Secret Confessions (Draco & Harry)


Why stop dreaming when you wake up?

Harry Potter Fan-fiction

Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter



Classes had begun and that meant headaches had returned to the young Malfoy as well. As the blond made his way through the hallways, he found himself particularly stressed more than usual. Not only were his parents pressuring him - particularly his father, regarding certain associations and decisions to be made as he was getting older and more of age, however, even his friends seemed clingier this year as well. Well, thats what anyone would call those types of people, right? Friends? He scoffed at the mere word. He didn't consider himself to have any friends. More so associations, people to do things for him. He really didn't consider them anything close in particular. But he supposed it would put more suspicions on him if he were to always be off on his own.

Not to mention that damned Potter. He was nosier than ever. That seemed to be a damned trait that would never leave the famous boy wonder. He scoffed just thinking about the guy who turned down his friendship first year. No, he would never admit he was still bitter about that, though. Despite that Potter had a way into weaseling his own nose into his life regardless of denying the friendship association. He recalled a few days ago on the train when arriving at Hogwarts for this year, catching Harry and his ridiculous invisibility cloak - how dare he, trying to spy on him. What a rat he was. Shaking his head in his own thoughts and stress building up into his head, he bumped into someone un-realizing until the impact made him stumble back and nearly fall "Hey, watch were you're going!" he snapped as he turned his frustrations on the individual - despite it entirely being his own fault.
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Despite Hogwarts being the only place he truly called home, this year it felt less like home and more like he didn't quite belong. His friends had distanced themselves, prefects now, and their constant squabbling often made him feel like an unnecessary third wheel. Besides, they didn't quite whole-heartedly agree with his suspicions about Malfoy. Even the headmaster had distanced himself. It felt like everyone had resorted to treating him as a child that needed protecting, or as a persona. He was angry all the time, and he didn't always know why. Perhaps that was why he had wandered off, away from his friends, away from his other housemates. Being alone allowed him to avoid the stares, the questions, the remarks and insults.

Except he wasn't truly alone. He had his head down and was walking faster than usual, so he hadn't seen anyone until he turned a corner and bumped into someone else.

"Er, sorry-" he started to apologize before he looked up and saw who exactly it was that he bumped into. His expression changed immediately. Out of all the people he could have run into, it had to be Malfoy. And of course his first class was in the dungeons, with the Slytherins. As of waking up early wasn't a headache enough. "Malfoy..." He muttered, anger rising as he recalled the train ride over.
As his eyes fell on the brunette that happened to be on his mind, his eyes widened a bit in surprise before smelling into a thin narrow glare at the Gryffindor boy-who-lived. He smirked arrogantly as he noticed the others glare at him and clear bitterness, and he glanced to the swolleness of his nose. Smirrking, he quirked an eyebrow "Potter, I see you got your nose straightened out. Too bad, it suited you more when it was broken" he sneered as he glared at the male. "You're surely far from the towers. Perhaps having a stroll - realizing you'd rather be a Slytherin?" he teased the male, knowing it was one of his peeves to even be compared to a slithering in the slightest - despite how sometimes Harry really did seem like one at times. And the fact the sorting hat had intended to put him into Slytherin first year upon sorting them.

That was another thing that irritated Draco about the male. Whatever he wanted he seemed to get upon request - everyone sucked up to him - especially that old fool of a headmaster. Glancing to his classroom door not far down the hall, he looked up upon hearing his name "Draco, hurry before you're late - you know who our professor is" came Pansy's annoying voice. Rolling his eyes when she was out of sight, he turned on his heel away from Harry and walking down the hall, further ignoring Potter as he stepped into his classroom he unknowingly would have with the famous male.
Harry clenched his fists at his sides. He could feel the weight of his wand in his back pocket and his first instinct was to grab it. Of course the last time he had done so, he had only landed himself in trouble. It had a habit of following him and appearing at the most inopportune times. "None of your business, Malfoy."

He had never liked the dungeons. It was dark, cold, and rather musty smelling. The Slytherin common room, he remembered from sneaking in second year, must have been enchanted to prevent the chill. But The potions classroom never was and it made the class all the more miserable.

He considered turning and skipping. Feigning illness. But it would likely result in another detention. He waited until Malfoy had gone inside, groaned and slipped inside as well. He sat down at a desk alone. There was no doubt Draco would be recruited as his father had been, especially after Lucius' incarceration. Harry pretended to scribble something down in his notebook, hoping to hear something that he might use as evidence.
Heading into the classroom, Draco sat around familiar Slytherines he associated with - well, while he only had a few select friends he actually would show interest in talking to, the majority of slytherins tried to befriend Draco and be his friend. However this year he was particularly not interested in associated with any extra useless people. With his popularity in Slytherin, he could easily be considered the Harry Potter of the house. However, that was one thing he hated. Other houses and people often referred to him as the 'Harry Potter' of Slytherin. He clenched his teeth at the mere thought - why did he have to be compared to the likes of a Potter? Let alone, it being him called a version of Harry Potter, rather than Harry Potter a version of him. Rolling his eyes he glanced to the back corner of the room where Harry was sitting, rolling his eyes as he noticed the male watching him, and Draco for the most part just tried to ignore him while he talked to his friends sitting beside him.

Of course, once class was started, the arrogant Malfoy was smart enough not to excessively talk out of turn in Professor Snape's class. He hardly paid attention however, other matters on his mind distracting him. He sighed a bit as he ran a hand through his head, recalling the letter he got already, classes having barely started, and his job to go test out the half of the twin closets that he'd gotten into the school, of course with Snape's help. He was sure without the professor he wouldn't have been able to get it past the high security this year when entering the school.
(Whoops. Subtly changes the class. xD )

Defense against the dark arts had always been his favorite subject. At least, until he arrived at school and the announcement was made about who would be their new professor. He could practically feel the smug smile on Snape's face, finally achieving the role he had always wanted. And when he walked into the classroom, he could practically feel that it was going to be a very long year. The room was kept dark, all the windows shut despite it being a beautiful day outside. On the board was the page they were expected to be on as as soon as they sat down.

Harry glanced at the page, expecting nothing less than the most difficult subject Professor Snape could manage. He had always done the same thing in his potions classes. And he was right. Non-verbal spells. Not very long into the lecture, Snape pointed to a piece of paper on the far wall. "All enrolled students in this class have their names upon that list, your partner has been generated completely at random. You have one week to write your research papers, and present non-verbal magic to the class. After which, all spells in this classroom will be performed non-verbally with no exception."

Harry didn't have to glance around to realize that there was no one in class that wanted to be his partner. Maybe because of all of the slandering, rumors, and bad press about him. He waited until the lecture had concluded, and even then he dreaded heading over to the list. Whoever it would end up being, the project would have been miserable.
Sitting through the boring introduction of class, Draco already internally groaned to himself. Though he knew that this year wasn't going to be easy for various reasons, and he knew Snape wasn't going to give him brownie points or anything for the new sort of arrangement they had between them, he was kind of hoping the raven haired professor, who was now bound by an unbreakable vow that he would essentially be his guardian at school, would give him a little slack.

However, as he was spacing out in class, and slapped on the back of a head with a thick, hard covered textbook, he winced as he jumped in his seat a bit, putting a hand to the back of his head as he glared up at Snape who was giving him an equally sharp gaze in return. Malfoy knew then he wouldn't be getting any extra slack or credit from the man.

As the class continued on, Draco wondered who his partner would be. At first he was ready to pick his own, already having the fool in mind that could do all the work for him. But then it was mentioned they were already predetermined at random. Well...he supposed as long as he didn't have to deal with Pansy, he could deal with whoever else it was. Though Pansy certainly would do all the work for him, and make sure it was excellent work at that. She was always such a suck up to him, clinging to his arms and coming after him - it was obvious to anyone, and all the Slytherins knew that the girl wanted to be the romance Draco chose.

As class ended, Draco pushed his books back into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as he headed up to the board, arrogantly shoving his way past people to see who he was paired with. He couldn't deal with waiting his turn, he didn't have the sort of patience or time for that right now. As he looked up at the board and his eyes fell on the name beside him, his jaw nearly dropped.

"You've got to be bloody kidding me..."
Students around the paper made mixed noises of elation and groans. Harry tossed his stuff into his bag as slowly as possible until he saw Snape start to approach him. He slipped away, just as he heard Malfoy's voice above the others. Maybe because he was tired, or maybe because he didn't expect Snape to do it, but he didn't think Malfoy of all people would be his partner.

He weaved his way through the slowly dispersing crowd to the board. His eyes widened as he realized why Malfoy had made a cry of protest.

"Language, Mr. Malfoy," Snape drawled half-heartedly. "As I said, all names were paired completely at random." A simple mixing spell had rearranged the names, and whatever the outcome was completely coincidental.

"Just great," Harry raked a hand through his already messy hair. As if non-verbal Magic wasn't difficult enough, now he had to attempt it with Malfoy as his partner.
Malfoy came back to his senses when he heard Snape's voice not far beside him. He turned and glared at the professor "This surely has got to be some joke. There's no way I could be partners with that Potter" he argued, almost childishly. Usually when he complained he got his way. But of course that wasn't going to happen with Snape. He scoffed at the professors re-explanation of the complete randomness of the names chosen together. He rolled his eyes as they then fell on the green eyes Potter a few persons away from him.

Narrowing his eyes into a glare, he turned on his heel and shoved past people as he pushed them out of his way, and purposly knocked shoulders with Harry as he glared at him "You better be ready, Potter. I'm not going to fail this assignment just because of the lack of brains you inherited from your father" he scoffed, shoving past him as he continued out of the classroom, his cloak seeming to dramatically wave behind him in recognition of his arrogant attitude and irritation.
Harry returned the glare with venom. "I can think of worse things to inherit. Maybe a cell in Azkaban," he spat as Malfoy stormed off in a flourish. He rolled his eyes and threw his bag over his shoulder before heading out of the classroom. He knew he should have stayed in bed. Or skipped class at the very least. Not that it would have gotten him out of having Draco Malfoy as his research partner. If he ever did learn to cast spells non-verbally, he would very much enjoy demonstrating something much more satisfying than a simple disarming spell. A few good hexes came to mind.

"Bloody git," he muttered under his breath. Well, if Malfoy already had the mark and orders to kill him, Harry hoped it would be before the very long, and difficult research project. At least he'd be put out of his misery. He was tired of everyone keeping secrets, and their distance from him. Considering there was no one he could talk to anymore, not Ron or Hermione, or Dumbledore, or anyone in the Order, Harry had been keeping most things to himself. It didn't do much for the anger and resentment boiling underneath his skin.
"Watch your bloody mouth, Potter" the blonde hissed as he spun on his heel glaring at said male with a vengeance. How dare the other insult his father....well, he supposed he technically did start the father insults. But in Malfoy's eyes he was allowed to, but of course, no one was allowed to make the same such jokes back at him. He grit his teeth as he glared at the other. How was he supposed to get any sort of project done with the other as his partner - let alone something so big. He internally groaned as he turned back around and started heeding off towards his next class.

As he stepped into the greenhouse for herbology class, he knew it was going to be as boring as it had been every year before this on. Leaning back against a table, her internally rolled his eyes as Professor Sprout was going on about some nonsense he could really care less about. Neville however, who was in his class, was clearly enthralled by the boring lecture. Rolling his eyes nearly so far back into his head one would think they'd get stuck, Draco 'accidentally' knocked over a pot beside him - though it was also behind Goyle who suddenly freaked out. And the idiot actually thought it was himself who knocked it over. Draco snickered to himself as Sprout went on at Goyle about being more careful and to clean it up.
The minutes seemed to drag by. Harry wasn't really listening at all in Herbology, despite Hermione's constant looks and one painful rib jab. It wasn't really a good class to talk, it was too small and everyone could hear everything. Besides, they were always elbow-deep in soil. He occasionally glanced at Malfoy, especially after the pot fell to the floor, but he found looking at the blond made him angry all over. His other classes were much the same, and by the time he got to divination he was very ready to head back to the dormitory and just sleep the day away.

He slumped in his chair, staring at the crystal ball in front of him and frowning. Professor Trelawney droned on and on about mysticism and the third eye. He might have fallen asleep at some point. Until the professor made a startled noise near his table and hovered her hands over his crystal ball. "My boy, you are in great danger. You have the dark star over your head–very dangerous, very deadly. Great changes will come to pass, and you will make a choice."

Her eyes looked owlishly large behind her thick spectacles and Harry wasn't entirely sure if he was still dreaming. "Er, really...? That's erm, fascinating," He bit back the remark about how it really didn't sound any different than any other year. Ron snorted beside him.
As the day dragged on, Malfoy continued to annoy his 'friends' by use of abuse or torment - typically getting them in some sort of minor trouble or scolding lecture from a professor. Considering it was the first week most - granted MOST - professors were being very tolerable of the students - especially any first years.

Which was another thing that Malfoy was finding enjoyment in - tormenting the new students, be them in his own house or another, and getting them lost and confused in the halls. Occasionally one would ask him directions - not knowing who he was, and he would either snap at the foolish brats, or nonchalantly send them entirely in the wrong direction, which he found further entertainment in just imagining them when they finally found their classroom and showed up late, only to get a scolding lecture from the professor to learn the hallways and particularly the changing staircases.

One other thing Malfoy seemed to notice along his day of classes, something particularly unfortunate....he noticed that damned Potter was in a lot of his classes. What was up with that anyways? Not only he had the misfortune of having him as a partner in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, however he also had to experience his annoying presence in three other classes as well.

They were currently sitting in Divination, sitting in the far back with two other Slytherins and making snide comments regarding Professor Trelawney and her either being crazy or senile. As he watched the old woman stumbling through her own class, he couldn't help but snicker as she spoke to Harry and what she had to say. He couldn't help himself as he spoke up, snickering "You better watch it, Potter. Maybe You-Know-Who will pursue you finally" he teased. Of course, Draco knew this was true, and that the infamous dark wizard really was back. However, many people this year didn't have trust or faith in Potter, thinking him a liar talking about Voldemort being back and all. Draco knew it was true, but since no one else believed Harry, they all snickered up at Draco's commented, nearly the entire classroom seeming to mock the famous Harry Potter.
Harry had become used to taunting, torment, and threats. He didn't even look as Malfoy made his snide remark from across the room. Thanks to the Daily Prophet, and slandering from the ministry, no one believed that Voldemort was alive. It had become a joke, like he had become the boy who cried wolf. And he knew Malfoy knew the truth, because of his association with Voldemort's most trusted followers. He hardly had any friends anymore, even his fellow housemates had begun to think he was a liar, crying for attention. That was the last thing he wanted, let someone else be the 'Boy Wonder', and take all the life-threatening situations too.

Ron made a move to turn around and say something but Harry kicked him under the table. "Don't bother," he muttered. "He's been a git all day." Harry had no idea ho how he was supposed to get through this project with a partner like Malfoy. Maybe he could ask for another partner. Not that Snape would ever accommodate him, in any way shape or form. He would probably pass Malfoy and fail Harry no matter what their project turned out.

Professor Trelawney tried to calm the class down, without much avail. Throughout the rest of her lecture students were either talking, sleeping, or enchanting items with sticking charms and sticking them to the ceiling, only to fall down on unsuspecting victims below. As soon as the class ended Harry made his way out of the room, bag slung over his shoulder. It had been the last class of his day, but it wasn't as if he could relax. The threat of failing Snape's class loomed over his head as he thought about the project. "Go on without me, I have to talk to Malfoy," Harry said as Ron approached him in the hallway.

"What for?" The redhead looked partially disgusted and partially baffled. "Not that project thing, right? Mate, I'd take my chances and do it on your own. Rather take detention in the Forbidden Forest than work with Malfoy..."
"What was that Weasel? Sticking up for your boyfriend again?" he sneered as he noticed the red head ready to snap back at him "Oh, thats right. You're dating that mudblood, weren't you?" he smirked arrogantly watching said male turn as red as his own hair. He grinned though as he noticed Harry calming his friend down and barely managing to restrain him "You've got a pretty good leash on him, dont'ya Potter?" he rhetorically stated.

Sitting back and smirking with that smug look on his face, Draco thought himself pretty clever, and proud of his disturbance in the class that caused people to laugh at Harry. Although of course he knew everything about Voldemort being back was true. And thinking about it now left a sour expression on his face, no longer taking in the enjoyment of the joke that the rest of the class was sharing. Just thinking about the dark wizard....well, it made his skin crawl, and blood run cold. They way he instinctively reacted proved he wasn't cut out for the darker side of magic, not to the extent of being a Death Eater, anyways. But he was too proud of a person, he was a Malfoy, and he couldn't dare admit such reluctance.

The rest of the class went by with his mind distracted about other thoughts, ones he knew he really should rather be focusing on, and other duties he had to attend. As class had finally ended, Malfoy sighed with relief, kicking his feet off of the table he had them propped up on for the majority of class. Standing, he grabbed his back, not even needing to pack it up since he hadn't bothered to unpack it with the book he needed for the class today. This class really was a waste of his time. Time that could be much better spent. Rolling his eyes to himself at Trelawney's ridiculousness, he headed out of the classroom, only he wasn't expecting someone to be waiting for him, Potter, nonetheless.

As he rounded the corner outside the classroom door, about to descend the steps, he halted abruptly as he found himself facing Harry, who seemed to have been waiting just for him. He scoffed with a glare "What do you want, Potter? Don't tell me I hurt your feelings" he sneered, nodding to his friends to go on ahead without them as they left.
Ron made a face, but he turned to leave regardless after one last look at Malfoy. He muttered 'see you later' to Harry and headed off to the Gryffindor common room. Harry didn't watch Ron leave, instead he turned to look as the blond approached with his usual haughty expression and snarky comment. "Couldn't if you tried," he muttered dryly. Oddly, he could care less what the Slytherin said about him, having had years of verbal abuse from his aunt and uncle and cousin. It was only when his friends were spoken ill of that it made his blood boil.

"Like it or not, we're partners on this assignment. Unless you have some brilliant plan to get ourselves assigned new partners, we have to get it done by the deadline." Even if he managed to learn non-verbal spells himself, they were required to present as a team not as individuals. "So for one week, Malfoy, stop pretending popularity and prestige is everything that matters and come to the bloody library with me so we can get this done and over with. Trust me, I'm as thrilled with this set up as you are. But if you can manage to be at least civil for a few days we can finish this."

He wasn't sure if calling a temporary truce was asking too much. But the least he hoped for was Malfoy to go to the library for a few days. And then if they managed the theory, they could practice non-verbal spells before the project deadline. And after one week, the blond could go back to being a pompous bully if he wanted.
Simply rolling his eyes as Harry started to give him a lecture about being somewhat civil and behaved at least, for the duration of this project, he leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed as he waited for the other to finish his 'good student' lecture about working together as much as they both didn't want to. He sighed a bit and feigned hurt "well you don't have to act like you hate me so much, Potter" he smirked as he stood back up before frowning "Lets get this bloody assignment over with then, yeah?" he said before he started walking down the stairs towards the library with the other.

He could already tell it was going to be a hell of a long week. All he needed first thing this year too. As if he didn't have enough on his bloody plate. He sighed to himself, rubbing his temples as he momentarily lost himself in his thoughts. However, remembering that he was still with Harry for the time being, he regained his composure "So...where do you suggest we look for relevant books?" he said as he scanned the library once they stepped into it. He honestly hardly used it, and wasn't familiar with where to find books or how to find one specific. After all, he usually had other willing Slytherins do his work for him. He knew he wasn't quite going to get away with that on this assignment though.

He was hoping they wouldn't be entirely long today. He had initially been planning to take care of some things with that old rickety cabinet he'd snuck into the school. But now Harry was being the proper student and wanting to study right away, on the first day too. He supposed it was for his own benefit as well, though.
Harry was relieved that it wasn't quite as difficult as he had first thought to get Malfoy to agree to work on their project together. He relaxed a little, marginally, and nodded. Snape hadn't given them any hints on where to start of course, so to be honest he was just as lost as Malfoy. Hermione, thankfully, had written him a list of books that could be used along with which section to find them in. It was one positive thing he had gained in herbology, at least. He set his bag on one of the tables and pulled the list out of his pocket. Thankfully, there was hardly anyone in the library because he was tired of the looks and the whispers and the taunts.

"This should probably get us started," There were almost a dozen books listed, but they probably only needed two or three. Harry carefully tore the list in half and gave half of it to Malfoy. He was glad Hermione had listed the section, number, and author on each of the books because at this point he wasn't really focused enough to tell the difference between a bezoar and belladonna, let alone peruse the library on their first day of classes looking for the right titles and subjects.

Harry raked a hand through his hair as he looked down at the list. "Meet back here then, when we find them." It was probably a good thing that they had gotten to the library early, because Harry expected all of the other pairs to head out in search for the books all at once, considering their ridiculously tight deadline. He wasn't used to studying on his own, normally he had Hermione for this kind of thing, so honestly he wasn't' sure how to divide up the work or set times to practice with the Slytherin.
When the other seemed just as lost as himself in the library, Draco could already tell this assignment was going to involve a lot of work from both of them. He sighed a bit "Bloody useless" he muttered before he turned back to the other and saw the other pulling out a list. He blinked a bit as he looked at what appeared to be a never ending list of books "You've got to be kidding....even splitting this up will take a half hour at least to find them all" he muttered as he snatched his half offered to him out of the others hand "Yeah yeah, you better not make me wait long" he muttered, implying he'd find them all before Harry and the other would get himself lost trying to find one.

Tossing his own bag down on the table where Harry had put his, Draco then turned and started looking for the books. As he went over the list more detailed, he noticed that all the books had actually been labeled where they were, and quiet specifically too. He supposed that mudblood must have helped Harry, there was no way he would know this many books....and just what did she do with that brain of hers anyways? How could anyone ever remember the author and specific number and section of where to find a single book, let a lone two dozen - even more so, ones that weren't for pleasure reading, and were stupid information boring textbooks. Then again though, he figured for Hermione they probably were for enjoyment of her own reading. He scoffed with a roll of his eyes as he walked down the isles of bookshelves, finding another one as he added it to the pile in his arms.
Harry supposed he really owed Hermione for this one. Well, he owed her for a lot of things. He wasn't sure he'd still be alive if she hadn't kept her head cool and pulled both him and Ron out of trouble countless times. He gathered the books on the list, at least the ones that were still in the library, and set them on the table. Apparently, as non-verbal magic was an essential and common skill practiced in school, there were quite a few books. The theory shouldn't be too hard to get down, but practicing it would take some time.

He didn't know which ones were going to be useful, so he just grabbed one at random and skimmed the index. He wasn't entirely sure what he was looking for, and of course any useful information was stuffed inside massive chapters filled with other text. He muttered under his breath as he slumped in his chair, head on his hand, looking through the pages for information on the practice of non-verbal magic.

It sounded like it required a lot of discipline and concentration, and for some reason certain spells didn't work as well when not said aloud. He hoped he wasn't supposed to memorize the list or write in depth about it on his essay. But knowing Snape, he probably would have. And how was he supposed to pick a spell from the list to practice? How the bloody hell was he supposed to know which ones were easier to do non-verbally without going through all of them?
After finding a majority of the books, Draco headed back towards the table they had initially grabbed and set their stuff at. Tossing the books with a loud thud on the surface of the table in a stack, he sighed, murmuring something about how this was so ridiculous as he sat down across from Harry at the table. He glanced to him, seeing the male, albeit frustrated, was already starting reading through them. He rolled his eyes as he lazily grabbed one of the books, skimming through the pages and frowning as he glanced to the sack of six other books in his own stack, and probably equally the same if not a few more in Harry's own stack.

He didn't have the time for this. How were they supposed to narrow down information from such a large and vague topic. That damned Snape, he couldn't at least assign a more specific and narrowed research project and assignment to do? This would take any normal person weeks! Internally groaning to himself, he tried to skim the books to at least see which ones had the best information. He supposed he could at least help the Gryffindor narrow down their books to more specific and important ones. As he was doing this, he noticed some books would have the same information as each other, or only cover a little bit of information even remotely related to non-verbal spells.

After about an hour, Malfoy stood up, slapping his hand on top of a stack of three books from his own pile, having narrowed it down "Well Potter. I have better things to do than live in a library. These books are the most relevant and have the most information, the others are entirely useless, if you ask me. Just repetitive and a waste of time to read" he said as he picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulder "I'm sure you could make some use of them" he said as he looked like he was about to just up and leave - which he was.

"Whenever you're done, take these books and check them out with whichever from your own pile you decide on. I have more important things to do" he said as he turned and left. Thinking Harry would be holed up in the library for a while, he wasn't concerned about Potter being nosey around him like he had been the past day or two already. Carrying his back over his shoulder, he walked through the halls of Hogwarts, occasionally glancing around himself, growing a little bit more paranoid with each corner he turned and got closer to his destination, to be sure no one was following him.
At least one thing had been decided–he would never enjoy studying. Did anyone really enjoy reading on all this stuff? Sometimes he wondered about Hermione, because honestly he would rather be outside on the grounds visiting Hagrid, or in the dormitory playing wizard's chess or, well just about anything at this point. He blinked past the blurry lines as Malfoy said something, though he wasn't really paying attention as to what.

He threw the Slytherin a dark look, "Better things, I'm sure," agitation instantly turned into suspicion. Maybe the others didn't believe him, but he had a feeling Malfoy was into something dangerous. And his suspicions were usually what saved his life. He tossed the book he had been reading hastily into his bag and threw it over his shoulder before following Malfoy at a distance. He had become quite good at sneaking around the castle, undetected. It wasn't really a skill he should boast about, but it certainly did come in handy.

He frowned, staying close to the wall as Malfoy turned down the hallway that had become very familiar to Harry. He furrowed his brows and watched, really, really hoping he didn't run into Peeves, or worse...Snape. He had a feeling his least favorite professor had some kind of connection with Malfoy this year and Harry was going to prove it and put a stop to whatever was being planned.
As Draco made his way through the long corridors of Hogwarts, he made sure not to be seen. The last thing he needed was to come up with some lame excuse as to what he was doing. Especially regarding that damned, nosey Potter. Well, he left him with those stack of books, and he was in the middle of scanning one, so Draco didn't think the male would be following him around at the moment, anyways. Gripping the strap of his book bag, he glanced around before he slowly slipped through a door, quietly closing it behind him.

Stepping further into the room, he glanced around the rather cluttered and dusty storage room, a place that rarely to never was used for anything. Actually, it wasn't used for anything for storage. Not even couples trying to get some secret snogging in away from the prefects and professors would come here.

Glancing around the room he was looking for something in particular. Having set his book down on a table, he looked for the object Snape had said he'd gotten in to this room, since it would have been easier and less suspicious for a professor moving things around as big as furniture, rather than a student. Finding a fairly clean cloth that wasn't covered in as much dust as the rest of the objects, he yanked it from what it was covering, revealing the seemingly old and useless closet.
(I'm alive!! I'm actually working two positions at work, so full time and then some. Won't be on much during the week, until things slow down a bit. But I'm off on weekends.)

He knew Malfoy was up to something...there was no way he'd be in the room by himself unless he was up to something. but how was he supposed to get in there without Malfoy noticing? He could wait until the blond left, but that could be hours. He couldn't stand here for hours, waiting behind the wall like this.

Harry weighed his options. He approached the door, quickly and quietly, and kneeled down to peer inside the keyhole. It was dark inside and he could barely see anything except old dusty furniture.

"Why would Malfoy want anything to do with old cabinets and chairs?" He whispered, wishing Ron or Hermione were here so he could prove to them he was right. At least, partially. He didn't know if Malfoy had the mark yet.
(okay~ No problem, thanks for letting me know ^^ )

Glancing over the old and splintered cabinet, Malfoy bit his lip as he looked at it, almost fearfully. He took a step forward, slowly walking around it as though he were sizing up an enemy or something of the sort. He stopped his pacing when he had rounded back to the front of the cabinet. Glancing at the handle, he slowly, cautiously reached out for it, before quickly opened the door as though to get it over with. He let out a breath of air he hadn't even realized he had been holding. Walking closer to the opening, he glanced inside the cabinet, looking at the empty space, the walls of the closet filled with splinters.

Shaking his head he shut the door before walking back over to his bag he had placed on a table, clicking his teeth in irritation "Damned room" he muttered seeing the dust that had gotten all over his bag merely by setting it down. Sighing he flipped the flap of it open, reaching inside to grab the apple he had taken earlier from breakfast in the great hall. Tossing it up and down in the air in one hand as he caught it a few times, he walked back over to the closet. Opening the door, he stared at the splintered floorboard of it before setting the apple down inside and shutting it.

After closing the door back up, he walked away from it, pacing around as he rubbed the back of his neck. He nearly looked pained in the face just standing in the room as the closet. After a few minutes, he stopped his pacing and stared back at the closet. Feeling the cold sweat on the back of his throat, he slowly walked back over to the closet, opening the door once more to see the same apple still there. However with a bite taken out of it. Feeling his blood run cold a bit as he shakily picked up the apple, he stared at it, before dropping it to the floor and hastily tossing the old sheet back over the closet. Snatching he bag up from the table, he nearly bolted from the room, swinging the door open.

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