

Spaghetti Master
A fiery storm swept across the world 127 years ago, leaving Earth a barren, dried-up wasteland. The descendants of the survivors of the storm live beneath Earth’s surface in a latticework of cities and tunnels that snake throughout the whole world. The reduced population of 2.5 million people has been living in relative peace for the last 127 years. But the tunneling rabbits, underground vegetables, and all other food has been running out due to over-harvesting and overhunting. All of a sudden, food shortages are everywhere, and subterranean rivers and lakes have been drying up. You are one of the few who have chosen to venture beyond your home to try to find a better place to live. However, you have never been to the upper world beyond the place where you grew up and the journey is beginning to look difficult. Some may turn back, and return to a life of poverty and starvation. The dangers of the journey overwhelm many. But the rewards: there have been rumors about a place, a lush green valley where everything is perfect and there is enough food and water for lifetimes upon lifetimes of civilizations. The few who are brave enough to try to find this paradise must travel to the farthest reaches of the earth, at much peril to their own lives.

2nd, 5th, and 7th spoilers have rules, empty skelly, and my skelly in that order


1. No god moding

2. Can be any race (elf, fairy, angel, demon, were-animal, you could make one up w/

explanation), but no outrageous powers

3. Romance is fine, but nothing you wouldn’t do yourself in public. Unless you do really weird things in public.... ok, nothing involving words that you would not say to a ten-year-old.

4. Unless you say very strange things to ten-year-olds. Urgh. Nothing horribly graphic.

5. If you read these, put “elephants go bouncing down freeways” in your reply :D

6. Supernatural/magic/witch/wizard/etc are welcome!
Character Skeleton








Appearance: (description or images)


Weapon(s) of choice: (optional)

Abilities/Skills: (optional)

History: (doesn’t have to be lengthy)

Anything Else:

Name: Aesetta Tarlesaight

Nickname: Aece

Age/Birthday: 17 and June 10

Height/Weight: 5'7" and 121 lbs

Gender: FemaleSpecies: Half fox-spirit, half human

Occupation: ThiefAppearance: (description, images, both...)


Personality: Aece is confident and can be bossy and a know-it-all, but she’s trustworthy when you get to know her.She is a tomboy who sets her sights high and is very ambitious. She is always teasing people, and sometimes takes it too far. Aece speaks her mind most of the time, but when she needs to, she's a very good liar. She also hates being called Aesetta.

Weapon(s) of choice: (optional) Short swords, weather magic

Abilities/Skills: Good at lying and stealing, can change the weather around her or in the sky, very agile and good with her swords. Not as good at using magic, and hates to use it, but when a strong emotion hits her she often accidentally releases magic.

History: (doesn’t have to be lengthy) Having grown up with only a sickly mother, Aece learned to steal from a very young age and has gotten quite good at it. Of course, she only steals to be able to feed herself and her mother. Most of the time. Her mom died when Aece was 14, and it was relatively easy for Aece to adapt to life alone because she essentially raised herself.

Anything Else: She hates her weather magic. Aece tries not to use magic at all, because she was always told that her magic was the reason her father left right after she was born. This is a lie created by her mother—Aece’s father was killed and mother wounded when Aece was 3, due to a hurricane conjured up by Aece’s powers. She despises her mother but blames herself for her mother's death and father's disappearance.
sorry I can't get rid of the empty spoilers o-o
elephants go bouncing down freeways

Name: Serenity Liliana Mavera

Nickname: Serena

Age/Birthday: 16 / December 27th

Height/Weight: 5' 4'' / 117 lbs.

Gender: Female

Species: Human/Witch/Neko

Occupation: Entertainer/Singer


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Adhira.jpg.3dd9c91a5e6a36ea0013a40c042235e9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="235" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/Adhira.jpg.3dd9c91a5e6a36ea0013a40c042235e9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Serena is very.. hyper to say the least. She has a tendency of being a ditzy clutz and would probably lose her head if it wasn't attached to her shoulders. However, she makes up for this with the use of shadows and her voice.

Abilities/Skills: The ability to control and manifest shadows, and the ability to hypnotize people with her voice. She's not very skilled with her shadows, though.

History: Serena was raised in one of the richer family of society, living a relatively decent life due to her family's magic. However, when she turned 15 things took a turn for the worse. Her singing was no longer bringing in the money it used to and her parents ended up starving to death. Once her parents were dead, Serena had nothing except her cat tying her to her home. She then decided that she was going to go searching for the fabled valley.



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Name: Cian James Birch

Age/DOB: 18/ March 23rd

Height/Weight: 6'1 and 175 lbs

Gender: Male

Species: Elf/Mage

Occupation: Cop/Officer


Personality: Most consider him to be the strong and silent type, only speaking when he feels he needs to. Those few times he does, his words are meaningful and effect everyone listening, although not magically. He is also very calm and controlled, and does not lose his temper easily, a trait which can be both irritating and admiring. And, although he does not speak much, he is very loyal to those he cares about, and would rather sell his soul then betray them. But, because of that, he grows attached to people easily, and sometimes watches over them like a silent guardian. That protectiveness can cause him to get harmed, for he would not let any harm come upon those he protects

Weapon of Choice: Cian carries three weapons with him: a bow and arrow, a small, silver dagger, and his mother's iron broadsword. Out of these three, he uses the bow and arrow the most, having the best skill with it. When out of arrows, he changes to his blades, preferring the knife over the broadsword. He also knows how to make his own arrows, and does so whenever he is able, to make sure he is good in supply.

Abilities/Skills: He has a natural talent of persuasion, a skill he picked up from his father, who was well known for his speech abilities. Along with that, he is quite talented with knives, the bow and arrow, and a handful of swords. The one he is best with is the bow and arrow, which he mastered after years of practice. Knives are his second best, which he is quick and swift with, yet not always precise. The one he is least skilled with are the few swords he is able to use, which are katanas and his mother's broadsword.

Another ability he has is healing magic. It does not work on illnesses of the mind, but can help with sicknesses, injuries, etc. But, using his healing magic requires giving a piece of his life force to who he his healing. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can knock him unconscious for hours at a time. Minor injuries simply leave him light-headed and dizzy for a short period, and scratches and bruises barely make him sweat. When helping cure sicknesses, there is a chance of him catching the illness as well, thought not at the severity of the victim he is helping.

History: He does not have much of a traumatic, tragic past. Both of his parents remain living, if not in the best of positions. He grew up with his father working as an officer, and his mother a doctor. Both were trained to fight, and they trained their son as well. Over time, he picked up the skills, practicing on occasion, whenever he could find the opportunity. He had always been a quiet boy, and lived an okay life. Nothing terrible happened, yet nothing spectacular either. All was just normal. And when the chance rang to see more, to experience amazement, Cian leapt towards it, willing to take this adventure

((and elephants go bouncing down freeways))
Character Skeleton

Name: Val Entine

Nickname: Val

Age/Birthday: 18/ March 30

Height/Weight: 5'9/ 145 lbs

Gender: Female

Species: Neko

Occupation: N/A

Appearance: (pic at the end)

Personality: Val is quite shy and the mysterious type. People tend to get a bad vibe from her, as she stays to herself. Though when she gets to know somebody, she will open up. She sometimes can be rude but quickly takes it back.

Weapon(s) of choice: N/A

Abilities/Skills: She has the ability to heal, and when she is mad enough she turns into a whole different person, she considers this her bad side.

History: Both of her parents died at the age of 12. Ever since she lived on her own. She has struggle with drugs and alcohol in her past, it runs in the family. She has always struggled with depression. And bipolar disorder also runs in her family.

Elephants go bouncing down freeways :)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.3cdbd1ae95131b10513ff8d777b674c9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="238" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/image.jpg.3cdbd1ae95131b10513ff8d777b674c9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Spade Ali

Nickname: Ace, Cards

Age/DOB- 17/ September 4th

Height/Weight- 5'0" 98 lb

Gender- Female

Race-Usagi (bunny person)Occupation- Maid Cafe worker known as the Bunny Cosplayer

Personality- Spade is the girl who is cheerful and sweet. She is sneeky and a prankster too so don't let her fool you. She is very smart and childish though. Very clumsy and is outgoing. She's very mischievous and is irresistible in her maid outfit. She likes to act and play her sports or practice her martial arts technique at spare time.

Abilities- Spade can trick people with her cards. She rips off people when playing card tricks in public. Asking grown men to play with her and they bet on a lot of money. Spade also has good aiming, great speed and can bounce really high. She can also serve a lot of people when they come to the cafe. She can also act innocent when playing a mean trick and people would fall for it. She is also a black belt in martial arts and can play soccer, baseball, football, volleyball, track, and other sports you can think of.

Weapons- Spade carries an ax, club, bow and arrow, dagger, and a silver sword.

History- Spade was a orphan with her brother. Ever since her brother was old enough to live on his own he invited his sister to live with her. Now Spade lives with her brother and is very serious when near him. She is a whole other person when she is with her brother. Her brother is the one who taught her martial arts and special techniques because he taught it himself. She barely hangs around with her older brother but loves him dearly. Other than that she's a normal girl.

Appearance- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/bunnygirl.jpg.df9a167863cfff22e4af5bdad94465bc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="249" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_04/bunnygirl.jpg.df9a167863cfff22e4af5bdad94465bc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Elephants go bouncing down free ways :D



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Character Skeleton

Elephants go bouncing down freeways xD

Name: Jordan Walker

Nickname: none

Age/Birthday: 17 years old. July 27, 1996

Height/Weight: 5' 7" in height, 135 pounds

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Occupation: none

Appearance: (description or images)



Weapon(s) of choice: (optional) He keeps a switchblade in his pocket and a dagger strapped to his right ankle under his jeans.

Abilities/Skills: (optional) Really good with survival and fighting. He doesn't have any magic, though.

History: (doesn’t have to be lengthy) Jordan used to be the right hand man of a big gang leader in Brooklyn. At some point, he got arrested and was forced to go to rehab for a drug addiction. When he came out, he was a changed person and ran away from his old gang. Now, Jordan embraces the opportunity to see the outside world.

Anything Else:
Is it too late to join?

Character Skeleton

Name: Cyan Telus

Nickname: Cyan

Age/Birthday: 20

Height/Weight: 5"11/180

Gender: Male

Species: Half-elf

Occupation: N/A


Personality: Cyan is a type that can get along with anyone, he has a very adaptable personality. This is due to his ability to leave or change locations at the drop of a hat. He typically doesn't get angry, instead he bottles everything up inside and harnesses it to fight when he needs to. He is a very humorous guy despite his aggressive appearance. He tends to be more a goofball when by himself and jokes around primarily with sarcasm and wit. Although he does have a very serious side. Because of his isolated past he has a very high sense of justice and morality. Cyan is the type of person who speaks first and thinks later; thus most of his troubling situations come from his lack of patience.

Weapon(s) of choice: Gauntlets

Abilities/Skills: Since birth Cyan his attempt to use magic, however because of his half human side he isn't able to fully cast spells. Thus, he is unable to earth magic like many of his elven brethern; however, over the years he has practiced the art of curses. He doesn't dabble in the curses of darkness, but ones that effect the human bodies. This is possible because this magic doesn't rely on the connection to the earth like elemental; This rare form of magic focuses on the users ability to inject magic into another persons body. In essence, it's like a temporary tattoo forcibly etched onto a persons body. The only difference is that these marks prohibit certain functions of a persons body for brief periods of time. These attacks are highly precise and can usually be seen glowing on whatever body part the user wishes to use to inject the magic. Depending on the persons level of skill the effects of these marks can vary from minutes to hours. Cyan is intermediate so these effects only last several minutes. Doubled with this ability to use this rare magic, Cyan is a skilled martial artist; thus allowing him to effectively use this deadly art.

History: Cyan was originally born in a human village twenty years ago. His mother was elven and his father was a human; thus he was created as a half elf. Although he saw nothing wrong with being a mixture of both, many people around him thought of him as a disgrace. Many of the humans in his village shunned him for not being human, while the elves back in his mother's village shunned him for not being fully elven. Cyan grew up in a village far away from his birth home, and was raised by his parents to never reveal his identity as a half-elf. Thus, Cyan his lived the majority of his life in hiding as a human to avoid exile from both species. Which is why he rarely ever uses magic in front of people. One tell tale sign of elves is their ability to use magic. Which is why he began to practice the art of curse magic. Cyan is a genius at using his magic subtly in order to hide his identity.

Anything Else
Name: Clementine Wendell

Nickname: Clem

Age/Birthday: 17 / May 20

Height/Weight: 5'5 / 120 lbs

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Occupation: Engineer/mechanic


Personality: Clem is pretty nice to everyone she meets, except for those who have gotten on her bad side. She isn't used to being with a lot of people so she gets pretty nervous around new company. She is constantly trying her best at everything she does and always tries to help those in need. She protects those she cares about to her best ability, despite not being able to do much.

Weapon(s) of choice: Two twin daggers

Abilities/Skills: Has a boxing-type of fighting style, and doesn't tire easily. She can also fall large distances and seem unhurt, which is unusual for a human.

History: Clem lived a normal life with her parents, other than them both being way to busy to spend some quality family time together. This fact didn't bother her too much, though, because she was too busy with her own work with the generators. However, she eventually grew bored of her repetitive routine and hungered for adventure. When she heard of the upcoming expedition, she signed up as soon as she could with little time to hesitate.

Anything Else: Her right leg is artificial, and was the first fully-functional limb designed to appear completely normal. He father created it for her when she was 13, and it inspired her to be just like her father, but working as an engineer was the closest she could get at her age. She doesn't like people knowing about her leg because she doesn't want people to think of her as a cripple.

Elephants go bouncing down freeways.

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