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Secrets Beneath the Ocean

"Money isn't everything in this world, you know," Nash carefully watched Elle as she stepped forward towards the tank. Although Cress seemed to be the leader, she was more intelligent than a number of the hunters on the ship and probably the puppeteer behind the scenes. He had always thought she was nicer than the others, at least to him, but now he wondered if that wasn't all some sort of plan as well to get him to behave accordingly.

"Isn't it, though? It certainly can provide a stable and comfortable existence. I believe many would kill for that kind of happiness," Elle frowned as she didn't get the response she had been hoping for from the merman. She didn't know he could speak, the only one that did was currently unconscious, but she had her suspicions. Nash wouldn't have just been talking to himself. She had seen him just a moment before the spotlight had gone on saying something to the water below and her bets were on the fact he wasn't just having a one-sided conversation.

She nudged the unconscious hunter on the ground with her heel, but he didn't move and she sighed. Well, when he woke up maybe there would be some answers. "I suppose you're not worried about your sister anymore?" Her eyes carefully watched Nash as she asked, but he kept his expression guarded. He didn't want to let it slip just yet that he knew they had no leverage at all.

"Well–" She was cut off as the ship suddenly jolted to a sudden stop. The movement caused Nash to nearly lose his balance and they both turned toward the door. Elle however moved faster, giving him a warning look over her shoulder before heading back up the stairs to investigate why the ship had suddenly stopped.
Kai watched the two conversing, trying to follow their conversation. However he wasn't familiar with the term 'money', and so was unsure what exactly it was that they were talking about. As Elle stepped closer to him to the tank, he instinctively made more distance between them, backing up a bit. However he could only back up so much, since the tank wasn't overly big. While, compared to most tanks it was a decent size, it was used to catching smaller marine life, and so it was a little cramped for Kai.

When the woman once again brought up Nash's sister, as though to remind him of the threat, Kai glared slightly at the women. Before either could say another word though, the ship jolted forward and Kai gasped, slamming forward into the wall of the tank with a little bit of force. He winced a bit at the sudden impact of the cramped tank, and he pushed back away from the wall before watching Elle suddenly leave.

Frowning as he watched her disappear, he glanced back to the man unconscious on the ground, and looked back to Nash finally "What happened?" he asked, though keeping his voice low in case Elle or anyone else was still nearby to the room they were in.
The sudden stopping motion of the ship caused Nash to feel uneasy. He watched Elle leave to investigate and then looked back over at the tank where the water was finally settling after the jolt. Kai seemed okay, although the tank was really too small for him and Nash really wanted to get him back into the ocean. He knelt down beside the unconscious man and searched him for anything important, but it didn't seem like he had the key. Not that Nash expected it to be that easy, but it would have been nice.

"I don't know what it was..." He frowned and looked over at Kai again."The whole ship jolted so it's probably nothing good. Could be mechanical failure, one of the propellers or something," Nash pushed his hand through his teal-colored bangs and huffed.

"It got Elle off our backs for a bit. But when he wakes up..." Nash trailed off as he looked down at the guy. He had heard Kai speak. Which meant if he told the others, which he probably would, they would interrogate him too. And Nash didn't think they would stop by asking questions. If they didn't get information they might do something to hurt him.

"I'm going to try and look for the key to the top of the tank. This might keep everyone distracted for a bit, it might be our best chance."
Kai watched the other as he was searching the unconscious man's body, though didn't seem to come up with whatever he was looking for. He watched the other as he checked the man over before responding that he didn't know what it was, and it probably wasn't anything good. Kai didn't really know how ships worked or anything like that, so it did worry him partially, however, that wasn't saying much, considering he was already tense with nerves being locked and trapped on the ship in the first place.

As the other spoke again, Kai's eyes trailed to the unconscious man on the ground when he was referenced. Nash didn't need to finish his sentence, sine Kai knew what he was going to say. It would be bad when the man woke up - which who knew when that could be. And when he did though, he would certainly tell the entire crew about his ability to communicate and speak with them.

As the other mentioned that he was going to go look for the key, Kai felt his heart drop a bit. The merman was honestly terrified right now, in such an unfamiliar situation and being held captive and such. He didn't want the other to leave him alone. However, at the same time he knew the other was right, and now would likely be one of the best shots Nash would get to look for the key. Slowly nodded his head to the other, he agreed "Okay".
Nash hesitated. He thought he sensed a slight unease, or something. But he knew if he stayed here with Kai, that this chance might slip away. They would have to plan things very carefully if they were going to escape. Hopefully he could find the key to the tank and maybe tonight or...tomorrow night they could get away. He just wasn't sure how he could carry Kai out of the tank and into the water and...what would he do after? He would have to escape in one of the life boats probably.

The more he thought about it, the more he realized he needed to plan it all out. One mistake and it could cost both of their lives. But he managed to smile, and he tried to be as reassuring as possible. "I'm sorry. I don't want to leave you alone but I'll be as fast as I can! Promise!"

With that, Nash ran from the room and began scouring the ship for any sign of storage. They would keep the keys somewhere fairly accessible so the researchers or, in this case the hunters, could easily open and close the latch for food or to clean the water. Food. When was the last time Kai ate anything? He searched long and hard for any clues.

But in the meantime, the unconscious man on the ground beside Kai's tank groaned and began to stir. Slowly but surely, he was awake and trying to regain his bearings.
Looking to the other as he seemed to hesitate, Kai frowned, and wondered what was wrong, and making the other hesitate. He looked to him curiously, though could tell he seemed to be deep in thought. Maybe thinking about where the key was? He waited patiently, before hearing the other apologize for having to leave him, but promising to be back soon. He smiled a bit with a light nod "I know, it's okay..." he said with a smile "Just make sure you don't fall off the ship again. I wont be there this time to save you" he partially teased the other. While he was just joking around, he was more so trying to lighten the tense and worrisome atmosphere that had built, both of them worried for both of their safety, and how to escape.

As Nash left, and Kai was left to think about how they would both escape and be safe, he realized something. Nash was no longer a prisoner here. While, the other crew of the ship didn't know that Nash knew his sister was safe, Nash did know. The male could probably easily escape by himself. In the middle of the night or something Nash could probably easily take one of the smaller boats, maybe some food provisions, and escape off the ship. So...Kai had to wonder....was Nash only still here because of him, and to help him? This thought lingered in his mind, and while it made him feel happy and excited the other was actually staying to try and protect and save him, it also worried him that Kai was the one keeping him here, when he otherwise could be gone and safe.

As he was thinking these thoughts over in his mind, he didn't notice the man on the floor slowly starting to wake up. Until he heard the groan from the man, snapping him out of his thoughts as his golden eyes darted to the male, seeing him picking himself up off the floor and standing up. Kai's eyes widened a bit in worry, and he moved to the farther back end of the tank, as though that would make the man forget about him. Of course, he knew that wasn't going to happen, and was his own fantasy wishful thinking that some miracle like that, or that the other would forget he could speak, would happen.
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The man on the ground groaned and held one hand up to his head with a pained expression on his face. But it quickly changed to confusion as he looked around the room and tried to recall what he was doing here, and on the floor too. His eyes landed on the tank and in a matter of seconds recognition flashed in his eyes. He pushed himself up to stand, stumbling a bit as his body protested, and growled.

"You! You did something to me, didn't you? You and...and that kid!" He glared at Kai from behind the glass. "Where the hell did he go...?" The guy trailed off as he looked over his shoulder but Nash wasn't there anymore. The man reached into his jacket for his gun and again the expression of confusion crossed his features. When he realized his gun was gone he cursed loudly.

"Shit...listen to me, you do what I say and this will go smoothly. Don't do what I say and this will be one miserable trip for the both of you. Hear me? I'm going to bring someone down here and you're going to answer a few questions. And don't event think about doing that...that thing you did before," the man glared at the tank again. He would bring Elle or Cress or anyone that could get the creature to talk. And he would find that annoying kid and get his gun back or there would be hell to pay.
As the male on the ground started groaning and stumbling to his feet with a pain in his head, the merman bit his lip worriedly as he watched him stand to his feet fully. He seemed to take a few moments to recollect everything that had happened, and maybe, maybe, Kai thought, that he would get lucky, and the other wouldn't recall the fact that he could talk. However, his hopes soon became unsure as a look of recognition filled the angry mans face as he turned to look around, before angry, glaring eyes landed on him.

While of course Kai understood every word that the other was ask, the merman didn't say a word in response, or even acknowledge the other, in his small few hopes left that maybe he could trick the other into thinking he'd imagined it all, or dreamt it up that the merman could communicate with them. He even glanced away occasionally, acting as though he really had no idea what the other was saying. Even if it was a futile attempt, he figured it was at least worth a try.

As he heard the other threatening him slightly, and saying how he shouldn't try an pull any tricks, such as what he did before, and that he should answer whatever questions that would be asked of him, Kai felt a bit worried. He didn't know what would happen to him if he didn't comply...but at the same time, he wouldn't dare give up his own pod. And as dramatic as it sounded, Kai would surely let himself be killed before he said anything about his kind. Though they wanted money for him, so part of him doubted they would actually go as far as to kill him. Well, he could only hope so, anyways.
The man made a frustrated noise with his tongue, seeing as Kai wasn't responding to him. But he knew what he had seen, or rather heard before. He eyed the tank in silence for a while before speaking up again. "Hungry yet? Guess we'll see if you can make it to shore without starving. 'Course the client wants you alive, but there's a very fine line there, isn't it? We can always try a little persuasion tactic, too."

Not getting a response, the man made a face in obvious anger. Maybe someone else would have better luck getting something out of the mercreature. Well, he had to tell them what he had found out anyway. And find that brat kid, too. Might as well interrogate the both of them and combine information. With that in mind, the man turned on his heel and left to find any of the other hunters and alert them to his discovery.

Nash in the meantime had been searching frantically for the key, but it wasn't until he ran into one of the crewmen that he caught a break. At first he was panicked that the man might tattle on him, but it seemed the crew on the ship were in a similar situation. Probably blackmailed as well, or at least deceived. So the man handed him the keys to the tank with a quiet word of encouragement and advice to tell the first authority figure he found on shore.

He had a huge grin on his face as he ran back to the room as quickly as he could, but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Cress and two other hunters stationed there looking in on the tank. They hadn't noticed him yet, so Nash shoved the key into his pocket before they turned around.
Eying the man suspiciously, Kai otherwise tried not to react to the males words, not wanting to show that he could indeed understand what he was saying. Of course...he very well could understand him. However regardless of if the man knew he could speak or not, he would hold out for a long as possible, since that was mostly all he could get right now. If they confirmed he could speak for a fact, they would likely try and profit more from him because of the fact, or something of the sorts.

And while he could very well understand the man...he also understood his threats. Honestly...Kai hadn't thought about eating. Since being captured, he felt sick to his stomach in fear. Not to mention the cramped tank space was making him feel nauseous as well. So that aspect food wasn't a bother to him...though thinking about it now, it had indeed been a while since he had eaten. Eventually survival hunger need for food would kick in and overdrive the fear making him not want to eat at the moment. And it seemed the the lack of food wasn't the only threat the man had, anyways.

Once he had turned on his heel and left the room, Kai glared at the large males retreating back. Again, he swam to the top of the tank, hitting the boards locking him in there and unable to climb out. Although he doubted he would get very far if he did get out of the tank and still on board. Of course, that was also with Kai not knowing that many of the other ancestral legends and myths about his kind were real, such as the fact that he grew legs in place of his tail fin if his body was completely dry.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Kai quickly backed away from the surface, looking back out from the side of the tank, a bit hopeful it might be Nash having come back. But instead, it wasn't. His heart dropped as he felt fear surrounding him again at the couple of people there now. That woman wasn't there though...three guys, two who seemed to be acting more like guards and the third, in the middle, seeming to hold more authority. If anything though, Kai honestly thought that the woman was the smartest, most deceiving, and most dangerous of the group, even if she didn't have the physical strength of some of the men on the ship, and so she honestly scared him the most. While he was looking to Cress, he caught a glimpse of Nash approaching, but able to tell he was trying to keep from being noticed just yet, Kai tried to act indifferent, and like he hadn't noticed him.

It wasn't long though until one of the guards had noticed him, and spoke up to catch Cress' attention "Hey, the kid's back" he pointed out, glancing to the man to see what he wanted to do, if he wanted to keep the kid from entering the room or had some other plans. Clearing he was the one taking orders from Cress and listening to him.
Nash's eyes fell on the tank behind the group in the room and sought out Kai. He had a bad feeling about this. He quickly calculated their best plan for escape in his mind. With the ship stalled like this, the hunters would be distracted. And with them distracted, Nash figured he could get Kai out of the tank and to the water. Of course there was the matter of carrying Kai on his own, and making it all the way from here to the ship's deck. But those were things he would just have to figure out as he went along. He didn't know how long the ship would be stalled like this, but tonight...tonight would be their best and possibly only option to escape.

But if they put guards in this room to watch Kai...things would get incredibly difficult. That meant Nash had to make the hunters trust him again, at least enough to not lock him in his room and post a guard at the tank. It meant he would have to act a little bit here. He just hoped it worked.

Cress turned around and caught Nash's eyes. "Oho, so the brat returns. You've been pulling a lot of crap, kid. Don't you care about the safety of your sister? I mean, you seemed so upset before when we mentioned we were keeping tabs on her. Did you forget the reason we brought you on board? Right now you're as useless as trash to me, and you know what happens to trash, don't ya?" Cress cracked his knuckles, purely for dramatic effect. But Nash knew just by looking at him that he was strong, larger in build and probably trained in combat.

"I didn't forget," Nash turned his eyes toward the larger man. "In fact that's why I changed my mind." Nash glanced over at the tank for a moment, the small secret between them about the safety of his sister lingered for a moment in the air before he continued his act. "You won't hurt her if I cooperate, right? I know a lot, everything you wanted to know."

The atmosphere in the room changed. Nash could feel it. Cress lowered his hands back to his sides and nodded his head towards the hunter beside him, gesturing towards the door and signaling to bring Nash forward. "If that's true, then you won't mind answering a few questions."
Watching as the men took notice of Nash, and Cress was clearly angrered by his previous actions and likely ready to take some of that anger out on the male, Kai worried for his new friend. As much as Kai really needed the others help in getting out of here, he also didn't want to get the other in any more kind of trouble. He watched the interaction between the two carefully, worried he would have to watch his new friend get beaten up, unable to do anything from inside the tank. But instead, Kai became confused at the way Nash was acting.

Furrowing his brows in confusion, he looked to Nash as he spoke, before sparing the smallest glance towards him in the tank. He was confused when the other said he would give up all the information he had about him, and Kai almost grew doubtful of his trust in the other for a moment. What was he doing? But then the other mentioned his sister, which confused the merman even more. Didn't he tell him what he had heard? His sister was gone and no longer in danger by the crew and their group? Thinking this through, it slowly clicked in Kai's head that Nash was purposely saying this, and likely had some sort of plan, or something anyways.

Remaining silent and not saying anything, he still watched carefully. Was the other actually going to tell them things he knew though? Such as he could speak their language? Or maybe Nash would tell them believable lies? Honestly, right now his safety and chance to escape were all up to Nash, and so he really didn't have much other choice but to fully believe in him.

Side note, something I just remembered about mermaids and myths about them. One myth is that their fin-like ears are supposed to bring youth/longevity, so, that could be another thing to add in for them selling him or something
Nash was pulled forward, closer to the others, and the door was shut behind him. He briefly thought of how the situation felt like he was being imprisoned, but he let that thought slide and tried to focus on the task at hand. He steeled himself as he looked up at Cress, although it was Elle that he was really worried about. She seemed to be the brains behind the operation. Or if nothing else, she certainly held everything together and prevented chaos from breaking out.

"Heard from Joey that the mermaid could speak English. Though we haven't been able to prove it," Cress crossed his arms over his chest.

Elle sighed, "Mermaids are female. Assuming there is no better name for this one, merman would be the appropriate title. Although our client sent us searching for one, I had no idea they would be so..." she turned to look at the tank curiously, "human in appearance."

"It's not so weird. Scientifically speaking, he would have had to evolve at a relatively fast pace to survive the excessive...hunting of his kind," Nash's hand twitched at his side but he tried to keep the anger out of his voice. "Humans are more likely to extend sympathy towards their own kind, or others that look like them. Unlike other species, they have a bad habit of shunning those that look different from themselves. And who knows? Maybe somewhere along the line humans and merpeople are related. But no, he can't speak. He can produce sounds at varying frequencies, so maybe that's why, um, Joey, thought he heard something like language." Joey. That must be the guy he and Kai knocked out. Shit, Nash really hoped he didn't turn up now.
While the humans talked among themselves, Kai watched carefully, listening to what they were saying and what Nash was going to do, and if he was actually going to end up giving information up about him. He frowned a bit as he watched them all going back and forth talking. First about what to call him, if he was a mermaid or merman, and then going on about why he looked as human as he did. All the while, Kai remained silent. As much as there were a few times he wanted to talk and snap back at the crew for some things they either said or did, Kai also knew he had to be smarter than that, and not give away the vital information that he actually could speak.

One of the guys watched Nash as he spoke up about his input of why he looked so human, and also the fact that he could not speak. Narrowing his eyes as he glared at him "Why do you sound so sure about that? Just because you haven't heard him speak, doesn't mean he cant. According to one of our guys he actually heard him talking, so far that sounds more reliable than someone just saying he can't with no actual proof" he said as he crossed his arms glaring at the boy that had been giving them so much trouble.
"Mm, a lot of animals like crows and parrots, even whales, can mimic human sounds and language, but it's not the same as speaking," Nash shrugged, "He's extremely intelligent. Put the pieces together, it just doesn't fit. For one, you pose an obvious threat to his safety. I've been around him longer, too. But you can keep believing in fairy tales if you want. Just hope your buyer or whatever isn't upset when he finds out you lied to him," Nash slipped his hands into the pocket of his sweater and looked over at the guy that was accusing him.

"He also said you and this merman here attacked him," Cress dropped his voice an octave as he looked down at Nash, "Something about a painfully loud noise. You're really pushing your luck here, kid."

Nash faltered, chest tightening a bit as he struggled to think of a good lie for that one. But he couldn't think of one. "I-I did. But he was being an--!" he trailed off, the word 'idiot' hanging on the air. But he decided to bite his tongue. "But... he was hurting him," Nash kept his eyes on the floor, remembering how the guy kept tapping on the glass. "If Kai gets sick, he could die, you know? And stress can easily cause animals to get sick."

He felt bad calling Kai an animal. He didn't really feel that way at all, Kai was... well he was so much more than that. But he had to try and keep himself from revealing too much around the hunters.
None of them still really seemed to trust Nash in his words about the fact that the merman could actually speak. Kai waited quietly, hoping that the other would get them to believe that he really couldn't talk or understand them. Of course, just as Kai was thinking that maybe it might be working, one crew member in particular walked in, groaning and rubbing his head. Joey.

"Uhhg...damn brat...I have the word headache" he grumbled in pain as he looked up as he entered the room, seeing the people there - not surprised, since he had gone looking for them. He was told to give a report when he was fully awake and conscious. Still holding his throbbing head he noticed the kid was in the room and he glared at him and the merman as well, though he walked in just as he heard Nash about to call him an idiot, and so he narrowed his eyes "The hell were you gonna call me, kid?" He sneered at him, still not quiet happy, both because of the tagteam sort of work that the kid and merman had pulled on him.

Kai frowned as he watched Joey walk into the room, all hopes of the crew being told and believed that he couldn't speak going away instantly. He should have expected it though. After all, Nash wasn't entirely trusted, so they were more likely to trust Joey more than Nash, even if he gave his report of the events after Nash tried getting them to believe such other tales.
Nash tensed as he heard an all too familiar voice. Still, although he tensed he tried very hard not to let his surprise show on his face. Of course the guy had to show up, nothing was easy anymore.

"Oh nothing," Nash pushed his hands further into the pocket of his sweatshirt, "Just the truth," he muttered under his breath. Idiot was actually putting it kindly. Aside from Elle, it didn't seem the hunters Nash had the displeasure of stumbling across were capable of thinking about much other than violence, blackmail, and rewards. Unfortunately for him, they were larger in build and stronger, and he was vastly outnumbered.

Part of him was hoping that this guy had temporary amnesia and he didn't remember the full truth of what he discovered. But again, nothing was easy so he doubted it. He glanced at Joey, noticing the bump on the back of his head. No doubt, the guy would hold a grudge. He might even lash out. No matter what, it put an end to trying to act his way past Cress and the other hunters in the room. But Nash felt secure in the fact he had the key to the tank, and the gun safely out of sight. It was just a matter of getting to the tank door when no one was around.
As Joey had walked into the room, glaring at Nash with clear desire for vengence, he decided to behave himself for the time being, though hearing the other muttering under his breath, he glared more "Why you little..." he hissed, before another of the men started speaking up.

"Hey Joey, the kid here is trying tell us that this thing here actually can't talk. Is that true?" he asked the male in question while another spoke up "You did hit your heard pretty hard, maybe you imagined it? After all, it's just an animal" he spoke with clear disregard towards the merman in the tank just beside him. Clearly the men cared only for profit, and not humanity, calling it 'thing' and 'animal'.

Joey glared at them "What?" he snapped as he turned his glare back to the kid for a moment before back to the others "Are you seriously going to believe this brat? I'm tellin' ya, I walked into the room and heard them having a whole conversation amongst themselves. They could clearly understand each other" he said as he turned his attention to the tank, glaring at the creature inside and giving the tank wall a kick "This thing knows every word we're saying, I'm sure of it" he said as he narrowed his eyes while Kai had been playing innocent and ignorant, like he couldn't understand.

When the man had kicked the tank though, it caused the echo to ring throughout the tank, causing Kai to wince in pain, gritting his teeth and glaring at the human.
The guy was pissed, Nash could tell. He tried very hard to keep his mask in place though. He was worried that the others would figure it out, or that Joey would lash out or do something violent. His eyes darted around the room to look for any cameras. He didn't see any, but that didn't mean there weren't ones that were carefully concealed. If there was video evidence then he was screwed but maybe, if he played his cards right, he could get out of this.


Nash grit his teeth and looked down at the floor. The way the word was so casually and derogatorily thrown out there pissed him off. But what made him flinch was when the tank was kicked, the force of Joey's hit causing the waters to ripple and sound to bounce around the walls of the small space. He clenched his fists and bit his tongue, for a moment wishing he had hit the guy harder.

Cress grunted. "I'm inclined to believe you, but we have to be sure of what we tell the client. Tell 'em that the thing can speak and it never does... Well I'm sure I don't have to tell you what happens to your cut," He looked over at the tank, seeing Kai's pained reaction from the bang against the wall. "So, we'll just have to do a test of some sort to be absolutely certain, eh?"

Should we go with them finding out, or not finding out? I was thinking they could try starving him, or continue to harass him by banging on the walls of the tank to try and make him speak. If they don't find out, Kai and Nash can attempt escape that night, if they do maybe they lock them up in the room?
As the tank had been kicked with a greater force than a tap of sorts, Kai had winced in pain, recoiling back away from the wall, despite knowing it wouldn't help regardless of where he was in the tank. Reaching his hands up he held the fins on either side of his head, which, basically acted as his ears of sorts. He held them to keep them from vibrating from the kick and ripples in the water which is what was causing the pain, though thankfully the ripples subsided and calmed after a few seconds.

Narrowing his eyes towards the one who kicked the tank, who he now knew the name of as Joey, he glared, before hearing the leader, Cress, mentioning doing tests of sorts to see if they could get him to talk. The thought frightened Kai a bit, since he didn't quiet know what they would come up with to try and get him to talk. Hopefully nothing painful....right? Though couldn't physically damage him, right? Because they wanted him as some sort of thing to sell? Kai was holding on to that hope and that he was right in that theory of his, but really, he could never know until the did whatever tests it were that they came up with.

Joey's face dropped a bit when Cress mentioned how if they lied about it being able to speak, that it would be costing his cut when the buyer found out. "R-right...." he stammered, as he watched Cress look to the tank and mention having to do tests to see if they could get it to talk "I-I'm sure I know what I heard. I bet with enough pushing we could force him to talk. And then we could cash in even more from the buyer if we're able to get him to talk" he grinned.

I'm not really sure haha, maybe yes find out? xD Do you have a preference? Maybe they could end up finding out by forcing him to talk, or at least forcing Nash to maybe admit he can talk or something. As for what they do, I agree. They can try a bunch of things, since, of course Kai is going to be stubborn and hold out as long as he can. They can do what you suggested, with the starving and banging on the walls, and since Kai is in a body of water, they could try electrocuting the water or something, or making the water extremely cold/hot, a temp that Kai wouldn't be used to in the ocean. And then Kai can either give in at some point and talk, or Nash could give in, seeing all the torture and harassment Kai is being put through, and wanting it to stop.
Nash could see that Kai was in pain. Everyone could see it. He gave Cress a dirty look, but the guy wasn't looking in his direction. Instead, Cress was looking at the tank and considering silently the best and fastest way to get results. This wasn't good, if they tried anything to hurt Kai they might find out he could talk. Once they found that out, Nash was likely a dead man. They would throw him overboard or just shoot him or something, but his outright lie wouldn't be taken well. Especially if he wasn't needed anymore. They had their target and they were ready for their reward.

"Wait, you have no sense of holding back. The kid is right about one thing, if we injure this creature in any way or kill him, well there won't be anything in it for us. This has to be done slowly and in measured steps," Elle nodded towards another hunter in the room, Nash thought his name was Arthur or something. The guy looked almost nervous as Elle directed him to hit the glass. The guy raised his hand and hit the wall, although lightly. He tried again with more force, and again. Elle and Cress watched Kai's reaction curiously as the banging became more forceful.

"Stop it!" Nash clenched his hands at his sides, eyes darting from face to face, but no one seemed to be listening to him. "Knock it off you're hurting him-"

"That's the point, kid," Cress sneered. He looked over at a panel on the wall and moved over to adjust several settings, raising the temperature of the water. It would take some time to take effect, but undoubtedly it would make it more uncomfortable for the merman.

We can try all sorts of things. Poor Kai. Feel free to jump in and make any hunters to do anything! I have a feeling Nash will talk just to make it stop, if it continues on for too many days or goes too long. They might at some point pull Kai out of the tank to test how long he lasts out of water.
As he listened to what the hunters were coming up with to plan, he watched as when the woman directed to one of the hunters, he approached the tank. Skeptically, Kai moved away from the glass wall between them, and flinched when he hit the tank, his pain only increasing and becoming visibly so with each harder hit that the hunter did. He recoiled back, curling up in pain as his hands gripped to his fin-like ears, trying to keep them from vibrating painfully from the sounds echoing in the water from the hit.

Glaring at the hunter, it was clear Kai was in clear discomfort. He twisted his body and slammed his tailfin against the glass. And while it only seemed like just a fin, it was a powerful on, the tail of a merman - or maid - holding most of the muscles in the merman's body, from how they were designed, and so for anyone standing close to the tank - such as the one hitting it, it could be quiet frightening, and while it wouldn't break through the glass, it did make one question the strength of the glass wall compared to the merman. Kai knew it likely wouldn't work, and it was just a desperate attempt to fight back. In the tank and alone, there really was nothing he could do.

Deciding to try something else, he swam to the top of the containment he was held inside. There were a few inches open at the top, where there were floorboards of the deck above him used as the ceiling to the tank, though in some spots were strong and heavy wired spaces to allow airflow inside the room. The wired openings for air looked like the metal gutters on sides of streets to keep the streets from flooding. And it was primarily there for the same purpose - however, opposite. It was used that, the water from the tank could splash out if say there were stormy seas that caused the ship to rock a lot, since the water would need somewhere to go, and this would keep the tank from flooding the room it was in if water spilled over, so with the wiring and floorboards of the deck flush above the top of the tank, the water would splash out onto the top deck where it wouldn't flood up.

Currently, Kai made his way to the top of the tank, trying to get a few inches of that air for - one, the fact that since he had lungs, he still needed air to survive. While he looked fish, and had gills, his body worked similar to that of say whales, or dolphins, where he could be submerged for long periods of times, but eventually, still needed air. Currently, Kai was using this tiny space of air, not specifically to breath, but to try and at least get his head atop the water surface of the tank, so that his fin-like ears would be atop the water and not be affected by the vibrations inside from any hits against it.

Oh, that might be interesting. Since Kai, while he doesn't know it, can actually survive being out of water. Because they have part human genes in them, i think I explained this before when starting this rp or in his bio, but if he was dried out completely his scales would disappear and he would grow human legs and such, and have a human body to survive. So it'd be interesting if that happened maybe, the Hunters trying to 'test' him and get him to talk, and instead they also end up finding out that about him.

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