Secret Intelligence Agency [Inactive]


Mr. Kat Lover
Jesse Colson sat at the head of the long table in the large room he had rented out, which was quiet except for the constant methodical clacking of the keys on the keyboard of his laptop. Normally, the loud echoes would remind him of just how lonely he was, but today, as he hurriedly typed up the account of his day so far, he was more giddy than ever before. Today he would finally get to meet the dream team that he had carefully hand selected, and they would finally meet him, their creator. He smiled at that thought. Being their "creator" made it sound as if they were super human creations made in a lab by someone like Dr. Frankenstein. Although, that wouldn't be so far from the truth.

As Jesse finished typing out his morning, and while extremely boring he was required to by the SIA, he pulled up the files of each of the newest members of the Alpha Squad. Sitting back in his chair, he ran his fingers through his messy, uncombed hair and stared in wonder at the screen. Though all of these kids were younger than him, they all definitely surpassed him when it came to physical skills. And this included the 15 year old boy. Normally, this would be incredibly embarrassing, but he had to remind himself that they had either been trained from a young age or simply possessed super human qualities that exceeded the capabilities of the average human. He would also have to train them to learn how to work behind the scenes like him. Jesse looked at the time in the bottom right corner of his laptop screen and immediately his heart jumped into his throat.

The time was 1:30 pm and Jesse was both nervous and excited as the clock ticked closer and closer to 2 o' clock. He knew that some of the kids would strive for excellence and try to arrive early, so he assumed that around know someone was encountering his personal guard and being told which vehicle to load their luggage into. The van would take their things to the SIA headquarters and place them into the rooms designated to each of the members of the newest Alpha Squad. He reached into the bag at his feet and pulled out the SIA badges so that when he greeted them he would be able to quickly and efficiently give them their new badges, verifying their official acceptance in to the Secret Intelligence Agency.
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Carefully adjusting her collar on her shirt, she checked her iphone, trying to ignore the thoughts of the insignificant passerbys. "...I thought he would be there.." " much should I get Sam to pay me for those joints?" "Stupid c*nt.."

She shook her head to try and focus on the time. 1:50.... she looked up to see the apartment building before her.

Not to shabby I guess. She thought, taking a step up to the building and stepping indoors, the cold air rushing to hit her in the face. She scanned the various thoughts until she picked up one that seemed of authority. Seeing him glance at the badges through his eyes. She knew where he was. Twenty first floor, room 321.

She picked up her purple suitcases, one holding jeans, shoes, and her gun and the other holding shirts, underwear, and other necessities. Stepping up to the elevator, she punched in floor 21 and made her way up, tuning out others thoughts again.

The door finally opening with a ding she stepped out and used her abilities to pull the suitcases for her. Might as well get in some early practice she thought, scanning the halls for people. Finally arriving at room 321, she knocked quietly.
Ryan got out of his car and walked to a man, "Hi are you Mr. Colson's guard? I was wondering where to go". He moved his hand through his hair as he looked around the area. Ryan was pretty excited, but attempted to keep calm especially since the man looked kind of serious. Putting one hand in his pocket, Ryan waited for the man to respond. Finally someone recognized him for his abilities rather than his sports history and straight A's. What was next?
Remy stepped out of the cab after a long flight from Ukraine. Please don't kill me Remy repeated in her head thinking that the only possible reason the United States government would want something to do with her is if they found records of her Soviet past. "Name miss?" the man sitting in the front desk said "Remy Koven" she replied trying to hide her accent. "Ok. You are clear" he said. Remy went up to her instructed meeting place with a hand gun tucked in the inside pocket of her trench coat just incase.
The guard nodded and did a few hand motions gesturing to the meeting location. Ryan nodded a thanks and followed the guards directions with normal human speed.


Just a few moments ago, Ryan unintentionally sped past the front desk and went into the elevator. He thought he walked his way from the car into the hotel and up the elevator; however, his excitement caused his speed to increase and reach a super human level, and him to forget which room to go to. His enhanced physical abilities were just starting to kick in and he did not notice it.
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Hearing the jumbled excited thoughts nearby, she knew that the others must be arriving. I must be the first here. Might as well wait for the others to get here we can go in together. She thought, willing her suitcases against the wall and leaning up next to the door opening in case if the founder guy decided to open up.
While Remy was walking down the hallway looking for where she is supposed to be a boy who was walking extremely fast ran straight into her. "Черт побери!" she mumbled in Russian after the boy crashed into her.
"Woah! Sorry!" Ryan gave the girl a worried look. "My fault sorry" He paused for awhile then recalled her reaction, "Wait was that Russian?" Ryan did not know how to speak the language, but he had a few friends that spoke it so he got used to the sound of the Russian language. How come it seemed like he bumped into her quite hard? He was definitely walking at a regular speed. Well, at least he thought he was.
"Yeah, I'm from St Petersburg Russia. I'm Remy. And you are...?" Remy said replying to the American boy who had just run into her.
"Ryan, Ryan Anderson" he stuck his hand out to her and smiled. It seemed like she was one of the seven other people that were chosen aside from him. Ryan thought to himself "Hm I wonder what she can do..". He added, "..Los Angeles, California".
"What are you here for?" Remy said in her Russian accent wondering if he was here for the same reason she was.
"A meeting with Jesse Colson" Ryan looked around, "I think we just need to turn this corner and we should see the meeting place. How about you? What are you here for?" Ryan resumed walking in a normal human speed as he conversed with Remy. He was still very excited, but continued to keep a calm expression on his face so as not to seem weird to anyone or waste his energy.
Hearing the nearby thoughts she stood straighter and began walking towards the other voices. Coming onto the two she learned was Remy and Ryan from their unbelievably loud brains, she leaned against the wall and looked between the two.

"Let me answer for us. Nice to meet you Remy and Ryan. The name is Adalia. We're all part of the same program and the room is this way in case if you forgot the room number it's this way." She said in her calm, quiet demeanor. Not exactly trusting the two just yet.
"Same as you I guess" Remy said running her fingers through her long burgundy hair. "You run pretty damn fast" Remy added raising an eyebrow. 
A girl came up to them and she knew her name. Remy did the natural thing any ex Soviet would do and raised her hidden hand gun to her head and said in a strong voice "Who are you and how do you know my name?!?!?!"
Rolling her eyes she glared at the girl. "I'm surprised you wouldn't have guessed by now маленькая девочка" she scoffed.

"I'm a mind reader smart one. Might want to ask questions before pointing a gun at one of your new partners." She waved the air causing her gun arm to point down at their feet. "And I'm pretty good at Telekinesis babe."
Ryan gave Remy a confused look, "I was just walking..". His eyes widened when he saw her pull out the gun, "Well then..." He said trying to break the short silence, "Shall we continue walking Adalia and Remy?"
"Vhatever" Remy scoffed and they continued walking "Vat are ve doing here anyvays?" ((don't worry I know how to spell, I'm just trying to type in a Russian accent:))
This guy isn't so bad.. This girl however is gonna have to prove herself before I let her behind my back. She thought and then with a smirk. The rare advantages of reading minds, you always know when someone's about to take advantage and betray.

She then turned and looked back at Remy. "We're here to meet this founder guy. He should be in that room there, judging by his nerves right now. They're driving me insane." She said groaning and pointing to where her bags sat. "The door is there. I wanted to wait before going in." She explained.
Ryan questioned as he walked, "So what exactly can you two do? Like your special abilities?" He had might as well start getting to know them since they were going to be in the same group as him for who knows how long. Ryan put one of his hands in his pocket and left the other hand open as we waited for their responses.
"Telekinesis, Time, and Telepathy. I'm not entirely sure, but I think I can teleport. It takes a lot to do it though." She looked between the two. "As I don't feel like sifting through your thoughts, what about you guys? I already know about your super humanity though" she laughed harshly, thinking of how he sped through the halls.
Ryan furrowed his brows and looked at Adalia. He did not know what she was talking about. Could she also see the future too? Ryan spoke, "I have enhanced combat skills...and I do not know what you are talking about". He was really honest and confused when he spoke. Why did they say he was fast and had "super humanity" though?
"I don't have supernatural powers I vas trained since birth by an underground rebel group. I did have tests done on me making me lethal in hand to hand combat. Im pretty damn good vith a gun too. So my power is being a master assassin I guess."
She looked at Ryan with a thoughtful expression. She couldn't tell whether he was just likethe others or just curious.

"I've never tried looking to the future honestly Ryan. And I can see it through your mind. You have super speed, hearing, sight, etcetera. Basically you're a human on some pretty amazing steroids." Putting it bluntly, "and with training, you could probably be the most deadly of us all." She shrugged noncommittally.

Looking at her she shrugged again. "Eh, you are a pretty advanced hacker and you can bend unbelievably so. That helps. Your selling yourself short

маленькая девочка" (this means little girl, this is probably gonna be her nickname for Remy).

Stopping in front of the door she gestured for one of the others to knock.
"So you speak Russian? You sound pretty American to me. And thank you." Remy replied to the girls compliment even though she still felt like the odd one out.
"I do? Well I've never really had any experience with those "steriod" effects...ofcourse until now since you both pointed out that I was pretty fast at walking" Ryan figured that it would take some time for him to get used to someone reading his mind any time she wanted to. The whole super speed thing sounded pretty cool though.

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