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Fandom Secret Crisis (OOC)

Yes cause Hughes knows the truth and what’s the plot of the anime
I’m seeing the frenmy part with Dio and Envy cause Envy isn’t up above staining their hands no hesitation
Same with Dio in part 3.. He rather send lackeys out to do his work for him, But if he has to do it himself, He'll do it.
Envy is a more of a follower of father’s plans. But they will pull through.
As you should, Ren is your character so the romance is your choice as well.
Knowing me, I’ll probably give in to them being in a relationship albeit probably one they’ve kept “secret” they probably think nobody knows but the other Phatom Thieves likely have a hunch
God.. Envy is a little unfeeling shit bird who hates humans. Maybe that could be one of the reasons they join Dio’s cause they both have are similar cold and un empathetic. Not a narcissist just more uncouth
God.. Envy is a little unfeeling shit bird who hates humans. Maybe one that could be the reason they join Dio’s cause they both have are similar cold and un empathetic. Not a narcissist just more uncouth
And in Dio's case he gets a ally Servant... a Annoying one but a pretty good Ally... I mean I'm thinking on how much of an annoying nuisance would Envy be to DIO. If Jotaro doesn't come in and suddenly Ora Ora's Him.
And in Dio's case he gets a ally Servant... a Annoying one but a pretty good Ally... I mean I'm thinking on how much of an annoying nuisance would Envy be to DIO. If Jotaro doesn't come in and suddenly Ora Ora's Him.
Holy xrap Jotaro just reduces envy to their pitiful form.

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