Secret Intelligence Agency [Inactive]

"Don't feel left out Remy. We are all unique here and that's what makes us special." She shrugged. "And I can't control it. It just feels like you're talking to me without opening your mouth." She said answering their thoughts first.

"And I'm not Russian. I just seen where you was called that a lot Remy. I can comprehend foreign languages with enough prying. It helps a lot when they also speak English." She said with a small chuckle, remembering when she tried it the first time.

Looking now towards Ryan, "try zooming with your eyes.. you'll be surprised when you notice the other things as well" she grimaced hearing a particular voice downstairs thinking rather dirty thoughts. Now that, I didn't need to see...
Ryan tried to zoom in, "It doesn't work". Maybe his abilities were still developing. He responded, "Perhaps my enhanced physical abilities are still developing; however, maybe my brain shows that I will soon be able to execute that action?" Ryan looked at Adalia.
She nodded. "Well, I can basically see anything in your mind effortless if I tried and basically yea. Soon you should be able to, I'm surprised you wasn't able to just now." She said smoothly, used to these kind of questions almost.
"Heh I'm surprised about everything right now" Ryan said as he rubbed the back of his neck. He knocked on the door and waited for someone to open it. Ryan wondered what exactly they were going to converse about in this rendezvous?
Jesse jumped when he heard the knock on the door before moving to open it. When he opened the door and discovered them speaking of their powers in the hall, he was both overcome with joy that they were already acquainting themselves with one another, and with anger that they would discuss something so private somewhere so public. "Imbeciles!" he barked loudly enough to shock them each into silence. "You all are putting yourselves into danger every second you speak out side of my presence." He pointed out each of the surveillance cameras in the hallway, implying that the person watching them could always be an enemy. "Please step into the room and close the door behind you." With that, he turned his back on the three in the hallway and resumed his position at the head of the table.
Rolling her eyes, she walked in. He already thinks we're too incompetent for him. She thought, grabbing her bags and rolling them to the inside of the door. She grabbed the seat closest to him on his left as she scanned the thoughts of the surrounding rooms and the security office downstairs.

"We're all clear. The security guard that's supposed to be watching the cameras is sleeping on the job." She said, sounding bored. "This is the first time I've ever spoken this freely Jesse." She said emphasizing his name. "If you want, I can go destroy the evidence. Shouldn't be that hard really." She shrugged and pulled her legs up onto the chair she was in.
Ryan entered the room and sat down on a chair. He carefully examined the room then shifted his gaze back to Jesse as Ryan leaned back on the chair.
"Please, my non existent powers are the least of my worries. I think I know what I'm doing, thank you very much, and if you don't believe me just give the Russian government a call." Remy said scoffing at the boy who had just questioned her knowledge on the art of being anonymous.
Jesse sat back in his chair, surprised at everyone's hostility. He hadn't meant to come across as a jerk or anything, it was just the fact that being in a position of leadership was new to him and he wasn't exactly sure what to do or how to go about this. "Alright guys let's get this show on the road," he said, cracking his knuckles and deciding to ignore the fact the girl had just called him by his name. He typed for a few seconds on his computer before the overhead projector came on, casting the words Project Greyhound onto the wall. "The greatest scandal in American history since Watergate."
Ryan listened to Jesse and watched the projector. He sat up straight as Project Greyhound popped up on the wall.

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She cleared her throat. Seeing how he was nervous, she decided to cut him a little slack.. for now. "I'm only a little hostile. Prove you have good intentions and we'll be good. But hey, shouldn't we wait on the others to get here?" She said softly.

((Sorry, been camping all weekend))
Jesse closed the screen of his laptop, the words disappearing off of the wall. She was right about waiting. "Alright. In the meantime we should all get aquainted. Its a lot easier to work with friends. Jesse focused his gaze on his hands and retreated into his thoughts.
Trying to tune out Jesse's thoughts, she coughs into her hand. "Well, as we already know each others powers, we should just tell you and then things we like and dislike right?" She eyes everyone in silence. She didn't need to read minds for this one.

"I call it the T's. Time, Telekinesis, and Telepathy. I can hear the thoughts of anyone within a half a mile radius, but if I know them well enough, I can do it effortlessly well farther than that.. I'd say around, eh, from here to plum China." She shrugs thinking of the time she read her 'mothers' thoughts when she ran off to Egypt on a surprise vacation.

Remembering the rest of everything, "I like pineapple juice and all types of cheeses as well as long walks in the rain and reading." She closed her eyes, her eyelashes fluttering with the visual images of others thoughts.
Florence Roslyn was usually early before any appointments. Late was a peeve of hers and while tugging hastily on her uniform which was required of her to wear at the meeting with Colson, she drove her Scandinavian Ice Blue Land Rover LR4 through the various alleyways trying her best to follow the LR4's GPS guidance while not running over stray cats.

This is gonna be the death of me

Florence arrived at the Empire State Building and valeted the car to some chubby punk before, using a service elevator to reach floor 21. As she stepped off the elevator, she hesitated for a moment before knocking on the door numbered 321, her right hand resting on a H&K USP 9mm Compact concealed in her waistband of her skirt just in case this Colson was somehow tied to the D'Mici family.

D'Mici was the family which ordered the bit on Florence's father and any chance she could muster, from curb stomping to drive-by Molotov killings, Florence would take out each member of that mafioso family one by one.

There was no immediate answer so Florence knocked on the door twice more before feeling some doubt about coming to this meeting.
(Hi, sorry I'm late! DX)


'Tin raced down the street, breathing heavily. He couldn't believe he was late! He was never late. As he got out of the elevator he almost ran into a girl, who happened to be at the door he was planning on entering. "Oh, hello," he grinned sheepishly.
"Hi," Florence replied back and looked the guy over, assessing the threat level he bore, if any. "Are you here for Colson?" She asked in a whisper. Florence hoped that the guy was not going to be a rat or else she would have to plow two bullets into throat before he'd hit the floor.
Feeling the others outside, she tilited her head to the ceiling, opening the door. "Hey! We're in here! Come on in!" She said loudly to the others outside the door, knowing that the others probably didn't hear that knock, and no one else was even near floor 21.
The door suddenly opened without Florence seeing anyone physically there to open it for her and the newcomer. Perhaps the meeting was going to be some X-Men bullcrap but Florence reassured herself that she could be killing people within the coming days. Killing in the name of justice and for the protection of the country.

"You must be telekinetic," Florence guessed at the girl who invited them inside. "I'm just trouble."
Jesse looked up as the door flew open, surprised by the fact that no one had touched it, but then he remembered where he was and shook his head in amusement. Outstanding was a mild word to describe the amount of talent he had been able to bring together. The telekinetic girl definitely being his personal favorite. "Late," he muttered a bit on the quiet side. So what if they were late, heaven knows how many times he was late meeting and it didn't matter the level of importance. But still, he had to get his point across that late with some people was unacceptable, luckily he wasn't one of those people.
"Are we gonna go through all this intro crap or talk about this watergate stuff already?!" Remy said taking a seat and kicking her feet on top of the table.
"Hi there," the boy grinned sheepishly, poking his head in through the door. "Sorry for being late; I had a bit of car trouble this morning. Won't happen again, I promise." He slunk inside and paused, wondering if he was allowed to take a seat. Hopefully he hadn't interrupted something.
"Whoa Whoa Whoa wait... Am I seriously the only one here that isn't some sort of superhero with magical powers?!" Remy exclaimed.
Jesse actually allowed himself to laugh at Remy's reaction to everything going on around her. He shook his laugh and ran his fingers through his hair. "No I here am a normal human, with an abnormal brain capacity is all," he said smiling at the girl. All he could do was think and remember, but with time one learns that those two things are incredibly powerful. "Also, no magic involved here. Everyone's abilities here can be logically explained by science."

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