee and mad it jump on his face, he took advantage of this and stormed out of the store.
Unexpectedly Henry's face was covered with water. It took him a second to wipe his face off. When he was able to look again he saw Nathan running out of the store. He got and followed him.
He jumped into his car and struggled to turn on the car. He looked at the door and saw his brother coming out. He manipulated the rain to hit his brother harder as he struggled to get out of there.
When Henry ran out of the building he was hit by a lot of water. He was struggling a lot to get the car. It took him a few moments but he finally got to the car. Nathan come on I just want to talk to you." And he tried to open the back door of his car and there was still a lot of water hitting him so he's still having trouble opening the door.
He tried to lock the doors but the car wasn't functioning. He finally made the water go easy on Henry and he waited for him to get in. How will he explain to his brother that he wanted to run from home?
Facing Vulatross, she noticed Zenith walk in, noting his hair all messy she realized he probably just woke up. Turning she smiled at him "Morning Zenith." From the corner of her eye she saw that Elder Rollo spoke, smoke rising through out the air from a exhale he made. Turning in her seat she listened to what he said. A plate being handed to her she looked down, not sure if she even wanted it. she set it aside. Noting that she wasn't hungry she sighed waiting for what ever said next, she thought to her self "wow..I should eat more, I'm a dragon for sakes, I should be eating like a horse..." A thought accruing to her " ..I bet my ancestors at horses....hunger should be in my blood, what the heck is wrong with me?"'she grumbled.

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In the human world

Henry noticed the water receding. When he got a moment to think he got in the car on the shotgun seat. When he got in the car he shoocked the water off of him. Just like a dog. When he stopped he looked at Nathan. "But really though what are you doing here?"

In the dragon world

Rollo was eating like a gentleman. He looked at the three shape shifters. He noticed that Kyra wasn't eating anything. "Kyra why aren't you eating. You should eat something." He continued to eat.
“I'm..... I'm running away from home.” He said sternly. He looked at his brother by the mirror and waited for his reaction. He was ready to use the water he shook of into the car in order to protect himself.
Staring down at the food, her thoughts still on the question of considering why she wasn't hungry. realizing that Rollo spoke she raised her gaze up at the Elder, she replied calmly "honestly I'm just not hungry."

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It'd only be a little while before she'd get the letter in the mail. She really didn't enjoy working at the bookstore, to be completely honest it sucked, but it wouldn't be long before she would continue her education to become... eh... she didn't really have that figured out yet.

Outside the once sunny day had become rather crappy, and of course it begun to rain.

"Perfect." she muttered, rushing towards the café.

Aislyn burst through the door, a tiny bell ringing as she made her way inside. The warmth greeted her as she stepped in, letting out a soft sigh.

She seated herself in a secluded corner in the back corners of the coffee shop, the waiter alreading bringing her a drink.

As the girl reached up for the hot beverage she accidentally shocked the man. Not your normal static electricity shock, but far more painful. The man let out a cry of surprise as Aislyn jolted away, placing her drink down on the table.

"I'm so sorry sir."

The man didn't say anything, all he did was walk away.

Aislyn didn't like the rain, or any bad weather for that matter. It messed with her abilities, making them painfully obvious at times, and if she were to get caught she'd have to face serious consequences.
In the human world

"Dude you can just tell me that your running. You didn't have to do all of that. Let's go back inside and talk about this." He got out of the car. He turned around and gave him the hand motion lets go back in. When he walked in he noticed a girl in the back corner shocking with what looked like. Henry's thought process was working making connections. He sat down next to her. "Excuse me mam. Sorry to ignore you like that. But that was a lot of electricity that went through my body."

In the dragon world

Rollo looked at Kyra. "Well at least have a drink Kyra. Today is a really big ocassion." Rollo went back to eating his breakfast. "You three are probably wondering why you're here?"
Aislyn panicked, pushing herself as far as she could away from the man seated beside her, pressing her back to the brick wall the outlined the booth.

"Hehe yeah... Looks like with the humidity so high static shocks are a lot worse than they'd usually be." she said with a nervous laugh.

She was by far the worst liar on the planet, but she needed to find an excuse some how.

Outside a bright flash followed by a loud crack of thunder struck nearby. The girl jolted forward, clutching her cup in her hands.

"My... would you look at the time..." Aislyn started, averting her gaze to a clock mounted on the Café walls.

"I best be going." she stated simply as she stood up, walking swiftly toward the door.
Henry knew that the girl was lying. When she was starting to leave he tried to follow her. "Hey hey hold on a quick second. I know when someone have special powers. Trust me younger brother have a power. Let's just sit down and let my brother come in and we'll just sit down and discuss this. I'll buy you another coffee."
Aislyn stopped for a moment, opening the door as she looked back at him.

"Don't be fooled." she thought, clenching her teeth. "He's only putting on an act so he can have you killed."

The girl swung the door open completely and stepped outside, a massive bolt of lightening striking only a few feet away from her.

"What the hell Aislyn?! Don't make a scene!" she yelled at herself, slightly disoriented by the lightning.

She wasn't supposed to be outside when the weather was like this, and she knew that. She could easily be struck and killed, but she much rather die from the shock of nature than from the sword of a man.

He knew her secret, and the only thing she knew how to do was run.
The wall of the elevator was smooth but hard. Very uncomfortable if you want to lean your head on something for but just a moment. Deciding that it was not worth the trouble of aches and pains, she stood upright. Her eyes memorizing the red numbers as they traveled further and further down to the first level. Impatiently, she rocked back and forth, her nose twitching at the stale smell of sweat and the perfume of an old woman.

Relief flooded her mind when the light ting of a bell rung. The doors opened and she sprung out from the collective box. Fanning her face, she walked to the front desk where a security guard nodded in greeting.

"Get someone to either replace the elevator or soak it in air freshener. It feels like I just took a tour of hell wrapped in a pretty lil' package."

The man chuckled ever so lightly. He was an older gentleman, seemingly ranging in his late fortifies to early fifties, hinted by the graying streaks in his hair. He pressed down on a flashing button on a corded phone and spoke into the receiver.

"Get the janitor to clean up the elevator. It seems that Ms. DeWitt nearly passed out." He looked back to the woman, smiling. "It is as you command." Nova rolled her eyes, hiding the fact she was actually pleased by the man's carefree spirit. It was refreshing, not to have someone grovel in fear for you. But I guess the sight of power has that affect on people.

Turning away from the black metal desk and the older male behind it, she waved her hand in a fleeting goodbye. She wasn't one to really make small talk much less show gratitude for others. But everyone who worked for her knew that already, so no one took offence. Nonetheless, it would mean nothing if anyone got offended. People can be easily replaced, just like chess pieces. She pushed passed the revolving door, looking at the outside world through the glassy screening. It was blurred and unclear, but the familiar figures of roaming people and straying cars were recognizable.

She was then greeted by the pounding of rain, streaming down her face. She lifted her head to the sky, observing the murderous black clouds that blended into the evening sky. It was late as usual. Rarely did she ever leave her office until after 9pm. It was 10:23pm. Searching through her bag, she found an umbrella. Clicking the mechanic button, it popped open like a bird spreading it wings.

Now safe from the drizzle, she started walking. Nora decided that morning not to drive her car which now was a regrettable decision on her part. Now she watched the crowded streets with people that bustled to and fro, with their own destinations in mind.

Then the phone rang.
Henry followed the mystery woman. When got out of the door he saw the lighting bolt nearly sat rucking her. "Oh shit." He walked up to the woman. "Hey don't I'm not like the others. Trust me." He was trying sound calm. Hoping that Nathan can get over here ASAP.
Aislyn spun around, shaking slightly as the rain pelted her head, the streams of waters dripping off her hair and streaming down her face.

She pointed a trembling finger at him, a prolonged sigh escaping her lips, her gaze planted firmly on the ground. Her black hair obscured her face, plastering itself to her wet skin.

"I can't trust that." she started, the finger clicking as the electricity gathered in it.

"I can't trust you... I can't trust anyone..." she said, lifting her head so she could look him in the eyes.

"Please just back up before I hurt you."
Saw his brother struggling with a girl so he approached them to see if he was of any help “what's wrong, Henry, who's this lady? ” he asked surprised by the fact that a bolt almost killed her.

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