
Name: Kain Barth Dietrich

Age/Birthday: 22 / May 22th

Height/Weight: 5'9" / 160lb

Gender: Male

Species: Elf/ Demon

Occupation: Scammer, programmer (Hacker actually)



Personality: Kain is somewhat quiet and calm. He is usually really observant and intuitive, liking to get to know a person by just pure observation rather than by talking. He can be pretty cynical and even sly and cunning, especially when he has something he wants to achieve. He’s smart and clever, always trying to find the most logical and ‘easy’ way out of a problem.

He sometimes likes to have a poker face on, usually of that of a boy that only sleeps all the time and never pays attention to anything, when actually even when he ‘sleeps’ he tries to pay attention to anything that may be of any use to him or important.

He can easily cheat on people and don’t feel guilty about it, for he is a scammer, but when he really commits to someone, he is absolutely loyal. It’s not easy for him to trust in people though, most of the time expecting the worst from them, but once someone really gets on his good side he is a protective and caring friend, who would do anything to guard those he cares for.

He has a hard time showing his real feelings, always used, to keep them on line or hidden. Only those who know him well know what he is thinking, rather by actions than by words.

Weapon(s) of choice: Kain usually does not carry a weapon with him, for he prefers to use his intellect rather than his force, but when needed to he carried around some daggers and a IvP-18 Tropov Machine Pistol which he himself has made some modifications on, like making it much faster and such.

Abilities/Skills: He has almost a perfect aiming and is able to solve many problems quickly on his mind. He is also capable of imagining multiple sceneries and the presumable outcomes of those. He is also extremely good and lying and cheating.

He’s also got some dark magic though he hasn’t really exploited it enough, mostly leaving it aside. He’s fast with his hands and though he really doesn’t use his magic he knows he’s got the power of pyrokinesis and can somehow guess a person’s thought and true personality by seeing them, though it’s limited, mostly he leaves his guesses to his intuition, which is usually right. That’s one of the reasons he doesn’t trust people easily.

History: Kain doesn’t remember much about his past. He just remembers some shadows from it such as him living with a quite big family to being all alone and without no one to help him. He remembers that at one point he started to cheat on people so that he could feed himself and eventually ended up becoming a scammer because of necessity. At the end he got himself a job as a programmer because of his brilliant mind but continued to be a scammer and even became a hacker simply because he thought just being a programmer was just so boring and it was to underestimate his abilities.

At one point he stopped believing in people because he saw by pure observation that most of them lied and were selfish beings. He was never interested in his magic powers though by accident he discovered he could set things on fire on will and so he decided to explore it a little, eventually getting a hold of it. At one point he crossed paths with a homeless little girl that lived on the streets and saw in her such pureness that he just decided to get close to her to see how much pureness she really could bear inside. He discovered that the girl had her flaws but, however, little by little the girl won him over and ended up caring for her a lot and acting as his older brother. Till one, she is the only person he has ever cared about.

Anything Else: Kain has got some beast like hands, which have claws. He also seems to have a rather strong German accent though he himself doesn’t notice it. He’s got a perfect sight and hearing. He's currently living with Elise.

Name: Elise Báthory

Age/Birthday: 18 / February 5th

Height/Weight: 5'2" / 116 lb

Gender: Female

Species: Neko

Occupation: Thief



Personality: Elise is a sweet girl, which can sometimes be too innocent for her own good. She is, however, a brave girl that would stop at nothing for doing whatever she can for those she loves. She is also pretty sneaky and clever. Sometimes, she can be quite insecure of herself though she tries to hide it all behind a smile. She’s usually cheerful and open-minded though some may think she’s just simple minded. She is really forgiving, impossible for her to get mad at someone forever. She’s also quite honest and fiercely loyal.

Weapon(s) of choice: Elise has got a little silver dagger that she always carried around even though she usually doesn’t like to use it.

Abilities/Skills: She is extremely fast and flexible. She has practically all the abilities a normal cat has got. She can see in the dark, she can hear things that are far away from her; she has got exceptionally good surviving skills and strong senses. That’s one of the main reasons it’s so easy for her to be a thief though she feels bad about it, so she only steals small things and from those who are the richest

History: Elise was from an old family of thieves, all of them skilled and good at what they did. She was taught all she knew from them, though at one point she had told them she wanted to just stop, because she felt bad from those she stole from as they stole from everyone indiscriminately being those either poor or reach, or healthy and sick. She was then thrown away from the family, considered as not needed if she felt that way and as weak-minded. At the she had to turn to what she hated the most to keep on living, though it was because she stole not so valuable things that she almost died from starvation. Kain saved her and took her out of the streets and gave her a warm home and a ‘family’. She still steals things though as always they are not the so precious objects.

Anything Else: She’s got a pretty long scar across her back.

Elephants go bouncing down freeways
Name: Sedrian

Nickname: The Silent One

Age/birthday: 18/October 31st

Height/Weight: 6 ft 9/ 215 ibs

Gender: male

Species: Demon

Occupation: N/A

Appearance: (pic at end)

Personality: Sedrian doesn't care much for human, however he feels safe around anything inhuman, especially Neko Demons. When he is around Neko Demons he is sarcastic and tries to be more friendly, but no one knows why.

Weapon(s) of choice: Katana, pistols

Abilities: Sedrian has the ability to turn into mist, and can manipulate lightning at will, however it drains alot of his stamina to do so.

History: Sedrian has a history of terror, his demonic parents were abusive, this cause Sedrian to become someone insane, as he set his parents on fire and laughed as they pleaded for mercy, no one knows this about him.

Elephants go bouncing down freeways xD so true

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