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local tired fool
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My Interest Check
Eloise Solace
Eden Town Mayor
cs link:
Eden Town Festival Plaza
image credits:
Idolmaster Shiny Colors Kogane Tsukioka P-SSR [hurray for...]
As the fireworks went off, signifying the start of a brand new year, the arrival of Spring 1st, Eloise turned her attention back to the residents of Eden Town.

"I want to wish you all a happy new year! And... if I might have a moment to be a little sentimental," she smiled softly, brown hair fluttering in the light breeze. "I want to thank each and every one of you for coming to Eden Town. We've not even been here a full year, and I'm so, so happy with all the progress we've made so far! I hope that there will be many more New Year's Festivals here, with more and more people as time goes on!"

A pause, looking up to the sky. "When I first came here, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do this... but thanks to all of you, I'm sure that we can!" A sentiment that she hoped that everyone else held. "Things are still going to be tough in the year ahead, there are still many things this town needs, but together we'll make it through! Keep supporting each other, and keep doing your best! Now, let's ring in the new year, eat some more delicious food, and mingle together! Make some resolutions and such!"

Eloise turned her attention to the banquet table and grinned, waltzing off the stage to join the rest of the townsfolk in the celebrations, grabbing a plate and beginning to pile it up with food.


// side note! if you ever wanna make a 1x1 or b-side thread, feel free to do so! :>
code by @Nano

Penelope West
Mentions: Mayor Eloise AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious , Elora ButterFree07 ButterFree07

A new year, it’s hard for Penelope to believe that she would be spending such an occasion publicly rather than alone or with her family. Back then it seemed fitting after a hard day. Simply lounging in her living room and watching the countdown from her TV. Afterward, she would give her greetings and call it a night to avoid her parent’s guilt trip. She knew they were proud, but they have a point with how busy her schedule was, it was hard to find the time. It was only last year did she find herself with a cooking block. Now here she is chasing new horizons and jumping out of her comfort zone.

Here she stood listening to the mayor give her speech. It was warm and welcoming. Penelope can practically feel what the girl was putting out. To inspire and touch the hearts of the community. It was a nice touch to be outside gazing at the fireworks display. The mayor clearly had taste and an acute sense of how to portray the event. Her eyes scanned the crowd. To think a town is being rebuilt in front of her eyes. She felt like a pilgrim who had found her place. She has yet to see what Eden lies in store for her. She hoped it would help her regain her spark in culinary.

Once the speech was over, it was time to ‘mingle’. For Penelope, that was not a problem, though she had no idea how to start except a simple conversation. Maybe ask about their aspirations and how they found themselves in Eden. It’s a great start, and she can always rely on food to comfort her or even discuss it. Maybe she can find someone with similar tastes to pass the time. She can always find Elora if all else fails or maybe just stand beside the buffet table and observe in silence.

Ryusei Akiyama
Pessimistic Florist
The fireworks that had pierced the sky had caused a lot of feelings to rush through Ryusei's mind. The sparkling lights slightly reminded him of home, but it wasn't quite getting there yet. The crowds around that were listening to the mayor's, or in other words; Eloise's speech, could be counted similar to the big blobs of traffic happening in the city. The girl though, seemed to be a bit too bright for her own good. He could basically put her in a field of flowers, and he wouldn't be able to tell where she was, since plants were just a percentage of how much light the sun could give off.

The amount of optimism one person could give off was already overwhelming, but the woman who wasn't afraid of saying things out loud to heart's content was practically exuding oceans of it. Would he drown, or would he float, was the likely question to follow after those thoughts. If he wasn't here at Eden, there was a likely chance he would've reconnected with his sister. But that would mean also letting down his mother's wishes. A package or perhaps a bouquet of petunias for someone, and then a flower weaved basket for the other. It wasn't hard to do, in fact, it was calming. But how could he stay calm in area that begged for loudness? There was no solitude around here, nor silence so people could just be amazed from the 'light show' that was going on above their heads.

Finally the mayor, or whatever role she had in this area, had finished speaking. There was a pause in the air, and a moment to ease his ears. What was he to do now? He would ask himself that almost during every terrible scenario, despite knowing their was no answer. People's actions tend to be random, not what one expected to do in the first place. That is why planning things in-depth wasn't always the way to go. But if it worked, it just meant someone rolled a dice and got a good roll from luck.


He didn't have any of it, or at least, none from where he came from. But he didn't want to stay isolated in his depression. If this was a time to share joy, it was a time to share joy. Eloise had left for the banquet, and he was about to approach too. He figured he wouldn't take anything though, as of right now, the food didn't seem so appealing. He was afraid of how it'd feel once in his mouth, and that estimation gave him the ick.

Mentions: AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious
Satoshi & Peony
Among the gathering of old friends and new, Satoshi stood beside Peony to watch the fireworks. It was the first New Year's celebration that they had attended together in quite some time, and as usual Peony had been chatting away as Satoshi listened. When the mayor began her speech, Peony quieted down, both friends listening with interest to the words of gratitude and encouragement. It was nice to hear, particularly in consideration of how much work they still had left to do.


For Satoshi, setting up a clean and professional environment had been one of his top priorities. He had mostly succeeded in that, having been able to use the existing building and renovate it to a workable condition. Still, renovations were far from complete. Aesthetics were a key psychological component in the healing process, which was not his area of expertise. In that regard, Satoshi considered that he should try to speak to the local artist about what manner of decorations he could utilize to make the space more appealing. The office was hardly a welcoming environment in its current state.

As he looked around, it occurred to Satoshi that there were far more people who had arrived since he had first moved in. Many of whom had yet to visit his office. He was struck with the desire to go around and ensure everyone knew where his office was located, but perhaps that would be too overbearing, both as an introduction as as the first subject of discussion in the new year. As he was busy overthinking this, he realized that Peony had already gone off to socialize. Satoshi somewhat envied her sociability. He adjusted his coat, noting that it was beginning to be a bit too warm with the change of seasons to wear a jacket like this one.


Peony, in contrast to her more apprehensive friend, took the opportunity to make her way to the buffet where several people had already gathered. In her experience, there were few things better than sharing food when it came to forging friendships. She joined Eloise in piling food on her plate, knowing her own appetite well. Farming had a way of burning a lot of energy, and after this gathering she planned to get right to work.

"I'll bet the ingredients are happy to have been turned into a feast like this," Peony commented cheerfully, making a point to look directly at those nearby whom she recognized. Eloise and Ryusei, two individuals who gave off completely different vibes. One who got right into the thick of things and one who seemed to be approaching more cautiously.

It was funny, Peony thought to herself, how a town like this could draw people of all sorts. If she were to guess though, it was that a small town in its early stages promised the opportunity to forge one's own future. That sort of chance was not something that could be passed up lightly. And just as the mayor herself had said, coming together in mutual support would prove vital to building that bright future.

Looking up at the sky, Alani's green eyes practically glittered with excitement, flashes of brief color flickering across them from the reflection of the fireworks she seemed so keen on watching.

Fireworks. A start to a new life, and the end of an old one. How funny that fireworks had been the reason she was here in the first place, yet oddly fitting.

There's a swell of something in her chest that she doesn't care to identify, instead turning with a wide grin to her older brother who donned a casual yet guarded stance; his own eyes lidded and distant.

"The fireworks are pretty, right Car? Take my picture, I wanna post this!"

Alani fumbles for her phone, nails tapping against the screen as she hurriedly unlocks it; mouth moving at equal speed. "New year, new me y'know? Gotta show out!"

She shoves the phone into her brothers hand without delay, trusting him to take a acceptable shot of her in the outfit she'd perhaps spent too much time deciding on and skips several feet away to strike an eager pose.

Ever dutifully yet still quiet, Carter snaps several pictures - knowing she'll want multiple ones to pick through.

"'Kay, now me and you." She all but demands, and Alani takes her phone back in favor of smushing herself against him, shoulder to shoulder (admittedly with a slight gap due to the height).

She grins into the camera herself, accepting the lack of enthusiasm in Carter's face as he accepted the duty forced upon him.

"Keep this up and imma crop you out of my pics from now on." She threatens, getting pinched in the side as a result. She shrieks -very ticklish- and dances away out of his reach.

Ironically she isn't too far from the table where all the food is being served, and doesn't hesitate to make her presence known - holding up her phone as she makes her statement.

"Guys! We should take a picture together! This year, and every year that comes!"

♡coded by uxie♡

Dean Reyes

Dean watched the fireworks display in awe. Each one showing a different art like a flower or an animal. It made him wonder how pyrotechnicians are able to shape anyone or anything when they launch the fireworks.

Dean’s attention was caught by the mayor, Eloise. Ever since he arrived in Eden to start his business, he never realized he would be doing more for the town. It's a blank slate, but well needed after the disaster that had befallen Eden in the first place. The new town felt small, yet familiar to him. A place where he didn't have to worry about violence or distances. The folks in town seemed as though they were happy, and it's what Dean desired.

The mayor had given a heartfelt speech that could inspire and beckon the town to do her bidding. Her leadership skills were evident with how mesmerized the crowd was. The town was in great hands, something Dean didn't have to worry about. A caring type of person. That marked his box on how he felt about Eden. The rest is still a mystery.

Once she was done, it was off to mingle with townsfolk. Something Dean worries about is to be noticed from his past crimes. He managed to get Scott free, but he felt karma is bound to haunt him in however form it takes to punish him. He's been kind, and repenting since his teenage years, yet he couldn't shake off the feeling of something unwarranted; so while he stood around, he observed the people in silence. His hand shoved in his pocket jacket due to nerves. If only there were a dog to distract him right about now.

Finn Rainier
the heart of the party
Minteafresh Minteafresh , whoever is sitting nearby
"To another year~" Finn's voice dances over the low rumble of the dying fireworks—only audible at all because of his timing. He raises the glass of amber liquor up to the sky and brings it to his lips.

The sharp, bitter taste was dulled by the two previous glasses. He took a look up to the sky, smiling into his cup. Another year.

The last one went by in a blur. He didn't exactly take carpe diem to heart, even after finalizing the inheritance of the fishery. But the festival somehow made it feel so much more real. The passage of time, as far as Finn was concerned, was an unfortunate byproduct of life. For the first time now, as he watched the colors blend into the sky and flicker down past the treeline, he took a moment to cherish it.

... And then, content with the amount of inner reflection he had achieved for one night, he took another swig of his drink. Leaning forward, he gave Alani a wide grin as he swirled his drink in his hand. With his free arm, he draped it around the back of the chair of the person next to him in a casual display of friendship.

"Make me look handsome, Alani!" He called out with a light laugh, giving a sharp grin and waiting for her count. Of course, he would stick out his tongue at the last moment.
code by @Nano
Last edited:

Almost instinctively, Satoshi had chosen to follow after his friend and join the table where Peony was enjoying the new year's feast with other, similarly jovial people. The atmosphere was loud, as people needed to speak over the fireworks, but nevertheless it wasn't too bad to see the townsfolk in good spirits. A positive outlook and resolution would only improve one's health, regardless of the statistically likely outcome that such resolutions would not last for long. Chances were that people might take their health a bit more seriously for at least a little while.

It was the curse of an introvert who was close friends with an extrovert to end up amongst a friendly crowd. That was the inevitable price of his social anchor being drawn to others by her very nature. Regardless, it still took him by surprise to have someone drape an arm behind him. It was an oddly familiar sort of gesture to make to someone who was, upon closer inspection, not someone whom Satoshi had the pleasure to make the acquaintance of yet. In all likelihood, the man was one of the townsfolk who had not had reason to visit his clinic yet, for better or worse. He made a mental note to track him down again later, since today was not the ideal time to be lecturing others on being proactive with their healthcare. It was a social affair after all, and while it was not his strong suit, Satoshi at the very least had the basic tact not to mix business with pleasure.

"A group photograph taken each year is an excellent idea," Satoshi said, adjusting his glasses as he shifted forward in his seat a bit to avoid leaning back. "Given the occasion, perhaps we could also take this opportunity to get a photograph of everyone in town? I'm certain that our mayor would appreciate being able to look back on how the town has grown from this year onwards."


The Teacher






Eden Town Festival Plaza


Mayor | Everyone

Sparks of color glimmered, painting the sky above them once the mayor was done with her speech. The sound of applause and cheers rippled through the air, a wave of joy that swept over the crowd. Soft emerald eyes watched, taking in the crowd's wide-eyed wonder as the fireworks burst above, filling the sky with radiant hues. Annalise felt that collective hope, the promise of something new and brighter for Eden. Her heart swelled at the sight of it all—people laughing, talking, their faces glowing in the light of the display.

Even standing at the back of the crowd, she stood still, quiet, allowing the energy to wash over her. The warmth of spring tinged with the cooler air, but the heat from the festivities seemed to keep the chill at bay. It was amazing, really, how the simple act of people gathering together could feel so powerful. But even amidst the celebration, there was a quiet space in her heart that stirred with unease.

She watched the crowd, trying not to feel too detached, too far away from the lively conversations swirling around her. She had never been one to mingle easily. The idea of standing near others, letting her presence be known, suddenly felt so daunting. Being in arm’s reach of so many strangers made her stomach flutter. The freedom she once longed for now felt like a heavy weight she wasn’t entirely prepared for.

Her grandparents had always been there, guiding her steps, telling her what to do and when. This newfound autonomy was both exhilarating and terrifying. She had chosen this, leaving her parents, seeking independence—but that choice had come with its own kind of loneliness, its own brand of challenge.

A deep breath helped clear the heaviness in her chest as she reminded herself of why she was here, of the journey ahead. She couldn’t let fear hold her back. She had to embrace the unknown, however overwhelming it might feel. For not just herself, but in honor of her grandparents. The very people who saved her and believed in her.

As she stepped forward into the crowd, the sounds of laughter and conversation filled her ears. She glanced around, meeting the eyes of a few residents who nodded in greeting. Her lips curved upward into a small but genuine smile, though her cheeks flushed a light pink as her shy demeanor peeked through. Her gaze shifted from one face to the next, noticing how different everyone was. Some were animated and boisterous, while others stood in quiet clusters, talking in low murmurs. It was a dizzying array of personalities, and it almost overwhelmed her. But there was something beautiful about it, too. Something... human. She could feel herself slowly becoming a part of it all.

Taking a moment to settle, she closed her eyes for just a second, inhaling the fresh, earthy scent of the night air mixed with the sweet, buttery aroma of food wafting nearby. The mingling fragrances of grilled meats, sugary pastries, and fried treats tugged at her senses, her stomach growling softly in response.

Her gaze drifted toward the food tables—plates piled high with vibrant salads, sizzling skewers of meat, golden pastries glistening with sugary glaze, and bowls of fresh fruit catching the last rays of daylight. The variety was dizzying, and her mouth watered just thinking about the flavors. She hesitated for only a moment, before a smile tugged at her lips again. Maybe she could get through this crowd, after all. There was a place for everyone here, even someone like her.

♡coded by uxie♡

  • how she's feeling...

    tipsy, shy and a little embarassed!


the farmgirl

"pour me another one, won't ya?"
reina flattened her black dress, holding her glass out to finn. she then posed for a couple quick photos, before swiging back her glass of booze. oh god, more and more talk was circulating of a group photo, she never did well in that sort of setting, let alone more drinks in than she could count on one hand.

"group photo?"

she swallowed, but before she could make sense of what was happening she was smooshed into the frame with everyone else, drink in hand, looking absolutely wasted, but wasn't that what new years was all about?

she gave a soft smile to the camera, praying she looked presentable, it wasn't often she got this wasted, but when she did, she was told it wasn't the prettiest sight to behold.

oh well, 'you only live once' she told herself. she found herself posing again and again until alani found herself satisfied with the photos.

"usually I'm not so quick to pose for photos, i suppose thats why they call this stuff liquid courage, huh?"

♡coded by uxie♡
Chisou Nakazawa
Arrogant Farmer
When the lights dimmed, the people socialized, and glasses clinked...time nearly froze for Chisou. He had settled himself down on the already limited seats, eyes cherishing the sights to see. There were several standing, and the others keeping their distance, but one girl had been loud enough to say to the crowd of something about pictures. Was he wanting to be in it? Well, it depended on how it came out as. No one would want to cringe at a terribly ugly photo of themselves, right?

There were times he questioned if he was photogenic, or just the random people who said it to him were lying. Chisou had absolutely no idea how a person could make a picture of themselves look great every single time, and he doubted he could. It was all in confidence, and even if he doesn't lack that trait, knowing that a camera was pointed at him who was in a big group was still weird.

Chisou's hand had already lifted up a golden corn dog, the crust seeming toasted just fine. The plate before him wasn't overloaded, since he didn't want to come off as a pig. Though, he had a guess there was some people who came to this meeting just for the food. It was reasonable, as everything smelled fine like it came right out of a five star restaurant. He twirled around the stick of the treat he held, before dipping it into some yellowish sauce he could care less about. When Chisou had bit into it, his face was pulled into a mix of surprise.

Now who could tell him this was a cheese corn dog before he ate it? A slow, but long line of the melted contents were starting to rush out, and now he looked a bit funny. Even if the cheese pull was satisfying, right in the blink of a photo was not how he wanted his night to go. Chisou has a lot of hopes...hopes that this photo brings out his imaginary photogenicness and so that he doesn't look like an utter idiot.

Mentions: Minteafresh Minteafresh
Saku Kabukimono
Lonely Writer
The lawful sound of his pen scratching paper had been like music to his ears. It put him at ease, somehow, for different reasons. For one, Saku was very used to writing things for hours and hours, but sometimes when he needed it, he would tend to look around for inspiration. There was never not enough to write about, as one word could change anything's meaning. He couldn't quite think of an example right the top of his head...but anyone would know how much a tiny thing could do, right?

Saku was placed a bit farther back of the chattering, and half drunk group, though he was close enough to be considered 'with' them. He certainly wasn't, since there wasn't a single familiar face around him. But, when he had heard Alani saying something about taking photos, he was quick to try and slip away entirely. He did not want to be seen on camera, especially of how he put himself together tonight. Just casual clothes, since he couldn't find the real importance of Elosie's big statement, and a pair of headphones slung around his neck. His attempt backfired, and someone had bumped into him and caused him to fall a bit closer in the frame. Now he just wished he had his hood up a bit more quick enough to hide his face and whatever else.

Sometimes, Saku had paired off with a set of glasses that were only used for reading, but he had managed to pull of sliding some contacts in just in case he needed them. Of course, he always had the urge to scratch them out and instead see with his perfectly fine vision. Though, since he spent so much time looking down at his own very notebook...he'd technically need to 'read' every second.

Mentions: AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious & Drunk Beings
Zhao Li
Swift Cake Designer
Zhao's fingers danced along the edges of a cupcake wrapper, which still had the contains uneaten. It was a carrot blueberry, but wasn't matching up well with his tastes. What he was actually more interested by was the way it was designed. Simple, easy, and still tempting. Now there were wonders of how he'd be able to top it off with something of his own, back at where...he actually had his supplies at. None the less, he still had to eat- or at least put up a show to make sure no one would think he'd leave on an empty stomach.

Zhao wasn't to be taken as someone who loved delving more into sweets, but he didn't want to snatch something from the middle that would end up feeling weird in his mouth and also wasted. Even the aroma of everything was all that good, so he deftly stabbed a small chunk of a cake. Chocolate, layered in peanut butter. Now that was too much of a certain combination...the person who made it should've toned things down. If he wasn't so good with drizzling things with his hands, he might just be better as a food critic.

His cheek was simply cupped by the palm of his hand, and when his eyes had wandered up, he was looking a bit towards a flailing camera that wasn't even being held up properly. Zhao had taken a few moments to understand who "Guys" was indicating, but he still ended up not moving a inch for the sake of whoever was going to be keeping the portraits.

Mentions (Slightly): Minteafresh Minteafresh
Eloise Solace
Eden Town Mayor
Alani ( Minteafresh Minteafresh ), Finn ( 2mb 2mb ), and also everyone else
cs link:
Eden Town Festival Plaza
image credits:
Idolmaster Shiny Colors Kogane Tsukioka P-SSR [hurray for...]
The brunette's eyes lit up upon hearing Alani's suggestion! "Oh, wow! That's a wonderful idea! Not only can it give us good publicity, but it'll make a record of our growth over the years! I love, love, LOOOOOVE looking back on things! Come on everyone, let's get in the picture!"

Eloise gave a bright smile as everyone gathered around Alani, doing her best not to jitter with excitement. Everything was just so... wonderful and amazing and it made her so happy that this venture was panning out.

Maybe she was… the teensiest bit tipsy, and that was making her a bit more emotional. The year was young, and she needed to get it out of her systems anyways. Leave all her burdens behind tonight so that she could start working hard tomorrow. Even if it came with a hangover…

Once the photo was taken, she had been on her way back to her food when she remembered something! “Oh, oh! Finn, the… the fish game! Right? Are we still doing that? I wanna try!” She grinned, alcohol and the cold making her cheeks flush. “Come play the goldfish game everyone! It’ll be fun!” An excitable mayor that had been drinking made for an interesting night, after all.

code by @Nano



To no one's surprise, Alani is pleased as punch with the general agreement. Or, at the very least, the lack of people scattering or ducking out of the frame. Her delight shows in her wide smile and rapid fire taps of her camera, capturing everyone within frame; their perfections and imperfections showing how utterly uniquely human each resident of Eden Town was.

"Looking good y'all!" She compliments, and pauses momentarily to flick through the pictures. There's a little bit of everything, from serious expressions to goofy poses. It's chaotic and messy, but there's an undeniable charm to it all the same.

Her eyes lit up at the mention of a goldfish game. Goldfish were kinda cute, though a bit dull. Even so, she was much more on board with the idea the game, as opposed to the fish part of it.

"Car! We should play!" She all but grips the arm of her older brother, already looking forward to whatever this goldfish game entailed. "You like fishing! It's probably got something to do with that. Right? Right." She fills in the blank silences from Carter on her own, to the point that the unassuming eye might think she was just talking to herself - which was true to an extent.

Alani steps closer to the table of food, peering at all the things. There's a few she's never tried before, grabbing a plate to serve herself. A brief moment of hesitation passes across her face as she debates going for an odd looking pastry she doesn't know the name of - yet in the end takes one and plops it down nonetheless.

"Gotta try new things, that's my new years resolution." She declares, though if she doesn't like it - she will be passing it off to someone else. Alani works through the entire buffet, grabbing a few things she recognizes - and a few she doesn't. All for the sake of broadening her horizons.

"Guys!" She raises her voice a little to be heard, returning to the group before everyone leaves. She takes a brief moment to bite into a jam filed pastry, giving a pleased hum. "What are your guys new years resolutions? Mines iiissss....learning fifty new hairstyles before the year is iver! And making more people come to my salon!" She wiggles her brows at the shameless advertisement - though doesn't bother jumping into a whole sales pitch, pointing at someone randomly in the crowd with the expectancy for them to talk.

♡coded by uxie♡

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