Secret Intelligence Agency [Inactive]

"So who are we killing today?" Florence asked bluntly as she stood near the table. "You've summoned me out of my nest above the city. I've promised you results."
"Ok that still doesn't explain what I'm doing here though. I don't think I exactly comply with the quota.."
"I don't have powers..I'm just "talented" in martial arts" Ryan said quietly as he shifted his gaze to the window. He did not really believe that he had enhanced physical abilities.

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"Well we all don't have powers. This is not a Comic book," Florence spoke up. She looked Ryan up and down before assessing that he would not want to be messed with if any of this SIA was going to crumble. "So we all are here to be a team?"
"Wait.. Team? I've been a rouge agent for almost 2 years! Now what is this stuff about a team?! I have to find my old mole group that killed my boyfriend. I ain't working for the American government by choice." Remy grumbled.
Ryan sat quietly. He wanted to know whatelse to do so he decided to wait for Colson to speak up and move on from introductions. Honestly, Ryan did not mind introductions, however, he felt that each of them should know what the heck they are supposed to do before all the "nice to meet you's" and so on.
A teen boy walks in seemingly cool and collected. His exposed face and hands a roadmap of scars. He walks to Jesse and leans over his shoulder.- my name is Kai. I'm the new recruit
"Hey what happened to you boy? You got caught in a meat grinder or something on you're way here?" Remy said in her Russian accent with a smirk and light chuckle looking at the short boy covered in scars that had just walked into the room.
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Lucile saw two people standing, talking. She walked up to them and suddenly knew that they were just meeting. She could feel it in their presences. "Sup dudes." she smiled at them. "I'm Lucile. Call me Lui."
(I'm ignoring the previous post for obvious reasons. Also please remember, one liners are unacceptable and I have been very lenient towards those who have been writing them, but I will now be a lot more harsh if I see them and it may result in you being kicked out of the RP. This is not to exert my dominance over you guys, it's just that one liners are extremely difficult to work off of and barely contribute anything to the story. Sorry if this makes me seem like a jerk.)

Jesse sighed, quite aggravated by the new arrivals and the constant chattering, then opened his laptop and pulled up the files that he had been about to share with the group. He cleared his throat loudly before standing and addressing the group. "Alright," he began, the nervousness he felt not evident in his confident tone. "I know this may be a little strange for those of you who are certain that working alone has been going great. Or those who are sure that this is a set up to arrest you for previous affairs in which you have luckily escaped the harsh reprimand of the law, but, the reason for our gathering here today, is to show all of you what it is like to work with a group and to live in a place that your safety is 100% guaranteed. Today I'm am going to brief you of the current problems going on in the world that have spurred so far out of control, the CIA has asked for me to gather the best of the best and make them a part of the best team in the SIA. The Alpha Squad."

With those words, Jesse knelt down on the ground and pulled out several badge wallets before climbing to his feet again. "These badges are yours, they symbolize my trust for you. If you accept one today, I will assume that I'll be able to trust you tomorrow."
Florence looked at the projected files which were on the wall and noticed different code names and photographs of various criminals. Colson spoke about trusting others and Florence had to hold back the urge to sigh drastically with a follow up eyerolling. Trust was a very special thing that Florence only gave when she knew there would not be any repercussions to undermine her mission to wipe out the mob.

The badges that Colson held looked very important and Florence wondered if the badges would let the group into unauthorized areas in the city.

"What is the point of us taking down these problems? Even when we've got problems of our own to deal with first." Florence asked Colson.
"Oh," he grinned, taking a badge. "Thanks!" He admired it fondly and thoughtfully, sighing happily. At last. He then tried to pin it to his shirt, but couldn't quite do it, and continued to fiddle with it. During his fiddling, he looked up and couldn't help asking. "So, what do we get to do?" A bit enthusiastic and early, but he just had to ask anyway.
"Badge? I'm a rouge spy. And I am certainly not working for the American government. How did you find me anyways?" Remy asked.
Florence looked at Remy with suspicion and thought whether or not to fire five rounds of 9mm ammunition into the Ruskie agent who clearly stated she opposed the American government. If this Remy agent kept on with her xenophobia and pride in her crumbling country of Mother Russia, Florence might as well just ice the girl on the spot. On the other hand though, Colson mentioned that he brought each and every one of these people together to work as a team to fight the greater evil.

"Shut up about your hatred of the American dream," Florence stated with sarcasm. The American government really was not about letting everyone free due to the tiresome strain of outside forces from all other countries trying to bring America down. Florence had her doubts about Colson bringing in the Ruskie though. Why was she in the room with the other appointed people and not in some detainment cage guarded by the CIA crawlers?
"I'm not a Russian spy anymore! I'm rouge which means I don't work for anyone, I work for myself. Yes, I am Russian, and I'm proud of it. Why do all you Americans think we are always up to no good?" Remy stated crossing her arms.
"Perhaps the Cold War put a freeze on the relationship," Florence muttered and took a seat near Colson, waiting for any other information to be given so she could distance herself from the Red Square in the room. Florence unholstered her H&K firearm and dropped the clip out from it before setting it on the table.


Florence grabbed her mobile phone and checked on the latest whereabouts an associate of D'Mici was located. Of course, little Italy at some bistro probably joking with his familia or some crap like it. "Anyone up for a nice payout in return for some action?" Florence raised an eyebrow.
Jesse sat down in his chair before speaking up again. "What I fail to understand, is why you all insist on being rouge agents," he said, sighing heavily and applying light pressure to his temples. This room was beginning to make him feel confined. He stood and made his way over to the door. "Please, follow me. Keep in mind that a strong alliance with me promises great rewards." Jesse smirked at his vague statement.
He quickly followed, running a hand through his hair. Needless to say, he was confused, but that was what Jesse had intended, right? Like he had an idea.
"What I fail to understand, is why you all insist on being rouge agents. Please, follow me. Keep in mind that a strong alliance with me promises great rewards."

Florence gave a small chuckle and got up from her chair, grabbing her pistol and reattaching everything she stripped down from it a moment before. The clip was light. Only five bullets in it without any backup ammunition. She listened to Colson's last sentence and rolled her eyes. "Like cotton candy and teddy bears?" Florence asked. She already had her rewards. Great rewards of hard cash and grieving families of those unfortunate mobsters who did not watch their backs. Pity that Florence did not have to say she did not know the feeling of grief.

(I am sorry that I haven't posted.I wasn't aware that this had started so,I didn't even know.)

(Another thing...if the author had said that one liners are forbidden....why are you guys still doing it.)

(And don't tell me that you aren't....A Run on sentence is not a complete sentence..therefore,you are doing one liners.)

Adalia quickly opened her eyes with a fake yawn, grabbing her badge and adjusting it to her pocket. With an annoyed look, she doubted why she agreed to show. Some of these people were just... ick.

"So what's the plan oh fearless leader? These people are interrupting your train of thought, therefore messing up my reading of you." She said grumbling, her finger twirling in a circle, causing a pen on the desk to spin.

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