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Nation Building Second Dawn OOC

Deth said almost on the first page of the interest check any guns we can make are going to makeshift, like the pipe guns we see in Fallout 4. These are nowhere near pipe guns.
Mmhmmm, on another bit of rant bait.

Who the fuck is going to fly that Eurofighter Kent found? Xd
Mmhmmm, on another bit of rant bait.

Who the fuck is going to fly that Eurofighter Kent found? Xd
I don't get the logic of people finding planes and instinctively knowing how to fly them without any sort of training whatsoever either. My head canon is that factions just scavenged a few flight books and were somehow able to use the knowledge contained within to not instantly crash.
I don't get the logic of people finding planes and instinctively knowing how to fly them without any sort of training whatsoever either. My head canon is that factions just scavenged a few flight books and were somehow able to use the knowledge contained within to not instantly crash.
Like don't get me wrong, the Cessna's yes. When I was in Cadets it took me five minutes of simulator time to learn to handle it. 75% of the flight school is laws and theoreticals you don't actually need most days.

Jet fighters are different, they takes months if not years for some people to learn to fly them. Not to mention operatate all of the systems included in them. And the Parts to build one, Lul!

Like I'll give it to Kent that he does have trained pilots already but rotor wing is different from fixed wing. Like I've managed to appropriate a couple new toys and those are most likely going to be stripped to get another couple of the tilt wings operating.
It is really odd how a lot of these nations have these firearms, why can't we all just have bastard swords, claymores, longbows, shortbows, rapiers, and so on smh.
It is really odd how a lot of these nations have these firearms, why can't we all just have bastard swords, claymores, longbows, shortbows, rapiers, and so on smh.
Making firearms isn't that difficult if someone passes down the information. But you do have a point. The first few nations were armed heavily with melee
I agree completely. And I let in a few nations that I most certainly should NOT have, thinking back, and it kinda grew. Now I am tasked with either retconning half the apps and going back to my original vision or trying to find a tricky balance with new nations. I dont like the idea of either but I feel Retconning is the best choice but it means many will lose a lot of things and I will have to spend my limited time arguing these things.
Wait, does everybody have warships? I thought they were suppose to be rare or a state of disrepair.
Most people have like small boats, or wooden ships. Don't worry the Belfast is still easily the king of the waves.

Tbh I want to see a wooden ship go up against the Belfast. Would be kinda funny, they would get like one broadside off before the 155mm would kill em. That's if you even let them get in visual range
Birds you say? I shall shoot them out of the skies with my AA positions, and wipe out any naval threat you present with a very nasty punch of shells.

>Takes a wiff from a pipe and puts on an Englishman's classy monocle<
Birds you say? I shall shoot them out of the skies with my AA positions, and wipe out any naval threat you present with a very nasty punch of shells.

>Takes a wiff from a pipe and puts on an Englishman's classy monocle<
Cruise missile would cripple the AA. That is if I didn't just fight you in a sneeki way.

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