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Secrets Beneath the Ocean

Kai nodded to the other when he asked to come back later that night. Kai didn't even have to think about it, and just nodded along in agreement, it wouldn't be until later that evening that Kai remembered and would have to try and make it to the other again without being seen. But Kai knew he did want to see the other again, so he knew there was no question about agreeing, and wanting to meet with the human.

After making sure that the other was safely on board, Kai had dove back into the sea and found a small place to hide out the storm and stay, waiting for it to pass. He found a small cavern area deeper in the sea, where he was safe from the currents, and he could rest. His back throbbed in pain, and so he used this time to just lay down and rest, sleeping through most of the stormy day. The fins on his back were a bit damages, some torn and the flesh on his back that wasn't covered by scales or fins had some bruising to it to be seen.

As the hours passed and the day turned to night - not that the difference could be seen from the stormy clouds -, the evening finally fell upon them and in the dead of the night in the middle of the sea, the storm had quieted its rage and subsided, leaving behind a dead calm sea, with absolutely no waves, and exhausted aquatic life as well as land life, such as humans caught up in the storm on their ships.

When Kai had woken up after the storm subsided, he felt even more stiff and tired. He winced as he stretched out a bit, and moved out of the cavern a bit, glancing around to be sure the currents really had subsided. He was sure his pod would be worried about him - usually during storms like such they stayed close together to watch out for each other and all. But he hadn't gone back for it - after saving Nash, he had been too tired to swim back to them, and so had ended up in that small hollow cave.

Swimming out of it, he vaguely remembered in the turmoil of the storm and chaos, Nash had asked to see him. With that thought in mind, he made his way back towards where he last saw the ship. It took him a while to find it, considering the storm had moved it in the sea a considerable distances from where they had started in the storm. After a short bit of searching though, he found it and cautiously poked his head out of the water, looking for Nash.
After some time, the shivering and dampness got to him and Nash forced himself to stand. The ship was still swaying, the storm outside still raging. He could see the flashes of lightning, and hear the cracks of thunder just outside the ship. It sounded like Mother Nature just wanted to swallow their entire ship up and drag them all down to the bottom of the ocean floor.

Maybe it was divine karma, after all he was on board with a bunch of lowlives that cared more about money than the lives of what they were hunting. He took a long hot shower until the water became cold, and then slowly dressed in dry clothes. As he left his room, he ran into Elle and one of the larger hunters he thought might be named Cress.

"Thought we lost you, kid. Cress said you were on the deck one minute and then gone the next. Didn't see you in the water so he assumed you went down to Davey Jones," Elle had her arms crossed and a blank look on her face.

Nash knew that almost all of the hunters were aware he couldn't swim. And that no one who couldn't swim would have been able to survive a fall into those stormy waters. He tried to calm the rapid beating in his heart, and to mask his expression. He really wished he was a better liar, but he really just didn't like lying and he had never been in a situation before where he had to.

"I...got swept up and almost off but there was the ladder. I managed to grab on before the currents could catch me," Nash carefully looked up to gauge both Cress and Elle's reaction. Neither one looked convinced. And they had good reason not to, after all that would be a one in a million chance and the odds were against someone that couldn't even tread water. Cress actually laughed.

"He thinks we're stupid, Elle. Well, whether you tell me now or not, I know you had help getting back on board this ship. And I'm going to find out where the damn creature is." There was definite threat in the man's eyes as he pushed his way past. Elle gave Nash one more calculating look before following.

Nash was left rooted to the spot, panic welling in his chest. They couldn't catch Kai...he wouldn't let them. He paced the ship for hours trying to think of any possible way he could escape after warning him. The hunters would find out, and they would destroy him. It was late into the night when the storm subsided and Nash made his way back to the deck. He was exhausted both emotionally and physically, but he still wanted to see Kai.
Ohhh, just a thought, but since some of the crew are suspecting Nash now having met a merperson, perhaps they follow him when he goes on deck late at night? And maybe they see Kai or something? We could have them try catching him then, and if we decide to let them succeed, perhaps Kai grows worried that Nash may have been deceiving him or something? Just a thought....
Since there really wasn't any way for Kai to be able to see up on deck, or call out to Nash without someone else also seeing or hearing him, Kai just kind of stayed around the ship, hoping that Nash would come looking for him and see him waiting for him. After all, the human had been the one asking to see him again and meet him here at night.

Kai swam back and forth around in the waters, occasionally switching sides of the ship that he waited on. He stayed entirely underwater for the most part, not wanting to just be floating above the surface for anyone to see him. He remained just under the surface, enough where in the dark of the night he wouldn't be seen unless someone shone a light in his direction, however also enough still where Kai could see through the water and the blurry image of the ship, awaiting Nash.

When he saw a figure walk to the side of the ship, he smiled as he recognized Nash, before shifting in the water and swimming a bit closer, poking his had out. He made sure to listen for any other footsteps, and when he didn't hear any, he smiled and let his head fully surface "Nash" he called quietly to help the other be able to find him in the darkness of the sea "How are you? Did you get injured at all from earlier?" he asked with pure concern, entirely disregarding himself.
I was thinking that, too. They're using him as bait to draw the merperson out without Nash knowing about it. Without knowing the situation, Kai could be hurt and suspicious.
Nash made his way over to the small, sub deck once he spotted Kai. He grinned, glad to see the merman had come back. The sea was remarkably calm, earlier almost seemed like a dream. Or a nightmare. He could still picture the roiling waves and black skies. Nature was incredible and it really made him realize how small he was in the vast ocean.

"I'm fine thanks to you." He hesitated, feeling a little sheepish. "You saved my life. I, uh, I don't really know how to thank you for it. Human's usually give gifts, but that doesn't seem like enough." He could still feel the currents ripping him under, and the water filling his lungs. The phantom sensation made him want to cough again.

"Are you alright? Seriously?" He was cut off as a blindingly bright light shine upon the both of them. Nash winced and threw his arm over his eyes, and in the confusion he didn't hear anyone approach. Cress yanked the back of his hoodie and pulled him back to the main deck.

"Aye! There's something in the water! Told you we'd see it if we followed the boy," Another voice called out and several men ran to the deck to try and glimpse Kai.
Yeah! Exactly as I was thinking, yeah. Great minds think alike ^^
As the other approached him and got on the lower deck part to get closer and talk to him, Kai smiled as he looked to the other. When he said he was okay, Kai was relieved, and smiled at him with a nod "that's great" he said as swam a little bit closer to the ship "I'm glad you're okay" he said before shaking his head when the other went on about him saving his life "I'm just glad I happened to be there. I've really enjoyed getting to know you" he said with a warm smile "If it bothers you so much, think of it as payback. You saved me once before too, don't forget" he reminded the other of when they had first met, and he'd been caught up in the netting.

When Nash asked how he was and if he was okay, he shrugged his shoulders, and opened his mouth to answer the other. Despite being injured, he was just going to brush it off, since he didn't want to worry the other or anything. But as he opened his mouth, he was blinded by an incredibly sharp light, and he gasped, recoiling back a bit. Being a merman, his eyes were more adapt at seeing in very dark, murky waters of the sea, since they usually dwelled very deep at the seas bottom where it was pitch black and light didn't reach all the way down there from the seas surface. But because his large eyes were accustomed to such darkness, he was, quite literally, momentarily blinded when such a bright light was flashed nearly directly in his eyes.

Instinctively, Kai had lifted an arm to cover his eyes, an inhuman sort of cry coming from him from the sudden light and blinding pain, a sound more resembling his native way of speech with his kind, which was closer to that of animals, like a whale or such other sea mammal. However, by raising his arm, it only further revealed what it was, considering the fins and scales that covered his flesh. And despite instinctively diving beneath the seas surface for cover, the light had momentarily, literally blinded him, leaving him rather defenseless.
Nash stumbled as he was yanked backward, a hand still gripping his sweatshirt. But when he heard the cry he pulled his arm from his eyes to look. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but he was just able to catch a glimpse of Kai before he dove back underneath the water. Cress finally released his grip and Nash stumbled forward to look over the railing. He whipped his head around, taking in the situation.

Several of the hunters were on deck, they had shone a spotlight onto the water as they saw movement. As it were, several hunters were excitedly pointing and talking about what they had found.

"No! Leave him alone, you assholes!" Nash rushed towards one of the hunters casting the net out. He managed to knock into the man and throw off his aim, but someone else yanked Nash back and threw him to the deck. He landed hard, momentarily off balance. When he tried to get up and stop them again, Cress threw a hard punch and Nash stumbled against the force of it. But his ears were ringing, his heart was pounding, and adrenaline was pushing him forward.

"Stay out of it, you brat! Thought you could get away with lying to us, did you?" Nash only half heard what was being said to him. He eyed the water warily, hoping that Kai had managed to swim far enough away to avoid the nets. He felt two of the hunters grab his arms and yank him towards the cabins.

"Kai!! Get the hell away from here!" He wasn't sure if he could ven be heard from underneath the water. In any case, they roughly pushed him through the door and down the stairs.
Diving under the surface of the water, Kai put a hand to his eyes with them shut tight as he tried to swim away. However, without his sight, he didn't know where he was swimming. And there was the thought in his mind that even if he was able to flee, in his blinded state, a lone merman unable to defend himself would easily become another creatures food, be it some other larger mammal such as a shark, or killer whale, or anything of those sorts.

However he couldn't even get that far before he felt himself swim into something, and recognizing the feeling of netting, he panicked. He instinctively opened his eyes, only to wince in pain as he was still seeing spots, however, could make out a blurry image as his vision was slowly recovering from the sudden shock of brightness. Blinking a few more times as he tried to escape from the net, he couldn't see he'd already gotten trapped up in it.

As he panicked and struggled in the netting, he could vaguely hear Nash's voice calling out to him. Kai was left in such a disarray of confusion, he didn't know what to do, and he couldn't fully make out the others words. But with the other in his thoughts, he felts a pained sensation in his chest, and somehow, felt a sense of betrayal. Was this why Nash wanted him to come and meet him tonight? No....Nash was far kinder of a human than that. Right? Thats what he tried to remind and tell himself, but the more he thought of it, the more he really didn't know about Nash, and felt a pained betrayal in his chest while the netting fully enraptured him and was pulling him up to the surface.
The loud cheers and shouts could be heard even from below deck as the netting was slowly and carefully pulled up with Kai inside. Nash craned his head over his shoulder to try and get a look through one of the windows, but he was pushed farther away and into his room. He stumbled forward as the door was slammed and locked. His heart was still racing even though the pit of dread in his stomach was growing and making him sick. He raced to the door and started banging on it.

"Open up, you bastards!" He groaned as he heard footsteps walking away. Regardless, he started banging some more because the panic was welling in his chest and he had a feeling Kai had gotten caught in the nets trying to swim away. What would happen? What would they do to him? He moved to the small window in his room and tried to peer at the deck but the angle wasn't quite right and he couldn't see what they were doing.

"Well! Look what we have here!" Cress announced loudly as the net was pulled free of the water, revealing the struggling merman inside. He was met with loud cheers and shouts. Some moved closer to inspect their catch, peering in between the ropes of the net to get a better look. "Guess the kid was a good investment after all."
Due to the previously injured fins of earlier in that storm, as well as the confusion from the blinding light moments ago, Kai had pretty much been entirely defenseless. Struggling in the netting, the merman was trying desperately to free himself, however not only ended up exhausting himself, but further injuring his flesh and fins as he flailed, twisting and turning in the netting as it was fully pulled to the surface, water dripping from it back to the ocean.

Kai recoiled back in the netting as he noticed a large group of humans suddenly crowding him and staring at him, as they they were inspecting and dissecting him with their eyes. While he desperately wanted to call out for help, he doubted anyone on this ship would help him. He wasn't even sure of Nash would, anymore. And he didn't dare call for help from his own kind, for fear that even if one of them did hear him, he feared getting them caught up and trapped as well, and he didn't want to do that.

However, unfortunately even just letting himself get caught was endangering his kind, as if the showed him off publicly, or something of the sorts with evidence of his existence as such, it would bring further knowledge of his kids existence, and he feared that they would be more aggressively hunt after.

His eyes darted over to one man in particular when he got particularly close, and narrowing his eyes as he saw the man reach out towards the netting, perhaps to try and touch him, Kai, despite being restrained in the netting, was still able to swing his tail fin and slap the other with it. While he looked partially human, his fins were as strong and heavy as any other mammal his size. Therefore imagining the incredibly strong impact of a large shark's tail fin smacking into someone. It was like the weight of the lower half/ or half of an average humans weight, being thrown at someone, especially considering Kai's tail fin held most of his strength and muscles. Depending on the man's strength and preparedness, it likely could send him toppling over and falling down.
The sudden and unexpected attack from Kai threw Cress off and he stumbled backwards, balance thrown. A few snickers erupted from the crowd but they were quickly quieted as he turned to glare at them. Elle sighed and stepped forward from the crowd to examine the nets and the creature inside. As an aquatic mammal he would likely have to stay in the water. There was a small containment vessel roughly the size of a pool farther inside the ship meant to hold research specimens, but it would serve well as a temporary hold for this one until they could meet with their buyer.

"Don't be stupid, Cress. He is still wild and quite dangerous. For a species to survive this long they must have adapted quite the defenses against predators. Teeth, claws, muscles..." She mused, standing farther from the net than Cress had, one hand on her hip and one poised over her mouth as she studied him. Clearly the net was going to do damage to him and they would need to move him immediately. Which would be impossible with him awake. He would thrash too much, and might cause damage to the others.

"Fetch our marine biologist, and have him bring a tranquilizer. We don't want to damage him. Also, someone find Nash and question him on what he knows. Use the girl as leverage if you have to, and don't tell him we lost sight of her back in the states." She turned her attention back towards Kai, curious but not in the same way Nash had been. She saw him as an opportunity to cash in a hefty paycheck.

If you want something to work with in your next post, you can have someone tranq him and have him wake up in the pool? We could devise some escape plans and fun plot devices -thoughtful chin stroke-
That works! ^^ I like how this is turning out, its so much fun!
As he knocked the other off his feet briefly, having the large man stumble backwards and catch his balance, Kai felt a bit more confidence as he could actually do some damage, he figured, if given the right opportunity. However, he was sure that they weren't going to let that happen. He narrowed his eyes into a glare as a woman stepped up next, but not nearly as closely. His eyes alone were threat enough, as if just daring her to get closer.

He listened to as they were speaking, and Kai decided it best not to speak or talk to them. He needed as many secrets from them as possible, and didn't want them to know that he could also in fact speak with them. He listened as the woman spoke up, giving some sort of order. He didn't recognize the word 'tranquilizer', and so didn't know what it meant. He was curious though when she mentioned Nash, and something about a girl and losing sight of her. Was she a hostage in this situation? But it seemed they didn't actually have her...Who was she to Nash, he wondered? Nash had never told him about the circumstances of which he was being forced on this ship and all, so he was unaware about his sister.

Kai watched as another minute later another man had arrived, holding some sort of....weapon, perhaps? Kai didn't recognize what it was - after all, he didn't recognize much of man-kinds inventions and such, considering he wasn't one of them. He flinched though as it was aimed at him, and as the man shot the tranquilized, Kai had instinctively recoiled himself, causing it to hit his tail fin, instead of his abs like the man had been aiming. Because of his natural defenses, the needle couldn't pierce the scales - at least, not from that angle, anyways, and it just deflected off to the ground.

Being a Marine biologist, the man was actually fascinated by this fact, however, with another order to shoot again, he did so, this time making his mark as Kai flinched at the pain. He grabbed the dart in his side, pulling at it and pulling it out as he glared at the man who shot it, however, despite pulling it out, there wasn't much he could do, and soon, fell unconscious, for where they then moved him out of the net and to the holding pool - and despite most of the crew being strong, muscles men, it took at least two or three of them to transport and carry Kai there.
Yeah! They can interact more this way for a bit. Plus, drama. Action! Adventure lol.
The voices outside died down and Nash heard footsteps approaching his room. He froze, looking around for a weapon of some sort in case he needed it. But there really wasn't much in his room he could use as a weapon. The door opened and a man he didn't recognize stepped in.

"You going to behave now? Good. I hope you haven't forgotten about our deal. We have the creature captured and tomorrow morning we're starting on our route back to our buyer. Nothing you can do now except tell us what you know and make it easier on yourself. Are there others?"

Nash crossed his arms and raised a brow. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. This is a phenomenal, revolutionary find and you just want to hurt him! There is so much we could learn if we just study them, it could change the future of marine science forever. He's...he's incredible. I won't say anything that might cause him harm."

The man groaned and rolled his eyes. Clearly, academia wasn't his interest. "Think on it, kid. We might even give you a portion of the money. It could go a long way for a struggling student like you, eh?" The only answer Nash gave him was a glare. The man grumbled something and slammed the door, but forgot to lock it. Shocked, Nash waited for the footsteps to move away before he quietly ventured out of his room to look for where they were keeping Kai.
Haha, yushh, ever adventure everything is better with Drama ^^ and action and adventure are a must too of course :3
As the tranquilizer took effect, Kai tried to fight against the drowsy, heavy feeling overcoming his body, and he had to wonder what was happening too him. His eyelids felt heavy as they kept drooping, and he continued to struggle the urge to stop fighting and pass out. Eventually though, it got the better of him, and he fell unconscious in the net, where he was then transferred to the pool like area they had below deck. It really wasn't very big at all, since most marine life that sailers would catch were things like average fish and shellfish. Of wish Kai was a lot bigger. Of course, this crew made as big of a holding pool as they could, knowing they were planning on catching something much bigger. But they could only make it so big without endangering the security and safety of the ship itself.

What Kai was put in, was, essentially, like an oversized fish tank. It was below deck, and against the wall. The entrance to the tank was at the top of it, however it was locked at the top by the floorboards of the deck above where he was, those floorboard above the tank could be opened, like how a trap door in a floor would open, and from there is where they had dumped Kai.

Being unconscious, Kai had floated to the bottom of the tank, the smooth glass floor abnormal to him and foreign. He laid there for a while before the tranquilizer wore off and he started to wake up. As he regained consciousness, he started to panic, remembering everything that happened. Eyes wide with fear, and unfamiliar to smooth, polished/manufactured glass, so clear he could see right through it, Kai wasn't even aware there was a wall. He went to swim, and ended up swimming right into it. Wincing, he put his hands against the smooth glass in confusion, like it was some sort of invisible wall.

Panicked, Kai tried to break free of the containment he was inside. He used all the force he could, slamming himself against the glass, only to wince as it didn't budge. He kept on trying to break through it though, only ending with the same result every time, exhausted, and sore.
Navigating the ship was difficult when he couldn't really be seen. Nash had to duck behind a door or around a corner more than once to avoid being seen by any of the hunters or ship's crew. If he was seen, he would be thrown back in his room, no doubt. But he was worried about Kai. What had they done to him and where were they taking him? Surely they would be back to look for others, if they knew there were others. Nash wasn't sure if they knew or not, but he certainly hoped none of the merman's kind came looking for him.

The door to the observation room for the tank was unguarded. It was far away from the other rooms on board and nothing could be done from that room except view the tank. The latched door could only be accessed with a special key, and Nash had no idea who had it or where to start looking. But if he could find that information...maybe he could set the merman free before anyone found out.

He opened the door with a look over his shoulder and slipped inside. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust in the dim, blue lighting. The room was designed to look like the ocean floor, the lighting kept low to prevent harm or confusion to the creatures kept in the tank. This was, after all, a research vessel before it was taken over by hunters.

"Kai..." He saw the merman struggling to escape, looking desperate and panicked. A wave of guilt washed over him. How could he not know he had been followed? Shit...he messed up so bad. He took a deep breath before he stepped forward. "Did they hurt you at all?"
Kai had been desperately trying to break free. Not that he really knew what he would do once he got out of this containment...he would still have to get off the ship too. And there looked to be a lot of people so he wasn't entirely sure how to do that. He sighed, after multiple failed attempts of trying to slam against the glass wall, he was now sore, and tired.

Leaning against what he perceived to be a sort of invisible wall, he tried to catch his breath, feeling lost and hopeless. Was there no way for him to get out of here? Was he the one of his kind that would lead to their exposure and extinction, after they fought so hard to keep from dying out by the greed of humans? He felt like a failure, and grit his teeth as he recalled his friend - another merman in his pod - reminding him to be careful of going too close to the surface so frequently.

He cursed himself as he realized he should have listened. Damn him and his own curiosity. As he was lost his his hopeless thoughts of despair, he heard the door open and suddenly looked up. He instinctively tried to make himself as small as possible, before he noticed that the one who entered was a familiar face.

As Nash stepped closer, pure concern on his face as he asked if they hurt him, Kai hesitated. After what happened, he honestly wasn't sure if he could trust the other. So he couldn't help but ask directly. "...Did you set me up?" he asked softly to the other at first "Was this your plan since you first saw me?" he asked a bit skeptically. He didn't want to believe that their new friendship had been nothing but a deceiving lie to him. He'd come to really like and care for Nash, and didn't want to believe he was that kind of a human. But Kai was scared - terrified, really, and he didn't know what to believe or do.
"I know...it looks that way," Nash started, "What with me being on the ship like this and them finding you like that." He looked down at the ground. It was the middle of the night, he hadn't expected anyone to follow him, or anyone to suspect him. But maybe he just hadn't been careful enough, maybe he was a crap liar. He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall beside the tank. It really wasn't meant for larger creatures, and it looked painfully small for Kai who was used to swimming in the vast ocean waters.

"I promise I didn't. I can understand you not believing me, after...after what humans did to you. And with people like Cress on the ship. They're hunters, they hunt and sell living things for money and they don't really have any sense of morals or sympathy. I didn't really expect to get mixed up with them, and by the time I realized..." Nash trailed off, raking his fingers through his brightly colored bangs with a huff.

"I didn't mean for you to get caught. I just wanted to talk with you, get to know you. It was really cool for me to discover something like this. I study ocean life, and I always wanted to be a marine biologist when I was younger, but I didn't believe that anything like you could have existed, you know? Most humans think merpeople are a myth."
Kai looked to him, skeptically at first, and wanting to believe the other and what he said. He listened to his explanation, at simply being curious and fascinated with him, and the ocean. And when he spoke about it, Kai could really see the others passion for the sea and the creatures within it, and seeing that passion and joy when he spoke about it, Kai smiled a bit.

Swimming closer to the edge of the tank, he gently put his hand on the glass wall - mostly to find where it was. Not used to glass so clear, he wasn't used to knowing it was there, and so put a hand on it to know where it was exactly, and keep from swimming into it, like he had when he first woke up. Looking to the other and seeing the guilty of having ended up letting Kai get caught, the merman smiled softly, feeling relieved with that answer "Thank you....i believe you" he said with a small smile.

"I didn't think you were cruel like them..." he commented softly, the small smile on his lips showing how relieved he was to find out Nash really didn't intend him any harm or anything. And in this terribly, incredibly frightening situation, Kai was relieved to have one person he could trust here "What are....what are they going to do with me?" he asked with a slight frown, partially fearing the answer, but also wanting to know.

He recalled back to when he first met Nash, also mentioning something similar about not intending to be on this ship doing things like the crew intended. So he looked to Nash curiously, and also vaguely remembered just before he was tranquilized that one the female had mentioned something about a girl, and not telling 'him' about losing sight of her or anything. Glancing to Nash, he had to wonder...was the 'him' they were talking about Nash? And was the girl some sort of blackmail, or threat to him?

Staring at Nash a few moments longer, he realized he didn't know the exact reason Nash was on the ship if he didn't want to be. And if he was connecting these dots in his mind correctly...maybe this was something important he was figuring out. "Hey Nash...why exactly are you on this ship, anyways?"
When Kai said he believed him, Nash relaxed. He had a small smile on his face, glad that Kai believed him despite what his kind probably thought about humans. He hoped he could prove that not all of them were bad, it was just the few that were rotten that ruined it for all of them. It really did mean a lot that Kai didn't distrust or even hate him. Nash was just beginning to learn about him, and he found it surprising how easy it was to communicate. He knew that if he could manage to free the merman, he would probably never see him again and the thought stung a little. But he knew what he had to do. It was the getting there part that he wasn't sure about.

His smile faded and he dropped his arm to his side again as he thought. "I don't know. I think they're going to sell you to someone, whoever has the deepest pockets, I guess. They probably already have someone in mind, or maybe some kind of black market auction." His eyes darkened as he thought about it. He didn't know how anyone could sell living creatures, especially ones so human like.

He looked up in surprise as Kai asked his question. He supposed he never did explain his full situation. Their visits were always fairly short to prevent anyone from spotting them but now...now he supposed it didn't really matter.

"I...I signed up for an internship. It's a program at school that helps prepare you for a real job. I was supposed to get credits for it– it was supposed to help me learn more. But after I signed up and went to meet with the program director...well it was one of them." He frowned as he nodded towards the door and crossed his arms.

"I studied a lot about marine life, their living habits and mating cycles...they figured I could help them to find and understand this rare creature they were hunting. I didn't want to, of course, but they had leverage. They used my sister, threatened me saying they could hurt her if I didn't comply, or if I said anything about their plan. If they find out you're not the only one, they'll hunt for the others, too."
Kai looked to the other curiously when he began explaining this thing called an internship. Not familiar with the term, he tried to follow the other when he explained what it was, and how it ended up landing him here in this crew. He was about to question why the other stayed, when he went on to explain how the crew had leverage against him, and were using his sister as blackmail to keep him there to help them. Well....unfortunately it seems like it was worth it for the crew too...Kai didn't blame Nash, however, it was because of the connection the two had made that led the crew to finding Kai and capturing him. So their hunch wasn't necessarily wrong about using Nash.

As the other mentioned his sister though, Kai's brows furrowed as he recalled what the crew were saying "your sister....a girl, then...?" he asked curiously, more absent mindedly as he was thinking through "Just before I passed out...I recalled them saying something about a girl. It didn't sound like someone they particularly personally cared about. I wonder if they were talking about your sister....?" he said as he met Nash's eyes, further explaining what he had heard.

"It sounds like they want to use you to find more out about me, and my kind. That woman mentioned something about using 'her' if they had to, to get you to speak. And not telling you..." he trailed off, trying to recall what exactly she said "well, she said something about them having lost sight of this girl in the states.....whatever those are..." he mumbled in thought - he of course wasn't really familiar with names of countries, or states, or things of the like.
Nash nodded absentmindedly as Kai continued to question him. But a wave of cold fear clenched his heart as he heard that the crew were talking about her. He looked up, afraid to ask what exactly they were doing talking about her. After all, they had threatened to harm her initially, and a bunch of lowlifes like these hunters wouldn't stop there. Was her life in danger? Did they have someone keeping an eye on her to make sure he played along with their little game?

But Kai continued, recalling the words that must have been said on deck after he was hauled away to his room. They lost sight of her? Maybe, hopefully she realized she was being watched and gave them the slip. Maybe she went to the authorities. Nash prayed she had gotten help, maybe someone that would track the hunters down and shut down this whole ridiculous business.

"I can't believe..." He trailed off, a little dizzy from the sudden onslaught of what-ifs. He placed a hand on the glass tank and leaned forward, infinitely relieved that Kai had heard what he did. "If...if she's safe I won't have to worry about them getting their hands on her. I might be able to get off this ship. I want to get you out of here, Kai. I don't know where they keep the key but--"

Nash was cut off as the door slammed open and one of the hunters came in. "Well, well, well. I had wondered where you wandered off to when I saw you weren't in your room. Slippery little bugger, aren't you? Glad I waited at the door before I came in. After all, wondered who else was talking in here." His smile was crooked as he looked over at the tank. "That thing can talk, can it?"
After Kai explained to the other what he had heard, he smiled a bit, seeing the relief that had washed over the others face. He was glad he could help ease the others worry a bit. So it had seemed like it was Nash's sister they had been talking about it...and it if they lost sight of her, then that meant there was nothing really holding Nash here anymore - aside from perhaps the strong crew and them being in the middle of the sea.

But if he was able to escape, like Nash's suggested he wanted to help the other do, maybe he would be able to help the other some way? Maybe he could help the other swim away, or something. Though the other said he didn't know how to swim...but Kai would be there for the other. And he'd also heard old stories about how merpeople could give breath to humans underwater....and there was the other stories passed on regarding that their kind could grow legs on land...of course, these were all mythes to Kai and his kind. No one really believed them. But they were just as much of mythes, as merpeople existing were a myth to humans.

It was possible it was true. And perhaps they could help each other escape from this ship...Kai opened his mouth, just about to speak when the door suddenly slammed open. He had instinctively jumped a bit, eyes darting to the doorway where one of the large crew members stood. He instinctively backed away from the glass wall of the tank, looking to Nash worriedly before back at the male, not saying a word.
Nash froze, panic rising in his chest. How much had the hunter heard? Did he hear about the key, about his sister? He tried to mask his face as he turned to face the man. He was still clinging to a desperate hope that they could escape, but he would have to plan things without any of the hunters finding out.

"What? Clamming up now?" The man stepped forward, scoffing at Nash and stepping up to the tank. He obnoxiously and purposefully taped on the glass. "You're going to fetch us a pretty penny. Hoo boy, I can only imagine...maybe a nice trip to Cancun is in order."

Nash scowled at the hunter. "Scum like you deserves to be locked up. I hope when the authorities catch you, they throw you in a tiny cell and give you a taste of your own medicine."

The hunter laughed, pulling a pistol from the waistband of his jeans. He held it up and outwards toward the boy. "I bet you would like that. But enough bark from you. Now...what can you tell me about these creatures?"
Looking to the man who stepped further into the room and arrogantly up to the tank, Kai narrowed his eyes as he glared at the man. WHen he tapped on the glass though he flinched, putting his hands to his ears at the loud echo that resonated all throughout the tank because of the glass walls and the water that carried it from bouncing off the glass.

He winced at the slight throbbing to his head as he glared at the male once more, before watching as he turned to speak to Nash after pulling some foreign object out and pointing it at Nash. Kai frowned, looking at the man and object before back at Nash, and seeing the expression on the males face. While Kai didn't know what the object in the mans hand was...he could tell by the tone of his voice and his behavior that it was something dangerous, a weapon, perhaps, Kai figured.

He desperately put his hands on the tank, only to become further frustrated when he, just like every other time, was trapped, and could do nothing but watch from in the tank. Glaring at the male, he tried to think of what he could do. But from inside the tank, what could he do? He could offer to speak...maybe that would appease the mans needs and demands. But at the same time he didn't want to give in to them, and speak to them.

He recalled moments ago, the way that noise carried in this foreign container he was being held in, and seemed to echo even louder when hitting these invisible walls. Thinking quickly before the man hurt Nash, Kai considered something. It would likely be effective, but it would hurt Nash too, which he didn't want to do. Glancing to Nash - who was the one facing the tank, while the man was the one with his back to the tank, since turning the gun on Nash. With Nash being the only one in view of the tank at the moment, Kai signaled to his ears, before covering them, hoping that perhaps Nash would not only see him, but understand he was trying to warn the other to cover his ears.

It was something Kai had learned, that human ears are sensitive to high pitched, or sonic waves. So, hoping his plan worked, and Nash got the hint to cover his own ears for protection, Kai let out a call - which was his own natural form of communication in the water - , a sonic wave that to the human eardrum was piercing. Kai hoped debilitating enough to get the man to drop the gun, or something.
Nash glimpsed Kai's gesture just in time. He threw his hands up and tightly pressed them against his ears. Thankfully, the hunter did not and when the sound was made he cringed, and the gun was dropped to the ground with a clatter. He fell to his knees with his hands pressed to his ears but the damage had been done. Nash picked up the discarded gun just to get it out of the hands of the hunter. Still, having never held one before it felt surprisingly heavy and clumsy in his hands.

His mind was racing and he didn't really know what to do next. If he bolted for the door, where could he even go? He couldn't make it off the ship without the keys. He wouldn't leave Kai behind. But he had a weapon now that he could use as leverage. He could use it to his advantage. Nash held it tightly in hand, glanced at the tank to assure Kai he would be back, and then used the handle of the weapon to knock the hunter hard across the head. He sprawled on the ground, unconscious. Nash winced.

"Sorry... But not really," He started for the door but when he heard footsteps he fell back. Nash carefully stowed the gun in his sweatshirt just as Elle came into the room. She took one look at Nash and one at the man on the floor and rolled her eyes.

"Boys are so violent," she remarked, before she stepped over the other hunter's unconscious body. Nash tensed, wondering if she knew that he had stolen the gun, or that the unconscious hunter had figured out Kai could talk. "You," She pointed at Nash, "I know you're enjoying your new friend, but listen, it's best if you let this one go. He's bound for a very different home where you'll never see him again. We already have an interested party, so we're headed in that direction to finalize the deal."

Nash glanced at the tank and then back at Elle. "He's not a piece of cargo! He's a living, breathing, intelligent creature," he tensed, worried that she would just pick up where the other hunter had left off. They were going to interrogate him whether he lied or not, and he had a feeling Elle was smarter than some of the others on the ship. In fact, she was looking at the tank and ignoring him entirely.

"Intelligent, is he?" Elle looked at Kai curiously, "Did you make that sound I heard just now? What is it for?" She was looking directly at Kai, though she didn't yet know he could speak or even understand English.
As he let out the call, Kai was relieved to see that not only had it worked as he hoped it would, incapacitating the man, but also that Nash had seen his gesture and covered his ears in time. When the other had dropped the gun and fallen to the ground, Kai stopped, and looked to Nash, relieved to see he'd done well to cover his ears and wasn't affected by the sound or anything.

He silently watched as Nash knocked the man out, and Kai even winced a bit as he looked at the sprawled out, unconscious man. That looked painful. But Kai couldn't say he cared or was sympathetic towards the male - he certainly deserved it, after all. Not only for being one of his captors, but also for threatening Nash with...well, whatever that weapon was.

He noticed Nash signaling that he was leaving but would be back, and Kai frowned a bit, worried and fear creeping oer him again for being left alone, but he slowly nodded, understanding. He didn't particularly want to be left alone in this container, however, he knew that there really wasn't anything Nash could do without the keys.

Before the other could leave though, Kai heard a new set of approaching footsteps, lighter ones. And moments later the door opened and the woman from earlier was there. He narrowed his eyes a bit at her, and glanced between her and Nash as they conversed, before the woman suddenly looked directly at him, asking him a question. He was a bit surprised by her sudden directness towards him, and he just glanced away, not saying anything to her. She didn't know that he could speak, right? So he wasn't going to let on to her that he could. He glanced towards the unconscious man on the ground...he still knew. And once he woke up, he was sure he would let everyone know.

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