Search Of The Youth Stone (Part 1 of the Pirate RP)

Ember Spark

Sparky AKA Flint
( theprophet , Tigress , MusicQueen2016 , Witchmoonstone279 , RyuChi Reply to your port and once everyone is on the ship we will time skip where we will be heading to sea.)


A dark ship that goes by the name The Black Night sailed into the port of Dublin Ireland. No one knows what the Captain looks like all they know is his name. Captain Christopher Night. The Captain took a step off his ship and looked around the large port. A smile fell on the face darkened by his hat. The tall man took long steps over to the local pub and walked in. The men and women were all having a swell time. Captain Chris hopped up on the counter. "Listen up!" The pub fell quiet. "I'm looking for Bilge Rat's to help me take care of my ship." He took careful steps as he walked along the bar. "Anyone who is up for it, please," He crouched down and slammed a paper and a pen on the bar. "Leave ye name and stick around." Leaving the pen and paper he walked out of the bar leaving the quiet pub behind.


The ship sailed into another port. This one more poor. The Captain stepped off his ship and got a few stares. He kept his face hidden as he walked over to city hall. There was a meeting and the Pirate planned on disrupting it. He walked up to the double doors and slammed them open. All eyes fell on him. He walked down the single isle and up to the front. He placed a pen and paper there then turned to the people. "The Black Night needs ye." With that he walked away and out the doors hoping he would have people follow him.


The next port the dammed Captain came up to was the port of Amsterdam. The port was poor and dirty. The best pirates will be from here. He Captain walked off his ship and placed the paper and pen on a barrel most people were out here working at the port. No need to go into a pub. "Work here all ye life? OR ye work fer me! Out on the sea. Lookin fer a stone that'll keep ye young.... forever." He started to step away. "Its ye choice."


The young man looked up to the Pirate that stood on the bar of the pub. "I'm looking for Bilge Rat's to help me take care of my ship." He said. The kid took a step forward "Anyone who is up for it, please, Leave ye name and stick around." With that the pirate left. He shoved his way through the other dogs and came up to the paper. He was the first to sign his life away to this pirate. He smiled as he wrote his name in the red ink. Jackson Ross. He then turned to the door and ran off toward The Black Night ready to board and start a new life on the sea.

Raven glanced up at the captain as he spoke, her only 'friend' standing listening as well. When he stopped talking, she hissed air out from between her teeth. "Screw this life, I'm becoming a pirate" she muttered and her friend looked at her, horrified. "Raven, no! Think of your brother, he wouldn't have wanted this!" she exclaimed and Raven turned to face her. "Lillian, I'm doing this BECAUSE of my brother. He was an idiot to not take me with him" she growled as she shoved her way through the crowd of people standing in front of her and scratched her name down on the list. She turned to face Lillian. "No point in saying good by m'dear" she said with a mock curtsy before placing her silver scythe over her shoulder and stepping into the crowd and towards the ship, out of Lillian's sight.

The hall buzzed with the noise of people murmuring and gossiping to each other like the idiots they were. She had decided to see what this 'meeting' was about and had gone over the the city hall with a single panther in tow. People had grown used to seeing her about town with her circus attire and an animal at her side, she easily picked up information between useless gossip. When the meeting was disturbed it was only to her delight.

"Pirate, eh?" she spoke to the panther that purred at her side, "why the hell not?" she laughed and danced her way over to the piece of paper. She wrote with a practiced hand 'Tiga' across the page and when she was done she sauntered after the Pirate, "where will you take me little sea dog?" she murmured with a grin.
Grace was immersed in a reading when she heard the commotion and murmurs about pirates going on just outside her psychic tent. The tent was dark and the bones that she had just thrown were laying in the shape of a ship. Her head popped up and her eyes widened. She gathered up her belongings and stood up in the cramped space. "Scram." She spat out at the client. She walk out into the grimy port. She strolled, almost feline, to where the captain had laid the paper. She signed up in a curling handwriting. "The bones have spoken," she muttered. She, then, rolled casually aboard the massive ship.
Rachel listened as the noise in the hall rose, a pirate wanting bodies wasn't an everyday happening. When they did they generally went about announcing it in a far less outright manner. Pirate huh, Rachel thought, looking over heads as the gentleman walked out, should I? It would be better than scrubbing the walkways here. She nodded to herself with the truth of the statement and took a few steps to follow the man. It gets me farther away from here, she added as she followed the man to his ship.
As the people in the hall were gossiping about the pirates, Bones kept taking things out of their pockets while they weren't looking. Since it was a crowd of the rich folk, he would be able to get a few nice items. He went up to the front and signed the paper, not thinking about the consquences. It's not like I'm actually doing anything with my life, anyway. Without warning, a golden watch fell out of his pocket.

A shout rang out from the crowd. "So that's where my watch was!" Bones swiftly picked it up from the ground, and ran down the aisle to the exit of the hall. He could hear the sound of people running after him, so he made his way through the crowd outside. Once the people from the city hall were out of earshot, Bones boarded the ship. His days of being a fishmonger were behind him now. However, there was no way he would stop being a thief.
(Time skip the captain has called his crew out to the deck to introduse himself and tell them where they are heading.)

The mischievous Captain paced the deck as he looked down at his odd crew. The hat he wore still darkened his features making it hard to see what he looked like. He hopped over the railing landing on the same part of the deck that the crew was standing on. "Hello lovelies..." He smiled at the crew. " Thank you for signing your soul and life away to me. I am Captain Christopher Night." He chuckled and eyed the women then the men. "There is a stone, a stone I would love to have. A stone that I am willing to break and split with my crew." A shit eating grin appeared on his face. "The Youth Stone." He placed his hand on the top of his hat and took it off. His features where young. He had white hair and one bright ice blue eye and a bright lime green eye. Over his right green eye was a long scar. "And we are going to find that youth stone. Legends say its in Skull Cave."

Jack watched his Captain speak to him and the rest of the crew. He didnt say good by to his family. That was the only thing he was regretting. He also didnt like this Captain Chris Night character. He was odd. Who has two different colored eyes? He huffed and shook his head.
Raven thought about what the captain was saying as she leaned against one of the masts, her scythe lightly balanced against her shoulder. "The Youth Stone, huh?" she muttered to herself, a smile growing on her lips. "This should be interesting..."

Her gaze lifted when she saw the captain taking off his hat, and her remaining eye took in everything. His hair, his eyes, everything. She smiled when she saw his mismatched eyes. "This captain seems interesting.... At least I'm not the only one, with my one remaining rust red eye......"
With the captain's strange speech over, Rachel could hear her mother's voice in her head saying, "You should never act on a whim." I don't like the way he talks, I don't like this mission, I have a feeling I'm going to die, she thought looking round at the rest of the crew. This was a bad decision, she told herself brushing hair from in front of her face. That stone just might be worth it thought.
(I'm so sorry, I've been really ill and I completly forgot about this, I will sign rose up and then join her in, sorry again)

Rosies ears twitched at the thought of it.. A pirate huh?, she smiled to herslef, after years of being beaten and torn apart by her family, she would show them, show them that she wasn't worthless.. She set her drink down and got to her feet, embarassed by that fact that she was baisically illiterate, rosie scrawled her name down best she could and wandered outside to join the others


Rosie was stood with the others, listening to the captain, she wondered why there were so many females here, but she soon put it to the back of her mind and listened alo, after a while of hearing him bumble about some stone, rosie put up her hand and looked at the captain expectantly.. Really wanting to ask her question
Chris hauled himself up on to the upper part of the desk. He looked down to a smaller girl. He grinned knowing who she was. "Ah, Rose. What is ye question?" He asked her as he watched her closely. His been and blue eyes not leaving her. He pulled a compass out of his pocket and glanced at it before looking back at the girl.

Jack walked away from the group and started to climb some rope to the crow's nest. Once up in the high perch he looked around searching for anything. He needed to keep a look out for Skull cave and anything that gets in their way. Jack wanted this stone.
Rose blinked, taken aback by the fact he knew her name.. "How did ya- ?! Ah, forget that.. How comes you want this so called stone ey?" She asked, rose was always embarassed by the fact that she wasn't a very well spoken girl, due to lack of education..
"Ye greedy buggers." Grace mumbled under her breath, searching for a corner which she could call her own. She was tired. She had been working at a passing circus for the past two weeks and when it was time to sleep, the spirits were awake and calling her. She knew why now. She looked around at the rest of the crew. mmmmm, They'll do. She notice how many young people were here and wondered what drove them to selling their souls to this odd character. She wondered also how a ship could be run by so little people
Bones raised an eyebrow at the mention of a "youth stone". So they were all going to waste their time and resources for a rock? He could be back at the docks, ripping more people off. Then again, I would have gotten arrested there. Again. Bones took a glance at all the people at the deck. They didn't look like the rich type, so he probably wouldn't find anything worth taking. He moved his red hair out of his eyes and leaned against one of the wooden supports, looking at everything around him.
Tiger sat on the banister of the ship while captain spoke, share a Youth Stone? That has to be the most daft thing I have heard from a pirate mouth in forever, she thought with a smile pulling at her lips, pirates don't share, but I may as well enjoy the journey.

She had had enough time to load multiple cages on board the ship with help from a few old 'friends' and now the hooting of an owl could be heard from below deck. She grinned now and looked over the sea, her short white hair puffed in the wind, this ought to be lots of fun.

The grumble of the single black panther that lay at her feet kept her mind at ease.
The Captain of the ship stood up on the railing and paced back in forth. "Well my lovely Rose, I want this stone so we won't age. There are many more things to find out there at sea and I plan to find them before William, Captain of the ship Dead Bones." He stopped and looked down at his crew. "He wants me dead because I might have killed some of his crew and stole a few things." He grinned.

Jack scoffed. So he wants us to protect him? Jack spoke up quickly. "You ye want us to protect your sorry ass?" He shouted at the Captain. "Blimey!" He shouted and walked away down the stairs into the sleeping quarters. I can't believe this man. This This Scallywag!
Roses pink lips twitched into a soft smile "oooh." She beamed, looking into the mans eyes.. "That sounds so fun and dangerous and exiting and fun!" She squealed.. All of this danger exited her.. A lot, and plus her captain was a nice man,and he seemed pretty genuine man..that was good in a captain, you didn't find many of those
Rachel watched as the one of the crew stormed off downstairs, what did he expect? she wondered, I'm hardly even a sailor and I knew pirate captains had enemies. After taking a moment to pull her hair up with a ribbon she followed the sailor, wondering where he was going. Coming down the stairs into the sleep quarters she paused to listen for him.
Raven continued to lean against the mast, her scythe still pressed against her shoulder. "Akira, you were an idiot for not taking me with when you left.... If you had then you'd still be alive today" she muttered to herself, almost like she was talking to her dead brother as if he was standing beside her
Tiger waiter a moment as she pondered what lay ahead in their voyage then leapt with a cat like grace tto stand on the banister where she was sitting only moment before. She gave a signal to the panther and it padded down under deck to where its cage was. If another crew member tried to mess with her animals or even pet them they would likely lose their arm so she knew that her darlings were safe.

She trotted along the banister like she was walking down the street till she came to the rope nets that lead upwards to the sails. With no fear at all she climbed the net and danced along the sail poles then scurried up the mast till she landed up in the crows nest. To her delight there was a crow sitting on the rim of the circular platform and she chuckled in happily. She wasn't a beast tamer for nothing and in a short few minutes the crow was sitting on her arm as happy as could be while she grinned out at the ocean on one side and fading city on the other.
Grace sat cross legged on the port side of the ship. She crossed her arms over her breast and watched the sea slip by. Ye all fools.... the lot of ye. Mmmmm I like that sneaky weasel. what's his name... oh yes, yes, Jack. I might take him under my wing teach him how to make himself young if that is what he asks..... I have been living 80 years and yet the magic has kept me young.... pfft and ye looking for ye blasted stone.
The Captain smiled down at the crew. He hopped down from the railing and nodded his hat toward Rose. He motioned for her to follow as he made his way down some steps. He slipped into his Captain quarters as he sat gracefully at a desk. He looked down at the map and hummed a melody to himself. "I will find you."

Jack looked down to the only few things he bought. Bottles and Bottles of ink. 3 pens and 5 writing books. He planned on creating a book out of this adventure. He sat in one of the odd beds they got and begin to sing to himself... "Oh, better far to live and die Under the brave black flag I fly, Than play a sanctimonious part, With a pirate head and a pirate heart. Away to the cheating world go you, Where pirates all are well-to-do; But I'll be true to the song I sing~"
Rose smiled up at the captain.. How mysterious this man was, his different coloured eyes, the fact that he didn't want to age.. And she loved it, the fact that he was able to tell her things, and that nobody had made a comment about her being female, or so tiny.. It did help, because she was great hand with her machetes.. "S-sir... How did you know who I was?"
The captain didn't look up from the map as he smiles and motions her over to the desk. "I know everyone here my lovely Rose." He looked up from the map. "Keep an eye on everyone. If they don't have a job give them a job." He nodded his head.
Raven moved towards the bow of the ship and sat above the figure head, her scythe balanced over shoulder as she looked down at the dark waters. She looked like a figure of death as he bloodstained black dress blew around in the wind....

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