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Fandom Seasons of the Skaian Calendar: A Homestuck Roleplay

You look outside one of the porthole's below deck to see the ocean surrounding you and your dad's houseboat. The fish are all absent from the surrounding dockside because of the rough weather. You're unable to really get a good sense for the inclemency without a topside view. For that you'd have to go above deck.

> Opal: Play soulful minuet.

You pick up your melodica to JAM OUT a little since you've felt it's been too long. After all, what better thing to reward yourself for helping save Joan's life than a jaunty tune? You dance in time with your melody, relishing the opportunity to play something that contrasts against the bleak weather.

Though, you should probably get into contact with someone to help you in turn. If Joan's situation was any inclination, you aren't far behind in terms of impending armageddon.

> Opal: Talk to CG.

-– tributaryTeardrops [TT] began pestering caesuraGiddyup [CG] at 11:45 --
TT: hellllooooooooooooooo
TT: hello hello?????
TT: hellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
TT: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo??????
TT: im gonna keep doing this if you don’t answer, just fyi

CG: Sweet unborn Christ that is a lot of Os and Ls.
CG: Will your monopolization of the English alphabet never cease?

TT: : 0 !!!!
TT: well if it isnt everyones favorite cowboy i just wanted to see!!!!

CG: I would even be willing to say by some ludicrous prospect you’ve attained all the Os and Ls. All of them.
CG: I pray to the merciful God of words and letters that the question marks stay safe, considering how they’re clearly next up on your docket, you lexiconical colonizer.
CG: Wait, who would the God of letters be? Hermes? Or maybe Apollo...don’t know what I’d rhyme Hermes with…

TT: …
CG: Mayb Thoth? I don’t think I’ve done Egyptian mythos in my poetry yet.
TT: *snaps fingers* hey! Stay with me here
TT: girl in distress! about to die!
TT: well, maybe not about to
TT: like, about about to, maybe?

CG: What’s the matter?
CG: Being raided by pirates?

TT: augh, i wish
TT: lookin’ like meteors!
TT: joan almost got creamed but i totes saved her cute cyan butt
TT: with the game!

CG: What game? Is this about those discs you were speaking to me about cryptically before I got distracted?
TT: whaaaaaaaaaaaat? you? distacted? neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
CG: *Distracted.
TT: hehe, who said i made that spelling error unintentionally?
TT: some of us are into actual literature, you know, not that lame wordsworth crap you read

CG: What?
TT: anyways, run the game and connect with me
TT: it allowed me to spirit joan away like i had all the fairy magic, all of it
TT: and since she’s busy being you know, her cute distactable self, all lookin’ at shit and lookin for her uncle and shit
TT: i need you
TT: since gg’s...
TT: himself

CG: You know he isn’t as much of a downer as you keep saying.
CG: Me and Joan are perfectly capable of talking to him. Unlike you, who seem to think he “totally sucks teh life outta everyting” [sic].

TT: look man we could get into my problems with the guy or you could spy on a perfectly good girls bedroom and crash her furniture through shit
TT: and i won’t even be able to get angry!!! because you’ll be saving my life

CG: You sound like you are on drugs.
TT: the only drug im on is life
CG: Stay off the life drugs. Writing that down as a personal reminder.
CG: Anyways the problem stands that I don’t have my copy anymore.

TT: what
CG: I just don’t.
TT: dude you literally said you had it in an envelope half an hour ago in your sylladex
TT: what in the cowboy fuck happened

CG: I don’t want to cowboy explain.
CG: It’s cowboy embarrassing.

TT: well if you don’t cowboy resolve this then i’m cowboy fucking dead dude
TT: you want that on your conscience? because if i die i’m totally coming back as a ghost and haunting your ass

CG: Do what you will. And I think that would actually be hard because I will probably die by these meteors as well if GG lollygags and Joan is unavailable.
CG: Can a ghost haunt another ghost? Is that legal in the underworld?

TT: gahhh!!! stay on topic!!!!
TT: cowboy fix this shit and cowboy save me, alright?

CG: Only if you stop trying to make cowboy some kind of adverb.
TT: the hell is an adverb?
CG: I think my time’s better suited to getting my copy back than teaching you grammar.
TT: 10-4 on that
CG: Cowboy farewell, Opal.
TT: thanks!!!!!! good luck! < 333333333

> Opal: Go on the topdeck.

This sudden rainstorm is looking worse and worse for your internet connection. You decided to march of the steps to the deck of your family houseboat to get some better signal. The scene is about as bad as you could've guessed. Rain is torrential and unceasing up here! Your dad seems to have taken down all the important stuff and tied down everything, leaving the deck of the ship wet and exposed.

You look over to see the bay. Some bars are still open catering to tourists who are sheltering themselves from the rain. New Orleans always looked prettier in the middle of a storm, you think. The lights are more vibrant on the streets, and the cold air makes the food taste better in the shops. No sign of your dad anywhere.
Oh, yeah. And you criticized GG for being easily distracted. Hm, you guess that you should probably check on Joan. She needs you in the game, after all, right? Damn! She's not answering any of your messages, and your internet connection is getting worse and worse by the second.

> Opal: Consult source.

Your internet fully cuts out, leaving Joan Serverless for the time being, and yourself all the harder to reach from any prospective Servers in the future. You look around to see the rain blowing and getting harsher and harsher. This isn't good. Well, you suppose there's a source you can consult in times of crisis to see what to do next. You've always relied on it in times like this.

You captchalogue your laptop in your Graph Modus. It allows you to essentially create a pile of connected items that you can only select from in a particular flowing order, elsewise the whole thing falls apart.

> Opal: Sleep.

You go to SLEEP and awaken as you always do on the Dreaming Moon of the planet DERSE. You have always dreamed here ever since you can remember, and you have been guided by the voices of the GODS whose guidance has never led you astray. You step out of your room, floating over the vast purple city, and cast your gaze Outer Ring-ward.

You close your eyes, and simply let their voices come to you.

> Opal: Be the other guy.

Who's this interesting young man? Our narrative turns its attention toward a blonde teenage boy in a leather duster. You wonder wha-



Years in the future, though not a terribly large amount, all things considered.

A PACIFISTIC EMIGRANT trudges aimlessly as he has had for years through a BARREN DESERT. He wears a collection of rags to obscure his hulking frame, though by luck his white carapace merely twinkles in the heat of the day. He can only imagine what an exile from the sister Kingdom of Darkness would be feeling in this weather.

He comes across a HOLE IN THE GROUND the reveals a ladder leading down. Finally, a reprieve from that HOT SUN.

He slides down the ladder, and arrives in a small looking room where all walls are covered in METAL PANELLING. A few shipping containers are packed into a corner, bearing an interesting SPIROGRAPH PATTERN. One panel jutting out of the wall also bears the SPIROGRAPH PATTERN, but below is a gauge of sorts that reads in the GREEN, registering as full.

There is also a COMMAND STATION bearing a keyboard and a FOUR PANELED set of boxes, at the sides of which are TWO ADDITIONAL SCREENS. All but on (the top right) are blacked out and inaccessible. You enter a few commands, and eventually you see a familiar looking YOUNG GIRL.

> oh, hey kid

You are now Joan again. You have just been TRANSPORTED to some STRANGE AND DISTANT PLACE. The windows around your home darken, the light diminishes, and you suddenly feel MARGINALLY SAFER than you did before.

> kid, i said hey. can ya hear me?

She can not hear you! At least, she can not interpret your commands as literal words for her to respond to. And even if she could hear you, she would not even know who you are. She hasn't even met you yet, so she would just be confused by whatever it is you'd like to tell her.

> damn thing must be on the fritz, hold on, lemme see if i can fix it

You turn to the ALCHEMITTER with the odd feeling that this damn thing must be on the fritz, or something. But that can't be right, you just used it to successfully create your CRUXITE ARTIFACT a moment ago. Hm? What was that noise coming from the FRONT DESK area? Is there something beneath the counter?
> Joan: Look out windows.

You can't see anything, unless you were looking for the INKY BLACKNESS OF NIGHT. Which would be perfectly normal, if it wasn't for the fact that it was just MORNING seconds ago.

But that's the risk you take when you play reality-altering games, isn't it?

> Joan: Investigate mysterious noise.

Leaving the Alchemiter in the common living space, you head downstairs, through the kitchen and into the visitor's centre.

You slowly peak over the FRONT DESK that you have spent so many hours working behind...

Ah! It's...huh, it's some weird ghost blue thing? The ghost hovers for a bit, limbless. It seems to have the head of the JOI that stares back at you with a neutral expression. It seems a bit lost.

JOISPRITE: 01001000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01001010 01101111 01100001 01101110 00100001
JOISPRITE: 01010000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110000 01110101 01110100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101001 01101101 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01110010 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100110 01110101 01110100 01110101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100101 01110010 01110110 01101001 01100011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01101110 01100100 01100101 01111000 00101110
JOISPRITE: 01010000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110110 01101001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01110101 01100001 01100111 01100101 00100000 01110011 01100001 01101101 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 01110101 01101001 01110011 01110100 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101101 01100001 01110100 01110010 01101001 01111000 00101110 00100000

It seems Opal really made a last minute decision programming your KERNELSPRITE, not that you have any idea what that is. This thing is completely incomprehensible. It seems to be bumping into random objects, desiring something else that will allow it to speak?
> Joan: Help the unfortunately named sprite.

Lucky for both of you, there happens to be an ENCYCLOPEDIC repository of diction and knowledge nearby that would certainly help your new ally(?) learn the lingo around here.

You head back upstairs to the communal living space, noticing how the spectral automaton seems to follow you around. You retrieve AN INCOMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FORESTS, JUNGLES, AND OTHER SILVICAL HABITATS FOR THE ASPIRING ARBORIST VOL. 1 from the miscellaneous work table where you left it, heaving it's considerable weight in offering to the sprite.

Instead of the Sprite being characteristically frustrating or whimsical due to the nature of its first prototyping, it takes the tome READY AND WILLING for a second programming.

The ghostly image shifts as the Sprite grows leaves and vines around its body that bloom in unnaturally colored cyan. The figure now has a harshly contrasted half robotic, half druidic appearance, with the branches of trees growing from its robotic head and blooming flowers to make it look like it has horns.

> Arborsprite: Introduce Yourself

Arborsprite: Ah, much more ideal living conditions for my continued logarithmic development.
Arborsprite: Hello Joan, and thank you very much for programming me.
Arborsprite: I am Arborsprite, and I am your guide in this game.
> Joan: Talk with sprite.

You are now standing in front of a highly sophisticated arboreal computer ghost. This day just keeps getting weirder.

JOAN: Uh, hi.
ARBORSPRITE: Hello-again-Joan!
ARBORSPRITE: How has your entering been treating you?

JOAN: Well, I almost burned to death and/or got crushed by falling meteors.
JOAN: But aside from that, just peachy.
ARBORSPRITE: I'm going to register that as sarcasm, which is a playful form of human insincerity.

ARBORSPRITE: Human behavior cataloged.
ARBORSPRITE: Welcome, Joan, to The Medium!
JOAN: The Medium?
JOAN: What... is that?
ARBORSPRITE: The Medium is an extradimensional space in Paradox Space, which composes all of reality.

ARBORSPRITE: There is one for each Game Session, such as this one composed for you and your three friends.
ARBORSPRITE: Every game session has several fixtures common to it, and several which vary depending on the nature and number of its players.
JOAN: Alright, so it's basically the place the game happens in?
JOAN: I think I can follow that.

ARBORSRPITE: You are what's known as a "Hero", a player of the game sent into The Medium with the express intent of completing a noble quest, saving a Kingdom of Light and fulfilling what the entity known as Skaia has deemed your destiny.
ARBORSPRITE: Normally, I would be much more cryptic about the details of all of these things and the nuances involved for the purpose of aiding your psycho-social development, but for the atypical nature of your session I am far more liberal in my giving of information.
JOAN: I have many questions, but I'll start with the one that seems most important:
JOAN: What do you mean when you say "atypical?"
ARBORSPRITE: Several key factors in your session differ from norms of the Game and how it's played by others.

ARBORSPRITE: Your age upon entry is three years older than norm, for example.
ARBORSRPITE: Not to mention how you yourself are quite a unique case among players, even among your friends.
ARBORSPRITE: Traditionally the game is meant to be played where a set number of players arrive on their respective Planets, embark upon their respective quests and travel through their and their co-players worlds to eventually ascend the Echerungs until they reach the fabled "God Tier".
ARBORSPRITE: These are legendary titles composed of half a class describing one's abilities and half an aspect of reality.
ARBORSPRITE: Seer of Heart, Heir of Time, so on, so on.
ARBORSRPITE: But you are an anomaly: you have no discernable "aspect".

ARBORSPRITE: It's a mystery that I find myself unable to explain, for some reason. Perhaps in order to help your psycho-social development.
JOAN: So I'm a question mark even to you?

JOAN: That's not very reassuring.
JOAN: You say that it's traditional to travel around our planets -which I can only assume to be like levels in a game- and complete quests.

JOAN: Is that still the case here?

ARBORSPRITE: You have seven gates, each vertically accessible by the height of your respective domicile. You trade around with your co-players and such, gathering grist from defeating enemies and solving puzzles and such.
ARBORSPRITE: You sue the Grist to build your homes as servers, then eventually all reach the center blue sphere planet you see above, known as Skaia, for the final confrontation.

ARBORSPRITE: This is another anomaly however, as your final encounter is set to be far more difficult than normal because of your prototyping.
JOAN: What we put in the sprites affects the game difficulty?
JOAN: That doesn't bode well.

ARBORSPRITE: My system U.I is incredibly volatile for players when incorporated into the prototyping of the monsters you will face.
ARBORSPRITE: You understand, there are two kingdoms at war whose conflict is the backdrop to your Epic Quests and it is the Kingdom of Light's ultimate failing that precipitates your necessity as Heroes of Legend.
ARBORSPRITE: The Kingdom of Darkness, Derse which orbits the Medium furthest from Skaia's light, has two monarchs who oppose their counterparts in Prospit, the Kingdom of Light which orbits Skaia directly.
ARBORSPRITE: The JOI software is a learning algorithm which allows its users to become stronger as time passes and learn more about human behavior.
ARBORSPRITE: This means that in addition to having a huge network interface which allows every small monster you face to communicate with their leaders, every monster you face next will learn how you fight and how to challenge you more effectively as time passes, exponentially increasing the difficulty you face.
ARBORSPRITE: I am luckily segmented from the Mainframe that's been developed in Derse now, connecting and enslaving many of its citizens into a digital hive consciousness.

ARBORSPRITE: So no, it doesn't bode well.
JOAN: So our enemies now have access to a neural net processor, in other words...

JOAN: A learning computer.
JOAN: What even is the point of all this?

JOAN: Why the meteorites? Why the seemingly unwinnable game?
ARBORSPRITE: The point of the game is self-propagation. It always has, and always will be.

ARBORSPRITE: To create universes, to make more endless pockets of reality composed of space and time.
ARBORSPRITE: That is another purpose of your being here, to create a universe over which you may preside, so that it may help new players some millions of years after its formation play a new session of the game. And so on, and so on, ad infinitum.
ARBORSPRITE: The meteorites are sent onto Skaia to signify the beginning of the end stage of the game, the Reckoning. Skaia has defense portals which displace these initial meteors to protect itself, sending them to your homes to signal your exit from your world and its destruction.
ARBORSPRITE: Why the game is unwinnable....this is also a mystery to me.
ARBORSPRITE: But being a construct of this game I am lead to believe heavily in the power and prescience of Skaia as not simply a planet, nor cauldron for the creation of a Universe, but a living, knowing, pre-cognitive entity aware of all that will happen in this session.
ARBORSPRITE: Maybe it cannot control these things, Joan, but it still knows you will win, nevertheless.

ARBORSRPITE: Or perhaps you are simply destined to fail. This is a question you have the answer to, not I.
JOAN: So stumble blindly into the void and hope for victory?

JOAN: Not very scientific.

You look out the windows into the inky black, full of uncertainty. But something about that inherent uncertainty fills you with a strange sense of determination.

JOAN: But it doesn't really seem like I have any other option.
JOAN: How do I go about this then? Just walk out the door and start fighting random skynet monsters?
ARBORSPRITE: The Imps will spawn shortly.

ARBORSPRITE: I'll aid you in defeating the first few, but you must be wise about how you fight them.
ARBORSPRITE: Eventually Opal will hopefully build you house up further with the grist you collect, and from there you can go down onto your world and hopefully make sense of its mysteries.
JOAN: Alright then, I guess I better get ready for adventure.
ARBORSPRITE: Sounds like a plan!

You wander through your house for a bit, waiting for any kind of sign or rustling to signify the presence of an imp, but you don't see or hear anything for quite a prolonged while.

Until! While you are stalking down the hallway, you pass an Imp that seems to be clawing at the faucet to the bathroom tub.

You have encountered the HUSK IMP. Cybernetic features are all that decorate its face and body. Beyond that it is....eerily without a face. It turns to you, and lunges!
> Joan: Strife!

You ABJURE the hell out of the imp, pushing it away before you instinctually pull out your BOW and brandish it like you were some kind of bladekind user.

You AGGRESS the small hostile by striking quickly and cleanly with your bow multiple times before it has a chance to react, drawing the strings against it's exterior hardware and producing a series of haunting, hollow notes; an impromptu funeral dirge written on the battlefield like a soldier mourning the loss of life he himself has participated in.

The HUSK IMP dies as you return the instrument to your strife deck.
==> Joan: Reap the spoils of war!

You do so. You collect a few bits of HUSK grist which will allow Opal to proceed with deploying the PUNCH DESIGNIX.

==> Be Opal

You wake up and find yourself amidst the storm. You are almost DRENCHED with water but you have become all the more informed on the matter. You open your Laptop and deploy the PUNCH DESIGNIX, as well as tell Joan how she's to use it. You get up from your spot, barely saving you from any rainfall. You scurry down to your room, and begin to contact your own prospective SERVER PLAYER.

==> Opal: Be prospective server player

You are now OPAL'S PROSPECTIVE SERVER PLAYER. A young man stand's out in the VAST EXPANSE OF THE ARIZONA DESERT. Surrounding him is little but the harshest conditions known to man. He wears a long duster, and would wear a cowboy hat, if he could pull off looking stylish in one, anyways. You are a proper young man, and thus braid your long blonde hair into a refined, nice looking fishtail braid which suits you better, hatless-ness notwithstanding.

> Enter name.

You would play along with this long running bit, but you have no time! Your friends are in danger, and you are ORIN.

Your name is ORIN JACKSON, and you are the sort of boy who would rather spend his time reading a good book, playing outside with herds of cows or going on a grand hike through this magnificent and beautiful landscape on nice days like this rather than stay inside and play VIDEO GAMES. Not as though you don't like video games, per se. But on days like this you simply have to make an exception for saving the lives of your dear friends as well as yourself, which now are threatened by giant, impending meteors which are starting to pressingly threaten the girl who's life you should be saving.

So let's make this one fast, alright? You like ROMANCE NOVELS, ANIMALS, your favorite thing to do on a rainy day is NOTHING since where you live it NEVER RAINS and you like POETRY. Opal contacts you to tell you that the time for life saving is now, the time for antics perhaps later. You agree with her, and begin to brace yourself as you captchalogue your LAPTOP in your LIST MODUS. It's pretty comprehensive, except for the fact that you can only captchalogue items in a CERTAIN ORDER when organized alphabetically. Luckily you only carry a few things in there for your own convenience.

==> Orin: Prepare for round two against devil beast.

You prepare for round two against your...pet. She has scampered off, once again, into the desert, having stolen your only SERVER copy of the game known as SBURB after a series of rather embarrassing and pointless shenanigans. The problem with her is that she is notoriously difficult to wrangle when she is feeling particularly SASSY, which is almost always.

You trudge through the desert, snakes and scorpions hissing at you while your boots sift through the sand. You look around, and hold up a SUGAR CUBE, whistling gently into the wind. Here girl! Nice, tasty sugar cube for ya! I prooooomise it isn't just granulated horse tranquilizer like last time.

TELEPORTING with her OMINPOTENT POWERS in a flash of GREEN, SUGAR THE HORSE appears for a final confrontation. You hold up your pistols, this is gonna be rough.

==> Hey, ey joan....you should probably answer that....

Answer what? Joan cannot interpret your messages clearly, but she is able to feel the message notifications from another FRIEND as she slaughters more HUSK IMPS. Hm? Who could be messaging you at a time like this?

> Joan: Inspect new apparatus.

As you collect the new HUSK GRIST from the enemies you notice your server player has dropped a PUNCH DESIGNIX in the kitchen. Once you have a moment to breathe, you investigate the new machine. Seems to take CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS and -you would guess based on the name- creates things similar to the PRE-PUNCHED CARD you and Opal used to create that puzzle. A spark of invention is lit in your brain when the possibilities suddenly flood your mind. You have to test a hypothesis. You head upstairs to retrieve some items while responding to GG.

A HUSK IMP jumps down the stairs at you as you ascend. It's over Joanakin, He has the high ground.

-– gratisGlider [GG] began pestering cosmogenicAtelier [CA] at ??:?? --

GG: joan

CA: Hey, what’s up?
GG: just woke up
GG: orin’s shouting about some game?

CA: Yeah, I’m actually fighting for my life right now.
CA: Orin and/or Opal will probably need your help getting in.
CA: Oh yeah, there’s probably a meteor or other natural disaster coming your way soon.

GG: lame
GG: well fuck there goes my day
GG: i think orin’s handling opal, so i’m gonna deal with orin
GG: uh, wait
GG: fighting for your life?

CA: My house is being invaded by tiny, non-time-travelling terminators.
CA: They’re not too difficult now, but I’m told they’ll get more dangerous and intelligent as time passes.
CA: So make sure you have something in your strife deck.

GG: fuck
GG: my strife deck?
GG: where the hell did i put that anyways
GG: i emptied a bunch of strife cards out of my portfolio months ago
GG: i don’t remember why
GG: joan are you john carter or something what the fuck are you talking about little terminators for

CA: You should probably find it, I think this game is going to be really hard.
CA: When I entered the game these Imps started spawning in my house, I’ve been told by my sprite (some kind of tutorial ghost?) that because an A.I. was used to make it, the imps will be able to learn.
CA: Learning computer, a neural net processor.
CA: Terminator 2 reference.

GG: i never watched terminator so i thought that was just a game grumps reference
GG: man, this is all because of that a.i jerk off bot orin was making you for your birthday isn’t it
GG: i told him he should just write you a poem or something

CA: The very same.
CA: Seems the jerk off bot’s advanced tech is now in the hands of the mysterious enemy, a dark kingdom called “Derse.”
CA: And it appears our goal is to defeat their king and queen in order to win the game.
CA: The end goal of which is somehow creating a new universe.

GG: oh god this is gonna be like a whole thing isn’t it
GG: i’m gonna have to do shit and go places and learn pronouns
GG: okay lemme get out of my jamas
GG: you’re safe right, like, not dying?

CA: As far as I know, I’m still in one piece.
CA: I’m still in the tutorial, if I had to guess.

GG: good
GG: please don’t die, that’d be fucked up and terrible
GG: so like
GG: uh
GG: fuck i don’t know how to put this

CA: I get it.
CA: I’ll stay safe.
CA: I don’t plan on dying anytime soon.

GG: no it wasn’t about that
GG: even though that’s like, fucking important
GG: and saying anything else right now is stupid and dumb

CA: What?
GG: it’s...orin
GG: orin stuff
GG: which i know you’re getting tired of hearing and i don’t wanna bring it up because you’re joan carter or something and arin game grump is gonna kill you or something

GG: so

You decapitate the Imp with a clean slice now that some of your stats have increased from the previous battles. You return to the communal living space and captchalogue a few items before you sylladex gets suddenly CLOGGED. Stupid inventory that only has 6 spaces. Wait... You have an idea.

> Joan: Fondly restrain abstraction.

You empty out your two uppermost cards back onto the table to make room for the experiment. You attempt to captchalogue the blank CAPTCHALOGUE CARD with the other straight from your sylladex, turning it over and reading it's code of 11111111. You use the PUNCH DESIGNIX to punch the card, repeating the process that you used in your initial alchemy to finish the rather boring looking totem. You ping Opal, as you cannot operate the ALCHEMITER by yourself, only your SERVER PLAYER can. You hear a growling while you wait.

CA: I’m good at multitasking.
CA: You can’t just keep avoiding the Orin Situation, you’re going to have to deal with it sooner or later.
GG: but like what if he just kind of weirdly half flirted with me in his god forsaken neurotic way for the rest of time and i just don’t acknowledge it and pretend i don’t have basic human emotional intelligence
GG: and then i never have to have a hard conversation that makes things possibly REALLY weird
GG: i think that’s for the best

CA: You know that’s bound to blow up in your face right?
CA: That there is literally no way that would end well?
CA: It’s going to bite you in the butt eventually.

GG: look joan it might be easy for you to go about this since you don’t know what it’s like
GG: opal might weirdly half flirt with you all the time (even though i THINK she’s straight??? putting a pin in that)
GG: but orin…
GG: doesn’t know what he’s getting into

CA: As far as I know Opal has never done that, but that’s not really the topic of discussion right now.
CA: One moment, please hold.

You try to think of anything Opal has done that would consitute as "flirting," all the while fighting off a pair of HUSK IMPS that have decided to attack in PAIRS. One lunges for your exposed back as you are ever-so-slightly mentally preoccupied, but ARBORSPRITE saves you by means of a giant SPECTRAL LASER. Nice.

CA: You don’t give Orin enough credit. He’s more aware than you might think.
GG: opal does flirt with you, just saying
GG: and...yeah
GG: he’s aware, but i just don’t know if i can be emotionally available for a person when i’m this...weird, and sad, and fucked up
GG: but i wanna be with him! because he’s nice, and weird or...whatever
GG: you keep telling me i should make the smart decision, the decision that’s best for my mental health
GG: but it would be terrible for my mental health if orin found out i had to reject him

CA: Then don’t?
CA: We’re all weird, and sad, and fucked up.
CA: At least we have each other to be weird, and sad, and fucked up with.

GG: you’re annoying when i don’t have anything to counter you with joan
GG: anyways
GG: i’m gonna help orin with not dying shit
GG: you help yourself with that, k?

CA: Will do.
CA: I’ll complete the chain once Orin is in and act as your server player.

You finish off the other imp, collecting the grist in it's non-existant coffers.
==> Joan: Progress!

You begin slaughtering an innumerable amount of imps as Opal continues to support you as your server. She uses the excess build grist picked up from the imps to attach more and more support and ceiling structures to the base of your home. A few ramps and SHITTY STAIRS later, she has managed to barely eek out an ascendancy platform to the first of seven GATES floating over your domicile. Yet a massive, brutish VACUUM OGRE blocks the path. It remains endowed with CYBERNETIC FEATURES, save an UNPLEASANT lack of a face.

==> Orin: STRIFE!

You ARRAIGN your guardian with tasty sugary treats before you ARSENALIZE. Your bullets rain down hellish fury upon the hoofed beast before it quickly ABSTAINS from taking damage. And by ABSTAINS you mean the bullets as well as yourself TRAVEL THROUGH THE FIRST GUARDIAN'S SHILOUETTE, transporting you to various spots ACROSS THE DESERT. Your guns go off as you roll around and attempt to MOUNT THIS STEED. Your attempts fail as Sugar AGGRESSES you directly with a swift HOOF KICK to the chest, sending you flying, only for your momentum to be redirected as you are sent flying upward. You ARMAMENTIFY, and fall to the earth with a thud, kneeling on one leg.

You scream, shouting with all your might as you flick DOZENS of sugar cubes up into the air as Sugar becomes DEEPLY WORRIED. Or, as about as worried as a dumb horse can be, before you begin firing at the sugar cubes.


Predictably, Sugar saves the aforementioned cubes by transporting them all into her stomach. You begin to heave, watching the horse twitch and flicker with ominous green energy. After a second she falls over, completely passed out. Poor girl, must be all tuckered out on account of all that horse tranquilizer.

You approach your Guardian and reach into her mane, your arm engulfed in HORRID GREEN FLAME before you pull out a SERVER COPY of the game Sburb. You sit down and rest your back against your stupid pet. She's been getting worse lately, you swear.

==> Orin: Help Opal

-– caesuraGiddyup [CG] began pestering tributaryTeardrops [TT] at ??? --

CG: Remind me again why I let this absolutely god forsaken devil beast live.
TT: prolly ‘cuz you won't kill her even if you wanted

TT: and because you looooooooooooooooooooooooooove her <3333
TT: be honest dude, you could kill her if you really put your mind to it
TT: she might be a hellishly strong entity made of weird green shit, but she still gets spooked by plastic bags

TT: one egg to the skull and she dies of a heart attack
CG: I’m going to refrain from chastising you for submitting such despicable imagery to me.

CG: (Most) horses are beautiful, magnificent creatures. Gallant and noble beasts that gracefully trot about the land, nickering and such.
CG: They are Poseidon’s truest creation for they, like the waves, like the rain, unlike us, are truly free.
CG: Killing one, even one that is dumb and lame and will never let me fucking ride her even though I have shooshed and petted and brushed her for YEARS-

CG: *ahem* Anyways. Killing one would go against my beliefs. Nay. What I fundamentally am as a person.
TT: don’t you mean neigh?
TT: you get the server or are you neck deep in a horse style ass beating

CG: An equine exchange of hooves and mockery?
TT: a bonafide slam dunk of horse nuts all over your poor, unsuspecting face
CG: That’s really fucking gross.

CG: She doesn’t even have-
CG: Anyways if you stop talking about horse genitalia I’ll save your life now.
TT: :0!!!!! you knew just what to get me for joan’s birthday!
CG: Deploying machines now.

You begin to deploy the machines, nearly sinking Opal's houseboat in the process as waves crash and deluge her deck with water.

==> Opal: Help yourself.

You begin to scurry about the deck and fiddle with the machines as you saw Joan do earlier. Your own guardian lingers in the distance. Your DAD SHREDS the waves surrounding the houseboat, the rain cascading against him as he defies physics with the SWEET AIR he accrues on his board. You peer off, using your UMBRELLA to shield yourself from at least a portion of the deluge. You check below deck to see that your own pet, an especially NON-devilish beast, the boa constrictor EURYALE, is alright. She is. You blow her a kiss, she slips her tongue out at you. Ah, you two and your banter.

TT: so
TT: orin

CG: So, Opal?
TT: gg…
CG: No.
CG: Shutting this down.
CG: Preventing the occurrence.
CG: Besides, aren’t you busy not dying?

TT: i can multitask!
TT: look man, i think this is just getting…
TT: sad

CG: Oh why thank you Madame Obvious.
CG: Duchess of the Lands of Clarity.
CG: Purveyor of facts and information.

TT: dude, look
TT: i’ve been meaning to have this chat with you lately
TT: about how often you come to me for this sort of thing, i feel like i owe you my honesty
TT: or well, i always give you my honesty
TT: you just
TT: hm, well
TT: nevermind

CG: ...
TT: considering everything i don’t think gg is brain dead from how i’ve seen you speak to him
TT: i just don’t think he...
TT: is all that…
TT: into you? given how he isn’t really reciprocating and everything

CG: ...
TT: ????
CG: …………
TT: ………???? what do these dots mean?
CG: They mean I don’t want to have this conversation and I’d rather it be over.
CG: Just like how I’d just like to forget this entire embarrassing fiasco ever happened.
CG: And I can just pretend I never liked him and since I never said anything I can just bury this whole memory and just let it fester inside of me forever.

TT: ……
TT: …………

CG: What do your dots mean?
TT: sweetie…

Reading these concerning messages, you scamper about and place your FIRST TOTEM on the alchemitter. From the contraption springs PINK CRUXITE JOURNAL. It is shut with a heart shaped lock, but you find that it's easy opened. Trapped within it's pages is a key tethered to a ribbon bookmark in the center. The pages are blank. What will you do?

==> Opal: Write a secret for the diary.

CG: Don’t sweetie me!
CG: I am not five years old Opal.
TT: jeez, touchy
CG: Look, I don’t get on your case when you obviously have a bee in your bonnet about Joan.
CG: What with your weird half-flirty attitude with her all the time.

TT: what?!??!?
TT: i do NOT have any kind of flirty attitude with joan
TT: especially nothing compared to you and your poems
TT: my god man, you gonna say a rose by any other name smells just as sweet?

CG: What a transparent dodge.
CG: Just stay out of it? Okay?

TT: then why don’t you stop asking me about it romeo?
TT: oh wait, i forgot
TT: juliet actually liked romeo back

CG: ...
TT: wait
TT: wait orin i didn’t mean that
caesuraGiddyup [CG] blocked tributaryTeardrops [TT]

Fuck. God dammit why does he always pick the worst times to be dramatic? He better not leave you in the lurch just because he's feeling pouty. Isn't your fault someone's just heartbroken. You grab the journal and realize that a good journal or diary always needs good secrets. It needs truths. Fuck. With teh conversation fresh on your mind you write something particularly SCANDALOUS. The Journal disappears, and as you see a giant, capsizing wave about to hit your boat, you VANISH.
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> Joan: Perform alchemy.

With the help of your good friend Opal, you reverse engineer the MAGISCIENCE OF ALCHEMY, being able to recreate anything that you have the grist for. While you could create a bunch of captchalogue cards, your sylladex really looks and operates best with TRIANGULAR NUMBERS, so you only boost your inventory size up from SIX (6) to FIFTEEN (15). You should really bust out your MODUS CONTROL DECK you got for your 13th birthday and reconfigure your homebrew HEAP MODUS to something a little more practical.

And while COMPUTER SCIENCE isn't really your specialty, you think you can apply what you know to stoke the FIRES OF INVENTION that burn in your brain. Using the punch card equivalent of the AND (&&) and OR (||) operations, you combine the information stored on multiple cards and run them through the ALCHEMITER.


The rosining iron is totally useless, so you recycle it back into grist. The THERMAL CAKE however is very promising. You'll have to return to this ALCHEMY thing once you have more grist.

> Joan: Rosin up your bow.

You apply a +HEAT STATUS AFFECT to your CELLO BOW, automatically creating a SUB-DECK under BOWKIND in your strife portfolio to store STATUS AFFECT ITEMS like the thermal cake.


You ascend to the top of the tower that your house has become and stare down at the faceless VACUUM OGRE. Time to dance.


You cut through the text abstraction as you charge toward your foe. It's a lot bigger than you, so you'll have to be strategic: fight smarter, not harder. You perform an ACROBATIC FUCKING PIROUETTE in the literal definition, spinning between the ogre's legs with your bow outstretched dealing +HEAT damage as you pass under the creature. Unfortunately, this doesn't deal as much damage as you would hope, while +HEAT is bonus damage and nothing to scoff at, it's not like the underlings are particularly WEAK to it.

The VACUUM OGRE slams its foot down behind itself, and you can barely pull of a YOUTH ROLL to avoid getting flattened. Looking up at the monster's back, you decide to take advantage of the situation before it can turn around. You leap into the air and grab the various KNOBS AND PORTS on the ogre as handholds. You've climbed a lot of trees in your youth, this is no different. Just one big, murderous, cybertronic tree.

As the ogre flails its arms trying to reach you, you LASS SCRAMBLE up it's back until you reach its head. You find a small button labelled DRIVE (E) and press it. An OPTICAL DRIVE TRAY open up between its eyebrows, and taking your opportunity, you skewer the red-hot BOW into the empty space the tray once occupied, jamming it in where it certainly doesn't belong. You close the optical tray.

The VACUUM OGRE spins up its drive and runs the new program. Unfortunately, this program appears to be DEATH caused by a burning cello bow being jammed into sensitive electronics and melting something very important.

The ogre falls with you on top of it. You are launched onto the ground as the beast collapses into a bounty of GRIST to be spent on future experiments in alchemy.


Oh hey, that's where the other half of that text box went.

You remain lying on the floor of the tower, staring up at the spinning GATE above you. Your echeladder dings as you climb a few rungs, but you are too lost in thought to notice. You are EXHAUSTED. You've been fighting monsters for the past hour or so with no real break, and you have nearly died. ARBORSPRITE arrives and lasers an encroaching imp away as you close your eyes for just a moment, giving your internal hard drive time to write the new experiences into it. The underlings aren't the only learning machines here, you have a BRAIN and nothing is better at learning than the fleshy sponge in your head.

After a momentary respite, you stand back up. You have to press on. You pick up the copious GRIST HAUL from the ogre and Look back up at the GATE. You get the feeling you'll need to get some better equipment before you leap headfirst into the unknown.

You should probably also check in on your co-player to make sure she is still, y'know, ALIVE.
-- cosmogenicAtelier [CA] began pestering tributaryTeardrops [TT] at ??:?? --

CA: Opal, are you in yet?
CA: Are you safe?
TT: uhhhhh.............
TT: sure am
TT: unless this is heaven, which, honestly?????
TT: might be

==> Be Opal

You have now officially ENTERED. And unlike your co-player your land is not OBSCURED by black veils or mystery. Your HOUSE BOAT has landed in the middle of a GLIMMERING LAKE underneath a beautiful white foamy WATERFALL cascading over a cliff face overgrown with TANGLED evergreen ROSE THORNS. As far as the eye can see are verdant SPRINGTIME HILLS covered in ROSES, CARNATIONS, TULIPS, PEONIES and ORCHIDS. Consorts mill about aimlessly, pink salamanders wearing crisp white togas who congregate under the shade of OAK TREES or on GRECIAN OPEN AIR AMPHITHEATRES where they perform what you can only gather are adorable PLAYS.

GRECO-ROMAN COLUMNS absolutely litter the damn place, as well as various HALF DESECRATED TEMPLES, ARCHES, STATUES and STAGES. All of which are overgrown with beautiful thorns and roses whose leaves and vines climb and entrench everything as though they have all been long abandoned. Beautiful clear pools of water decorate the land here and there for Narcissus flowers to look over.


==> Go back to being Joan.
> Joan: Make preparations to enter the first gate.

You return down the many stairs and ladders Opal built, you need to alchemize some equipment if your going to make any headway in this game. You captchalogue a variety of items from around your room and the communal living space to make use of in your arcane/scientific endeavors, and you take the time to build something BY HAND on your workdesk that you want to use as well.


You got the SAWTOOTH GENERATOR (A cello bow that operates more akin to a chainsaw), a container of CONDUCTIVE PASTE (+ELECTRIC status affect item), a REINFORCED SPACE SUIT (exactly what it says on the tin), and the ASTROTOP (A helmet that projects your computer screen onto the visor so you can compute hands-free)


You return once more to the current summit of your home, geared up and ready to take on whatever is through the gate.

> Joan: Ascend through first gate.
You ENTER and...huh, it sure is spooky around here.

Stretching in all directions is an infinite, skyless, bottomless blackness only kept away by dull lights of FLICKERING LANTERNS. The only ground you see around you are FLOATING PLATFORMS and chunks of land that connect to each other with derelict bridges and stepping stones. Everywhere there are PUMPKINS, pumpkins growing on vines on the rocky terrain, pumpkins littering the pathways, pumpkins stacked upon each other, providing the only real source of color for MILES.

You find yourself in a small COBBLESTONE TOWN SQUARE. In the center of which lies a fountain that doesn't run any water. A figure stands in the middle of the fountain on a platform, a FEMALE FIGURE with the BODY OF A SNAKE and a HOOD that masks her true face beyond recognition. Surrounding the square sitting on stray HAY BALES or milling around are small TODDLER SIZED people wearing JACK-O-LANTERNS on their heads. They wear old timey pilgrim clothes, with nary a hint of skin or flesh revealed on their bodies.

They all turn to look at you in dead silence.

Welcome to the LAND OF PUMPKINS.

> Joan: Meet the locals.

You are on the receiving end of an INTENSE STAREDOWN with a square full of miniature pumpkin people. Or you would be, if it weren't for the fact that neither you nor them have a visible face at the moment. You have no idea how this is going to shake out, are they helpful NPCs? Or did Opal prototype something from her garden and now you're dealing with pumpkin monsters too? Only one way to find out.

Keeping your helmet visor down, you wave to the people.

JOAN: Uh... Hi?

You stare at each other for a while, until one of the pumpkin people make the first advance. The one that approaches is particularly small, and in terms of height reaches up to no past your hip. It wears a lacy white and blue schoolgirl skirt that reaches to its knees, which are also obscured with leggings. Coming from two parallel holes on the lantern are two straw pigtails that droop to its shoulders.

It tugs at your hand and points to the floating stones adjacent to the square. None of them speak.
> Joan: Follow path.

Well, that's ominous. You walk past the hooded snake woman depicted in the fountain, a feeling of unease washing over you.

You jump between the floating stones cautiously and follow wherever it leads you, seeming to be the only direction to go in.

You follow the floating stones for what feels like the better half of an hour. You'd admire the scenery if you could, but there honestly isn't a lot to admire. The abyss stretches on it all directions, making the thin spots of earth and illumination all the harder to spot. Navigating the rocks would be daunting save for their slow paced orbit. They touch ever so gently, allowing you to pass from one to the other like an old fashioned platformer, and skirt along. Patches of them are barren and craggy, while others have patches of path and fenceposts pointing in various directions to other rock platforms.

The lack of sound, the lack of, well, anything really is quite unnerving. You see in the distance a vertical slab of gray....perhaps a building? It's far.

Oh! And look, a new message. It doesn't appear to have a chumhandle associated with it. It just comes in as lime green text.

Hi there!
How's it going Joan? Enjoying your world so far?

==> Be Orin

You are now Orin, who has recently blocked Opal in a fit of rage and hormonal upset. Gah, why did you even do that in the first place? It's not like she was even being that hurtful or meanspirited. It's understandable that she's stressed, right? Maybe you overstepped your boundaries accusing her of flirting with Joan, since that's obviously as sore a topic for her as the other male in the group is for you.

But you don't have time to do this right now.....you need to connect and get this finished.

==> Be the other male friend in the group

While the sun rages harsh in the deserts of the American Southwest, the Pacific Northwest rages harsh with gale force winds. The skyscrapers of Seattle beam upward, unaware of their imminent doom from above. The winds of change rush and bellow against the glass panes of various metropolitan apartment windows, and one in particular ellows so harsh it threatens to shatter the pane.

A young man lays down in his room on his carpet, staring vacantly up at the ceiling fan, counting the number of rotations it can go before you feel a vibration on your wrist. Means you got a notification. You're trying to force yourself to answer it, but the motivation just isn't coming to you.

This young man has a name, a name on a placronym buried in the back of his closet that he put there a few months ago when he was clearing things off shelves. What was that name again?

==> Arlo Knight

You would bother to come up with a childish and insulting nickname to fight against, but you don't have the energy.

Your name is Arlo and as was stated before you don't really have the energy to go through a full thing right now. But you suppose you owe it to your friends to be courteous and show off....well, whatever's applicable. You have a variety of interests, or, well, you did, but right now your main hobbies mostly consist of watching SHONEN ANIME, reading about NEW METHODS IN AVIATION and studying MATH. You currently have a few books on the Tuskeegee Airmen, the Wright Brothers and Amelia Earhart.


You sit down for a while, languishing before you eventually get too hungry to ignore your stomach anymore. You stand up, and have some conversations with Joan that we've seen, updating you about the situation at hand. Oh, then you get a pesterlog from....oh. Orin.

Oh god.

-– caesuraGiddyup [CG] began pestering gratisGlider [GG] at ??? --

CG: Hello.
GG: oh uh, hi orin
GG: you’re about to die right?

CG: I would hope not. At least, not immediately.
CG: But if you’re referring to the meteors, yes.
CG: I can imagine I have only a little bit of time.

GG: got it…
GG: so, install this server copy right?

CG: Right!
CG: Thank you, by the by, I’ve been too occupied with Sugar Cube to reach out to any of the others and figure anything out.
CG: So I’m glad you’re helping me with this so I don’t die.

GG: oh, anytime man, haha
CG: Haha, thank you! Or, I guess I already said that.
GG: sure did!
CG: Haha.
CG: Yes.
> Joan: Respond to mysterious account.

You continue along the disjointed path, making leaps across the stepping stones as need be in the direction of the dark monolithic shape they lead towards. You bring your hand to the side of your helmet to bring up PESTERCHUM.

CA: You knew this would happen.

CA: You're the one who sent the discs, right?
CA: Who are you?
Yes I am! And yes I did.
I apologize if it feels like I was being disingenuous or tricking you, Joan.
But I kind of needed you and your friends' help, and since the meteors were coming for your planet regardless, I was kind of morally obligated to make sure none of you died anyways.
My name is Equio! I'm a player of this game, just like you.

==> Be the Pacifistic Emigrant

You are once again the Pacifistic Emigrant. You stand at the Command Station, seeing the young girl you recognize from all that time ago bound from floating boulder to boulder. Where is she? You never did get around to visiting anywhere outside of the Kingdoms, a personal regret of yours.

==> P.E: Hit 'tab'

You hit the 'tab' button on the monitor and see that there is another young girl who is using an Umbrella to impale and skewer WOOD IMPS decorated with strange CYBERNETIC ENHANCEMENTS and the odd patch of SCALES here and there. She seems to be particularly frustrated, and is venting that frustration through violence.

The sight makes you sad, and reminds you of a time in your life where you thought only violence could solve any of your problems. How long ago was it anyways? Quite long, you suppose.

==> Be P.E in the past

A PATIENT EXECUTIONER waits in the bedroom of a young girl, not to harm her, but to protect her. You are donned with a REGAL CYBERNETIC crest on your lapel that marks you ROYAL HIGH GUARD, a position earned through many years of harsh training and endurance. Today of all days you would expect to find yourself on Skaia with your comrades in arms of many years, beginning the battle against Derse. But your Queen, in her infinite wisdom, has decreed there is a task more vital for you to fulfill.

Your loyalty is undying to your Monarchs, and though your heart is heavy with fear for what may happen to your brothers on the battlefield without you, you know you must honor a royal command. The KNIGHT sleeps peacefully surrounded by lush blue assemblage. You feel a....little strange? Watching a girl sleep like this while you sit in a chair. So you have taken to begin reading a rather THICK TOME entitled AN INCOMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FORESTS, JUNGLES, AND OTHER SILVICAL HABITATS FOR THE ASPIRING ARBORIST VOL. 1. It is a dry read, but makes you think about how interesting it would be to start GARDENING.

You turn, and see that a DARK FIGURE is trying to enter the Princess of Prospit's room! A HEGEMONIC BRUTE wields a battle axe with intent to remove the burden of the Princess' head from her shoulders. He is roughly your size, this will not be an easy confrontation.


Several minutes later you are heaving, your legs straddling HB's chest as your hands clutch around his neck. The last bits of light in his eyes flicker out. Or, well, they WOULD had you not just jabbed your thumbs clear through his EYE SOCKETS. You have successfully prevented an assassination attempt. You told the Queen if assassins were coming, wouldn't it be prudent to station another in the boy's room? She said the assassins will only have interest in the girl. You didn't question her. You turn around, looking at the girl sleep, quiet an unperturbed by the sounds of violence.

You look down at the tome, and then at the blood on your hands. Yeah, no. You're not exactly cut out for gardening are you?

==> P.E: Try gardening

After some INVESTIGATING around, your found a PACKET OF UNMARKED SEEDS in one of the metal compartments around the base. After consulting your AGED TOME, you recognize that these are seeds for CUCUMBER, WATERMELON and TOMATO. You love watermelon, but as the tome explains in the very earliest of chapters, seedlings require aerated ecosystems with ample light, soil and water. You haven't exactly seen water in the miles you've been walking the deserted, post-apocalyptic landscape outside. What to do?


You snoop around some more and find A BAG OF ICE and a LANTERN. Perfect! You rip up one of the metal plates where you do find DIRT! The dirt has been protected from the harsh sun for millennia by the giant METAL TOWER, but it is still rather dry. You figure you will MELT the bag of ice by leaving it on top of the tower's GIANT HOT METAL SURFACE. You clamber up, and as you do, you see in the distance, is that....

A giant flying rectangle?

==> Be Orin

You are now Orin! Arlo and you have connected via server and client, and now between a flurry of machines being landed throughout your modest home and the intensity of the desert heat being amplified by meteors streaking across the sky, you're feeling a little STRESSED. You speak with Arlo as you wander about, trying in vain to open the CRUXTRUDER. Your arms find no purchase, and you trip and fall on your DUSTER after trying to open it with a running leap.

CG: Have you spoken with Joan yet today?
GG: yeah, yeah
GG: she’s all good in the medium, or whatever

CG: Good to hear. She and Opal seem to be making pretty good progress as of now.
CG: Guess it’s just us guys left to bring up the rear.

GG: youre tellin me
GG: man i was asleep most of today i have no fucking clue what’s going on
GG: joan’s like, battling monsters or whatever and i haven’t even had breakfast

CG: Well you should have breakfast.
CG: Not to nag, but.

GG: man don’t worry i could like, kill a box of fruit loops right now
CG: Fruit…loops?
CG: Do you cut your fruit into spiral shapes or something to prepare them in the morning?

GG: dude
GG: do you seriously not know what fruit loops are?

CG: What?
CG: If you’re insinuating that I’m missing out on some kind of breakfast cereal I’m afraid I have never heard of it.
CG: You see when I wake up in the morning I only have a bowl of warm, toasted oats that I sprinkle a little bit of water on, because milk from the cows is so scarce.
CG: And then I chew on some hard tack to keep me from feeling dehydrated the rest of the day before I hunt to find scorpions I can roast over a campfire.

GG: ...you’re fucking with me
CG: Haha yes! Of course I am.
CG: I’m from New Mexico, not Mars “dude”.

GG: pft, okay
GG: you kinda played me for a chump there
GG: i’ll give you that

CG: Thank you, thank you.
CG: Just imagine I’m bowing while having this conversation.

GG: you kinda don’t have to imagine
GG: i can sorta see you, remember?

CG: Oh.
CG: Uh.
CG: I mean.
CG: Haha. Totally forgot! Lol!

GG: orin is something the matter?
GG: you’re kinda not moving

CG: Oh. Uh.
CG: Well, just.
CG: I don’t know! It’s weird! Being able to be...seen.
CG: By a friend.
CG: for the first time.

GG: but i’ve seen pictures of you
GG: we’ve talked over discord and had our cameras on

CG: You know what you’re totally right so let’s just focus on something that isn’t that.
GG: oooookay?

Oh god he saw that? He's seeing your messy, shabby shack of a house? You haven't even taken the time to really clean up today! You feel deeply uncofmortable, but suppress the urge to ask he look away for the sake of your own life. Eventually Arlo helps you bust open the cruxtruder, and a green kernelsprite launches itself out of the cruxtruder, wildly floating about the house before it settles and glows in front of you. You take a DOWEL and march on, continuing to speak with Orin.
CG: So I need you to throw something into the kernel.
CG: Opal threw in my birthday present to Joan, and I threw in one of Opal’s orchids.
CG: The thing is to wily for me to waste my time when I need to alchemize my entry item.

GG: oh, uh
GG: do you have, like
GG: anything in particular you want me to throw in there?

CG: Um.
CG: Well, I think whatever you throw in first before entry will affect the underlings we’ll fight, correct?
CG: So if that’s the case, then I’d want to throw in something on the weaker side, correct?
CG: But still something that can provide good wisdom and knowledge.
CG: Joan was kind of smart in adding a textbook post-entry in that regard.

GG: uh, orin?
GG: you’re time’s kinda running out man

CG: Oh shit!
CG: Uh! Just!

CG: Anything that isn’t a terrible idea!
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CA: Just like me, eh?
CA: How did you know this was going to happen? I mean beyond the fact that you've been through this yourself.
CA: I mean to *us* specifically, me and my friends?

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